I apologize to members for not getting here sooner. "Banning people is stupid" has been banned for stupidity, and I've deleted his threads. If you see him rear his ridiculous, trollish head again, please feel free to flame him as he deserves. I'll be along to ban any new incarnations. One of life's losers, I guess, deciding to lose it all here for a change (probably done it everywhere else on the Internet already!).
If you see any more wierdness like that, please e-mail me (a link is provided next to my posts - logged-in users can see it), and I'll deal with it.
Is ex-communication a possibility at this point? Auto da Fe?
Eh, like the police you can't be everywhere at once. I found him mildly amusing for a short period of time, then just ignored him.
Thank you, Moderator. Can we hang on your every word now and send you cookies?
Barbara, you can do many things to thank me . . . but not cookies, please. I'm on a diet. (Down 20 pounds already!!! )
Thank you, indeed. That was the most awesome example of trolling I think I have ever seen. Glad you ran him off.
So we can go back to agreeing with each other on everything now?
Phew, glad to have our nice little society back! Thanks.
Down 20 pounds already!!!
I remember your diet thread, I'm glad to see you're making great progress!
So we can go back to agreeing with each other on everything now?
Sorry, nope. But if it makes you feel better, you can have a sweet. I recomend the Crunchy Frog.
I just ignored him.
Figured he would be gone in due time.
Umm, I thought it was custom to have a Food thread around here after someone got banned?
I have this craving for onion rings, or chili cheese fries and for some odd reason - been craving Key Lime Pie all day.
been craving Key Lime Pie all day.
Thanks a hell of a lot Steve -- now I am too!
I think I'll go to Waffle House and have a cheesesteak omlet with onions and jalepenos and grits and wheat toast... I may even have a stack of pancakes or a waffle or two.
So we can go back to agreeing with each other on everything now?
That and worshipping the government and Dubya.
I prefer that our annoying posts only come from fistful. At least his are entertaining.
So we can go back to agreeing with each other on everything now?
Only if you agree with me.
MMMMMMM....Key lime pie...
Congrats Preacher, YOU tell usYOUR secrets now...
I dropped 20 but have been stuck there for a while now.
Troll, what troll?
PS, I actually emailed oleg cause I thought you was out of town. Where you been?
I thought Stupid shot himself yesterday in Montreal. Maybe that was his twin.
Thank you for removing those threads . . . spirited disagreements are one thing, but the posts became progressively less civil by the hour.
Down 20 pounds? Hmmm . . . I'll have to search for your diet thread . . . a waist is a terrible thing to mind.
280, I've been very occupied fighting bureaucratic battles with Workers Comp over my 2004 injury. I won't say I'm winning (not fighting four separate Federal departments!), but I'm holding my own, and the air is clearing somewhat. Hopefully, within the next four to six months, I'll have things sorted out.
I've also just finished my second manuscript, and the first is now at a publisher being checked out. Don't know if they'll like it - it's hellish hard to break into the market, with so many wannabe's out there - but I'm hopeful. Writing, checking and editing is time-consuming, I'm afraid.
Let me guess...
"It's Pun at the Top. The life of a forum moderator."
Good luck with all that Preacher. We'll drop you a line should any more show up.
Wow, Iain, worst pun EVER!
Hmmm...I thought that it was a bit of fun toying with the troll.
I still like pie, though.
Wow, Iain, worst pun EVER!
I think that was the point, and he did very well, or badly, to look at it another way.
I also miss our little troll. He taught me how to think for myself.
I think that was the point,
Which was MY point!
He's baaack.
Is there no way to ban by IP or IP range with APS's forum software?
280, I've been very occupied fighting bureaucratic battles with Workers Comp over my 2004 injury. I won't say I'm winning (not fighting four separate Federal departments!), but I'm holding my own, and the air is clearing somewhat. Hopefully, within the next four to six months, I'll have things sorted out.
I've also just finished my second manuscript, and the first is now at a publisher being checked out. Don't know if they'll like it - it's hellish hard to break into the market, with so many wannabe's out there - but I'm hopeful. Writing, checking and editing is time-consuming, I'm afraid.
What type of material? If you're interested in a second pair of eyes to read copy before sending it in, I've some professional editing experience. Send me an email with something like "from preacherman at APS" in the header so I don't lose it to the spamfilter.
I knew he would return, but this was sooner than I expected. Darn, now I'm not going to get any work done this afternoon.
Wow, Preacherman's fast today! Thank you.
I can ban and delete all posts a lot faster than a troll can create 'em . . .
I can ban and delete all posts a lot faster than a troll can create 'em . . .
You're obviously just a tool of the Bush Administration...
How long do you think it'll be until he re-registers again?
Idiots like that are unpredictable. As long as he wants to waste his time, he'll probably try again - but then, we can kill his posts just as easily. Silly, really, to be so dumb . . . but then, some folks are like that, I'm afraid. Waste of oxygen.
He's back. (not you, Blackburn. I'm referring to client33, bpis, bpiw, [next incarnation].)
And gone. Not very bright trying this whilst Preacherman's hangin' about.
You have no reason to apologize for the actions of another.
He/she was just a small anoyance that we will all forget about shortly.
Good luck on keeping him/her at bay.
And why would he/she choose to spoof my name. I don't recall attacking him/her. I think I only replied to one of his/her threads. Maybe two.
I think he's back...check the newest user moniker...
take a gander here: http://armedpolitesociety.com/userlist.php?username=&show_group=-1&sort_by=registered&sort_dir=DESC&search=Submit
He has tried a couple of times today.
Ah, thank-you.
Nice to see that justice is sometimes swift.
I HATE to feed the trolls, and usually don't.
I actually feel bad for the guy.
Imagine how he feels?
Think about it. There is a rather large group of educated, responsible, MATURE (some of us, at least) people that don't want him around. We flat out do not want him here. We have told him so. Forget the mods and the banning. Us, the members, don't want him here.
He is so alone, and has so little else to do, that he does nothing but try to come back, so we can all reject him again.
This, my friends, is the true sign of someone in dire need of friends.
Poor guy.
What a looser he must be.
I feel so bad for him.
I'm over it.
All of that is true, except that he doesn't see us as intellient or mature, or at least he doesn't seem to admit that to himself. He maintains that we are stupid, servile, mean, etc.
He tells himself that it is heroic to bear our scorn.
He maintains that we are stupid, servile, mean, etc.
Then what kind of loser what waste his time with us morons?
Think about it. If we are that dumb, what does he hope to get out of being here?
He's baaaack!
I will refrain from feeding his fragile little ego.
If we are that dumb, what does he hope to get out of being here?
Some people get a kick out of being rectal sphincters. Add persistence, a warped self-aggrandizing idea of heroism, and an unwillingness to think, and you don't need any logical reason to come back again and again.
It's working preacherman. Notice his posts are getting shorter? He knows he's going to lose them, so he doesn't want to put too much effort into it.
Twycross, don't you see his bravery in standing up to all of us? I wish I had the guts.
I wish I had the guts.
I don't want to be reminded of anything remotely gastrointestinal. Ever. Again. Let's just say it's been a long, long week...
Original content removed by author. My responses to the troll's deleted posts add nothing to the thread, and look a little silly out of their original context.
No, I maintain that most of you are group"thinkers" who kiss up to so called "authority" figures like children
Im not even 100% prepared to disagree with you, but "group thinkers" are still a lot smarter than someone who cant even find more than one note in their whiny diatribes. You might even be amusing if you could manage to do more than repeat the same mantra over and over again.
Troll guts...on a pike...yeah!
Aww, man...
Judging by the number of recent threads regarding trolls and the trouncing thereof, I just missed one of the greatest troll buttwhoops in history. (sigh)
Yes, you did. I naively sent a "report this post" before I realized he had posted in a bizillion threads. It was kind of fun, though, to see the depths to which that loser would descend.