Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: vaskidmark on July 16, 2013, 05:38:48 PM

Title: I need an Illinois resident, please
Post by: vaskidmark on July 16, 2013, 05:38:48 PM
I need an Illinois resident, preferably one stuck in the Congressional District currently occupied by Luis Guitierrez, to assk him a question.  He occupies an obviously Gerrymandered district:

He recently made a statement - well, possibly more of an accusation.

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez said last year's shooting death of the unarmed teenager and Saturday’s verdict "undermines the rule of law, erodes community trust in law enforcement, and exemplifies just how dangerous the combination of rampant fear and easily available guns can be.


"When any child is gunned down and no one goes to jail, it is incumbent on lawmakers at the highest level of government to investigate whether justice has been done, whether the underlying law is just, and whether federal legislation could help avoid another tragic death like the death of Trayvon Martin," wrote Gutiérrez

I want to know what/which rule of law the jury verdict undermines, why he thinks justice might not have been done, and why he thinks Congress should stick its nose into the laws of a state he does not represent.  I would also like to suggest to him that a fedral laws against jackassery by Members of Congress might just prevent the tragic death of the America judicial process.

The problem is, he only accepts email and phone call from the ZIP Code/area code where his didrict is located.  Snail mail, if it ever got past the interns and DHS part-time w/ no benefits workers who sniff for ricin and anthrax, would get to him after the mob has moved on to another issue du jour.

Anybody i Illinois willing to send the email for me?  I'll reimburse you for the stamp.

Thanks in advance.

stay safe.
Title: Re: I need an Illinois resident, please
Post by: Scout26 on July 16, 2013, 07:09:15 PM
I'm not in his district, but I can try.

Remember he's a D, and from Illinois (Chicago), so most all of what comes out of his mouth is The Stupid.
Title: Re: I need an Illinois resident, please
Post by: Tallpine on July 16, 2013, 08:09:53 PM
I'm not in his district, but I can try.

Remember he's a D, and from Illinois (Chicago), so most all of what comes out of his mouth is The Stupid.

And there's that old adage about arguing with pigs or something ...
Title: Re: I need an Illinois resident, please
Post by: grampster on July 16, 2013, 08:16:09 PM
Actually with guys like Guitierrez it's arguing with a skunk....
Title: Re: I need an Illinois resident, please
Post by: vaskidmark on July 16, 2013, 11:44:02 PM
And there's that old adage about arguing with pigs or something ...

It's just the opportunity to ask.  Don't expect an actual answer.

Stick.  Bear.  Reciprocating action.

stay safe.