Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Gewehr98 on January 05, 2014, 12:50:18 AM

Title: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 05, 2014, 12:50:18 AM
Weatherman says ambient temps here will be -25 degrees Sunday night/Monday morning.  With these nice breezes, that means wind chills will vary between -40 to -55 degrees.

While this may be shirtsleeve weather for Tallpine in his Unabomber retreat out there, it's still pretty damned cold in my neck of the Wisconsin woods.  We haven't experienced stuff like this since back in 1996.

Wife #2 understands that when we walk the dogs, it's The Buddy System.  We walk together, dogs stay close, and not too far from the front door.  We eyeball noses and ears of both humans and dogs, and once business is done, hustle back to the house.

Grocery stores were madness today with people buying more toilet paper and french bread fixin's.   (Eggs, milk, bread)  I didn't see many folks buying bottled water.  

That's my biggest concern.  Water mains have already started breaking in the bigger cities nearby, and when that happens at -20 degrees, the crews fixing them aren't the quickest.

You can't eat all that french toast, and flush the byproducts using toilet paper, without water.  

I filled the 20 gallon food-grade barrel today, and the bathtub's full with buckets nearby for flushing the commode.  

Several more gallon milk jugs are full and frozen on the back deck, plus we can melt snow until spring if need be.

I don't think the power will go out, but I have the Generac fueled and oiled, 10 gallons of fresh gas nearby, and all the railroad lanterns inside are full of lamp oil just in case.

I couldn't find my magnetic engine block heater.  That would've been nice come Monday.  Wife #2 understands that her Jeep will require a gradual warm-up well before she departs for work Monday morning.

Otherwise, about the only inconvenience I foresee is that I can't use the gas grill on the deck for the next few days.

I'll call my elderly neighbors in the morning and see if they need any errands run, otherwise it's an experiment on my part to see how fast I can chill a 6-pack of Spotted Cow on the front porch to go with the chili in the crock pot.

To my fellow APSers in the path of this icy blast, stay safe!  

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Scout26 on January 05, 2014, 01:38:57 AM
High temp expected here on Monday is -14F.  

And when we went to the Aldi in Wheaton this evening it looked like locusts had hit the place.  The only fruit and veggies left were four cantaloupes, five packs of corn on the cob and half a case of blueberries.  Only bread left were 8 packs of hot dog buns, 2 packs of Italian beef buns and some pretzel rolls (which Robert likes for his lunches, fortunately.)  Nothing but lots of empty cardboard otherwise.  The store manager told me she ordered an extra truck tomorrow of nothing but produce, since the cupboards were literally bare by noon today.

Meanwhile, I broke down and invested in a snow blower.  Robert is excited and has instructions/a deal to go out tomorrow and earn me back a portion of my investment, and yes, he does get a substantial cut of the take.

There's a conference call of all the school superintendents of DuPage County tomorrow at 3pm to discuss whether or not to open school.  It would be their first day back after the Christmas break.   I say they need to open so it will build character.  

Anywho, firewood is stocked by the fireplace and at the back door.  Propane tanks (both large and small) are filled.  Generator is ready, all gas cans are full (except the 2.5 gallon one for the snowblower) as is the car (well over 7/8ths) so we're good for 72 hours on backup.  Plenty of bottled water, but I'll fill some 5 gallon buckets for the toilets, plus snow can be melted if need be.  

I'll be the guy under the blanket by the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate and saying "Brrrrrrrr, sure looks cold out there.  Pass the mini-marshmellows."
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Sergeant Bob on January 05, 2014, 01:54:01 AM
I'm in the path of all that as well. Couldn't get the snow blower to start today. =( However, the wife and I both have 4WD's so I'll just drive up and down the driveway to keep it passable. Will have to shovel the sidewalk and a spot for my short dogs to do their business without freezing their pee pee's off. ;)

The generator and both cars are fueled up, and I have about 30 gallons in reserve just in case.

Sure glad I had a 5 inch well (with submersible pump) drilled in 2006, to replace the point with an above ground pump, which tended to freeze up. Not much sucks more than going out to thaw out the pipes when it's pushing -30 degrees.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: zxcvbob on January 05, 2014, 02:27:45 AM
I'm still planning to goto church in the morning, but when I get back I'll bring an armload of firewood in the house and then dont plant on going out again until Tuesday.  Maybe Wednesday.

2nd level boss at Enormous Computer Company (wanna buy an enormous computer?) told us to work from home Monday if at all possible.

Grocery stores were madness today with people buying more toilet paper and french bread fixin's.   (Eggs, milk, bread)  I didn't see many folks buying bottled water. 

I bought another 1.75L bottle of booze this afternoon, so I should be set for a while. *hic*  Maybe I ought to fill a carboy or two with water in the morning too, jic.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on January 05, 2014, 02:33:32 AM
Stay safe in that crazy weather!

Here in Arizona it's a frigid 52F right now. If I go out I might have to wear socks.  :P
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 05, 2014, 02:36:19 AM
High temp expected here on Monday is -14F.  

God loves us better. We're supposed to get all the way up to -2. :P
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: freakazoid on January 05, 2014, 03:43:48 AM
Google says a chilly high of 70 on Monday.I guess global warming decided to come this way. :laugh:
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: dm1333 on January 05, 2014, 06:53:47 AM
What a difference a few miles and a lake makes.  Milwaukee is supposed to hit -16 with a high of -10.  Eighty miles east a low of 9 at night and a high of 8 tomorrow.  It's like Key West over here!   ;)
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 05, 2014, 08:44:54 AM
We'll be reaching a balmy 45 today.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Stetson on January 05, 2014, 09:17:26 AM
Snowing here this morning.  Hosed up plans for lunch with a friend.  29F right now.  The wind off of Lake St Clair in the morning is going to make going to work brutal.

I have water, need more food but can get by with what I have if I am skimpy on meals.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Boomhauer on January 05, 2014, 09:23:21 AM
Cutting firewood today. We will probably drop 3 trees.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 05, 2014, 09:27:42 AM
So water to flush the toilet incase the water line freezes begs the question...

What do you do when the sewer line freezes?

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Boomhauer on January 05, 2014, 09:38:16 AM
So water to flush the toilet incase the water line freezes begs the question...

What do you do when the sewer line freezes?

Lots of hot spicy food...
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Boomhauer on January 05, 2014, 10:12:49 AM
Its going to get down to 5 deg or so tomorrow night here in upstate sc. That is going to be *expletive deleted*ing cold for this area (most people do not have access to good cold weather gear here like quality base layers and such)
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 05, 2014, 10:14:32 AM
Expecting lows in the upper 20's for 2-3 consecutive nights here in SETex. 
The humanity! Where in the *expletive deleted*ck is FEMA?
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 05, 2014, 10:21:35 AM
We'll be reaching a balmy 45 today.

Unpack the Bermuda shorts, and the SPF 200!

Looks like the snow started sometime after 1 am, and is expected to keep going until the afternoon. We are actually going to skip the morning service today. :O  =)
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: never_retreat on January 05, 2014, 10:33:51 AM
Here is the real question. How solid has you forecast been? Ours has been all over the place.
This is for Monday.
Friday they said high of 74 low of -5
Saturday they said high of 50 low of 0
Now they are saying High 54 low 4

I think they have given up on the guessing and gone straight to making it up.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 05, 2014, 10:52:26 AM
The NWS forecast for St. Louis, MO has been about the same for the past few days, at least far as temperature, and that we will have snow Saturday night through Sunday. The amount of snow is the only thing that keeps changing, but even that has consistently been in the "several inches" range.

The Accuweather extended forecast is predicting that, after the sub-zero temps this week, we're supposed to be pretty much in the forties for the next month or so. That's been consistent for at least a few days, as well, for whatever that's worth.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 05, 2014, 11:07:30 AM
Supposed to be 52 today, but forecasts are showing a high 18 with a low of 2 for tomorrow. I don't think people around here a accustomed to that kind of cold. I still have all my Wisconsin cold weather gear, so I'll be fine. I'll bet that much of the city closes down.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 05, 2014, 11:25:01 AM
High today of 45 with a low of 34.

Tomorrow we're looking at a high of 35 with a low of 8. Also a good chance of snow showers. I think that's the coldest it'll be since I moved down here.

Part of the issue when we get that low is just that you don't see the clothing and coats for that around here. You aren't walking into a Southern Walmart and seeing the same kind of coats you are up north, least not around my area.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: geronimotwo on January 05, 2014, 11:45:49 AM
we just had -8 2 nights ago.   tomorrow we'll have a high of 40 with freezing rain.  Tuesday will be back to a low of 1.  =(

we had a big chill here about 12 years ago, as I recall it was in the -25f range .  a friend of mine got off the late shift to find he had a flat tire.  while changing it he had his right knee on the ground.  his knee had bad frost bite.   it looked like someone held a blowtorch to it and gave him a 3rd degree burn about 4 inches in diameter. 
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 05, 2014, 02:21:07 PM
We're forecast for the low single digits over night, with plenty of wind to add to the fun. We've got about 2-3 inches of snow that fell during the early morning hours but not enough to really hamper travel. Should be an intersting night at work. I'll be bringing the serious cold weather clothes just in case.

Still not as bad as what we got in 2011.
We recorded a record low of -30 just a few miles up the road from my place. We also had record snowfall with that event. My work van was stuck in the parking lot for 2 weeks because the company wouldn't hire someone to clear the lot. My boss suggested I shovel it out.
My question to her was "What part of having an overweight, middle-aged, office worker out shoveling snow in sub-zero temps, at night, alone, really sounds like a good idea? She never responded to that.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: French G. on January 05, 2014, 02:29:22 PM
Calling for -10 monday night. I've already rescued the joint custody dog from she who might remember to put him in her basement...or not. The fun part is getting home from work at 4 am. I think -10 sounds better than the other night where it was 9 with a 40mph breeze.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Scout26 on January 05, 2014, 03:09:10 PM
And school is cancelled tomorrow.  He was all excited when I told him when he came back for lunch. 

He won't be so excited when I unveil the list of chores that need to be done tomorrow.

 >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Physics on January 05, 2014, 04:20:45 PM
You guys suck, we're still looking at early season conditions on all the mountains. =(

And that is better than it's been!
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on January 05, 2014, 04:36:27 PM
Luckly, I had commented to Dad that I was finally cold enough to welcome a kerosene heater in the living room. Up till now, it's been just the new one in his room.

Last night, with both heaters going, it got so toasty, I had to turn the one in the living room off around 2 am because I was roasting to death.

Say what you will about kerosene, it's *expletive deleted*ing WARM.

Dad's paranoid the pipes will freeze. I told him if he's that wacked out, just turn the water off and empty the pipes tomorrow.
But that's the only concern. I gots chili in the crockpot, plenty of food and water and blankets and kerosene. Dad will leave for work about the same time as I get home, so the doggys and kitties will have continious heat.
It's going to suck getting the car started to go to work tuesday morning. *brr* the forcast says 13° right when I have to go outside. :(
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: geronimotwo on January 05, 2014, 09:14:24 PM
^^^usually you can do alright by leaving the faucet dripping.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Scout26 on January 05, 2014, 09:25:18 PM
^^^usually you can do alright by leaving the faucet dripping.

This, and leave the cabinet doors open on those fixtures that have pipes in external walls.

Two sponges in the bottom of the sink for the faucet to drip onto are enough so that it's not Chinese Water Torture.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lee n. field on January 05, 2014, 09:32:13 PM
Grocery stores were madness today with people buying more toilet paper and french bread fixin's.   (Eggs, milk, bread)  I didn't see many folks buying bottled water.  

Daughter treated us to a good "weird save-a-lot customer" rant when she got home.  Gotta have that package of baloney.

We haven't experienced stuff like this since back in 1996.

We had 27 below a few winters ago, for a day.

Weather thingee says


Which would be for Greater Rockford Airport.

I'll be fine with not going in to work tomorrow, if it comes to that.

What do you do when the sewer line freezes?

Go in the abandoned house next door.  Duh.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on January 05, 2014, 09:43:02 PM
^^^usually you can do alright by leaving the faucet dripping.

That's what we normally do.

But 7° is signifigently lower then normal... Actually it's lower then abnormal.

This is not an area of household maintanice that Dad does well with. He is truely and abjectly paranoid about the damn pipes. The main pipe is wraped with heat tape stuff and he'll drip the facets anytime the weather even thinks of dipping below the freezing mark.

He drives me batty on the subject all winter. Which is why I told him to just drain the pipes. I'll do without water for a night rather then have him call me 20 times in four hours to check if the water is still running.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lee n. field on January 05, 2014, 10:12:00 PM
This is not an area of household maintanice that Dad does well with. He is truely and abjectly paranoid about the damn pipes. The main pipe is wraped with heat tape stuff and he'll drip the facets anytime the weather even thinks of dipping below the freezing mark.

Nothing's quite so much fun (I know from experience) as crawling around under a mobile home while it's freezing, trying to unfreeze a water pipe.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 05, 2014, 10:16:43 PM
Nothing's quite so much fun (I know from experience) as crawling around under a mobile home while it's freezing, trying to unfreeze a water pipe.

Sent via tapatalk
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Jim147 on January 05, 2014, 11:07:01 PM
It's so cold here my remote weather station has died. It says it is 84° with 0% humidity and no wind. Well the wind has dropped from the 30 MPH gusts and I know the humidity is low but the temp is about 80° off.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 05, 2014, 11:32:16 PM
Snow day tomorrow! For wifey and I.

We've been holed up since last night. Skipped church this morning, but I went out and shoveled about 16" out of the driveway, so we could make the evening service. We went about 1/4 mile, and turned around. The streets were no good, and the windshield wipers are shredded on wifey's car.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Scout26 on January 06, 2014, 01:01:46 AM
We've moved into the southern portion of the house.  We're sleeping in the living room by the fireplace, and have closed all the doors to back bedrooms confining us to the living room, kitchen, dining room, bathrooms, and basement.  The wind has really started to pick up.

Thermostat is set to 68F, but the furnace has only kicked on four times today.  There's a load of firewood* inside and another load* just outside the back door.

We *might* go to the library tomorrow and maybe hit Aldi just to see it there was more utter devastation today as a follow-up to yesterday's Locust Swarm.  Plus the store manager is really cute, although I thinks she falls outside the "Half your age plus seven years" rule^ for me.   On the low side.   =| =D

We're good on everything.  Robert was all  ??? ??? when I was filling up a couple of five gallons buckets, until I explained the potential loss of water and the subsequent invocation of the "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down." rule.  Which earned me a  :O ;/ :lol: from him.  :-* :-*

*- "Load of firewood" being enough stacked by the fireplace to last at least 24 hours while putting out enough heat to keep the bricks toasty.  So we've got enough to get to Wednesday morning, before we'd have to dig more out of the snow.

^- When I told him that means he could only date girls that were thirteen and not twelve, it took him a moment to do the math in his head and got me another  :O ;/ :lol: from him.   He also then announced that he doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't want one, because the girls in his classes are "Mean and Bossy".  To which I told him, "All of them are."
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 06, 2014, 05:30:35 AM
Rain moved out and temperture stayed a few degrees higher than expected, so our morning snow isn't going to develop. But we are also at todays high right now, 40 with wind feels like 32.

News just said that overnight tonight, with wind chill, we may see -18. Most of the night through tomorrow morning is forecasted to be below zero with wind chill. They also mentioned that the county will be opening it's emergency sheltors incase anyones house wont stay warm enough, furnace outages, etc.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: geronimotwo on January 06, 2014, 07:40:35 AM
holy temperature swing.   right now we have a high of 48f and by tonight they are calling for -35 to -45 with wind chill (-1f actual).   even with out the wind chill i don't remember seeing a difference of almost 50 degrees before.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: bedlamite on January 06, 2014, 07:57:00 AM
I'm almost disappointed. They were forecasting -20 to -25 for this morning (wind chill 30-50 below), and it's only -15.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lee n. field on January 06, 2014, 08:02:30 AM
feels like    -42.2

i suppose i need to get up sometime.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: vaskidmark on January 06, 2014, 08:08:27 AM
Sitting here in the balmy 49* that is The City With the Largest Collection of 2nd Place Trophies, I got to wondering.

How many of you folks in the midst of Snowmagedon/Globular Warmering have checked your water stash in your vehicles?  Better yet, how many went out and removed at least 4% from each container?

Friend of mine in Rochester (MN where it is currently -20, as opposed to NY where it is currently only 32) says he has a case of plastic-bottle-shaped icicles on the back seat.  His plan is:

1 - clean out a large tub
2 - dump the icicles (along with their molds) into the tub
3 - carry the tub inside and let the icicles thaw
4- ?
5 - profit

That and possibly washing his wool boot socks in sparkling clear spring water.

So, seriously, how many of you preppers prepped for that?

stay safe.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: geronimotwo on January 06, 2014, 08:16:39 AM
the 12 ounce bottles we buy seem to have enough expansion built-in that we don't have to worry about it.  we throw them in the freezer as-is with no trouble.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: charby on January 06, 2014, 08:20:58 AM
-15f in Central Iowa!
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lee n. field on January 06, 2014, 08:26:18 AM
^- When I told him that means he could only date girls that were thirteen and not twelve, it took him a moment to do the math in his head and got me another  shocked rolleyes cheesy from him.   He also then announced that he doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't want one, because the girls in his classes are "Mean and Bossy".  To which I told him, "All of them are."

Application of the rule to teens?  Interesting.

Nothing's quite so much fun (I know from experience) as crawling around under a mobile home while it's freezing, trying to unfreeze a water pipe.

Especially since when the water line freezes it's usually not just freezing, but way beyond into the frigid.  And it's usually night time.

Snow day tomorrow!

Hopefully.  Looks like the school's Exchange Server is down.  Goody.  (Given that everything's down, I'm guessing it's Interwebz.)
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Kingcreek on January 06, 2014, 08:52:09 AM
-19F with -40 windchill. Truck no start but roads closed anyway. I'll be spending the day inside worrying about my next propane bill.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Jim147 on January 06, 2014, 09:07:30 AM
-10 here this morning. The water in my truck has been frozen for over a week, I'll keep on by the heater to thaw it out while I drive.

Now, I need to o see if the truck will start. Got a couple of no heat calls already. Warm layers are stacked on.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 06, 2014, 09:13:22 AM
A balmy -2 here, -19 windchill. The wife "forgot" to stoke the wood stove before she went to bed :facepalm:.
I came home and the temp on the thermostat wasn't there, the needle was out of sight on the low side my gues was mid 40s in the house. I built up the fire then I broke down and fired up the NG central furnace for the 1st time in 3 years (other than the usual seasonal function check).
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 06, 2014, 09:26:37 AM
48 when i got up   44 now
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: zxcvbob on January 06, 2014, 09:49:40 AM
I checked the temperature at 05:00 when the dogs woke me up, and it was -21.  Now it's -23, so still headed the wrong direction but hopefully about bottomed-out.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Tallpine on January 06, 2014, 10:26:25 AM
-10 this morning, but it's warming up already and the sun isn't even up yet.

We only got a couple inches of snow (mostly Saturday) out here in the Great Frozen American Desert.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on January 06, 2014, 10:28:50 AM
It was high 40s when I got up at 6:30. It's been dropping ever since. The fun part is the wind. It's comfortable till the wind hits you, and then you go "well, crap. It is going to get cold."
I got sent to the farm. I'm hoping it doesn't drop too much before I get done out here.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 06, 2014, 10:37:34 AM
-15f in Central Iowa!

It's a steamy 7 below in St. Louis right now. Come on down, and bring your trunks and flip-flops!

I went out with the dog at about 6.15 this morning. She wimped out before I did, but then again, she has no shoes.  =)
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: dm1333 on January 06, 2014, 11:12:28 AM
2.4 degrees according to weatherunderground.  That .4 degrees does the trick, I didn't even think about breaking out my Carharrt bibs when I was shoveling.  Not sure where the wu weather station is but it must be in a windshadow.  The website says a 2mph wind out of the west but I can see the tree tops moving, it must be a good 15 or 20 mph.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Ben on January 06, 2014, 11:20:34 AM
2.4 degrees according to weatherunderground.  That .4 degrees does the trick, I didn't even think about breaking out my Carharrt bibs when I was shoveling. 

Shoveling snow? What's the matter, can't get an HH-65 to pick you up and take you to work? :P  =D
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: vaskidmark on January 06, 2014, 11:36:24 AM
Shoveling snow? What's the matter, can't get an HH-65 to pick you up and take you to work? :P  =D

Around here we have automatic snow removal.  Folks around here call it May.

Cross my heart and hope to - well, you know.  Several years ago when we had actual snow the city plowed the streets before issuing a no-on-street-parking order.  Folks woke up to find their cars literally walled in.  Howls of outrage were met by the Mayor announcing the above as his plan.  He also suggested that folks could "take the bus" - the ones that did not go where folks wanted to get to and ran so far off the published schedule that you could wait an hour for a bus to show up.  Entrepeneurs started showing up on Day #2 and were getting $200+ for digging a car out.  Forget about the "I dug out/got it dug out, it's my space" rule.  It got right sporting when the discussion about parking spots came up.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: K Frame on January 06, 2014, 11:37:38 AM
Friends of mine live in the suburbs of Cedar Rapids.

Air temp right now is -14.

Wind chill?


I'd have to consider getting the wind breaker out of the closet...
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: mtnbkr on January 06, 2014, 11:43:11 AM
Friends of mine live in the suburbs of Cedar Rapids.

Air temp right now is -14.

Wind chill?


I'd have to consider getting the wind breaker out of the closet...

Same here.  I call my wind breaker "the house". :D

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: dm1333 on January 06, 2014, 11:44:42 AM
The Man told me not to come to work today!  Who am I to argue?   :angel:

What is the best advice for driving in these snowy conditions, according to police in Southwest Michigan?


Dispatchers across Southwest Michigan say drivers should stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. Many schools and government office buildings are closed Monday due to a big winter storm that hit the area Sunday.

I could make it to within about 1/2 mile of work just fine, but the section of road that runs right along Lake Michigan get big drifts of sand and snow.  We've already pulled out a bunch of people who got stuck there.  And to prove gov't bureaucrats sometimes aren't exactly thinking straight we had to buy tow straps for our gov't vehicles with unit funds because the GSA rep wouldn't approve the purchase with the fuel card. Nobody ever gets stuckin the snow in MI!

After lunch I'm going to strap on my back country skis and ski around the neighborhood and get some cardio in.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 06, 2014, 03:30:17 PM
-12F ambient right now.  -35F wind chill.  The only birds I've seen at the feeder today were nuthatches and juncos.

Dogs finally did their business, right at the 5 minute bingo exposure mark before I dragged them back inside.  When done, they sprinted back to the front door.

This place is just over a year old, but overnight I was surprised by the pops, snaps, creaks, and groans of the house contracting and expanding in places.

It reminded me of my parents' 1880-vintage farmhouse 60 miles to the north.  

My buddy who's a cop in a nearby town just finished his overnight shift.  He said he wouldn't even pull me over if I was doing 125 in a school zone.  

Of course, schools are closed both today and tomorrow, but I understood what he was trying to say.  

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on January 06, 2014, 03:33:08 PM
It's so cold in Arizona I had to put on shoes before I went to work this morning.  >:D
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Scout26 on January 06, 2014, 03:49:23 PM
Forget about the "I dug out/got it dug out, it's my space" rule.  It got right sporting when the discussion about parking spots came up.

It's called "Dibs"  (  Many years ago, a guy I worked with came here from Texas.  One day after work after the first big snow of the winter he found a spot in front of his apartment building that had been shoveled out and had a old kitchen chair in it.  Not knowing the rules, he removed the chair (I believe what he said was "Flung it into a mound of snow"  :laugh:), only to come out the next morning to find a rather nasty note on his windshield and both headlights busted out.

My buddy who's a cop in a nearby town just finished his overnight shift.  He said he wouldn't even pull me over if I was doing 125 in a school zone.  
Given the amount of snow still on the streets here, the only way you could do that would be in a crop duster.  =D =D

And this house was built in '56/'57, and it let out some pretty unholy creaks and shrieks last night as the temp plummeted.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 06, 2014, 05:02:02 PM
It's called "Dibs"  (  Many years ago, a guy I worked with came here from Texas.  One day after work after the first big snow of the winter he found a spot in front of his apartment building that had been shoveled out and had a old kitchen chair in it.  Not knowing the rules, he removed the chair (I believe what he said was "Flung it into a mound of snow"  :laugh:), only to come out the next morning to find a rather nasty note on his windshield and both headlights busted out.

In what parts of the country does that custom obtain? Is it only in urban areas, or rural, as well?

I've never encountered it in the greater St Louis region, but I guess it might occur in the city itself. I mostly stick to the outlying regions.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: vaskidmark on January 06, 2014, 05:16:49 PM
"Dibs", by various names, seems to be pretty well known and observed wherever large accumulations of snow occur in conjunction with on-street parking.

Finding only the headlights busted out sounds like getting off lightly.  One guy in Boston (Well, Framingham really but how many of you know where it is?) went to small claims court over a parking space.  Seems someone took his spot and ignored the bill that was left on the windshield.  The interloper ended up paying court costs as well as interest on the $500.00 (yes, five hundred dollars) bill.  Judge said that given the amount of physical effort expended and the conditions, that was a reasonable fee for hand-shoveling.  (And no, I was not the interloper.)

stay safe.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Scout26 on January 06, 2014, 05:17:59 PM
Generally urban areas, where one would park on the street.  Here in the 'burbs, most people park in their garage or on their driveway.  Parking on public streets will get your a ticket after a certain time (like 2am-6am).   I guess they would rather you drive home drunk then stay at a friends house?
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Scout26 on January 06, 2014, 05:19:53 PM
This needs to be captioned:  ".....and he sticks the landing !!!"

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Sergeant Bob on January 06, 2014, 06:44:03 PM
-15 degrees and 20" of snow here in the Swamp.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: dm1333 on January 06, 2014, 06:52:34 PM
It's so cold in Arizona I had to put on shoes before I went to work this morning.  >:D

Let's talk again in July!
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 06, 2014, 07:10:29 PM
I think he's gonna need more than the Geek Squad to fix that.   :O
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Jim147 on January 06, 2014, 08:21:23 PM
The girl and I ran no heat calls all day with school out. We only turned the heaters on in the out buildings. I finally have time to start fires in the stoves. The cabin windows have ice covering the inside of every one.

They moved the start of school back to 10:00 tomorrow. Great, I had a commercial refrigeration call set for first thing. I guess first thing is now after 10:00.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 06, 2014, 09:24:00 PM
A friend of my daughter told her that her 6 year old fell asleep on the school bus today and the bus driver put the bus in the bus barn with the kid still asleep on the bus. Kid managed to get out of the bus and barn and walk home in 18* temps. I suspect that will be an intersting meeting with the school tomorrow.

ETA: This happened in Waukomis, OK, A small town Just south of Enid, OK. Don't know if the local media has been alerted yet.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Jim147 on January 06, 2014, 09:29:16 PM
If that was my six year old I would be at the superintendents house tonight. Just for starters we would discuss the next bus driver being able to count and see..

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: bedlamite on January 06, 2014, 09:45:57 PM (

Realtime wind map. Click where it says earth for options, set altitude to 70hPa, and you can see the polar vortex that's causing this cold.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: K Frame on January 06, 2014, 10:31:54 PM
All I can say is thank God I really boosted the attic insulation the other year. I'm actually comfortable sitting in my office in a Tshirt and sweat pants. In years past during this kind of weather that would have been unthinkable.

I still turned the electric oil radiator on in the bedroom for a bit.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: DustinD on January 06, 2014, 11:47:18 PM
Finally fixed the snowmobile today. The water pump went out because someone at the factory never tightened the nut that holds the impeller on. It was a finger tight nylock nut. After 900 miles the pill shaped cut out had rounded out to where it would spin on its shaft, and it had rubbed quite a bit on the aluminum housing.

I went riding, -20 and windy. My visor iced over, so I had to open it. My eyelashes had huge icicles that joined the tops and bottoms together and obstructed my vision. I was surprised just how much ice I could get around my eyes before it became a problem. I was unable to pull the ice off because of how well frozen they were. I had large flakes of ice in my breath deflector, and both my helmet and hood froze to my head making them difficult to remove. My face is still red, and I am not sure if I have frost bite or not, but I doubt I will lose any skin over it.

My phone kept losing power and saying it needed to be charged, despite the battery being full. It read 19F internal temp.

I was riding for about four hours and I didn't see anyone else out on a snowmobile. Maybe I should market heated tampons, apparently some "men" could use them.

edit to add: I also snapped the corner off of one of my credit cards. It must have turned funny in my pocket and then got bent. I also broke the zipper on that jacket pocket, but luckily didn't lose anything.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: mtnbkr on January 06, 2014, 11:52:41 PM
It's currently 7deg.  Dunno what the wind chill is, but it's blowin' hard out.

It was 48deg when I got up at 6am this morning.

Dustin, I was night mountain biking one winter with temps down into the teens.  I had multiple layers on, with a wind shell over everything.  When I was done, I took the shell off and discovered I had a layer of what appeared to be snow on my next layer.  The moisture condensing from my body was trapped by the wind shell and freezing.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: DustinD on January 07, 2014, 12:23:27 AM
Same happened to me. I looked like a freezer that needed to be defrosted in some places where the warm air was escaping.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: French G. on January 07, 2014, 05:01:53 AM
-6 at the house, lowest I saw driving home was -7.  Not bad, but the 15mph NW breeze can FOAD.

I believe the proper response to someone taking the parking space you so carefully shoveled is to get the garden hose out of storage and hose their car down until it's an inch or so thick.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 07, 2014, 05:25:41 AM
Actually a bit warmer than predicted. 10 degrees, with wind chill -2, gusting makes it a tad colder. Coldest was a degree or two colder right in my area. Nearby locals got a couple degrees colder.

The dogs were not amused.

ETA: Morning news just ran on the screen that we broke records last night. From 1904 in the foothills, and 1879 at higher elevations. YAY GLOBAL WARMING!!!
Title: Re: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: roo_ster on January 07, 2014, 06:28:08 AM
On the upside I will not be able to claim we did not have a hard freeze to kill off a lot of the bugs.

Got into the teens the night before and low twenties last night.  Combine that with icepocalypse and mini icepocalypse and the generally cold weather and t his winter has been the coldest winter in my 14 years in dfw.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Stetson on January 07, 2014, 06:44:23 AM
-13 in the parking lot at work, with wind chill it is -35.  It is 54 degrees warmer in the fridge here at work than outside.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 07, 2014, 06:58:58 AM
A veritable heat wave here. Double digit  + temp now and forecast to actually get above freezing.
Some of the back roads I travel are pretty much a.solid sheet of ice. One 5 mile stretch of state highway was glaze ice. An 18 wheeler just about did it for me this about 1:00 am. He was taking his half out of the middle. I got a little too far right and my outside wheels caught the edge of the pavement. I got to shine my headlights east and west on a north/south road. An Astro van sideways at 30mph is fun. I think the trees on my side of the road probably would have kept me out of the pond if I'd gone off the road though.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: mtnbkr on January 07, 2014, 07:17:30 AM
2deg at 7am this morning in Northern VA. 

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: K Frame on January 07, 2014, 07:23:17 AM said it was 5 in Fairfax when I got up. My car said 8.

All I know is that when I hit those leather seats Fred and Ted, the testicle twins, were NOT happy.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: bedlamite on January 07, 2014, 08:27:50 AM
Made it to down to -20 here this morning. Don't know what the wind chill was. For about 2 seconds I thought about taking the motorcycle out and getting a pic in front of the thermometer.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: charby on January 07, 2014, 08:39:01 AM
-4 this morning, I sense a warming trend.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: never_retreat on January 07, 2014, 10:08:53 AM
Wunderground  says 2 here right now and still 42% humidity.
My outside thermometer is reading 5, but it is getting some sun on it. Still 20+ mph winds.
I went out in the garage for a smoke, not too bad out of the wind.

What to do today is the real question? Its my day off anyway. I think I might finish the wiring in the man cave and get ready for a rough building, plumbing, electrical inspection.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Tallpine on January 07, 2014, 11:01:31 AM
Balmy 32 degrees here in Montana this morning  =)

The coldest I remember in Colorado was -54.  There might have been colder days that I didn't even know the temp.  I do remember that I was out lying on the snow putting the muffler back on my old pickup that day.  I wondered why my hands were getting so cold  :facepalm:

I used to do mechanic work outside regularly at -30 or so, but at least that was out in the sunshine (at 9500' ASL).  Most of the stuff I had to work on was too big to get into the little dugout shop at the place where we worked and lived during the winter.  Boss couldn't figure out why the K-20 Chevy wouldn't fit in the dugout .... well, it would fit barely but then I couldn't get the full floating axles shafts to slide out of the rear hubs.  ;/
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: K Frame on January 07, 2014, 12:15:31 PM
Coldest I was ever in was Christmas 1989. Ex and I went to Maine for Christmas, and there was a polar vortex, inversion, invasion, whatever, that hit a lot of the country.

The one night at the inn was -32.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Tallpine on January 07, 2014, 12:35:21 PM
Coldest I was ever in was Christmas 1989. Ex and I went to Maine for Christmas, and there was a polar vortex, inversion, invasion, whatever, that hit a lot of the country.

The one night at the inn was -32.

That would be an average winter night temperature where we used to live in Colorado.

Sometimes didn't get above zero for weeks at a time, although it would feel pretty nice out in the sunshine at the daytime high of maybe -10.  The thin air doesn't feel all that cold.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: K Frame on January 07, 2014, 01:29:33 PM
OK, so who was the bigger dipshit?

Me for going to Maine for Christmas?

Or you for living where it was that cold in the middle of August?

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Tallpine on January 07, 2014, 01:35:36 PM
OK, so who was the bigger dipshit?

Me for going to Maine for Christmas?

Or you for living where it was that cold in the middle of August?


Oh, it rarely got below 20 above at night in August  :lol:
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: vaskidmark on January 07, 2014, 06:49:58 PM
Christmas vacation in Main beats living in Montana every day of the week.  No necessity to get up and do anything more strenuous or life-threatening than order another mulled cider while deciding on the 1 1/4 pound or 1 1/2 pound lobster, unless you are adventerous enough to walk over to the giant picture window (triple-paned) and stare at all that snow.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Tallpine on January 07, 2014, 08:00:10 PM
Christmas vacation in Main beats living in Montana every day of the week.  No necessity to get up and do anything more strenuous or life-threatening than order another mulled cider while deciding on the 1 1/4 pound or 1 1/2 pound lobster, unless you are adventerous enough to walk over to the giant picture window (triple-paned) and stare at all that snow.

stay safe.

Nice thing is that hardly anybody lives here  :P
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: K Frame on January 07, 2014, 08:10:42 PM
Yeah. They all froze to death...
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 07, 2014, 08:11:00 PM
We saw 23 F today. Rock salt works now!
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on January 07, 2014, 08:30:37 PM
The low reported this morning was 3. It was about 5 when I got to work.
I altered my habits. I walked dogs until the inside of my nose was too frozen to tolerate, then stripped off my outermost layer and cleaned until I was almost to the point of sweating, then back to walking.

Once I was done, I stripped down to one layer to bath a few dogs, and then waited until that layer was fully dried out before loading everything back on to do second walks.

My boss pointed and laughed. She also said she almost stopped at tractor supply to get me a face mask. That's when I admited that I almost grabbed my turtle fleece, face mask and goggles on the way out the door, but then figured it was overkill.
She said (and I agree) it would not have been overkill.

Now, the canine reactions were pretty funny. The Anatolians, with the exception of one, and a boarding siberian thought that it was just awesome outside and we should romp and play. The pregnent anatolian that's due tomorrow took that a step further and indicated that she wouldn't mind finding a good spot and staying out till she whelped.
The one anatolian that didn't like it was Demi. Demi has skin issues that recently flared up and she's bald and scabby at the moment. She walked out the door and gave me a look of such pain and misery I almost took her right back in, but then she jumped on my with poopy paws and I said "screw you, dummy demi, you're pooping outside for a change."
The cranky dachsund that has a sweater didn't like my coat and almost bit me when I tried to put the leash on. She made it out the door and then gave me a look that clearly stated that I deserved to get bit for making it that cold out.
Both bulldogs went out the door like rockets (as per usual) and got about 10 feet from the door before the cold registered. Watching their expressions, I could practically see the wheels spinning trying to figure out if being outside was worth it. Ultimatly, it wasn't and that's the fasted I've ever gotten either of those dogs to do their business and come back in.
The best was the happy, ditzy aussie that went out and kept giving me these confused looks like "we're out, I'm on a leash, we're playing, why is it not right?" She finally,figured it out and about towed me inside.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 07, 2014, 09:01:07 PM
Lab mix didn't mind our fiveish am walk this morning, when it felt into the -'s.

The chihuahua, on the other hand, was not amused.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: bedlamite on January 07, 2014, 09:08:21 PM
Dozer is good down to about zero. Is is wrong to laugh at a dog that's taking a dump while he's trying to balance on two paws?
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Jim147 on January 07, 2014, 11:28:10 PM
I don't want to play any more. The last few days have made the crazy days of summer seem normal. All of the no heat calls are fixed or atleast working. The worst fix I did today involves a jumper between R and W if you want heat jump it. If you don't want heat unhook the jumper.

I'm out of Tstats and this is a backup to their main heat source.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 08, 2014, 01:43:53 AM
The temp seems to have been holding steady at 23 F, since about 1530. At about 2330, they must have switched on the global warming, cause it be 24 now.  [tinfoil]
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: French G. on January 08, 2014, 04:52:21 AM
If my dog was truly a representative of Germany they would have lost all their wars. Practically have to throw him outside. Pansy.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: lupinus on January 08, 2014, 05:29:44 AM
14 right now.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Boomhauer on January 08, 2014, 06:14:10 AM
28 right now. Supposed to get up to 50 today. Hopefully can get my pipes unfrozen this afternoon.  (running water did not stop them from freezing).

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Stetson on January 08, 2014, 07:21:24 AM
It was up -1 this morning.  40 predicted for the weekend.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Tallpine on January 08, 2014, 11:30:18 AM
Local forecast:

Today Partly sunny, with a high near 40. Southwest wind around 16 mph.

 :P   :P   :P   :P   :P
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: DustinD on January 08, 2014, 11:29:55 PM
I have skin peeling off my face and nose, not too bad though.

I really need to do some stretching exercises. Starting the sled and yanking it around when I have to turn around are reminding me that I am not 18 any more.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: zxcvbob on January 09, 2014, 03:01:35 AM
I have skin peeling off my face and nose, not too bad though.

I think I got some nerve damage in my fingertips from several days ago from not-quite-frostbite. (before it got dangerously cold, but it was getting there)  I was out shoveling snow wearing my usual brown jersey cotton gloves.  My hands hurt for a long time after I came in.  My fingertips still don't feel right, although they are getting better.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Boomhauer on January 09, 2014, 06:56:58 AM
I think I got some nerve damage in my fingertips from several days ago from not-quite-frostbite. (before it got dangerously cold, but it was getting there)  I was out shoveling snow wearing my usual brown jersey cotton gloves.  My hands hurt for a long time after I came in.  My fingertips still don't feel right, although they are getting better.

Those cheap cotton jersey gloves dont do *expletive deleted*it. When I was working grocery we were supplied with them by the bosses for use in the freezer. I used them the first day I had a pair of mechanix style gloves with insulation...much much better,
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: vaskidmark on January 09, 2014, 08:46:00 AM
Raynaud's is no fun.'s_phenomenon

Silk gloves inside woolen gloves inside woolen (trigger finger) mittens inside surplus leather/canvas trigger finger mittens with the wooly synthetic snot-rubber stuff on the backs of the hands if I'm going to be out for more than about 5 minutes in weather below 40*F.

Docs say it has nothing to do with screwing around in the cold and snow and ice without any protection when I was younger and stupid.  What do they know?  But having bamboo slivers driven through your fingertips and along the bones up to your wrist helps remind me that while I can still tolerate going out in a tshirt and shorts I do need to protect those dainty didgits.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 09, 2014, 10:07:40 AM
It wasn't too many years ago that I'd go pistol and rifle shooting when it was 5 degrees. Shoot a mag or two, get into the truck and warm up my hands and gun and then back at it. I was motivated.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: mtnbkr on January 09, 2014, 10:12:48 AM
I went out to the archery range for a half hour on Tuesday.  temps were in the mid-high teens.  I followed up with a range trip at an indoor range.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: AJ Dual on January 09, 2014, 10:22:44 AM
Raynaud's is no fun.'s_phenomenon

Silk gloves inside woolen gloves inside woolen (trigger finger) mittens inside surplus leather/canvas trigger finger mittens with the wooly synthetic snot-rubber stuff on the backs of the hands if I'm going to be out for more than about 5 minutes in weather below 40*F.

Docs say it has nothing to do with screwing around in the cold and snow and ice without any protection when I was younger and stupid.  What do they know?  But having bamboo slivers driven through your fingertips and along the bones up to your wrist helps remind me that while I can still tolerate going out in a tshirt and shorts I do need to protect those dainty didgits.

stay safe.

Could sticking the affected digits or hand into a mild vacuum to suck more blood and force the vessels to dilate on a regular basis help? 
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: zxcvbob on January 09, 2014, 11:24:20 AM
My skin doesn't turn white, but my fingers frequently get really cold when it's cold in the house.  I found my insulated leather work gloves this morning; gonna start wearing those.   Exercise to raise my core temperature and get my blood moving ought to help.  (how could it not help a little?)  Might be enough extra incentive to get me off the couch...

I also brought a 1500W space heater to work today; screw the rules.  (Employer doesn't really heat the building cuz body heat and computer equipment are supposed to be enough... but they got rid of half the workers, and we mostly use laptops now instead of workstations with big CRT's.)

My office is feeling warmer already.  I need to put up a sign about keeping the door closed.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: charby on January 09, 2014, 05:08:25 PM
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 09, 2014, 05:12:19 PM
There's frostnip, and frostbite.

Frostnip progresses into full-blown frostbite, but can be painful in and of itself.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: charby on January 09, 2014, 05:13:57 PM
There's frostnip, and frostbite.

Frostnip progresses into full-blown frostbite, but can be painful in and of itself.

Don't forget Chillblains
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: vaskidmark on January 09, 2014, 06:10:53 PM
Could sticking the affected digits or hand into a mild vacuum to suck more blood and force the vessels to dilate on a regular basis help? 

I learned a long time ago about sticking body parts into a vacuum.  YMMV - and I do not want to hear/read about it if it does.

But yes, it was researched and rejected as a treatment modality.

Running warm water over the affected parts is the best therapy I have found.  Sticking my handses into layers of insulation is the best way to avoid symptoms.


stay safe.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Boomhauer on January 09, 2014, 06:16:45 PM

Cheap ripoff of Sharknado!

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Lee on January 10, 2014, 10:46:52 PM
"I learned a long time ago about sticking body parts into a vacuum"

Penthouse forum...1972 ish?
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Boomhauer on January 10, 2014, 11:27:26 PM
"I learned a long time ago about sticking body parts into a vacuum"

Penthouse forum...1972 ish?

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: vaskidmark on January 11, 2014, 05:41:22 AM
"I learned a long time ago about sticking body parts into a vacuum"

Penthouse forum...1972 ish?

Penthouse was late by a bit more than 20 years.  And it was a hotel maid in Lyons.  Yes, that Lyons.  She was a pervert - a lovely pervert. =D *sigh*

stay safe.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: sm on January 12, 2014, 09:41:38 AM
Brrr...that was "interesting".
Blizzard conditions with a windchill at night as low as -47. No work Mon and Tues as only essential personal were allowed on the roads, and yes citations issued if one was out.

Finally temps got above minus temps during the day, and finally the serious winds subsided. Depending on where I placed the yardstick, I measured 14 to 18 inches of snow. Drifts on the farm included 6 ft against on of the barns. My drive? Forget it. 3 plus feet just outside of the garage, a good 4-5ft drift, down the small hill between the Big barn, and yard.

While I was prepared, I am not as prepared as I would like to be. Then again I feel we never are as prepared as we would like to be.

Today, it is supposed to reach 40 degrees, and the sun comes out.
Now we deal with potential hazardous flooding and mud season.

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 12, 2014, 02:05:38 PM
We're gonna be pushing 70 today.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Sergeant Bob on January 12, 2014, 05:15:42 PM
We're gonna be pushing 70 today.

Heck, we're pushing 70 in my house.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Tallpine on January 12, 2014, 06:12:05 PM
We're having the Big Wind, and the Big Turn All The Snow To A Sheet Of Ice here  ;/

Feels more like March than January  =|

Hopefully we will get some dirt showing before the next blizzard.
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: sm on January 19, 2014, 05:59:23 AM
Today, Sunday is going to be the nicest day this week. Sunny with a high near 20.

Then temps plummet, frigid with minus temps for the high, not including wind chill, nor the brrr temps at night below freezing, with some snow...
And snow from last Blizzard is still on the ground.

I was ready for Spring, after the first day of Winter...

Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 19, 2014, 07:15:09 AM
Taking the kiddos camping this week.  Leaving today after work.  Expecting 70's/40's at our destination.  Sunny.  Not a single snow flake. 
Title: Re: Y'all be safe during the big chill this week!
Post by: Ben on January 19, 2014, 10:17:11 AM
We've broken several records. In the 70's and 80's most of last week, expect the same for the foreseeable future. Humidities in the single digits. The Forest Service range where I like to shoot opened the first week of of January after we got our first (and only) little bit of rain, then promptly shut down two weeks later due to the fact that this part of CA is right now basically excellent tinder.

I'm up at the folks this weekend and we're irrigating the Winter wheat. We've only done that once before in my lifetime that I can remember.