Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Guest on September 08, 2006, 06:16:43 AM

Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Guest on September 08, 2006, 06:16:43 AM
I stop in to browse APS for once and I see posters saying and doing things on the personal attack level that I would never have even thought about doing. Interestingly, many of them are people who cheered so hard at me being banned.

Seriously, what's up with that? Sure, I'm used to finding that the holier than thou types, aren't, but I at least expected that some people could handle themselves with a little more dignity than that.

I'm not sure whether not having Preacherman around to joke crudely about male genitalia / other impolite things every chance he gets is a good or a bad thing, since he probably wouldn't do anything in the first place unless he personally dislikes the offenders. There's a reason I got removed besides that 'evil' post, by the way.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 06:50:17 AM
I don't have much time to police APS. Working almost 100 hrs/week does that.

I don't have much interest in policing APS closely. It was meant for civil adults.  If it deteriorates much more, I'll remove the forum and be done with it. Plenty of other chit-chat sites out there.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Guest on September 08, 2006, 06:51:36 AM
Instate me as a mod and I'll keep it clean and fair. Wink
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 06:57:13 AM
You might, too. Too bad I can't take you up on the offer, as your re-registration violated the initial agreement with me. Can't deputize a guy who already violated the rules he offers to enforce now. Mods should lead by the ideal world. Around APS, mods seem to lead by inaction (me) and by punning (Preacherman). Doesn't work all that well, but that's life...if you recall, APS was an experiment. I think it is limping along...not so well.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Guest on September 08, 2006, 07:01:18 AM
Actually, I didn't re-register here.. check and see.

Edit: the need for mods to 'police' it basically gives it a huge shot in the foot in the first place. The 'secret squirrel' policy inherited from THR ups that shot from a .38spl to a .44mag.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: cosine on September 08, 2006, 07:13:20 AM
Well darn. I'm disappointed to hear that you think this forum isn't working out so well Mr. Volk. I like it here quite a bit. It is, I think, one of the most civil chit-chat sites I've ran across. Granted, I've not always succeeded in taking the High Road myself in my posts (or in staying out of the threads that are taking the low road), but I sure try.

What all is involved with modding a forum? I suppose I could try to give some effort back as a show of appreciation for this forum (which I really like) if you really needed me to.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: mtnbkr on September 08, 2006, 07:14:41 AM
Quote from: Oleg Volk
Around APS, mods seem to lead by inaction (me) and by punning (Preacherman). Doesn't work all that well, but that's life...if you recall, APS was an experiment. I think it is limping along...not so well.
How is it not working well?  Things are much more civil here than on any other public forum I've seen.  Check out the general chat areas at Bladforums or Hardcore talk and then tell me how things are bad here.  Combatcarry might be the only other forum I visit that's as civil as this one.  Even the ham radio or mountain bike forums I visit aren't as civil and well behaved as this.

Maybe I don't understand your goals...

Title: What's with you people?
Post by: BrokenPaw on September 08, 2006, 07:26:00 AM
So make me a mod, Oleg!  I am the very model of a moderator-general![0]

In all seriousness, Oleg, this site has grown beyond trivial volume; it's a bit much for any one person to keep up with in a moderator sense.  Having a few mods to just watch out for egregious policy violations might help things not get out of hand before they're stopped.

It'd be a shame for APS to go away like THR's Round Table did, because this isn't just a chit-chat site; it's a chit-chat site with a much higher level of intelligence than most.  Even those people I disagree with here on regular occasion have my respect as skilled debaters; I'd like to think that the feeling is mutual.  

That's a rare thing on an internet forum.  I believe it's going better than you think.

Anyway, I don't know if I am the sort that you'd want as a moderator, but don't not make people mods here just because you don't want to ask for help from them; I'm sure there are plenty of folks who'd be just as willing as I am to help keep this place a success.

As for Blackbjörn's reticence about having mods at all, I think that some amount of moderation is necessary, simply because in a publically-accessible place like this one, you're bound to get the occasional nitwit, and in order to preserve the atmosphere, the rules must be enforced.


Title: What's with you people?
Post by: lupinus on September 08, 2006, 07:31:11 AM
heck I'll be a mod if ya decide ya need um
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 07:36:19 AM
I had an idea for APS when it started. Time to implement it right.

I wanted everyone to moderate themselves. Let's do it, but do it transparently and publically.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Firethorn on September 08, 2006, 08:11:05 AM
Oleg, I know it's a little late and you don't have time to impliment a new system, but have you seen slashdot's moderation system?  You throw a few karma points to the best posters, and they get moderation abilities off and on, at random.  They moderate good posters up, trolls down, and the good posters eventually get the chance to moderate themselves.

Then there's a system designed to catch good posters who aren't good moderators (meta-mods).  It seems to work out well.

I believe that the code is available under GPL or something.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Nightfall on September 08, 2006, 08:15:29 AM
We've had some in-depth discussions about some hot button topics here, i.e. evolution, gay marriage, etc. and by and large, twern't much in the way of personal attacks. Don't know how much more civil we can expect it to get while still allowing real humans to post.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 08, 2006, 08:29:21 AM
Let me at 'em.  I'll moderate this forum back to the stone age!  I'll moderate you all so hard, you'll cry.  Just let me at 'em!

Oleg, I agree that this site is relatively civil.  Perhaps you are embarassed by certain things said here.  Let it ride, because in general this site is to your credit.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 08:29:27 AM

I like the idea but not sure how to implement it. Will make inquiries.

As the experience with my third forum showed, the quality of participants is THE major factor. It trumps all others combined. So tweaking rules will not help unless the quality of the folks using the forum is high. It's that simple.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 08:31:08 AM
I don't think the problem here is bad. However, some of the small problems remained unsolved. I am exploring options now. It may be hours or months before I act.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Nightfall on September 08, 2006, 08:34:03 AM
Can you tell us what the small problems are?
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: garrettwc on September 08, 2006, 08:34:12 AM
Quote from: Nightfall
We've had some in-depth discussions about some hot button topics here, i.e. evolution, gay marriage, etc. and by and large, twern't much in the way of personal attacks. Don't know how much more civil we can expect it to get while still allowing real humans to post.
I have to go with Nightfall on this. One of the keys to good discussion is to be honest about what you think and be prepared to explain yourself. If we go to far in the civility direction then we all end up posting phony politically sanitized talking points like you here in some press conferences. Then the forums have no value.

Some people just have ingratiating personalities. It doesn't make what they have to say of less value. It just makes it harder to pan the nuggets out of the mud.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: mtnbkr on September 08, 2006, 08:44:56 AM
Some people just have ingratiating personalities. It doesn't make what they have to say of less value. It just makes it harder to pan the nuggets out of the mud.
Yup.  And doing this via text on a screen makes it even more difficult.  There are several folks here who turned me off with their first few posts.  However, once they had been around a while, I got the gist of their personality and realized I misread them.  From that point on, the perceived nature of their posts changed completely.

Given the lack of moderation here, I don't think you can make things any better unless you start banning everyone who doesn't "fit into Slot A".

Title: What's with you people?
Post by: The Rabbi on September 08, 2006, 08:50:17 AM
I nominate RichYoung as moderator.

Seriously, while discussions somtimes get heated and an occasional name called, overall people have been pretty good.  Yeah there are people here I don't like and they probably feel the same way about me.  But maybe we have an accomodation.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: TarpleyG on September 08, 2006, 08:52:14 AM
VVV  See signature...that's all the moderatin' we need...  VVV
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Third_Rail on September 08, 2006, 09:17:36 AM
Rabbi, I don't really agree with your views on some issues, but we're still civil to eachother. Beats me why everyone can't be that way!
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on September 08, 2006, 09:28:50 AM
Frankly, at the risk of seeming thick:

I do NOT understand what the problem is???
What was the third forum, Oleg? Some kind of invitation-only thing?
(Obviously I didn't make the cut.)

If it ain't broke, what needs fixin'?
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: USP45usp on September 08, 2006, 09:48:04 AM
I think this is the third forum, with the main being THR, then the round table, then APS.

Personally, I would like to respectfully disagree that APS is a failed experiment or even going down the wrong road.

I have read many interesting posts here, and some of the posts that have been debated have been very hot issues.

Yet, they were addressed in a civil manner, at least by most of the older members.  Yes, sometimes something is thrown into a post that is either boarderline or does play in the grey areas but not to the extent that I've seen on other chit-chat boards.

As for the person that started this thread, first he was banned and from my understanding for good cause.  Why he wishes to come back to the board and troll for either sympathy or to try to break the board apart is beyond me.  Sounds like he is just being childish, one of the reasons for the ban in the first place.

And yes, there are some on the board that you just have to get passed their personalities.  Different people have different personalities and sometimes those personalities conflict.

If you don't like the way a person posts, then don't read that person.  

To me, this seems more like the ex-girlfriend coming back to try to break up the current girlfriend out of spite.

But, as always, JMHO.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: wingnutx on September 08, 2006, 09:53:03 AM
I think that this is about the most civil board on teh intarweb, including THR.

I post (or have posted) on a lot of boards, and this one has less rancor than any of them.

Deputizing a few mods is usually a good idea, though.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 10:31:43 AM
I'll let this limp along and see how it works. A mostly ok forum with few rules beats the Singapore model where everything is either forbidden or mandatory.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 08, 2006, 10:43:49 AM
I post on that third forum, and I must say most of you would never, ever make the cut.  Especially you; you know who you are.

Let's see who believes me.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 10:45:37 AM
ROTFL! Nice.

Seriously: not all deserving people have been invited yet. It's only a matter of time before interesting, mature adults (and kids who act that way) get invited.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: cosine on September 08, 2006, 10:52:59 AM
Hmm, my interest has been piqued. Maybe I should stop poking the members here in an immature attempt at humor. Smiley Maybe I should straighten up my act and behave like an adult.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 10:56:58 AM
What would be the fun of that!? How about acting like an 11yo kid with good manners and a thirst for knowledge? I'd take that for company over some chronologically adult belligerent know-it-alls I've met.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Guest on September 08, 2006, 11:02:25 AM
It sounds like The Island.

Anyway, my post wasn't about the rampant need for moderation. (there is none) It's about how personal attacks and crudeness of many levels beyond what I would have even thought about doing and then decided not to are now seeming to become standard behavior here. That is profoundly disturbing on many levels, for some reason it bothers me more to see it now than it would have a year ago. Odd.

And again, I didn't register a new account here. Wink (Although there was no agreement not to but merely a request, which I honored)

Honestly? I would do away with the private complaints. Smacks of the KGB. If someone has a problem, let them state it publicly in the same post as a reply to the individual. If they don't have the fortitude to complain publicly until after someone is gone, their viewpoint is clearly disjointed.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: charby on September 08, 2006, 11:13:11 AM
Quote from: fistful
I post on that third forum, and I must say most of you would never, ever make the cut.  Especially you; you know who you are.

Let's see who believes me.
I think I'd be in the top ten of your boot list Fistful.

Title: What's with you people?
Post by: 280plus on September 08, 2006, 11:18:14 AM
It's about how personal attacks and crudeness of many levels beyond what I would have even thought about doing and then decided not to are now seeming to become standard behavior here.
I'm sorry, I'm just not seeing this myself. Maybe I've missed these incursions.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Guest on September 08, 2006, 11:19:36 AM
Check the atkins thread, and the parks thread.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: cosine on September 08, 2006, 11:27:09 AM
Quote from: fistful
I post on that third forum, and I must say most of you would never, ever make the cut.  Especially you; you know who you are.

Let's see who believes me.
I believe you. Here's why: You're a principled individual, as seen by your posts; I know you're a dedicated Christian, which I consider a second strike against you lying about something like this; and you didn't add any smileys to your post indicating a light hearted stretching-of-the-truth (which is a staple of your posting habits), so yes, I believe you.

Or were you not expecting anyone to actually answer seriously that they believed you?
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: 280plus on September 08, 2006, 11:57:26 AM
OK, I just reread the Atkins thread. I don't see anybody getting too far out of line. A little heat maybe but it cooled off nicely IMHO. I haint got time to read the other, which I will admit, I haven't been following.

Meanwhile I'm starting to regret my stories of the PI so I'll try to keep that in mind for the next time I feel like relating some of the more sordid details of my misspent youth. Tongue

Title: What's with you people?
Post by: 280plus on September 08, 2006, 11:58:27 AM
I'll try to get to that one later btw, duty calls.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Winston Smith on September 08, 2006, 12:24:35 PM
I think a few of us need to take a step back and realize that while all of us may not be PERFECT, this forum is still the best I've seen. The proposed moderation system is anti what I see as the goals of this forum. If I have an objection with the way someone is treating me, I'll tell them. I bet if you let people try to settle things most things will be settled.

For example... me and Fistful are diametrically opposed on most details, but because we haven't been banned for being at each other's throats for a few months now, we, well I can't speak for him, but I have found that I agree with him on most basic truths. We may have different names for them or different motivations but we've found common ground.

This third forum seems really interesting, at least from an anthropological point of view. The workings of a small, handpicked society of people from completely different backgrounds. You rock, Oleg. Nastayashe mushina.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 12:31:09 PM
Winston, you figured out my motivation for creating that environment.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Moondoggie on September 08, 2006, 12:34:14 PM
I don't get it, either.

I've never percieved any over-the-top negative postings.  Even Blackburn was pretty benign compared to most troll-types.  I'm not throwing any stones at Oleg's decision to ban him, and his attempted return is in pretty poor taste, but he's a long way from inciting a riot.

I don't know how I'm missing the controversy since I generally read APS several times a day, but I just don't see a problem here.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: MicroBalrog on September 08, 2006, 12:49:09 PM
The problem is that we have too much people.

TFL was very good until it broke a certain size limit, so was (I hear), and so was this.

I suggest at some point we should ban further registration.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: wingnutx on September 08, 2006, 01:23:37 PM
Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka gave a great talk on running a successful board, and balancing the need for fresh blood with the need to keep assclowns to a minimum.

I have it on video (lowtax-uiuc-speech.wmv), which anyone using Soulseek can get by browsing my files. (username:wingnutx)

Lowtax runs ', which is a far cry from THR, but undoubtedly one of the most successful boards on the internet. It's an interesting and amusing lecture in any case.

Personally I think this board is great as-is.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Oleg Volk on September 08, 2006, 01:29:13 PM
Could you explain to me how to find that file?
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: wingnutx on September 08, 2006, 01:34:38 PM
in soulseek:

right-click on the 'users' section, which is the subwindow on the uppe right by default. Select 'add user' and enter my name intot he resulting dialog box.

From there, you can right click on my name and selct 'browse user's files' and you will be able to see what I have in my shared folder.

You could also just do a search by filename in the regular search screen.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 08, 2006, 01:43:44 PM

I'm not on the third forum.


True to form, I disagree.  We probably disagree on "basic truths" but agree on less fundamental things.  This is the same way in which Islam and Christianity differ on the big questions - the nature of God, salvation, etc; but less central teachings are similar - adultery, fornication, murder and so on.

Gotta run.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Guest on September 08, 2006, 02:15:43 PM
Anyway, my post wasn't about the rampant need for moderation.
I strongly suspect that your post was about a rampant need for attention, which is also my guess as to the root cause of why you were banned in the first place. Believe it or not I dont think many people even noticed when that happened and I didnt see anyone cheering it, then again noone was too upset either. I know, indifference is probably the worse thing that could ever happen to a person like you, so if it makes you feel better I am kinda happy that your gone, although I wouldnt have actually banned you if i were in charge.

Im not saying that to insult you or make you feel bad, but to give you a clue as to how you can have more success with interpersonal relationships in the future.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: 280plus on September 08, 2006, 02:35:27 PM
I'm not seeing any big problems over at the parks thread either. Nothing unusual anyways. Looks like a pretty sound and civilized discussion to me...

Sorry dude, I'm going to have to give C Yeager's comments a +1, I think he nailed it.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: cosine on September 08, 2006, 03:10:56 PM
Quote from: fistful

I'm not on the third forum.
Aw man! You just totally destroyed my faith in the inherent goodness and truthfulness of humanity! Tongue
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: mtnbkr on September 08, 2006, 04:56:41 PM
This has been on my mind all evening (been a slow day I guess).  Seems to me the only time there's a discussion on moderating this forum is when Blackburn strolls by.  That should tell you something.

Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Antibubba on September 08, 2006, 06:32:19 PM
Oleg, this is the most comfortable place on the internet that I know.  It reminds me of a funky little coffeehouse with big overstuffed chairs, where regulars sometimes get a little heated but are also "there" for each other when needed.  I'm sure this Third Group is fascinating, although I tend to feel the same way as Groucho about being invited to join anything :p  

I like it the way it is.  I think people let their hair down a bit here; I do.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: caseydog on September 08, 2006, 07:16:29 PM
I refuse to continue into a discussion once it becomes contentious , simply put arguing with someone on the internet is much like banging ones head on a wall , it feels good to stop. So i stopped ,I used to bicker - no more , stepped up the self control a few notches.

I stopped frequenting THR , not because I got into arguments but because of the petty nature of sooo many posts, the thread that kicked it for me was some newb asked for a trim length for some revolver cartridge (44 mag I think) , the next guy gives him the length from his load book, the next 6 posts demean anyone who trims pistol brass , then the next poster whacks the guy who gave him the length cause his source says it should be .001" more.... and this is supposed to be fun Huh?

This place is much more pleasant "most" of the time, I don't post much but I read everyday and I see a little acrimony sometimes , usually the same people butting heads.

Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 08, 2006, 10:04:50 PM
Quote from: Antibubba
  It reminds me of a funky little coffeehouse
Wait, where do I get the coffee?  My computer has a button for Tab, but nothing for coffee.

Please tell me you understand the Tab reference, and the show it comes from.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: Antibubba on September 09, 2006, 03:00:22 AM
I know what Tab was, but you'll have to clue me in on the rest.
Title: What's with you people?
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on September 09, 2006, 11:17:11 PM
As a relatively new member to APS, I have to say that this and THR are some of my favorite places to "hang out".  Even the more contentious threads, I can either ignore or skim past the occasional bickering to get at the meat of the issue.  And to be honest, the rules that Oleg has established for these forums are not exactly hard to follow.  Basically some variant of "Play Nice"....   Some people get it, others don't...  Just like in the real world.

Now I would be horribly disappointed to lose a place like APS just because some people don't get how to "play nice".  I think that Preacherman does a pretty good job of keeping those that don't know how to play nice out of the sandbox...  Sometimes they get a warning, and other times they don't get to play in the sandbox anymore.   So then they have to resort to throwing rocks at those that still get to play in the sandbox...

Now, I haven't read the "Atkins" thread, and didn't really get into the "Parks" thread.  But I suspect that the person who maybe knocked some sand onto the other person can apologize, and play nice, without the people outside the sandbox running to get the teacher and tell on them...
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 01, 2007, 10:39:08 AM
I know what Tab was, but you'll have to clue me in on the rest.

Homer Simpson thought the Tab button on his computer would dispense Tab soda from the floppy drive. 

He was also confused by "coterel" and "pig-up."
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: K Frame on March 01, 2007, 10:43:05 AM
You waited almost 6 months to tell us that?

Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 01, 2007, 11:01:29 AM
Well, I'm sure Blackburn appreciates the answer, regardless of how late it came.

Hey, Blackburn, since you're still probably chafing and looking for ways to get back at Oleg et al, how's it going?  How's that Brady Center website going?   rolleyes
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: 280plus on March 01, 2007, 11:04:49 AM
Actually, I wouldn't mind an update on this from Oleg or Preacher. What are their current feelings on how this forum is doing?

Among other things they should bear in mind that that, if nothing else, talk here on the forum has resulted in a few care packages to some Marines in Fallujah and a couple more to some Army guys around Baghdad.  grin
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: glockfan.45 on March 01, 2007, 01:18:35 PM
I have never seen a problem with peoples behavior on APS. For the lack of moderation here it seems to remain more civil on hot button topics than THR. When real people argue/debate topics there are bound to be hurt feelings at times. There is a difference between a passionate argument, and somebody simply trolling.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: wmenorr67 on March 02, 2007, 05:29:46 AM
I found THR by accident and then came over here when The Round Table moved.  I still was on THR for a while but now I only go over there once and a while.  The mood over there just seemed to be a case of one-upmanship.  This place is like several others have mentioned sort of like the corner store where the old geezers hang out.  Yes some of our discussions on here may get heated but at the sametime if needed I would try to help anyone on this board the best I could.  Just like family don't step between them when they are a fightin.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Jamisjockey on March 02, 2007, 06:25:23 AM
I know what Tab was, but you'll have to clue me in on the rest.

Homer Simpson thought the Tab button on his computer would dispense Tab soda from the floppy drive. 

He was also confused by "coterel" and "pig-up."

Dude, were you really that bored to pick up a 6 month old thread.....?
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: CAnnoneer on March 02, 2007, 06:34:53 AM
Hmmm, let me get this straight - some dude gets banned and is bitter, so he comes back and posts again under a different name to tell us how much worse we are than him and how he is willing to be policing us...

That's just priceless.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Winston Smith on March 02, 2007, 07:20:26 AM
Well he was banned for some post that mentioned both nipples and a dominatrix; I can see why he'd think that the rules needed a little work.

Also, he was held to a double standard:

Notice how this poster isn't getting banned or even reprimanded for a much more agregious violation of the unwritten rules of decency.

Did you have the 'bikini' poster or the 'tight jeans' poster?  My goodness could she fill out a pair of pants the right way!

No, the one with the towel.  I liked it better.  Full size image too.  Looked great on the inside of the door.  Cheesy

I never knew she had drug issues.  I was a teenager watching Fall Guy reruns.  We didn't have cable where I grew up so I guess I didn't catch all the gossip.  I think this is it.  shocked

El Tejon doesn't look anything like this.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 02, 2007, 09:43:17 AM
What, Heather Thomas wearing a towel is against forum rules?  She's not nude, nor revealing any "naughty bits", so what's the problem? 

Hello, all.  Given our influx of new members, I thought it was time to remind members of our (relatively few) posting rules on APS.

1.  Please watch your language.  No vulgarities, rudeness, or words that would make Art's Grandma blush (or swear herself!).

2.  No porn, gratuitous violence, or offensive posts.  Moderators' judgment will be the determining factor in what is offensive.  If you'd say it to a gathering in your average family living-room, you should be fine to say it here.

3.  Offensive threads will be deleted in their entirety.  Offensive posts will be deleted, leaving the original thread intact if possible.  Offenders won't be warned - if you see a post or thread of yours is gone, it means it fell foul of Rule 1 or Rule 2 above.

4.  Repeat offenders will be banned.  No excuses, no reasons needed, no argument.  The rules are simple enough.  If you can't follow 'em, don't post!

I hope this is clear.

Blackburn ran afoul of several of these rules.  Preacherman and Oleg were more than gracious giving him a chance to redeem himself.  His choice, his path.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: mtnbkr on March 02, 2007, 03:52:26 PM
I think people saw in him early on the nature of his character and chose to get rid of him before he started taking action like he did recently.  But to some, he will always be banned for a picture, an impossible double standard.

Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 02, 2007, 06:56:29 PM
Dude, were you really that bored to pick up a 6 month old thread.....?

I assure you it is far worse than you imagine. 
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: RevDisk on March 02, 2007, 07:50:15 PM
Oleg, I know it's a little late and you don't have time to impliment a new system, but have you seen slashdot's moderation system?  You throw a few karma points to the best posters, and they get moderation abilities off and on, at random.  They moderate good posters up, trolls down, and the good posters eventually get the chance to moderate themselves.

Then there's a system designed to catch good posters who aren't good moderators (meta-mods).  It seems to work out well.

I believe that the code is available under GPL or something.

I really do second this.  Slashdot has an insane number of users.  It coined the phrase "slashdotting a server".  (If your server was slashdotted, you'd know.  As there'd be the higher pitch WHIRRRRR, followed by a loud CLICK, then silence in the server room...)  Anyways.  Users do get mod points, and it's implemented in various ways and each post is rated -1 to 5.  1 being the norm, -1 for obvious trolls, and 5 being for excellent posts.  Thing is, you are free to set your browser for any level.  If you were masochistic, you could set your browser for -1 and see all posts by the lovely troll population.  I typically set mine to 2, to weed out all the redundent messages. 

Best system I've seen on the net thus far.  Self-moderating, with your choice of how much garbage you want to deal with.  No possible censorship arguments, nor overzealous mods. 

As the experience with my third forum showed, the quality of participants is THE major factor. It trumps all others combined. So tweaking rules will not help unless the quality of the folks using the forum is high. It's that simple.

I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.
- Groucho Marx

Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 02, 2007, 07:55:03 PM
He was just plain bad news, even if Winston's enamored of him. My insight into his character was when he decided to purposely badmouth WildAlaska behind his back, and I called him on the carpet for it. The little bastard squirmed and fidgeted a goodly amount, much like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  That was Strike 1 in my book, and the thread was later judiciously removed - as were several others he initiated. 

He even tried to dictate re-instatement terms with Oleg, coming back as a "kinder, gentler" Blackburn:

How 'bout you remove all posts made under my Blackburn alias (after a half dozen unanswered emails formally requesting the same under the DMCA), and I stick to my earlier decision to not be difficult and respect wishes made. I do now know what was going on in relation to John Melvin Davis' attempted dealings with me, and it does explain a lot.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: 280plus on March 03, 2007, 01:44:03 AM
The first time he reappeared under a new ID he was done in my book. I missed the WA thing I guess.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: InfidelSerf on March 03, 2007, 06:42:46 AM
I have to second Winston Smith's original comments. 
I too think the the entire reason for this "experiment" was to see if a general chat forum could survive self moderated.
To some degree that is entirely the spirit to which our Constitution was written.

Why would there be a need for multiple moderators to act as debate moderators if we are all civil with one another.
I don't see any at the "water cooler" at work.  When someone says something outlandish and baiting in the real world.
They are usually just which time they tend to crawl into the woodwork like cockroaches.
We often bring the roaches out when we go flinging food at one another like 3rd graders.

Personally I think having more than one or two "moderators" doing anything more than cleaning up ignored for a reason posts, other basic maintenance, and occasionally being that buddy in a group, that steps in between two friends, when things get heated and ugly. 
Usually a couple cold (or near room temp if you like the darker variety as I do) brews and a deep breath or two, ends those confrontations.

Too me, that is the dignified manner on which I think our nation was founded.  No one wants or enjoys having a nag over your shoulder.
Pointing out your character flaws and making sure you toe the line. That job is for our conscience to engage.

We are the examples of the armed populace that treats each other with respect, and most importantly we have dignity and treat
ourselves with respect. 
If we are no longer polite and respectfull to ourselves (i.e. don't embarress yourself by acting like a child on a public forum,intellectual exchange, debate, or discussion.),
then there is no point for us to exist.
As many have pointed out we are probably one of the most civil forums on the net. I think that impression stems from the fact that we are
largely UNmoderated. 

I agree with Oleg. If we can not continue unmoderated as a forum of men and women, civilally controlling our tact, our savoir-faire. 
Then the "experiment" did fail overall.  And there would be no point in Mr. Volk devoting time and effort to keep a failed project alive.

Of course if WE fail, what does that say for our country as a whole.
I think we all see those signs of our times.  Let's hope WE don't fall prey to our culture's current complete lack of honor.

Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: CAnnoneer on March 03, 2007, 06:53:17 AM
Two small points:
1. This is a private forum whose owners can run it as they sees fit. US Constitution has nothing to do with it.
2. If APS were even remotely representative of the American society at large, things would be very very different in the real world.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: roo_ster on March 03, 2007, 08:24:08 AM
What CAnnoneer said in point #2.

Some folks just can not debate without getting all riled up.  If they get involved in a debate where folks are working their points good & hard, they take it personally.  I've seen it on the net & in person.  Some friends I refuse to talk politics or moral issues with, due to this.

Luckily, there are very few of that type 'round here at APS. 

Like Oleg wrote, it is the substance of the participants, not the style of rules or moderation that makes or breaks a forum.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Ezekiel on March 03, 2007, 08:37:07 AM
I've never seen an issue with moderation here.  If anything, some members get itchy when you call them on their self-righteous dogma: but that happens to everyone, occasionally.

"No concerns of whch I am aware."
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Matthew Carberry on March 03, 2007, 08:58:55 AM
Even the disagreements on religion and GW and other "hot button" issues are mostly academic, since most folks here are intelligent and well-informed and have long since heard every argument for and against and dealt with them in their own mind.

That doesn't make them not worth presenting, in part because they illustrate the underpinnings of what fistful called the "less important things".

Which we do often agree on, if for different reasons.

I don't take it personally that some folks here find my beliefs delusions at best.  I still think we get along pretty well other than that.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: grampster on March 03, 2007, 12:18:10 PM
Awww.  You guys are mostly harmless.  grin

If a coffee house was funky, I don't think anyone would go there if one new the actual definition of funky.   shocked
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: RocketMan on March 03, 2007, 02:18:35 PM
Awww.  You guys are mostly harmless.  grin

If a coffee house was funky, I don't think anyone would go there if one new the actual definition of funky.   shocked
Would your definition of "funky" dismay Art's grammaw?  If not, I'd like to hear it.
Your avatar struck me as funky when I first saw it.  Now it's just disturbing. cheesy
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 03, 2007, 03:15:36 PM
What did I say were the less important things? 

Gramps, I know about three definitions of funky.  One is musical, one is olfactory and the third just means "unusual."  What is this true definition? 
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Marnoot on March 03, 2007, 03:33:12 PM
Don't know what definition grampster might be thinking of, but here's the etymology of the word:

"bad smell," 1623, from dial. Fr. funkière "smoke," from O.Fr. fungier "give off smoke," from L. fumigare "to smoke." In reference to a style of music, it is first attested 1959, a back formation of funky. Funky was originally "old, musty" (1784), in reference to cheeses, then "repulsive," but began to develop an approving sense in jazz slang c.1900, probably on the notion of "earthy, strong, deeply felt." Funky also was used early 20c. by white writers in ref. to body odor allegedly peculiar to blacks. The word reached wider popularity c.1954 (e.g. definition in "Time" magazine, Nov. 8, 1954) and in the 1960s acquired a broad slang sense of "fine, stylish, excellent."
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 03, 2007, 04:02:21 PM
I once read of some fellow recounting his experience on boarding a slave ship.  He said something like, "A great funkie arose from the hold of the ship." 
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: MechAg94 on March 04, 2007, 05:30:07 AM
Well he was banned for some post that mentioned both nipples and a dominatrix; I can see why he'd think that the rules needed a little work.

Also, he was held to a double standard:

Notice how this poster isn't getting banned or even reprimanded for a much more agregious violation of the unwritten rules of decency.

Did you have the 'bikini' poster or the 'tight jeans' poster?  My goodness could she fill out a pair of pants the right way!

No, the one with the towel.  I liked it better.  Full size image too.  Looked great on the inside of the door.  Cheesy

I never knew she had drug issues.  I was a teenager watching Fall Guy reruns.  We didn't have cable where I grew up so I guess I didn't catch all the gossip.  I think this is it.  shocked

El Tejon doesn't look anything like this.
I had no idea that anyone would find that offensive.  I wasn't making any unsaid references though I guess that could be inferred if you really tried.  I guess I'll try to refrain from posting pictures of attractive women even though I didn't set up the context.  Cheesy 

I may argue with people on the threads, but I learned long ago that taking the internet personally is pointless.  That is one reason it is fun to argue these points on line.  You can see a lot of the arguments and counter arguments.  Seeing or participating in that personally would make it difficult to avoid getting confrontational. 
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: MechAg94 on March 04, 2007, 05:36:05 AM
The Simpson's Reference earlier I believe was from the episode where Homer deliberately gained weight so he could work at home.  Got a computer set up at home.  Pretty funny episode, but there were better. 

"Hit any key to proceed."   "Where is the ANYKEY?  Oh, I guess I'll just hit 'Y'."

Several years ago I used to record the Simpson's twice a day on reruns and watch every one.  I could tell you which episode it was within about 3 or 4 seconds of the start.  I don't hardly watch it any more.  No time to watch a bunch of reruns these days.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Ron on March 04, 2007, 06:13:35 AM
I had no idea that anyone would find that offensive.
Don't worry, there is always someone around getting offended by something.

As long as we don't start babes in bikinis threads I don't think an occasional pic in context is rude.
Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: BakerMikeRomeo on March 04, 2007, 09:12:38 AM
As long as we don't start babes in bikinis threads

[Dick Solomon]DAMN![/Dick Solomon]

Title: Re: What's with you people?
Post by: Winston Smith on March 04, 2007, 08:55:10 PM
Notice how this poster isn't getting banned or even reprimanded for a much more agregious violation of the unwritten rules of decency.

Sorry, but I was being hyperbolic. Of course that picture isn't offensive. By today's standards, you could hang that in church. It's not offensive at all; same as references to nipples and dominatrixes.