Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: kgbsquirrel on November 12, 2012, 02:39:25 PM

Title: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: kgbsquirrel on November 12, 2012, 02:39:25 PM
In 59 Philadelphia voting wards Romney gets ZERO votes. (

For *expletive deleted* sake, you think they could at least not make it so damned obvious!  :facepalm:

Obama: 19,605
Romney: 0

Really? You really expect me to believe that?? Go *expletive deleted*ck yourself you bunch of despicable loathesome pathologically lying supercilious malignantly narcissistic election stealing simpering sycophantic sophomoric contemptible thieving racketeers!!!
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on November 12, 2012, 02:41:35 PM
I read elsewhere, about 130% voter turnout in other places in America.  Also places that Obama won.

ETA: It was a thread here on APS.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: Sergeant Bob on November 12, 2012, 02:59:48 PM
In 59 Philadelphia voting wards Romney gets ZERO votes. (

Obama: 19,605
Romney: 0

Really? You really expect me to believe that?? Go *expletive deleted* yourself you bunch of despicable loathesome pathologically lying supercilious malignantly narcissistic election stealing simpering sycophantic sophomoric contemptible thieving racketeers!!!

Tell us how you really feel!  =D

That is indeed unbelievable and should be investigated (as we know it won't).
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: kgbsquirrel on November 12, 2012, 03:11:52 PM
Tell us how you really feel!  =D

I lack suitably caustic and expansive vulgarity to put such into words.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: HankB on November 12, 2012, 04:45:15 PM
Obama: 19,605
Romney: 0

The last time I heard of a "zero" vote total reported for a candidate it was for Ferdinand Marcos' opponent in one of the sham elections held in the Philippines.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: RocketMan on November 12, 2012, 05:45:24 PM
In those districts I can see a 99% vote for Obama, but not 100%.  Within the total numbers of votes cast there absolutely had to be some mistaken votes made.  Some number of voters must have voted for Romney by mistake.  There is absolutely no way short of fraud that no mistaken votes were cast.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: brimic on November 12, 2012, 05:50:40 PM
Must be one of those voting machine 'recalibrations.'
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: Ron on November 12, 2012, 05:53:21 PM
The appropriate euphemism is "ground game".
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: ArfinGreebly on November 12, 2012, 05:54:22 PM

Not finding anything compelling that dissuades me from a concurrence with CitizenScribe's observations (

Accept the election "result" according to your inclination.

Just remember that the "winners" still don't outnumber us.

(Nice.  "Euphemism.")
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: lupinus on November 12, 2012, 06:06:43 PM
But but, what voter fraud?!? Aint no voter fraud!
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: Waitone on November 12, 2012, 06:24:55 PM
Really? You really expect me to believe that?? Go *expletive deleted* yourself you bunch of despicable loathesome pathologically lying supercilious malignantly narcissistic election stealing simpering sycophantic sophomoric contemptible thieving racketeers!!!
KGB I suggest you work on improving you vocabulary.  It does wonders for expressing your frustrations. =D

Just my 2 cents . . . . so when do we begin discussion of legitimacy,
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: kgbsquirrel on November 12, 2012, 06:25:44 PM
In 2008, McCain got zero votes in 57 Philadelphia voting divisions. That was a big increase from 2004, when George W. Bush was blanked in just five divisions.

2004 - 5 divisions 100% D
2008 - 57 divisions 100% D
2012 - 59 divisions 100% D

I'd be curious to see the trends from even earlier.

Also: 6 Alabama counties log more voters than population. (

And more: 10 Colorado counties log more voters than population, from 104 to 140%. (
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: seeker_two on November 12, 2012, 06:45:17 PM
Too bad Romney conceded so soon....he might have tied up enough electoral votes to deny Obama a clean mandate.....

.....then again, Romney had already played his part....
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: brimic on November 12, 2012, 06:50:22 PM
.....then again, Romney had already played his part....

That, right there is the reason why nobody on our side is raising a major stink over vote fraud. Vote fraud or not, there is very little difference.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: ArfinGreebly on November 12, 2012, 06:55:15 PM

I will not insult your intelligence by presuming that you actually believe that.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: longeyes on November 12, 2012, 07:06:41 PM
Whoever won the right people will profit from it. Count on that.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: ronnyreagan on November 12, 2012, 07:32:07 PM
so when do we begin discussion of legitimacy,

They never stopped.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: Waitone on November 12, 2012, 10:10:58 PM
That, right there is the reason why nobody on our side is raising a major stink over vote fraud. Vote fraud or not, there is very little difference.
    The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.

    - Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope

The nut of '12 election.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: Sergeant Bob on November 12, 2012, 11:19:20 PM
In 59 Philadelphia voting wards Romney gets ZERO votes. (

Really? You really expect me to believe that?? Go *expletive deleted* yourself you bunch of despicable loathesome pathologically lying supercilious malignantly narcissistic election stealing simpering sycophantic sophomoric contemptible thieving racketeers!!!

That's exactly what I was thinking!
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: Boomhauer on November 13, 2012, 02:25:11 AM
The last time I heard of a "zero" vote total reported for a candidate it was for Ferdinand Marcos' opponent in one of the sham elections held in the Philippines.

We are rapidly approaching Banana Republic status. Unfortunately the reaction of all too many people would be "Banana Republic? I LOVE their clothes!"

But but, what voter fraud?!? Aint no voter fraud!

It's only voter fraud when a Republican wins...but when a Democrat "wins" after enough absentee ballots are found in car trunks, it's a just and fair election. Try to rraise a stink about it and they'll just scream "Bush stole Florida!!!11!!!!!!"

Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: Monkeyleg on November 13, 2012, 02:48:49 AM
This story goes back eighteen years, to the 1994 election following the AW ban. I was working for the first time as a volunteer on a Republican congressional candidate's campaign.

We had poll watchers, and one reported some unusual activity. One of the poll workers opened the back of the machines, took the ballots and put them in a large bag, then set the bag on a table and walked away. Not long after, a guy came into the hall, took the bag and left. Our candidate's campaign asked the election board to investigate, but nothing happened.

I wonder what percentage of the vote that Democrat congressman really got, and what percentage Obama really got.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: brimic on November 13, 2012, 09:04:01 AM
I will not insult your intelligence by presuming that you actually believe that.

Fraud or not, voters were choosing between socialism and socialism lite. Obama being re-elected is just a strong confirming symptom of a terminal disease for our country.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: lysander6 on November 13, 2012, 09:52:40 AM
Would you lie and manipulate to control the fiat currency and nearly four trillion in a spending spigot?  Follow the money.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: roo_ster on November 13, 2012, 10:41:09 AM
Would you lie and manipulate to control the fiat currency and nearly four trillion in a spending spigot?  Follow the money.

Sounds like if one really cared about corruption and truth and good government, one would cut gov't down to a more manageable size and remove the temptation the control of so much money generates.
Title: Re: Nope, no voter fraud here.
Post by: longeyes on November 13, 2012, 10:45:26 AM
We are rapidly approaching Banana Republic status. Unfortunately the reaction of all too many people would be "Banana Republic? I LOVE their clothes!"

It's only voter fraud when a Republican wins...but when a Democrat "wins" after enough absentee ballots are found in car trunks, it's a just and fair election. Try to rraise a stink about it and they'll just scream "Bush stole Florida!!!11!!!!!!"

Banana republic used to be a brand, now it's a philosophy. Right here in the USA. Meanwhile the USA has become a brand.  A failing one.