Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: vaskidmark on November 15, 2013, 09:21:07 AM

Title: Obamacare, the game
Post by: vaskidmark on November 15, 2013, 09:21:07 AM

As found at JayG's place:

And, speaking of ObamaCare, saw this on Facebook last night:

The Game of ObamaCare

I mean, really? Are you freaking kidding me? If you get ObamaCare, you live longer, you're happier, and your kid doesn't die of a freak genetic disease. If you decide to get your own insurance, rats are eating your spleen in a dumpster inside of three weeks. Obviously they decided to go for the subtle version pushing the health care plan and not the obvious one, whereby government agents would be dispatched to your home and force you to stub your toe on an ottoman repeatedly until you broke down and signed up for ACA.

We can only assume that the rhetoric - and scare tactics - will only increase the closer we get to implementation day and the more it becomes blatantly obvious that the American people have zero interest in ObamaCare. These pathetic and amateurish attempts to make the ACA into something it's not are only going to make the reality hurt that much more. When the reality that the vast majority of people signing up for ObamaCare are going to see a significant price increase commiserate with a decrease in service, all the cutesie animations in the world aren't going to save you.

It would be funny if this wasn't 1/6 of the US economy they were messing with here...

I got nuttin.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Obamacare, the game
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on November 15, 2013, 09:33:53 AM
Game is stoopid.

I chose "no bummercare" each time, and I get told that I'm going to pizz and moan about $25 copays for my baby's immunizations and such, but then the next spin I'm taking a beach vacation. ;/

Even the game shows some seriously effed up priorities.
Title: Re: Obamacare, the game
Post by: Ben on November 15, 2013, 09:41:50 AM
I just saw an article that the Washington State Insurance Commissioner is refusing to follow Obama's "fix" of letting people keep their insurance another year. Not because the "fix" isn't good enough, but because the insurance that people want to keep isn't "good enough" in his opinion. He states that half the people whose insurance was cancelled will qualify for an Obamacare subsidy. So what? The other half are paying more, so screw them, I guess. He's a Democrat of course.