Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Levant on September 24, 2013, 08:29:03 PM

Title: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Levant on September 24, 2013, 08:29:03 PM
I just don't get it.  I'd rather watch Keith Olbermann.  At least Keith admitted he was a liberal.  O'Reilly pretends to be a mix of conservative and "fair and balanced".  He's neither.  He and a guest just did an episode of raking Senator Cruz over the coals and throwing in at least one dig on Rand Paul.

This guy is why I never watch Fox; I came in from work and my wife had it on his show.

How in the world is this joker's show the #1 talk show on the news networks?
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 24, 2013, 08:57:04 PM
He's smarter and more reasonable than you. That is why you are a conservative ideologue, and he is a wise and thoughtful moderate.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on September 24, 2013, 08:59:57 PM
He's a busybody bully, a shill for whatever authoritarian counter-cause is rallying to undo or seize the authoritarian status quo, and has never taken the individualist's side on any issue.  A disgusting man. 

If government is a quest for the One Ring, he is Gollum.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Levant on September 24, 2013, 10:11:06 PM
He's a busybody bully, a shill for whatever authoritarian counter-cause is rallying to undo or seize the authoritarian status quo, and has never taken the individualist's side on any issue.  A disgusting man. 

If government is a quest for the One Ring, he is Gollum.

Damn, I wish this forum had the thanks feature... You'd get one...

Oh wait.. It does have a thanks feature.... Thanks!
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Waitone on September 24, 2013, 10:26:35 PM
He's led around by his paycheck.  Michael Savage predict he'd go squishy as soon as news broke that a Saudi owned 19% of FOX stock.  Took less than a week before O'Reilly flipped.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 24, 2013, 10:42:49 PM
O'Reilley is like a lot of people. His views are based upon what's best for him. He wasn't a 2A supporter because he wasn't into guns. I think he became one when he saw it would help his career.

It's sad to see someone with no core convictions, whose only platform is what suits him best and to hell with the rest of the world.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: TommyGunn on September 25, 2013, 12:56:29 AM
O'Reilley is like a lot of people. His views are based upon what's best for him. He wasn't a 2A supporter because he wasn't into guns. I think he became one when he saw it would help his career.

It's sad to see someone with no core convictions, whose only platform is what suits him best and to hell with the rest of the world.

He became a 2A supporter when he saw what happened in Nawlins after Katrina.
If you think he has no convictions then you don't know him that well.

I just don't get it.  I'd rather watch Keith Olbermann.  At least Keith admitted he was a liberal.  O'Reilly pretends to be a mix of conservative and "fair and balanced".  He's neither.  He and a guest just did an episode of raking Senator Cruz over the coals and throwing in at least one dig on Rand Paul.

This guy is why I never watch Fox; I came in from work and my wife had it on his show.

How in the world is this joker's show the #1 talk show on the news networks?

You don't get it either.  O'Reilly isn't a liberal.  He isn't a conservative.  He isn't registered as a democrat or republican but independent.
He self-identifies as a "traditionalist."
He looks to politicians and analizes them from the point of view of their problems-solving ability, not their ideology.  If you suffer under the delusion of him being either a conservative or a republican you will write posts like Levant's.

He's a busybody bully, a shill for whatever authoritarian counter-cause is rallying to undo or seize the authoritarian status quo, and has never taken the individualist's side on any issue.  A disgusting man. 

If government is a quest for the One Ring, he is Gollum.
Are you sure you're not watching "The Hitler Channel?"

He's smarter and more reasonable than you. That is why you are a conservative ideologue, and he is a wise and thoughtful moderate.
Well, he's not a "moderate" but Fistful has managed the best description here yet.

He's led around by his paycheck.  Michael Savage predict he'd go squishy as soon as news broke that a Saudi owned 19% of FOX stock.  Took less than a week before O'Reilly flipped.

"Squishy?"  ???  Michael Savage is one of the most self-absorbed conservatives that has ever been on the radio.  Somewhere I heard he has a "Mensa" card?   Having a high IQ doesn't mean you're palatable or particularly world-wise I guess.  But you can think of ever-so-clever insults easily.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: rcnixon on September 25, 2013, 04:00:07 AM
Bill O'Reilly is an entertainer, His views are beholden to whomever is selling the most soap; he is a squishy liberal.

Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 25, 2013, 08:09:30 AM
He's a *expletive deleted*che.

Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: charby on September 25, 2013, 08:47:40 AM
Bill O'Reilly is an entertainer, His views are beholden to whomever is selling the most soap; he is a squishy liberal.


That is how I see it, he is a pundit that acts according to what will sell advertisement space during his show. If he lost his audience he would be done. No different then the rest of the "news" show pundits on any of the cable networks.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Sergeant Bob on September 25, 2013, 10:17:28 AM
He's a *expletive deleted*.

Well, he certainly knows how to "adapt" to the latest government intrusions to suit his own narrative.

He's a tool.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 25, 2013, 11:07:58 AM
He looks to politicians and analizes them from the point of view of their problems-solving ability, not their ideology....

Well, he's not a "moderate" but Fistful has managed the best description here yet.

Thank you. I see my sarcasm was not entirely lost on you, just mostly. "Ideological" is another way of saying "principled." O'Reilly, as you and I have both described him, sees the ends as more important than the means. Ideology (hewing to notions of right and wrong) must be sacrificed when it gets in the way, and the principled be derided as "too rigid," "old-fashioned," or currently, "ideologues." It does not help that O'Reilly seems to have a need to feel he is smarter than other people; in this case the ideologues.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Balog on September 25, 2013, 12:11:22 PM
If you think you have any idea about the actual inner motivations and beliefs of any pundit from watching their show you're in error. They're actors playing a part.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: TommyGunn on September 25, 2013, 12:17:21 PM
Thank you. I see my sarcasm was not entirely lost on you, just mostly. "Ideological" is another way of saying "principled." O'Reilly, as you and I have both described him, sees the ends as more important than the means. Ideology (hewing to notions of right and wrong) must be sacrificed when it gets in the way, and the principled be derided as "too rigid," "old-fashioned," or currently, "ideologues." It does not help that O'Reilly seems to have a need to feel he is smarter than other people; in this case the ideologues.

We need a sarcasm smilie.
I never thought of O'Reilly as perfect -- often enough I've refered to him as "O'Really" in posts, usually on other forums.

If you think you have any idea about the actual inner motivations and beliefs of any pundit from watching their show you're in error. They're actors playing a part.

Wow.  You are HARSH.  In the case of O'Reilly I think you're 3% right and 97% wrong.

Bill O'Reilly is an entertainer, His views are beholden to whomever is selling the most soap; he is a squishy liberal.

I will concede he is an entertainer but the rest is antipathetic twaddle.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 25, 2013, 12:23:45 PM
He became a 2A supporter when he saw what happened in Nawlins after Katrina.
If you think he has no convictions then you don't know him that well.

I haven't watched broadcast or cable TV in years, so I'm just going on my impressions of him from the past. If he had a come to Jesus moment on the 2A, that's good. At the time I was watching, it seemed that his convictions were based upon his situation. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe things have changed.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: TommyGunn on September 25, 2013, 12:38:17 PM
He's a *expletive deleted*.

Wow.  You take a bunch of  really badly captioned twaddle from an anti-O'Reilly site and think THAT is to be taken seriously?
Taking a closer look at those excerpts is it not possible to believe O'Reilly actually does support properly conducted surveillance against terrorists while simultaneously  showing concern over the possibility of the intelligence agencies possibly using them improperly against innocent Americans?  I see no hypocrisy there; I also want to "spy" on the nation's enemies and not on innocent Americans?
The dweeb hosting in that video is clearly incapable of differentiating between the two extremes, instead he deliberatly conflates them so he can attack O'Reilly as a "hypocrite."
He has a small, small mind.

I haven't watched broadcast or cable TV in years, so I'm just going on my impressions of him from the past. If he had a come to Jesus moment on the 2A, that's good. At the time I was watching, it seemed that his convictions were based upon his situation. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe things have changed.

He believes that we do have the right to keep and bear arms for our own protection, and most recently even stated he believes the 2A was intended to help protect against a tyranny, should it arise.
What O'Reilly does NOT ..."get" about the gun rights debate is that registering guns would lead to confiscation (or atleast attempts to do so).  He gets annoyed at "hypothetical" arguments even when one can point to historical examples to support them.  
He isn't perfect.  I don't agree with him all the time (I STILL wish he'd tell us who the head guy behind the enormous conspiracy to wrangle gasoline prices is) but that's saying a lot more than how I feel about some other of TV's pundits.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Balog on September 25, 2013, 12:40:26 PM

Fanbois are tiresome.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: TommyGunn on September 25, 2013, 12:44:38 PM

Fanbois are tiresome.
My apologies for boring you, Balog.  Perhaps you would be more interested in another thread?  [popcorn]
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: roo_ster on September 25, 2013, 05:31:18 PM
Not even Bill O can explain himself to you.  Besides, to insinuate that he has to explain himself is offensive to Bill O.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: slingshot on September 25, 2013, 08:49:25 PM
O'Reilly does support 2A and self defensive use of handguns and rifles.  But I believe he sees little benefit to society with having EBR's legal for civilians.  Some may recall his "heavy armament" comment which really turned me off because it was so incorrect.  EBRs are small arms.

I don't know what his current thinking about EBRs is now.  But I suspect he still favors restrictions on ownship.  He flips around on this issue and is not a hard liner relative to 2A issues.  He does not blame the NRA as the big scapegoat for gun control.

He geneally does not see passing new laws as a means to get a better handle on violent crime.  He supports mandatory prison sentances nationally for gun crime.

He supports the fisk thing in NYC and suggests it for Chicago to help get a handle on gun crime.  He is also the only big media news guy that has repeatedly taken notice and commented that the majority of the violent crime is committed by minorities (namely black).

He is a moderate which means he generally drifts around in terms of his views and attitudes.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: zxcvbob on September 25, 2013, 09:30:11 PM
I haven't watch Bill O in several years (so he might have changed) but he's not a conservative or a liberal, he's a Populist.  He's also a blowhard.  He gives the impression of being a conservative just because of his age and his suit and his haircut.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Levant on September 25, 2013, 11:34:08 PM
Well, I see why he's successful.  There are those who give him credit for being a thinker.  I don't.  I think he's all fluff.  He simply puts on airs of being better than either side by trying to understand and defend, or attack, both sides.  He's middle of the road.  Luke warm.  Fence sitter. 
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: BReilley on September 28, 2013, 01:54:05 AM
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Levant on September 28, 2013, 10:34:18 AM
And don't forget the adultery and sexual harassment.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: seeker_two on September 28, 2013, 02:40:10 PM
Someone recently told me that the political divide is no longer Republican vs. Democrat....or even conservative vs. liberal. It's authoritarian vs. libertarian. And it makes a lot of sense to me.

Guess which side O'Reilly is on.....
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Sergeant Bob on September 28, 2013, 05:46:26 PM
Someone recently told me that the political divide is no longer Republican vs. Democrat....or even conservative vs. liberal. It's authoritarian vs. libertarian. And it makes a lot of sense to me.

Guess which side O'Reilly is on.....

There's way too much truth in that statement. =(
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Levant on September 29, 2013, 12:00:34 AM
Authoritarian versus socialist.  Libertarian is not even in the picture in government - at any level.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: seeker_two on September 29, 2013, 01:17:29 PM
Authoritarian versus socialist.  Libertarian is not even in the picture in government - at any level.

How can you be socialist without being authoritarian?....
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Marnoot on September 29, 2013, 01:28:56 PM
How can you be socialist without being authoritarian?....

Those wishing to enter into a socialist arrangement voluntarily (hippy communes, religious socialist communities, etc.) would not necessarily be authoritarian. However, those wishing a socialist government would of course have authoritarianism as its companion.

Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 30, 2013, 04:42:00 PM
Authoritarian versus socialist.  Libertarian is not even in the picture in government - at any level.

I think you all missed Bob's point.
He's saying the Right and Left are the Authoritarians.  Libertarians have infiltrated the GOP and begun screaming loudly to some degree, but that the rest of the GOP is an authoritarian socialist front.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Levant on September 30, 2013, 09:53:02 PM
How can you be socialist without being authoritarian?....

Good point.  Authoritarian versus Authoritarian.  Republicans: The other Democratic Party.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: Levant on September 30, 2013, 09:58:47 PM
I think you all missed Bob's point.
He's saying the Right and Left are the Authoritarians.  Libertarians have infiltrated the GOP and begun screaming loudly to some degree, but that the rest of the GOP is an authoritarian socialist front.

I wouldn't say I missed it.  I got his point; I was just offering a different twist on it.

But as for libertarians infiltrating the Republican Party, I disagree. Instead, Republicans infiltrated the Tea Party and the Tea Party, like so many others, got caught up in the cameras and attention and became Republicans.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: brimic on October 01, 2013, 07:33:56 AM
He's a *expletive deleted*.

^That right there is the most accurate description of Orly I've seen so far.
Title: Re: Can someone explain Bill O'Reilly to me? :facepalm:
Post by: TommyGunn on October 01, 2013, 10:43:35 AM
Such a threadfull of SNARK. :-*

Title: Re:
Post by: Jamie B on October 02, 2013, 09:55:59 AM
If you think you have any idea about the actual inner motivations and beliefs of any pundit from watching their show you're in error. They're actors playing a part.

Ding, ding, ding!

I saw his 'interview' on 60 Minutes Sunday.

All he is doing is hawking his new book Killing Jesus, which he claimed the Holy Spirit told him to write!?

He also opined what Jesus actually did and did not say when in the cross - impressive for someone who was not there!

He is no different than the clowns hawking products in 3am infomercials.

He never batted an eye when the interviewer busted his chops for charging fans $500 for one picture with him.

Other than money, O Reilly only loves himself.