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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Northwoods on April 12, 2013, 01:44:33 AM

Title: Finally ...
Post by: Northwoods on April 12, 2013, 01:44:33 AM
Filed my taxes tonight.  $1500 refund.  I'd lower my withholding even more, but I'm already at Married-11.

Would have filed a lot sooner, but there was a bunch of stuff that we didn't get until February.  By then we were so close to the baby coming that all energy went to finishing the preps for that.  Then all the distractions of a new born, etc and sports for the older kids and time just slipped away.

I figure with the new kid we'll be part of the 47% next time we file.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: BobR on April 12, 2013, 04:48:03 AM
Good for you, I just wrote the bastards a check so that they can supply an Obama phone to a dozen or so people.

You didn't really get a refund though, did you? You are just getting your money back that the .gov has been holding onto.

BTW, looking at a tuna trip in Sept, are you interested?

Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Northwoods on April 12, 2013, 08:26:46 AM
Already booked for a 2 day trip in August - a guy from work wanted to have the whole boat filled with other folks from work.  There's room for more though if you are interested.  Let me know.  I think we need 4 more guys to fill the boat.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: K Frame on April 12, 2013, 08:48:33 AM
I try to work it so that my Virginia refund about equals my Federal liability.

Didn't work that way this year, as my investments as a class did a LOT better than I expected, and my mortgage interest deduction is starting to wane a bit.

Had I realized it was going to be like that I would have sold a bunch of my one true dog of an investment to offset the tax. As it was, I had to max out my IRA contribution and even that didn't cover fully what I owed.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Tallpine on April 12, 2013, 09:33:29 AM
We got back about $3K but that was from working overtime for several months and then not working at all for several months.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on April 12, 2013, 11:14:26 AM
I'm only getting about $400 back.  Just did my taxes this week and put in the mail today.

I got I-9'ed for about $4000 worth of separate income, so that put a dent in my return I would have otherwise gotten.

Been job-swapping every 6 months and I can never remember what to set for my withholding.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Scout26 on April 12, 2013, 11:22:33 PM
I-9 is the Employment Eligibility Verification.  Perhaps you mean 1099-MISC?  That's the form used to to document amounts paid to non-employee contractors.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: TechMan on April 12, 2013, 11:53:11 PM
We evidently went up a tax bracket this year.  *expletive deleted*ing yeah! {sarcasm}

We owe Uncle Sugar ~$800.  Arrrrgh.  I cannot stand writing that check, after them taking out so much over the year it absolutely *expletive deleted*ing kills me to write that check.  We owe the state $17 and I am okay with that.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Hutch on April 13, 2013, 09:54:58 AM
Turbo-tax tolded my my e-file was rejected.  At 2:21 this morning.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: mtnbkr on April 13, 2013, 10:26:33 AM
I did mine last night.  We owed the Feds a modest amount and got a slightly larger refund back from the State.  We'll net enough between the two for dinner and a movie.  I'm OK with that.

Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Ben on April 13, 2013, 10:31:09 AM
I try to work it so that my Virginia refund about equals my Federal liability.

Didn't work that way this year, as my investments as a class did a LOT better than I expected, and my mortgage interest deduction is starting to wane a bit.

Had I realized it was going to be like that I would have sold a bunch of my one true dog of an investment to offset the tax. As it was, I had to max out my IRA contribution and even that didn't cover fully what I owed.

My truck, which I deduct as part of my "rental business" was on its last year for depreciation this year, so I sold the one dog stock I had too, for an extra deduction. I still got hit owing more than I've already paid. It was within my "plus or minus $500", so it wasn't too bad, and I'd rather pay a little bit at the end of the year than know they were using a bunch of my dough interest free all year. I'm a bit afraid for next year with the freakin' Obama tax increases and reductions of allowable deductions.

Very surprisingly, I got $350 back on my CA state taxes, Given that I think we're now the progressively highest taxed state, I thought I was gonna eat it big time.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: K Frame on April 13, 2013, 03:03:08 PM
All told, I'm going to owe about $320 above what my state refund is.

Now I just have to find a stamp and remember to mail the damned thing in.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: French G. on April 13, 2013, 03:52:50 PM
Well, I knew my withholding was light and anticipated owing about 2K. All was well, owing 1800 until I put in the info for my looting of my TSP account in order to buy my house. Now they already taxed the withdrawal, but hadn't taken the 10%. Owwwie, 10%. Then the meager distribution bumped me up the income brackets so I came close to being one of those rich white guys. Anyway, I sent the IRS $3000 yesterday, need to cough up 2500 more and another grand our so for dear ol Virginia. Whee. Guess who can't buy that M-1A Socom I saw in the LGS this week?

Which leads me to why is divorce so expensive? Because it is worth it.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Triphammer on April 13, 2013, 06:51:29 PM
Just finished "Turbo-Taxing" my return to see what my liability is.  Thought I was owing some to the Feds & getting back half that from state. Turns out I put the 1099 R from a 401K withdrawal (to purchase my primary residence, great deal) in the wrong place.
 Also turns out the withholding from the dispersment was only 75% of what would be owed.
 I thought that it would cover the penalty for not being 59 1/2 but no such luck
Just found out I'm 7K in the hole.
Haven't sent it in as I'm trying to find out if there's any deduction for a first time home buyer paying cash. Don't think so.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: ArfinGreebly on April 14, 2013, 12:10:50 AM

We got a smaller refund this year.  Still more than a thousand, but about a thousand less than last year.

Rescued our son's butt; he was on the verge of writing them a check, but he didn't know about Schedule D, so we managed to convert that from writing a check to seeing a modest few hundred bucks back.

Our daughter was the ironic one:  she made so little income over the last year that she got an earned income credit.  However, the filing fee for one of her two states neutralized that, and she wound up owing just under $20.  Just wow.

We expect that next year will also see a reduction in our refund.  Wife is a Schedule C wizard, but her income eats most of the refund we would otherwise get.  Thinking about it, however, I'd rather have her income and a smaller refund; the net is substantially in our favor.

Now, if we can just get some real budget management implemented . . .
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: 41magsnub on April 14, 2013, 04:37:51 PM
I ended up with a combined refund of $115 between state and federal.  Close enough.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: never_retreat on April 14, 2013, 07:15:24 PM
I got 600 from the feds and 100 something from the state.
I'm single and no house so I get beat a bit. Nothing to contribute to the ira this year.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Neemi on April 15, 2013, 01:30:47 PM
Child credit was born a handful of days too late for last year's taxes...

Oh well.

We filed as soon as we could; I know we ended up getting some money back but baby brain strikes again.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: cordex on April 15, 2013, 02:38:50 PM
I had to send a check for close to $700 to the feds and a couple hundred to the state.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Brad Johnson on April 15, 2013, 02:50:26 PM
I just mailed them check that ended up a full digit larger than I'd planned for.  Joy.  Between that and having to put a fuel pump on the truck two weeks ago, it's wiped out the fun money fund and then some.  Oh well... c'est la vie.

Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Cliffh on April 15, 2013, 11:20:59 PM
No state taxes - thank you TX.  We got back about $500 less from the Fed's than we did last year, with no real change in income, deductions or with-holdings.  Guess our tax rate went up, again.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: K Frame on April 16, 2013, 09:16:39 AM
Got my Virginia refund via direct deposit this morning.

Heard something interesting...

Virginia is no longer issuing paper refund checks. You have the option of direct deposit or a debit card.

But what a lot of people apparently don't know is that after the first transaction, a whole slew of fees, some of them pretty damned high, kick in.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Ben on April 16, 2013, 09:37:16 AM
Got my Virginia refund via direct deposit this morning.

Heard something interesting...

Virginia is no longer issuing paper refund checks. You have the option of direct deposit or a debit card.

But what a lot of people apparently don't know is that after the first transaction, a whole slew of fees, some of them pretty damned high, kick in.

Interesting. CA still sends a check, and I would have figured they'd go electronic before states like VA "for the environment". What CA does that ticks me off is makes web payment available for (depending on county) property taxes, but then charges outrageous processing fees to do so. I'd like to be able to pay my property taxesl via the web, but I'm not paying $10 to do so when I can do it via USPS for 50 cents.
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 16, 2013, 09:51:31 AM
va sent me a paper check, after the cut stafford countys vig for personal property tax off my refund
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: never_retreat on April 16, 2013, 01:50:52 PM
Interesting. CA still sends a check, and I would have figured they'd go electronic before states like VA "for the environment". What CA does that ticks me off is makes web payment available for (depending on county) property taxes, but then charges outrageous processing fees to do so. I'd like to be able to pay my property taxesl via the web, but I'm not paying $10 to do so when I can do it via USPS for 50 cents.
I'm sure they employ at least 100 people year round for this.
What do you want them to do fire them and save money?
Title: Re: Finally ...
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 17, 2013, 10:44:43 AM
We evidently went up a tax bracket this year.  *expletive deleted* yeah! {sarcasm}

We owe Uncle Sugar ~$800.  Arrrrgh.  I cannot stand writing that check, after them taking out so much over the year it absolutely *expletive deleted* kills me to write that check.  We owe the state $17 and I am okay with that.

I had to mail $200 bucks to the Dept. of Revenue that stole and distributed my personal info, so they could surreptiously implement REAL ID.