Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Preacherman on July 16, 2006, 06:47:30 PM

Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: Preacherman on July 16, 2006, 06:47:30 PM
. . . try your tastebuds on these!

Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: K Frame on July 16, 2006, 09:19:43 PM
I think I'm going to puke.

No, I KNOW I'm going to puke...
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: 280plus on July 17, 2006, 12:56:56 AM
They taste a little musky, and... well... frankly... testicular.
Yuuum yum! Tongue

I wonder if sea slugs are the same as sea cucumbers? I know there has been a HUGE market for sea cucumbers (Beche de mer) in China forever. The funny part is they used to employ the local island head hunters / cannibals to gather and process them in the South Pacific. The cannibals thought the Chinese were just plain nuts eating these and it literally turned their stomachs to think about it. They thought the idea was just absolutely gross. So, human flesh and organs GOOD but sea cucumbers? YUCK!!  LOL...
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: Preacherman on July 17, 2006, 05:56:48 AM
Interestingly, sea slugs and sea cucumbers seem to be different:



I would have thought they were the same, or similar, but apparently not.  One lives and learns!
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: 280plus on July 17, 2006, 06:10:34 AM
Yea, I thought they were different but I wasn't sure. Thanks for the links.
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: 280plus on July 17, 2006, 06:19:15 AM
Well, having a choice, I wouldn't eat either. Tongue
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: roo_ster on July 17, 2006, 06:21:11 AM
Sea cucumber is nasty, no doubt.

I'll eat just abuiot anything, but when confronted by one of those Lovecraftian Horrors, I said, "WTF is that?!"  I ate some and resovled that it was to be eaten only in extremis.

Something that pukes up its own organs and breathes through its backside has no business being on my plate.
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: K Frame on July 17, 2006, 08:53:45 AM
It's funny, but I've eaten tempura fried shrimp heads, and have found them to be amazingly tasty.

Some years ago I was having dinner with a woman who had spent several years in Africa with the Peace Corps, and she wasn't phased at all. I ordered a bowl of shrimp heads and we proceeded to chow down.

The people at the next table realized what we were eating and the woman, I swear, nearly puked. They got up and left.

Hell, lady, you're eating in a SUSHI restaurant! What's the problem?
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: 280plus on July 17, 2006, 09:00:21 AM
Shrimp heads, shrimp heads, roly poly shrimp heads.

Shrimp heads, shrimp heads, eat them up YUM!

I took a shrimp head to a movie...
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: Guest on July 17, 2006, 09:49:26 AM
Significantly funnier and grosser:

This guy eats a few things that are downright dangerous (prison wine!? ancient cereal?) and the language is quite a bit more..."raw".
Title: For the foodies among us . . .
Post by: mtnbkr on July 17, 2006, 10:14:17 AM
Quote from: JimMarch
Significantly funnier and grosser:

This guy eats a few things that are downright dangerous (prison wine!? ancient cereal?) and the language is quite a bit more..."raw".
Beat ya to it.  I think I posted that link a year ago. Smiley

Yup, sure did, but it was last november:

