Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: MillCreek on February 02, 2014, 02:28:56 PM

Title: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: MillCreek on February 02, 2014, 02:28:56 PM

An apparent heroin overdose and found with the syringe still in his arm.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 02, 2014, 03:05:50 PM
My wife grew up a street over from PSH and his family.  Went to church together.  Met him a few years back at the National Museum of Play in Rochester, N.Y.  Our sons played together.  Nice guy.  Seemed almost shy...

Too bad...
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Tallpine on February 02, 2014, 03:33:16 PM
never heard the name until now
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on February 02, 2014, 03:49:22 PM
I think it's sad.
I've enjoyed him in every role I've seen.

His character in Cold Mountain was brilliantly played.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Fly320s on February 02, 2014, 04:01:45 PM
No loss. Just another actor.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: BobR on February 02, 2014, 04:13:09 PM
The only difference between him and the dozens of other junkies that will die today is he had a little money, some talent, and a smattering of fame. But in the end, he ended up like many junkies.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: never_retreat on February 02, 2014, 04:22:20 PM
Sounds a little suspicious to me.
He used to be an addict, supposedly clean for 20 some years. Then goes back straight to Heorin? What no pot or blow as a warm up?
Apparently there was a web rumor about his death a few days ago.
Someone decide to murder him? Seams a little coincidental.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on February 02, 2014, 04:23:01 PM
Oh, man. I'd forgotten about Pirate Radio.

And Fly, I disagree. I wouldn't class PSH as "just another actor". He was a good actor. There are precious few of those running around.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Northwoods on February 02, 2014, 04:27:34 PM
Sounds a little suspicious to me.
He used to be an addict, supposedly clean for 20 some years. Then goes back straight to Heorin? What no pot or blow as a warm up?
Apparently there was a web rumor about his death a few days ago.
Someone decide to murder him? Seams a little coincidental.

Quote from:
In early 2013, Hoffman checked himself into rehab for 10 days. He told TMZ that he had begun using prescription medicines, and his use escalated to heroin.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Fly320s on February 02, 2014, 05:09:04 PM
Oh, man. I'd forgotten about Pirate Radio.

And Fly, I disagree. I wouldn't class PSH as "just another actor". He was a good actor. There are precious few of those running around.

Whether he was good at his job is irrelevant. The point I am making is this shouldn't be national news. Actors don't deserve it. Drug addicts don't deserve it.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on February 02, 2014, 05:32:31 PM
If I read that link correctly, it was filed under ENTERTAINMENT news.

And as ENTERTAINMENT news, the death of a highly regarded actor would qualify.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 02, 2014, 05:44:36 PM
Sounds a little suspicious to me.
He used to be an addict, supposedly clean for 20 some years. Then goes back straight to Heorin? What no pot or blow as a warm up?
Apparently there was a web rumor about his death a few days ago.
Someone decide to murder him? Seams a little coincidental.

he acknowledged snorting smack last year
and addiction is a funny thing  when you restart you don't start over at the beginning  you usually take up where you left off
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 02, 2014, 05:51:15 PM
Actor or not, I met the man.  I watched him spend a day at a museum with his son.  I watched him playing with all of our sons.  He wasn't acting famous.  Nothing about how he acted or dressed was ostentatious.   In fact, except for his watch (a beautiful Rolex), we were dressed the same.  No entourage.  No publicist.  No agent.  No trophy chick on his arm.   Just him, his son, and a couple of family members.  Sitting on the floor playing in the sand with our sons, just like me.

For that, I feel saddened by his death...
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Ben on February 02, 2014, 05:57:04 PM
If I read that link correctly, it was filed under ENTERTAINMENT news.

And as ENTERTAINMENT news, the death of a highly regarded actor would qualify.

Lead story on the Foxnews page all day so far. Ukraine is mentioned in a little link on the bottom of the page. No mention of Benghazi.

I have no animosity to him or any other actor in general, but I also don't really shed tears when people die in this way. Their choice.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 02, 2014, 06:01:14 PM
Whether he was good at his job is irrelevant. The point I am making is this shouldn't be national news. Actors don't deserve it. Drug addicts don't deserve it.

Yes, only great heroes deserve to have the world know they died an ignominious death.

He's a famous person. He died. That's news. Deserve has nothing to do with it.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 02, 2014, 06:05:00 PM
Lead story on the Foxnews page all day so far. Ukraine is mentioned in a little link on the bottom of the page. No mention of Benghazi.

I have no animosity to him or any other actor in general, but I also don't really shed tears when people die in this way. Their choice.

its tuff on the kids and family

easy to screw up too the quality of smack is much better than back in the day

Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Ben on February 02, 2014, 06:10:34 PM
its tuff on the kids and family

Of this I have no doubt. For the kids, family, and friends of anyone who dies.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cordex on February 02, 2014, 06:13:03 PM

Thanks for your perspective.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: roo_ster on February 02, 2014, 06:47:08 PM
Not really surprised.  He was a terrific actor, but his choice of roles pointed in this direction, if not this exact destination.

Tough for his family and kids, who deserve our sympathies.  As does PSH, as a fellow fallen man.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Lee on February 02, 2014, 07:31:29 PM
That's too bad. I think he might have been the best actor of our time really.  And he did seem like a humble, shy, nice guy...the fame probably didn't help with his issues.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: French G. on February 02, 2014, 08:40:06 PM
Wonder if it's related to the several heroin ODs recently in western PA. Pretty decent grade heroin that was cut with some form of fentanyl rather than the usual more benign adulterants. (

I'd probably like to kick a living PSH in the junk if I met him but as an actor he was excellent. Liked him in Charlie Wilson's War.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 02, 2014, 09:45:05 PM
Funny, French, some of what I've read while this crappy football game plays overe there says PSH was kind of a jerk in real life.  Not my experience at the museum.  Maybe because I treated him like just another dad playing in the sand and not some demi-god or something special...  Maybe because I was kind to his son...

Feel for his son, who is about the age of my younger son...way too early to lose your father.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Doggy Daddy on February 03, 2014, 01:01:29 AM
I only really remember him from Magnolia, a film that apparently only I enjoy.  His character really moved me.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Firethorn on February 03, 2014, 01:29:13 AM
Wonder if it's related to the several heroin ODs recently in western PA. Pretty decent grade heroin that was cut with some form of fentanyl rather than the usual more benign adulterants.

One of the reasons I'd like to legalize the stuff in order to gain enough regulatory control that OD's due to poor quality control/adulteration wouldn't happen.  I'm reminded of the story about one of the founders of one of the best medical care clinics - it wasn't found out until decades after his death that he hadn't ever kicked his heroin addiction, just managed it for the rest of his life, much like a diabetic taking his insulin.

As for Hoffman, very good actor, though it took me a while to remember the films I saw him in.  He did a lot of films that I don't normally bother watching.

As for rumors about him being an ahole, it's entirely possible that his actions depended on how you approached him.  Are you greeting Hoffman the dad, or Hoffman the famous actor?
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: French G. on February 03, 2014, 09:46:31 AM
Have seen in some nooz that the link to other ODs is being investigated.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 03, 2014, 10:09:05 AM
Have seen in some nooz that the link to other ODs is being investigated.

to illustrate how an addict thinks junkies everywhere are trying to score that dope.  cause its stronger/better
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: French G. on February 03, 2014, 01:35:42 PM
I know two little bits about fentanyl. One, a derivative of it was what the Russians used to incapacitate everyone in the theater terrorist attack. Second one, they had my dad on an IV drip. He was adamant that there were horns growing out of his head. Anything that would make a guy prefer zero painkillers 8 hours after open heart surgery is pretty scary. And then you want me to melt this and some other crap in a spoon and inject it? Hey, no thanks. Got enough issues with the flue shot needle. Junkies weird.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 03, 2014, 01:39:33 PM
I know two little bits about fentanyl. One, a derivative of it was what the Russians used to incapacitate everyone in the theater terrorist attack. Second one, they had my dad on an IV drip. He was adamant that there were horns growing out of his head. Anything that would make a guy prefer zero painkillers 8 hours after open heart surgery is pretty scary. And then you want me to melt this and some other crap in a spoon and inject it? Hey, no thanks. Got enough issues with the flue shot needle. Junkies weird.

Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 03, 2014, 01:57:04 PM
yeah.  I can't wrap my head around that, or the tweekers who will buy meth made by a guy who probably flunked high school chemistry, mixed in his bathroom using crap he stole and stirred together, and then smoke or shoot it.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: lee n. field on February 03, 2014, 02:15:31 PM
In other news: Charlie Sheen Found Alive In His New York Apartment, Aged 48 (

The acting fraternity has reacted with shock and sadness at the news that Charlie Sheen is alive and well in his New York penthouse apartment. He is 48. Sheen was found to be alive on the same day another actor, Oscar-winning Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead of a suspected drug overdose. blah blah blah
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: BryanP on February 03, 2014, 02:27:55 PM
When you've buried a few people you care about (I'm up to 3) because of drug abuse, your views may change.

I will say this: clinical depression and substance abuse are best friends.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 03, 2014, 02:35:59 PM
When you've buried a few people you care about (I'm up to 3) because of drug abuse, your views may change.

I will say this: clinical depression and substance abuse are best friends.

yea  and the irony is the temporary respite is followed by greater depression
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 03, 2014, 03:02:44 PM
One of our counselors is fond of saying that damn few people use to feel good.  Most use to feel better, or numb, or to feel something other than what they usually feel.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 03, 2014, 03:33:34 PM
One of our counselors is fond of saying that damn few people use to feel good.  Most use to feel better, or numb, or to feel something other than what they usually feel.

counselors a keeper

Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 03, 2014, 03:39:34 PM
counselors a keeper

Eagle Scout, Marine, Minister, amateur archaeologist, counselor.  It's too bad he supports an AWB and mag restrictions...
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 03, 2014, 03:49:20 PM
Eagle Scout, Marine, Minister, amateur archaeologist, counselor.  It's too bad he supports an AWB and mag restrictions...

if hes a good counselor i can forgive him.  its a job i've steered clear of
Title: Re: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Fitz on February 03, 2014, 04:12:54 PM
Eagle Scout, Marine, Minister, amateur archaeologist, counselor.  It's too bad he supports an AWB and mag restrictions...

so, he's crazy?
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: freakazoid on February 03, 2014, 04:42:05 PM
When you've buried a few people you care about (I'm up to 3) because of drug abuse, your views may change.

I will say this: clinical depression and substance abuse are best friends.
Title: Re: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 03, 2014, 06:04:29 PM
so, he's crazy?

Yep.  But he admits it, and (tries) to debate me on the AWB with logic, not emotion or personal attacks.  At this point, we respectfully, and fervently disagree.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Scout26 on February 03, 2014, 07:46:39 PM
Can he define what an AW is?
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: RoadKingLarry on February 03, 2014, 10:26:36 PM
( (
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 04, 2014, 07:35:39 AM
Can he define what an AW is?

Only in the politically correct manner...
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: geronimotwo on February 04, 2014, 11:08:13 AM
^^^ with the shoulder thingy that goes up?
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 04, 2014, 11:33:33 AM
^^^ with the shoulder thingy that goes up?

I would hope that anyone who successfully graduated Marine Corps Boot would be able to know the names of the parts of a rifle.

His PC definition of Assault Weapon involves "rapid fire/semi-automatic" and "high capacity magazines" since those are only intended to kill as many people as possible in a quick and efficient manner.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Tallpine on February 04, 2014, 12:27:23 PM
I would hope that anyone who successfully graduated Marine Corps Boot would be able to know the names of the parts of a rifle.

His PC definition of Assault Weapon involves "rapid fire/semi-automatic" and "high capacity magazines" since those are only intended to kill as many people as possible in a quick and efficient manner.

Sometimes, you just need to kill as many people as possible in a quick and efficient manner.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Angel Eyes on February 04, 2014, 04:44:05 PM
Sometimes, you just need to kill as many people as possible in a quick and efficient manner.

. . . such as mixing heroin with fentanyl.

Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on February 06, 2014, 01:38:05 PM
Was just discussing this with dad.

We both agreed he was a good actor, got a mild chuckle over the related candellight vigil meme and shrugged off the whole "anti gun" thing (famous actor is anti gun is as about as shocking as the fact that fish swim)

Dads parting comment was this:
*sigh* "I wish Justin Beiber would die."

Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: Balog on February 06, 2014, 01:42:42 PM
. . . such as mixing heroin with fentanyl.

My understanding is that it is highly unlikely that is the case. A more probable cause is mixing opioids with other depressants such as alcohol.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: CNYCacher on February 06, 2014, 01:51:51 PM
I was a fan of his since he was "George hidin' in Big Daddy's pocket."
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 06, 2014, 03:12:28 PM
My understanding is that it is highly unlikely that is the case. A more probable cause is mixing opioids with other depressants such as alcohol.

i often wonder when an experienced used dies if it was really suicide. though the quality of dope is much higher than in the past

and heres a point of view
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: T.O.M. on February 06, 2014, 03:18:16 PM
i often wonder when an experienced used dies if it was really suicide. though the quality of dope is much higher than in the past

and heres a point of view

From some of the cases I've seen, what tends to happen is the experienced user makes a mistake...the dope hasn't been cut as much, the user shoots a second time too soon after the first, the user can't see right and injects more than intended.  One case I recall well was a man who had a cold, so too several cold pills, using whiskey to chase them down.  Buddy comes over with heroin.  They decide to shoot together, but the first guy falls asleep while the buddy is mixing and loading syringes.  Well, he decided to shoot the first guy up anyways.  Mix of heroin, cold meds, and alcohol overwhelmed the system.  Manslaughter charge on the buddy.
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 06, 2014, 03:25:13 PM
you can get in trouble if a bag or batch of bags wasn't mixed well  get big variance from 1 to another.  if you get one too hot you know it though you may not be able to do anything before you go out
Title: Re: This just in: Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead
Post by: makattak on February 06, 2014, 03:35:32 PM
One case I recall well was a man who had a cold, so too several cold pills, using whiskey to chase them down.  Buddy comes over with heroin.  They decide to shoot together, but the first guy falls asleep while the buddy is mixing and loading syringes.  Well, he decided to shoot the first guy up anyways.  Mix of heroin, cold meds, and alcohol overwhelmed the system.  Manslaughter charge on the buddy.

I realize we are not dealing with the most rational individuals, but... wow. Impressive decision-making there.