Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Harold Tuttle on March 22, 2013, 07:24:55 AM

Title: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: Harold Tuttle on March 22, 2013, 07:24:55 AM
Block: Gun owners will say that all of these lines are arbitrary? Why 10 rounds? Why not seven?

Biden: Sure they are arbitrary. Why age 18 to vote? Because society has concluded that the capacity to keep yourself from doing damage and or allowing other to do damage – you don't let 9 year old drive – well that is arbitrary. There's some 9 year olds might be able to drive better then some 16 year olds. Limiting it to 10 rounds makes a difference in how many shots you can let off before someone can intervene.

Block: If you look at the numbers the vast majority of deaths in this country are not from assault weapons, they are from handguns. Are you really fixing the main problem?

Biden: No, you are not fixing the problem. That is like saying, does it make any sense to ban cigarette smoking while you still have global warming going on? C'mon. Does that fix the environmental problem? No. But it saves some people's lives. Do you say the fact that we took lead out of gasoline? Does that solve the problem? No. It doesn't. We still have too many emissions going into the air. But it helps. I find that a bizarre argument; if it doesn't solve the whole problem but, guess what? The fact is that it does impact. The people I go to, to look to, when we talk about assault weapons and magazines; talk to the police officers. They are tired of being outgunned. They are tired of being outgunned.

Block: Well when you say it does save people's lives there has to be some sort of calculus here, right? There has be to be some point where you say, is the number of lives that we save, does that outweigh the burdens and restrictions we put on millions of Americans. How do you draw that conclusion?

Biden: Tell me what the burden is that you have to buy three clips with 10 rounds versus one clip with 30. The cost is the same. What is the burden? What am I doing to infringe on your constitutional right? You can think of a thousand burdens we put on people that, in fact, are [INAUDIBLE] impact positively on society. It is one thing if you can tell me the burden is onerous. First of all, the vast majority of gun owners are not running around with clips that hold 30 rounds. There is no good data. Here's part of the problem. Part of the problem is when the authorization had to be renewed for much of this in 2004, restrictions were placed on the ability of the government even to keep data.

Block: What's the problem with having a gun registry? A national, mandatory gun registry? We license our cars, why shouldn't we have to license and register our guns?

Biden: Because there is a – this is where you start to cross a cultural line. The idea that you register your guns – it may make logical sense to say this, but there isn't a constitutional right to own an automobile. There is a Second Amendment constitutional right to own a weapon: The right to have and bear arms. When you go to registration, it raises all the black helicopter crowd notion that what this is all about is identifying who has a gun so that one day the government can get up and go to the house and arrest everyone who has a gun, and they'll cite Nazi Germany and all that.

You don't need to register guns to have logical gun safety laws. This is not - there is a healthy gun culture in this country with regard to hunters. They husband their guns and their weapons; they lock them up, they use them responsibly, they pass them down to their children, like my dad. This is about keeping guns out of the hands of people who, constitutionally, the government is able to prohibit from owning those guns.

Block: Mr. Vice President, thank you for your time.

Biden: Thank you.
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: Harold Tuttle on March 22, 2013, 07:25:52 AM
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: Blakenzy on March 22, 2013, 07:45:04 AM
Arrrrgh NO! I'm not subjecting my mind to this anymore.
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: Hutch on March 22, 2013, 09:08:07 AM
NPR just doesn't have it in their DNA.  They view gun rights activists the way anthropologists view newly found tribes in the rain forest.  Or the way people view the inhabitants of the monkey cage at the zoo.  In their own minds, the anti-gun view is so overwhelmingly, self-evidently correct as to preclude further examination.  They literally can't imagine our true motivation, so the assign motivation they DO understand.

Filthy rich gun manufacturers
Evil Racists
Xenophobic anti-brown immigrant nativists
Fascist corporatists
Wacko conspiracy theorist/insurrectionists

Gotta be something like that, right?  Right????
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: Tallpine on March 22, 2013, 09:36:16 AM
They came for the 30 round magazines and I didn't say anything because I'm not a 30 round magazine.
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: HankB on March 22, 2013, 09:54:23 AM
NPR just doesn't have it in their DNA.  They view gun rights activists the way anthropologists view newly found tribes in the rain forest.  Or the way people view the inhabitants of the monkey cage at the zoo . . .
This is a more accurate assessment of the liberal mentality than you realize - 'way back in 1992, the late Carl Sagan (yes that Carl Sagan, the astronomer) said that the sound of cheering at the GOP convention for Pat Buchanan was " . . . an unmistakable chimpanzee pant-hoot." 

Imagine if someone - anyone - characterized the cheers of Obama supporters the same way?
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: TommyGunn on March 22, 2013, 12:01:51 PM
Biden: Tell me what the burden is that you have to buy three clips{sic} with 10 rounds versus one clip{sic} with 30. The cost is the same. What is the burden? What am I doing to infringe on your constitutional right? You can think of a thousand burdens we put on people that, in fact, are [INAUDIBLE] impact positively on society. It is one thing if you can tell me the burden is onerous.

The cost won't be the same.  I have never seen a 10 round MAGAZINE that was 1/3 the cost of a standard capacity magazine.  The "burden" is more than economic, which isn't all that much to begin with.  What if I find myself in a situation with multiple well armed assailants?  What if I find myself in the midst of civil unrest, like those Korean merchants in the L.A. riots -- who protected their stores with firearms with full-capacity magazines??
What are you doing to "infringe on (my) costitutional right?"  You are telling me I have no right to a standard capacity magazine, such as I have had for years.  What part of "shall NOT BE INFRINGED" do you not understand, Mr. Biden? >:D
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on March 22, 2013, 12:05:35 PM

  What part of "shall NOT BE INFRINGED" do you not understand, Mr. Biden? >:D

"No means no!" is incomprehensible to a rapist.
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: charby on March 22, 2013, 12:20:57 PM
I saw the title of the topic and all I could think of was "Hur Hur Derp".

Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: Scout26 on March 22, 2013, 01:37:55 PM
I thought it would be this:

Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: cambeul41 on March 25, 2013, 05:07:09 PM
Tallpine, reply 4, says . . .
They came for the 30 round magazines and I didn't say anything because I'm not a 30 round magazine.

Good one!
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: JN01 on March 25, 2013, 09:07:21 PM
Joe Biden thinks? ???
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on March 25, 2013, 10:13:29 PM
Joe Biden thinks? ???

Thread win
Title: Re: what Joe Biden thinks
Post by: AJ Dual on March 25, 2013, 11:02:55 PM
Joe Biden thinks? ???

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