Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 03:20:23 PM

Title: Just did my taxes
Post by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 03:20:23 PM
*expletive deleted*ck this country. *expletive deleted*ck it.

Between social security, medicare/fica/whateverthefuck, and state/federal income taxes, i paid like 20k

And these *expletive deleted*ers have the balls to tell me I owe

Meanwhile, I see/hear people bragging about these big refunds they're getting... KNOWING that their withholding wasn't anywhere close to the refund amount. KNOWING that they're taking credits above and beyond what was taken from them.

I got a raise, and I feel poorer than I did before. What. The. *expletive deleted*ck.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Boomhauer on February 14, 2013, 03:25:20 PM
*expletive deleted* this country. *expletive deleted* it.

Between social security, medicare/fica/whateverthefuck, and state/federal income taxes, i paid like 20k

And these *expletive deleted* have the balls to tell me I owe

Meanwhile, I see/hear people bragging about these big refunds they're getting... KNOWING that their withholding wasn't anywhere close to the refund amount. KNOWING that they're taking credits above and beyond what was taken from them.

I got a raise, and I feel poorer than I did before. What. The. *expletive deleted*.

Tax time really is the carnival of madness isn't it?

I'm seeing people get back 3-5k in refunds when they worked at pissant jobs (when they worked, they don't show up half the time).

I love looking at my paycheck stub and seeing the $300 per pay period (that's $600 per month) taken out in taxes/social security.  That's money I could buy really good health care insurance and put into a really kick ass retirement system instead of social security.

The right thing would be to go to the fair tax and eliminate the tax BS we have now. I would be making a decent salary then.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Nick1911 on February 14, 2013, 03:25:55 PM
That's what you get for working hard and achieving anything.

I ran into a similar issue when looking at starting a business to do HVAC work nights/weekends.  It simply wasn't economically viable once all the taxes were added in.  I would actually end up paying more in taxes then I took as profit from my work.  So... why bother?
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Ron on February 14, 2013, 03:27:03 PM
Now you understand one of the reasons I'm not in the trades anymore.

As a single guy with modest appetites, few bills and no dependents I just didn't see the point in busting my keaster day in and day out. Just to see such a large % go to a government I despise and detest.

In my own small way I shrugged.

Nowadays I probably gross what I used to pay out just in the combined taxes during one of my better years.  
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Boomhauer on February 14, 2013, 03:27:51 PM
That's what you get for working hard and achieving anything.

I ran into a similar issue when looking at starting a business to do HVAC work nights/weekends.  It simply wasn't economically viable once all the taxes were added in.  I would actually end up paying more in taxes then I took as profit from my work.  So... why bother?

A lot of smaller operations have gone cash only and stopped being "legit" businesses round here for that reason. Can't make any money doing it the right way, so stuff moves to what is essentially the black market because it's the only way to survive.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 03:30:45 PM
Only reason my wife's business didn't get hit hard with taxes is because she's not profitable. I'm scared what will happen if she is.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Ron on February 14, 2013, 03:48:44 PM
You a homeowner? Property taxes are still killing me.

Add in all the sales taxes, taxes on utilities, fuel taxes and fee's for driving and a whole host of other stuff. I have to wonder what the actual percentage of a persons wages is net income (after all combined taxes and govm't fees).
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: HankB on February 14, 2013, 03:54:33 PM
As an engineer, I have a pretty good job, and make a decent wage, but I don't consider myself wealthy; my Congresscritter makes more than I do in salary, and don't even get me started on fringe benefits.

Nonetheless, taxes cost me more than food, clothing, housing, and medicine combined. (And if it's a year in which I don't buy a new car, you can add transportation to the mix as well.)

And the <expletive><expletive><long string of expletives> in Washington will use the threat of goons with guns to seize even more of my hard-earned cash to give away to the hordes of subhuman homo parasiticus infesting the urban jungle.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Boomhauer on February 14, 2013, 03:55:10 PM
You a homeowner? Property taxes are still killing me.

Property taxes. Don't make me go on an epic rant.

You don't own property. You RENT it. Every year. Fail to pay your taxes? The .gov shows up and siezes it.

Property taxes should be like sales tax, a one time deal upon purchase of the property. You shouldn't have to write a check to the local .gov each year to be allowed to keep your property.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 03:55:11 PM
You a homeowner? Property taxes are still killing me.

Add in all the sales taxes, taxes on utilities, fuel taxes and fee's for driving and a whole host of other stuff. I have to wonder what the actual percentage of a persons wages is net income (after all combined taxes and govm't fees).

Yep, I'm a homeowner.

Buying an inexpensive house and getting a good interest rate screwed me
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on February 14, 2013, 03:56:57 PM
A lot of smaller operations have gone cash only and stopped being "legit" businesses round here for that reason. Can't make any money doing it the right way, so stuff moves to what is essentially the black market because it's the only way to survive.


Long live the black market.

I've actually found myself reconsidering my stance on illegals.  The more black market non-taxed transactions there are, the weaker leviathan gets.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Boomhauer on February 14, 2013, 04:01:48 PM
I've actually found myself reconsidering my stance on illegals.

My major beef with illegals is when they get .gov benefits but not paying anything into the system.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Ron on February 14, 2013, 04:03:51 PM
Yep, I'm a homeowner.

Buying an inexpensive house and getting a good interest rate screwed me

Paying more interest or paying more in taxes? Makes no difference, someone is taking their cut of your wages either way.

Property rights are pretty much a fiction in the USA. The state is now large enough to no longer pretend it is our property if they choose.

So far they have chosen to be benevolent and let us keep "our" stuff, just as long as we keep paying them to keep us safe.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 04:03:53 PM
My major beef with illegals is when they get .gov benefits but not paying anything into the system.

I'm starting to become ok with this

Accelerates the eventual failure of the system
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Ron on February 14, 2013, 04:08:28 PM
There are a few folks I know who are taking from the system right now.

It would have bugged me a few years ago.

Not anymore.

Let the system crash under the weight of the impossible economics.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 04:10:18 PM
Should I be filing separately from my wife??
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: cosine on February 14, 2013, 04:15:33 PM
While I'm not paying anywhere near the amount some of you are paying (yay graduate student income!) the is still taking plenty from me, relatively speaking.  :mad:
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: SADShooter on February 14, 2013, 04:27:03 PM
My employer kept touting a "Total Compensation Statement" I needed to look at. So foolishly I did.

Mandatory Retirement match-OK
Employer-Paid Health Insurance-Great!
Vacation/Sick Leave-OK
SS/Medicare/etc. match-WTF?

Seriously? You're telling me that mandatory employer payroll tax payments are a benefit to me? How the hell does that work? This on top of the "refund" I may or may not receive form the thousands I paid?

Grrr. PR FAIL.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 14, 2013, 05:00:07 PM
You're telling me that mandatory employer payroll tax payments are a benefit to me?

Do you think employers pay that out of their profits? The cost of an employee includes all benefits (vacation, health insurance, coffee machine, etc), and all taxes. When I talk about how much I've paid into SS over the years, I include the employer portion because I paid that, no matter who wrote the check.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: SADShooter on February 14, 2013, 05:26:59 PM
Do you think employers pay that out of their profits? The cost of an employee includes all benefits (vacation, health insurance, coffee machine, etc), and all taxes. When I talk about how much I've paid into SS over the years, I include the employer portion because I paid that, no matter who wrote the check.

No. Cost of operation, sure. Call it a "Total Cost of Employment Statement". But it isn't compensation to me.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: drewtam on February 14, 2013, 06:18:37 PM
I agree with Monkeyleg.

If the employer wasn't paying that tax on income, then salaries & wages would rebalance at a higher level, and product costs would drop slightly to eat up that 6% tax.

In other words, if the gov't wasn't taking it, it would end up as my income and/or lower product cost.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: SADShooter on February 14, 2013, 07:12:02 PM
I guess I'm hung up on semantics in terms of defining "compensation". I don't see how employer-paid payroll tax is any more compensation to me than the furniture, equipment, utilities or real estate supplied to support me in performing the work, unless you define compliance with the tax code as a benefit. Business costs? Absolutely.

I agree with Monkeyleg.

If the employer wasn't paying that tax on income, then salaries & wages would rebalance at a higher level, and product costs would drop slightly to eat up that 6% tax.

In other words, if the gov't wasn't taking it, it would end up as my income and/or lower product cost.

The government is taking it, and it never passes through my hands. Thus, I see that it's a cost to the business, but not "compensation" to me. Sorry if I seem thick.

Regarding the OP and thread generally: the tax system sucks.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 14, 2013, 07:20:28 PM
I guess I'm hung up on semantics in terms of defining "compensation". I don't see how employer-paid payroll tax is any more compensation to me than the furniture, equipment, utilities or real estate supplied to support me in performing the work, unless you define compliance with the tax code as a benefit. Business costs? Absolutely.

The government is taking it, and it never passes through my hands. Thus, I see that it's a cost to the business, but not "compensation" to me. Sorry if I seem thick.

Regarding the OP and thread generally: the tax system sucks.

ever paid taxes on your free meal?
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: roo_ster on February 14, 2013, 07:41:14 PM
That's what you get for working hard and achieving anything.

I ran into a similar issue when looking at starting a business to do HVAC work nights/weekends.  It simply wasn't economically viable once all the taxes were added in.  I would actually end up paying more in taxes then I took as profit from my work.  So... why bother?

Sadly, the media will never come to your home and produce a heart-rending story about The Business That Never Was.  OTOH, they will show all the pore & starvin' folks who might get cut off from their gov't aid if the meanie GOP takes control.

As a single guy with modest appetites, few bills and no dependents I just didn't see the point in busting my keaster day in and day out. Just to see such a large % go to a government I despise and detest.

But taxes don't effect how much people work!

A lot of smaller operations have gone cash only and stopped being "legit" businesses round here for that reason. Can't make any money doing it the right way, so stuff moves to what is essentially the black market because it's the only way to survive.

Many years ago, I worked for a guy who started off legit, but slowly started going gray & black market.  He and his English-speaking employees could not compete with all the Good Catholic Boys from south of the border who started coming in.  Eventually, he stopped providing a health plan, then stopped being a "business" while still "making a living" if you catch me.  

A business owner who follows all the rules, pays all the taxes & fees, and pays for insurance can not compete against another guy who messes with none of that and drops his GCBs off at the ER to get fixed up by the taxpayers when they get hurt.  And then slips away to start "business" again under a new name if he busts up more customer property than he can afford to fix (given he had no insurance in the first place).
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Bigjake on February 14, 2013, 07:55:22 PM
Cash/ trade jobs EVERYWHERE possible.  *expletive deleted*ck em'.

Hell,  If it weren't for SWMBO riding herd on my ass,  I'd be sorely tempted to not file at all and see if they noticed.

April 15th is the primary reason I keep rooting for the system to collapse.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: cordex on February 14, 2013, 08:16:47 PM
The government is taking it, and it never passes through my hands. Thus, I see that it's a cost to the business, but not "compensation" to me. Sorry if I seem thick.
It is every bit as much compensation as the part of your salary that is withheld for taxes and SS/Medicare. Government is taking it, never passes through your hands, etc.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: ArfinGreebly on February 14, 2013, 08:24:12 PM

Move tax day from April 15th to October 15th.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Scout26 on February 14, 2013, 08:43:38 PM
No move it to election day.  You pay your taxes right before you step into the voting booth.   All of them, no withholding over the year.

And Fitz, generally it's not a good idea to file MFS.   And if you owe, you need to look closer at some of the other allowable deductions and the various credits.  (Deductions are worth, on average, $.25 in tax savings for every $1 in deductions, Credits however reduce your taxes dollar for dollar.) .  Pump money into an IRA now, that's deductible for last year.  (Full deduction if you and your wife have an AGI of less then $92,000, partial deduction if under $112,000 and no deduction if over $112,000 AGI.)   Also if she's got her own business, she's got five years to show massive losses which also knocks down your AGI.  Is it a sole proprietership, or Subchapter-S?  Especially if she keeps meticulous books on all income and expenses.    ;)

I do hope that you have sought professional advice (Not Bloch or Jackson-Hewitt or any place that pops up like a weed at tax time), but a real CPA.  And have not filed yet.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 08:47:12 PM
I haven't filed yet. Just used hr blocks website. I can't afford a CPA
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Nick1911 on February 14, 2013, 08:51:11 PM
I do hope that you have sought professional advice (Not Bloch or Jackson-Hewitt or any place that pops up like a weed at tax time), but a real CPA.  And have not filed yet. 

+1 on this.  Especially if you have a business, even just on paper.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Sergeant Bob on February 14, 2013, 08:54:00 PM
I haven't filed yet. Just used hr blocks website. I can't afford a CPA

Have you checked into a CPA? I used to use one when I was driving truck and she saved me over a thousand dollars over doing the taxes myself. She found a lot of legit deductions I didn't even know about. IIRC, it cost me about $120 to have them done.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Nick1911 on February 14, 2013, 08:55:29 PM
Have you checked into a CPA? I used to use one when I was driving truck and she saved me over a thousand dollars over doing the taxes myself. She found a lot of legit deductions I didn't even know about. IIRC, it cost me about $120 to have them done.

Indeed.  I pay my CPA $80ish at tax time.  Worth the money, IMO.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Ron on February 14, 2013, 08:59:55 PM
Fitz, find a CPA by referral from someone.

The game is rigged to where you need them.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Fitz on February 14, 2013, 09:01:13 PM

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Bigjake on February 14, 2013, 09:13:52 PM
Fitz, find a CPA by referral from someone.

The game is rigged to where you need them.

What this man said.

 Money well spent.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Scout26 on February 14, 2013, 09:15:46 PM
Unless you've been doing your own taxes for years, and have studied the tax code in depth, the computer programs are for folks who don't have anything beyond a mortgage and medical expenses.  If you have a business, you need a CPA.  

I can pull out my camera phone and take pictures.  That does not, however, make me a photographer.

Go buy the expertise.  ;)
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: wuluf on February 14, 2013, 09:18:29 PM
Scout 26 said:
You pay your taxes right before you step into the voting booth.  All of them, no withholding over the year.

This!  If we all actually had to write a check each year/month/week, taxes would come way down very quickly...
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: RevDisk on February 14, 2013, 10:11:34 PM

I calculated my side work tax rate.  44.37%, since it is 1099 work.  I raked in $10k last year consulting.  I kept half, basically.  I am tempted to just start up a business and have the business blow all of it.
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 14, 2013, 10:25:04 PM
An example to back up what scout26 has been saying. I'm sure I've told this before.

Back in 1990, I was expecting to pay a few thousand in taxes. When my accountant dropped off the papers, I found that I owed $32,000 more than I'd been planning for.

I called another accountant. He did a few things (took my wife off the payroll, etc), and got it down to $18,000. I hired him immediately.

Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Kingcreek on February 14, 2013, 10:29:00 PM
I had a CPA that wasn't worth spit, started to see red flags and hear alarms in my head. I went looking for a new one and found a retired iRS agent turned CPA that specialized in corporate tax law.
He not only saved me money but he helped me recover some. Not only that but I think somebody somewhere up the foodchain got a tip and the previous accountant got stomped by the authorities.
My current CPA has saved me more than he has charged me. I have a small S corp and a small farm.
I asked the retired IRS guy if I could trust him after working for the dark side. He said he believes everybody should pay thier fair share but his job was to see to it that I got every deduction I am entitled to. Black and white- no grey
Title: Re: Just did my taxes
Post by: Ben on February 14, 2013, 10:37:23 PM
Unless you've been doing your own taxes for years, and have studied the tax code in depth, the computer programs are for folks who don't have anything beyond a mortgage and medical expenses.  If you have a business, you need a CPA.  

Yup. I have rentals and stuff besides my regular working gig. A few years ago for two years in a row I went through the extra work of using Quicken (the version that is made for rentals) while I sent my taxes to my CPA, just to do a comparison. My CPA beat Quicken by a good margin both years.