Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Balog on September 10, 2013, 01:48:28 PM

Title: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Balog on September 10, 2013, 01:48:28 PM

Growing up the library was my favorite place in the world. Now, we can't risk hurting anyone's fee fees by telling homeless folks they can't strip naked and bathe in the bathroom sinks or watch porn on public computers.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on September 10, 2013, 02:23:19 PM
I'm gonna have to go with "Oh, hell no!" on this one.

But then, I think library computers should limit general web surfing anyway. At this point in time, someone without a personal computer or device is a true rarity. I think library computers should be reserved for research or study, period.
Browsing LOLCats, the oatmeal and porn sites can be done on your own devices.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Marnoot on September 10, 2013, 03:58:11 PM
My opinion on library computer use is that the policies should match the books/magazines/etc generally available at the library. For instance, I have no issue with people using them for LOLCats, The Oatmeal, etc., as the library also has thousands of books intended solely for entertainment as well. Libraries generally don't have racks (pun noted) of Penthouse Magazine and Breast Fanciers Quarterly, so no porn on the computers either.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 10, 2013, 05:28:01 PM
My opinion on library computer use is that the policies should match the books/magazines/etc generally available at the library. For instance, I have no issue with people using them for LOLCats, The Oatmeal, etc., as the library also has thousands of books intended solely for entertainment as well. Libraries generally don't have racks (pun noted) of Penthouse Magazine and Breast Fanciers Quarterly, so no porn on the computers either.

Sounds about right to me.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: JN01 on September 10, 2013, 07:50:45 PM
My opinion on library computer use is that the policies should match the books/magazines/etc generally available at the library. For instance, I have no issue with people using them for LOLCats, The Oatmeal, etc., as the library also has thousands of books intended solely for entertainment as well. Libraries generally don't have racks (pun noted) of Penthouse Magazine and Breast Fanciers Quarterly, so no porn on the computers either.

If the librarian from the periodicals section of the Seattle library is reading, you probably just gave her some ideas. :mad:
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: freakazoid on September 10, 2013, 09:05:48 PM
I'm gonna have to go with "Oh, hell no!" on this one.

But then, I think library computers should limit general web surfing anyway. At this point in time, someone without a personal computer or device is a true rarity. I think library computers should be reserved for research or study, period.
Browsing LOLCats, the oatmeal and porn sites can be done on your own devices.

Oatmeal and porn sites? What kind of kinky stuff are you into?  ???
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: lupinus on September 10, 2013, 09:20:50 PM
Oatmeal and porn sites? What kind of kinky stuff are you into?  ???
nekkid LOLcats oatmeal wrestling outside the library
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: zxcvbob on September 10, 2013, 11:00:59 PM
Do they have boxes of free tissues?
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Levant on September 10, 2013, 11:17:46 PM
“I’m not anti-porn. I’m not a church lady,” said Vanderburg, who no longer wants to go to the Beacon Hill library, her neighborhood branch. “He should have a private room. The environment becomes very uncomfortable.”

The adult video shops will never allow that.  They won't stand for the libraries providing competing services with private rooms for free.  Maybe the library could put in coin slots and you pay a few bucks to get access to the room.  At least then the library would be competing on a more equal basis with the porn shops - other than the porn shops have to pay their own light bills and maintenance, etc.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: vaskidmark on September 11, 2013, 06:25:59 AM
What the heck have you done with the liberty-leaning, if not -loving, folks who inhabit APS?  Seems to me I recall they went all ballistic when libraries tried to throw out Huck Finn and Anne Frank's Diary and Catcher in the Rye and Little Black Sambo, among other literary gems.  Or putting filters on computers so you cannot pull up APS, or Gunbroker, or Army Times, or Shotgun News, or any of the other sites that have GUNZ in them.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And by extension, neither shall the States.

Public libraries should ensure that porn is not called up on computers in the kiddie section, and should offer "privacy screens" so that other patrons cannot see what you are looking at.  (But then those screens should be permanently installed on all monitors anyhow, as it is nobody else's business what you are looking at.)  Only because most library printer systems use a central printer will I agree that the printing off of porn should be restricted.

As for any physical activity that someone might engage in while looking at the monitor - there are already laws in place to control that and deal with those that cannot restrain their behavior.

I am opposed to allowing the homeless to bathe and do laundry in public restroom sinks.  Public shelters and private charities should provide facilities for those activities to the extent that they relate to their specific missions.  If government wants to get involved and does not want to build/retrofit shelters that offer those services, they can open up the locker rooms at schools during times the building is not in use by the students/staff.  Yes, this will cost taxpayer money - which is why the taxpayers can decide to pay for the additional service or not.)

stay safe.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: geronimotwo on September 11, 2013, 08:18:32 AM
physical activity?   doesn't everyone else look at porn for the well thought out essays?

our local library that was considered "free" for 100 years has recently started taking public funds.  in so doing it was pointed out that they could no longer control the content of what was surfed.  when i brought it to the attention of a 16yo boys mother that he was looking at porn there, she replied with a shrug,"he likes it".
Title: Re: Re: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: lupinus on September 11, 2013, 08:42:20 AM
 when i brought it to the attention of a 16yo boys mother that he was looking at porn there, she replied with a shrug,"he likes it".
With a mother like that, who needs Uncle Frank?
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: cordex on September 11, 2013, 08:46:21 AM
What the heck have you done with the liberty-leaning, if not -loving, folks who inhabit APS? 
Too busy opposing the idea of taxpayer-funded libraries in the first place?
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: JN01 on September 11, 2013, 05:00:52 PM
What the heck have you done with the liberty-leaning, if not -loving, folks who inhabit APS?  Seems to me I recall they went all ballistic when libraries tried to throw out Huck Finn and Anne Frank's Diary and Catcher in the Rye and Little Black Sambo, among other literary gems.  Or putting filters on computers so you cannot pull up APS, or Gunbroker, or Army Times, or Shotgun News, or any of the other sites that have GUNZ in them.

And by extension, neither shall the States.

Public libraries should ensure that porn is not called up on computers in the kiddie section, and should offer "privacy screens" so that other patrons cannot see what you are looking at.  (But then those screens should be permanently installed on all monitors anyhow, as it is nobody else's business what you are looking at.)  Only because most library printer systems use a central printer will I agree that the printing off of porn should be restricted.

As for any physical activity that someone might engage in while looking at the monitor - there are already laws in place to control that and deal with those that cannot restrain their behavior.

I am opposed to allowing the homeless to bathe and do laundry in public restroom sinks.  Public shelters and private charities should provide facilities for those activities to the extent that they relate to their specific missions.  If government wants to get involved and does not want to build/retrofit shelters that offer those services, they can open up the locker rooms at schools during times the building is not in use by the students/staff.  Yes, this will cost taxpayer money - which is why the taxpayers can decide to pay for the additional service or not.)

stay safe.

Do Constitutional free speech/free press protections require that libraries provide ALL materials ever produced?  No, libraries are selective about what they stock.  Nobody is suggesting that the porn be banned, they just don't want it being displayed within view of those who don't want to see it- seems reasonable to me.

It would be interesting to see if the Seattle librarians stuck to their principles if a bunch of people got together and started using their terminals for extreme videos of racist, homophobic, and misogynist nature.  How about some Westboro Baptist Church sermons?
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Levant on September 11, 2013, 10:29:30 PM
What the heck have you done with the liberty-leaning, if not -loving, folks who inhabit APS?  Seems to me I recall they went all ballistic when libraries tried to throw out Huck Finn and Anne Frank's Diary and Catcher in the Rye and Little Black Sambo, among other literary gems.  Or putting filters on computers so you cannot pull up APS, or Gunbroker, or Army Times, or Shotgun News, or any of the other sites that have GUNZ in them.

We're talking about viewing, not writing or speaking.  It has no place in front of children.  I'm pretty sure that engaging in sex naked in the middle of the street would not have been considered artistic speech in 1789.

There's some interesting discussion and links in the Wikipedia article  It seems that much of the legal battle against pornography has been around the difference between public and private viewing.  The library is clearly public viewing.

I think there is also an equal protection under the law aspect to this but not what you think I might be going to say.  Children and mothers with children have a right to equal access to the library.  When there is behavior and public images that are detrimental to children then they do not have equal access; they must protect their children even if it means staying away.  I don't object to the availability of printed pornography read in a booth and flat on the desk out of view of the children's area.  Openly viewing pornography on a computer screen in the library is different.  It's not protected.

Now as to whether there should be public libraries, that's another discussion.  I'm all for closing them down.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: vaskidmark on September 12, 2013, 10:43:25 PM
Do Constitutional free speech/free press protections require that libraries provide ALL materials ever produced?  No, libraries are selective about what they stock.  Nobody is suggesting that the porn be banned, they just don't want it being displayed within view of those who don't want to see it- seems reasonable to me.

It would be interesting to see if the Seattle librarians stuck to their principles if a bunch of people got together and started using their terminals for extreme videos of racist, homophobic, and misogynist nature.  How about some Westboro Baptist Church sermons?

We're talking about viewing, not writing or speaking.  It has no place in front of children.  I'm pretty sure that engaging in sex naked in the middle of the street would not have been considered artistic speech in 1789.

There's some interesting discussion and links in the Wikipedia article  It seems that much of the legal battle against pornography has been around the difference between public and private viewing.  The library is clearly public viewing.

I think there is also an equal protection under the law aspect to this but not what you think I might be going to say.  Children and mothers with children have a right to equal access to the library.  When there is behavior and public images that are detrimental to children then they do not have equal access; they must protect their children even if it means staying away.  I don't object to the availability of printed pornography read in a booth and flat on the desk out of view of the children's area.  Openly viewing pornography on a computer screen in the library is different.  It's not protected.

Now as to whether there should be public libraries, that's another discussion.  I'm all for closing them down.

I invite you to go back and re-read my post, this time paying attention to where I discuss privacy screens and limiting the areas where unrestricted-access computers are located.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Balog on September 12, 2013, 11:29:31 PM
So libraries should be totally rearranged so people can watch porn in public. Gotcha. 
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Fly320s on September 13, 2013, 09:16:52 AM
So libraries should be totally rearranged so people can watch porn in public. Gotcha. 

Yes, but with privacy screens around them. Big, red and black, sound damping, privacy screens that say "Stay Back 50 Feet! Porn Surfer at work."
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: Fitz on September 13, 2013, 10:00:09 AM
Just do what any number of soldiers in iraq did. Use a portashitter
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: MechAg94 on September 13, 2013, 12:14:15 PM
I guess I am trying to understand why public libraries should be requried to provide access to pornographic materials at all.  Libraries carry a limited selection that normally doesn't include porn mags.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: dm1333 on September 13, 2013, 12:44:42 PM
I guess I am trying to understand why public libraries should be requried to provide access to pornographic materials at all.  Libraries carry a limited selection that normally doesn't include porn mags.

What gets censored after porn?  Looking at political website like APS?  It pissed me off when I was living in Oregon to have people protesting outside the public library with signs equating unrestricted access to porn and porn to rape.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: vaskidmark on September 13, 2013, 06:28:46 PM
What gets censored after porn?  Looking at political website like APS?  It pissed me off when I was living in Oregon to have people protesting outside the public library with signs equating unrestricted access to porn and porn to rape.

Ding!  Ding!  Ding!

We have a winner!

stay safe.
Title: Re: Seattle public libraries: watch all the porn you want on our computers
Post by: vaskidmark on September 13, 2013, 06:31:51 PM
I guess I am trying to understand why public libraries should be requried to provide access to pornographic materials at all.  Libraries carry a limited selection that normally doesn't include porn mags.

Yes, libraries are limited by various factors as to what they can physically stock.  But porn uses up no shelf space and there is a lot of it (so I hear) that does not cost for access.  (And yes, the risk of virii and malware and other crapware must be considered, along with the cost of protecting against and removing the same.)

But access?

stay safe.