Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on September 01, 2006, 01:31:20 PM

Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on September 01, 2006, 01:31:20 PM
Smart appliances...


Bathroom scales that check my BMR...

Cameras in pill form you can swallow...


Google Watch... ...

Google Watch WATCH...

Big Brother...Fahrenheit 451... 1984...

Who's watching the WATCHERS?

I'm feeling amazingly...well, INVADED, by technology.

Can I still use cash?  Is it tracked digitally by serial number?

Was Ted Kaczinsky right about the insidious pandemic of technology?

Has it gone too far?   Should I listen to Art Bell more often?
Have I had too much to drink? Tongue

Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: garyk/nm on September 01, 2006, 03:35:46 PM
Have I had too much to drink? tongue
Probably, but please, do go on.
Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: charby on September 01, 2006, 07:21:07 PM
Dude, did you drink the bong water again?
Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: Ben on September 02, 2006, 05:25:18 AM
I recommend a "lifechange"

Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: Chris on September 03, 2006, 07:44:00 PM
Has it gone too far?  Perhaps.  But consider the alternatives.  The Amish lifestyle?  Sorry, I like cars, rock music, and my laptop too much for that.  Tin foil hats chafe my scalp.  The most radical thing I do is own and shoot a few guns, and they already know that, thanks to NICS and such.  

The way I figure it, I lead far too boring a lifestyle for anyone in the government to give two damns about me.  if they do watch, I hope they enjoy tracking me to the pet store toorrow ith my sons so we can pick up some new fish for teh tank, and then a trip to the store to get my oldest (the growth facory) some new pants that are long enough, followed by a stop for Graeter's ice cream.  Take that, surveillance man!
Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: Car Knocker on September 04, 2006, 08:03:24 AM
"Matsushita engineers here unveiled a toilet seat equipped
with electrodes that send a mild electric charge through
the user's buttocks, yielding a digital measurement of
body-fat ratio."

"Inax,counterattacked in April with a toilet that glows in the
dark and whirs up its lid after an infrared sensor detects
a human being. When in use, the toilet plays any of six
soundtracks, including chirping birds, rushing water,
tinkling wind chimes, or the strumming of a traditional
Japanese harp."

"a $3,000 throne
that not only greets a user by flipping its lid, but also
by blasting its twin air nozzles - air-conditioning in the
summer, heat in the winter. Patting this Cadillac of
toilets, Hiroyuki Matsui, chief engineer here, said, "You
can bring a bathroom temperature down by 7 degrees Celsius
in 30 seconds."

"For owners who might not be so regular, this toilet allows
users to set the temperature and pressure of a water jet
spray used to wash and massage the buttocks, an enormously
popular feature in Japan."

""You may think a toilet is just a toilet, but we would like
to make a toilet a home health measuring center," Mr.
Matsui, the Matsushita engineer, said in a lecture here in
Nara, near Osaka. "We are going to install in a toilet
devices to measure weight, fat, blood pressure, heart beat,
urine sugar, albumin and blood in urine."
Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 04, 2006, 01:11:19 PM
Sheesh, I have a hard enough time just getting my regular toilet to flush all the way. Wink

And I don't want any machine massaging my butt.
Title: Home Invasion... tell me what I should do?
Post by: drewtam on September 04, 2006, 01:20:04 PM
I think the Japanese really get into the 'cadillac' toilet. On a recent trip even the hotels had toilets that were heated and water jet, it seems pretty standard fare for them. Weird to me, but whatever floats thier boat.