Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: AZRedhawk44 on September 23, 2013, 11:20:23 PM

Title: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 23, 2013, 11:20:23 PM

I lurvs the R3volution crowd, I really do.   =D

I really don't think they (of they/them/those infamy) realize that we really despise them.  And want them out of our lives.  That shutdown is a good thing to some parts of the population.

...either that, or the DHS folks are locked and loaded to herd us into trains when we congregate on the Capitol lawn. :police:  Of course, this group tends to protest armed.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 23, 2013, 11:22:17 PM
Can't read it without membership, but it sounds great. Shut 'er down!
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 23, 2013, 11:28:44 PM
Can't read it without membership, but it sounds great. Shut 'er down!

Sorry, didn't know it was locked down to members only.


Monday, September 30, 2013

5:00 PM

Arizona State Capital - HOUSE LAWN

1700 West Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ (map)

America's founding fathers warned us. They foresaw the dangers of a government that violates the privacy of its citizens, arrests people without trial, invades their homes, taxes them excessively, and debases their money.

America's founding fathers understood that the proper role of government is to secure the rights of the people. They also made clear "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it".

When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce the people under absolute Despotism, it is their right of the people, indeed it is their duty, to throw off such Government.

That will be precisely what we will be demanding on Monday. Nothing more nor less that to rid ourselves of this excessive and tyrannical government ruling over the people in Washington D.C.

Be there at 5pm on Monday September 30 to voice to a VERY LONG LIST OF GRIEVANCES that make it necessary to right this nation by abolishing the forms to which we are accustomed. These grievances, among many others, are such egregious attacks against the liberty of the American people that they make a Government Shutdown not just desirable, but quite necessary and even a blessing.
1. Murdering innocent people worldwide
2. Highest prison population in the world.
3. Locking up drug users and other non-criminals.
4. Illegal searches and seizure.
5. Warrantless wiretapping and lying about it.
6. Failing to respect state legislatures' 10th Amendment acts.
7. Heavily taxating the people for violent warmaking policies.
8. Bailing out bankers and inflating the money supply ad nauseum.
9. Countless and astonishing breaches of Constitutional limits.
10. Chelsea Manning and many other political prisoners.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 23, 2013, 11:59:00 PM

Chelsea Manning?  ;/

"Taxating"?   ;/
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Northwoods on September 24, 2013, 12:21:19 AM

Chelsea Manning?  ;/

"Taxating"?   ;/

Yeah, looses some charm with that.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Doggy Daddy on September 24, 2013, 03:03:01 AM

Chelsea Manning?  ;/

Not sure about that one.  Could go either way.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Boomhauer on September 24, 2013, 03:54:33 AM
10. Chelsea Manning and many other political prisoners.

I'm protesting that Manning is gonna live!

Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: RoadKingLarry on September 24, 2013, 03:55:43 AM
I was all "rah rah" right up till #10.
Then I was all  :facepalm:  

Other than that, I got no problem with a government shut down.

Shut 'er down Earl, you're pumping mud.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: lupinus on September 24, 2013, 05:31:35 AM
I've no problem with a shut down.

But we also don't gain anything by advocating it.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 24, 2013, 10:08:55 AM
Yeah, I didn't write the event.  I noticed taxating and figured the Chelsea Manning thing would be less well received here.  I've got mixed feelings on the Manning situation.  But there's enough there that I support the movement anyways.

Someone 'splayn something to me about Manning:

He's a guy.  He gets convicted of many and numerous crimes, sentenced to a bajillion years in Leavenworth.  Out of the blue he wants a sex change, and somehow gets that paid for by dotmilfedguv? 

With him being unmarried, doesn't the correctional institution see him as essentially a sexless/genderless creature?  Granted, incarcerated men and women are stored in separate facilities.  But there is no right to reproduction or to sexual congress for inmates who are not married, and when inmates do get time with their wives it is because the law is respecting that the spouse was not sentenced to any crime and should still be able to continue with life if she sees the marriage as still viable while the man is in prison.

Why, then, does Manning get a sex change when he's going to be put away for what will probably be the rest of his life?

Is this some sort of self defense trick, to keep him out of male genpop during preop, then transferred to a women-only facility when done?  He then gets to be chick-guy in an all women's prison, a non-lesbian lesbian?

Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: HankB on September 24, 2013, 11:04:34 AM
When Clinton shut down the government, how many of us would actually have noticed if not for headlines and news stories?

About the only folks I heard of who actually had trouble were some folks on vacation who found national parks and museums closed; inconvenient, yes, but hardly a disaster of national proportions.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: vaskidmark on September 24, 2013, 12:00:19 PM

1. Murdering innocent people worldwide - Isn't that how we achieve our foreign policy when the foreigners disagree with it?
2. Highest prison population in the world. - No, merely the highest per capita.  It's piddly details like this that will get you tangled up.
3. Locking up drug users and other non-criminals. - If drug users never committed a crime in order to use drugs I would be upset.  Depending on who you define as "other non-criminals" I might or might not agree with you.
4. Illegal searches and seizure. - First, can we get number agreement?  Second, yeah, I'm pretty much in agreement on this one.
5. Warrantless wiretapping and lying about it. - No disagreement here.
6. Failing to respect state legislatures' 10th Amendment acts. - Just what the eff are those things?  If you cannot explain the Constitution better than that please shut your mouth.
7. Heavily taxating the people for violent warmaking policies. - I'll skip over the adverbication.  See #1 above.
8. Bailing out bankers and inflating the money supply ad nauseum. - Does this mean bailing out the other groups is OK?  'Cause I have problems with them getting bailed out too.  As for Whipping Inflation Now, do you have any specific ideas in mind, or is that going to happen magically?
9. Countless and astonishing breaches of Constitutional limits. - Sorry, but I can count them, and lots of others are keeping indexed/crossindexed databases.  And the only astonishing thing is tjhat we have not put a stop to this before now.
10. Chelsea Manning and many other political prisoners. - I hope you are saying you are not in favor of Chelsea Manning and many other political prisoners.  I would like to review your plans for disposing of them.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Scout26 on September 24, 2013, 08:40:00 PM
Yeah, I didn't write the event.  I noticed taxating and figured the Chelsea Manning thing would be less well received here.  I've got mixed feelings on the Manning situation.  But there's enough there that I support the movement anyways.

Someone 'splayn something to me about Manning:

He's a guy.  He gets convicted of many and numerous crimes, sentenced to a bajillion years in Leavenworth.  Out of the blue he wants a sex change, and somehow gets that paid for by dotmilfedguv?  

With him being unmarried, doesn't the correctional institution see him as essentially a sexless/genderless creature?  Granted, incarcerated men and women are stored in separate facilities.  But there is no right to reproduction or to sexual congress for inmates who are not married, and when inmates do get time with their wives it is because the law is respecting that the spouse was not sentenced to any crime and should still be able to continue with life if she sees the marriage as still viable while the man is in prison.

Why, then, does Manning get a sex change when he's going to be put away for what will probably be the rest of his life?

Is this some sort of self defense trick, to keep him out of male genpop during preop, then transferred to a women-only facility when done?  He then gets to be chick-guy in an all women's prison, a non-lesbian lesbian?

Mmmm, no.

And he is currently being housed at the USDB as a male.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Levant on September 24, 2013, 09:59:25 PM
Do you see why we're losing?
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: BryanP on September 25, 2013, 01:11:41 PM
The problem with a .gov shutdown is we've never actually done one.  You want to shut it down?  Shut it down.  ALL of it.  Send the air traffic controllers home.  Send the FBI/NSA/CIA guys home.  Send home the people who process Social Security, Veteran's benefits, ALL of it.  See how long it takes before people freak the *expletive deleted*ck out and then politicians have to put up or shut up.
Title: Re: Rally to Demand a Government Shutdown
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 25, 2013, 02:10:08 PM

Chelsea Manning?  ;/

"Taxating"?   ;/

Yeah, I spotted the "taxating" right off.

"Chelsea" Manning, eh? No comment ...