Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: El Tejon on September 17, 2006, 07:22:31 AM

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: El Tejon on September 17, 2006, 07:22:31 AM
My house is bright and clean.  I am overjoyed.

You may be a Yankee if you are overjoyed that your house is clean.Cheesy
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Fly320s on September 17, 2006, 08:22:47 AM
El T,

You can come do mine next; it will make you even more happy.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: El Tejon on September 17, 2006, 08:25:21 AM
Yay!  Clean houses!

*rolls on floor out of joy*
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 17, 2006, 08:34:41 AM need help. Seriously.

Drop the swifter and seek therapy.

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: El Tejon on September 17, 2006, 09:59:31 AM
I'd go to therapy, but I'm too busy cleaning and fretting over everyone who is not cleaning.Cheesy
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: 280plus on September 17, 2006, 10:03:25 AM

if you're happy I'm happy...

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: 280plus on September 17, 2006, 10:08:46 AM
I'm actually pretty dang happy myself now that I think of it. I shot my new to me High Standard in it's very first match at the "Support your local gun club" shoot em up and shot me a 292 out of 300.

97 yes,,,97 slow fire at 50 yards. We shot 2 relays, second one was a measly 287 Tongue

So it turns out I won both matches and there was PRIZE MONEY!! I donated it to the club. I'm too damn nice...

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 17, 2006, 10:24:39 AM

El Tejon needs Help!

He did not even sweep a teensy bit under the rug.

Quick - someone send El Tejon a "DustBunnies Are Too a Species "  Bumper sticker...
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 17, 2006, 11:54:25 AM
Not only am I not cleaning, I'm not even fixing my lawn mower, which I should probably do because my grass is about 4" long. Not that that's cause for alarm out here in hickville, but I'm sure if I had a HOA, they'd have their knickers in a knot.

What I am doing is sitting on my tookus drinking apple juice because I've shot entirely too many rounds of 12 gauge this.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 17, 2006, 12:10:55 PM
Northerners get all excited about a clean house?  Southerners don't?  What, are you from Maine?
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 17, 2006, 12:12:39 PM
The downstairs of our house, which is under the jurisdiction of my wife, is very clean.

The upstairs bedroom and this computer room, which are my province, look like a college dorm room. Even worse.

I actually mowed the lawn today (neener, Barbara) for the first time in a couple of weeks. It was so long that the blades of grass were lying down.

I'm the scourge of my household, and of the neighborhood. Wink
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: El Tejon on September 17, 2006, 12:52:11 PM
Barbara, you have sent me into a deep blue funk.  I cleaned my office's bathrooms (again) to cheer myself up.

*shudder* There is unmown grass somewhere north of the Mason-Dixon line.  I may not sleep tonight.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: El Tejon on September 17, 2006, 12:53:17 PM
The sun is starting to set in the West and catching the front of my clean house.  It soooo white and clean.  Yay!:D
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 17, 2006, 01:17:56 PM
May a flock of crows poop on your picture window. Wink
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 17, 2006, 01:20:33 PM
El Tejon-

Exposure to dust, dirt and germs allows one's immune system to build anti-bodies in order to keep the body healthy.

If'n you'd get a 28 ga, you could shoot more rounds, hard hitting rounds I shall add, with less felt recoil - allowing more energy to unwrap candy bar wrappers.
Oh, 28 ga is just flat senusual or cute...depending on mood.

Some lost classics , traditions, skills and talents should always be preserved , cherished and passed forward.

I did both your bathrooms, vacummed all carpets, mopped all lineoleum, cleaned the hardward floors, all ceiling fans , cleaned the  rest of the blinds in the house not finished last week, cleaned and installed new filter in Oreck clean air purifier, sprayed off all windows outside, sprayed off front and back porches, swept out the garage,  did two loads of clothes you can't do yourself, and folded/ put up everything dried in dryer, the rest of the stuff is hanging dry (I like the new salmon top that came in btw) , changed the sheets on your bed, and I replaced not only the light out in the ceiling that went out , I also replaced the other one as both of those florencent bulbs were put in , in May of 2002 [I dated these, and converted to florencent because mom , at her age and physical condition has no business being on a step stool ] and oh I even cleaned the fridge of your Limeade and leftover homemade Fruit Salad. [burp - yummy].

World War Five must have ocurred in my backpack. If anyone see's a Flashdrive with laynard holler - I need it.
[Sticks another 12 ga shell in book to mark page while looks at glossary in back of book]
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: 280plus on September 17, 2006, 01:23:34 PM
I probably shouldn't mention the weed wacking I STILL haven't done yet... shocked
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 17, 2006, 01:46:21 PM
sm, I dunno about 28 gauge.

The class yesterday was a defensive shotgun class, so we should around 300 rounds, mostly bird shot, but also slugs and buck shot. I used a 12 gauge pump. Then I shot a round of skeet using a 20 gauge, just for fun. Earlier in the week, I did a couple of rounds of trap with a 12 gauge.

Actually, my shoulder is/was fine. My other arm was pretty numb by the end of the day but I'm good today. Just dont' feel like mowing the lawn. Smiley
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: mtnbkr on September 17, 2006, 02:04:59 PM
I mowed my backyard because I almost lost my daughter this morning.  I painted the garage door and trim because my HOA was unhappy about it.  Sorry folks, it's been a busy summer and I haven't had time to jump on that until this weekend. Smiley

At least the El T's of the world will be satisfied. Tongue

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 17, 2006, 02:12:19 PM

As you know I assist folks, mostly ladies and kids.

I start with 28 ga.

Yes we use 28 ga for defensive shooting.  Some folks are smaller and some are teenagers. I also have some Physically Limited.

Yes they do shoot 100s of rounds, Yes they also shoot 28 ga buckshot and slugs.

Correct Basic Fundamentals with a 28ga, no biggie  to transition to 20 being as that is the serious shotgun for some, 12 for others.

Detached Retina for one - and limited to nothing no bigger than 28 ga for a bit still ( also a bit gun shy still)

Still think a great idea  is to pave the yard, paint it green and put out silk flowers.  Allows time to go shoot, and not do yardwork.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Antibubba on September 17, 2006, 05:42:20 PM
sm said:  
Exposure to dust, dirt and germs allows one's immune system to build anti-bodies in order to keep the body healthy.
I should be immortal, then.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: doczinn on September 18, 2006, 08:45:59 AM
El T, I will graciously allow you to vastly improve your good fortune by making my house clean as well. Tuesday and Saturday mornings ought to be about right!
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Trisha on September 18, 2006, 10:03:03 AM
We haven't mowed the yard - nor pulled a single weed - in 11 years!

Okay, so the mule deer and elk do a tidy enough job of it; still. . .

More often than not, I do manage to sweep the house with a glance - I don't know if that counts?

I used to be compulsive about it, as Scandinavians typically are.  It drove Kathryn nearly 'round the bend.

So I took up writing. . .
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 18, 2006, 10:17:54 AM
Trisha Wins.

Hey Trisha,

You reacon El Tejon's neighbor with the Blue Shark in the window has to clean house?
I mean did we not read where Blue Sharks cleaned houses like your Elk and Mule deer ?

*snicker* *snicker*
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: El Tejon on September 18, 2006, 10:21:01 AM
Oh, brother, Shark Man!  Last winter he had a World War I reenactment going on in his front yard with trenches and boards in the mud to walk on.  It was horrible.  Dan Flory had to hold me while I cried uncontrollably on the davenport.

Fortunately a relative has moved in and helped clean up the place.  No more WWI, no more sharks, no more giants holes in his backyard.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on September 18, 2006, 10:28:26 AM
You guys are wimps.  I mowed seven acres on Saturday. Smiley
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: mtnbkr on September 18, 2006, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: Larry Ashcraft
You guys are wimps.  I mowed seven acres on Saturday. Smiley
Not with a push mower I imagine.  Tongue

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: El Tejon on September 18, 2006, 10:37:42 AM
Well, Larry, I think my front yard and back add up to about 1/10th of an acre.Cheesy

May have to watch that big rig of yours on my front yard, it's a steep hill--you might spill your beer.Cheesy
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on September 18, 2006, 10:44:59 AM
Seven down, 28 to go!  Last weekend, for the Colorado Get Together, it looked like I hadn't lifted a finger all summer.

Then diesel went down from $3.29 to $2.99.  Yippee!  That's CHEAP!  So I filled the tractor and mowed the field.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 18, 2006, 10:56:54 AM
True Story, and sad.

Remember I was born in '55.

There was one small block of houses , with an alley, and near a Filling Station.

This nice guy, he always waved, always kept his front yard cut and everything ...well his wife died.  He started being a bit less "neat" and was working more hours.

It looked like he was a carpenter, or plumber, or something to do with building houses.  His truck always had materials, new and used tools in the bed.

Folks around him just said he was having a hard time and needed time to grieve.  All this time period Civil Defense drills , JFK shot in Dallas...

Green Army Sedan was parked in front of his house one day. Then for a few days these Army vehicles, sedans, some pickup trucks and some civilian ones were in his back yard and in the alley.

A Mentor that had been in the Service and I went for a walk, and Mentor and this Army Person, spoke.


This was beautiful two bedroom house built on pier and beam, as was the they houses were done. The front of the house was immaculate. I mean perfect in every detail. Sparkling clean, not a fingerprint on a picture, no dust to be found anywhere.

Back of the house was a shelter.  He had taken out the floors, gone deep into the earth beneath. He had done an incredible job of basically putting an underground storm shelter in the back of the house.

He was in Korea, in Intelligence, and extremly smart. His IQ was extremely high.  He had been captured and escaped his Captors in Korea, the only one that did so, others had died.  When his wife died, he lost it. She had keep him going all the time he served. With the Cold War, and threat of Communism, he went into survival mode.

His house was put back as it was originally, and later sold to a young married couple, and the husband in National Guard.

This guy they moved him to a private place, and being as he was smart, they took care of him, and he was consulted on things.

It was very very sad.  Just he hit a breaking point and broke.

I watched this guy use a fountain pen, and he had the most beautiful handwriting, and could draw really well ...
Share with folks at the Filling station how to do something, or at the diner how to fix something in a house, or anything.

He could do math so fast in his head, and do big calculations on paper, in fountain pen.

Lots of Vets around this area, made a lot of folks sad to see him have to leave.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Trisha on September 18, 2006, 11:09:54 AM
Yep - what kind of tractor is that, Larry?

And, doesn't that leave you with another 25 acres remaining?  I wouldn't be surprised if you bought a few goats for that very purpose. . .
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on September 18, 2006, 11:30:15 AM

John Deere 1020, 39 hp three cylinder diesel, made in 1966, with a five foot brush hog.  It was to your left as you drove in, the one with the front-end loader.  

I used it at the get together to dig that little trench to drain the range.
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 18, 2006, 11:44:01 AM
Dan Flory had to hold me while I cried uncontrollably on the davenport
The fact that you have a part of your house called a davenport, know the word, and actually use it in casual conversation is a little frightening.


A clean house is a sign of a sick mind.

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: crt360 on September 18, 2006, 01:29:54 PM
What is a davenport?
Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Guest on September 18, 2006, 01:37:12 PM

Small porch, small writing desk, small sofa


El Tejon has a small writing desk set atop a small sofa, sitting on his small porch - no wonder he was tickled to get everything clean.

Title: Joys of a clean house! You may be a Yankee if . . .
Post by: Brian Williams on September 19, 2006, 03:23:33 AM
I didn't mow the lawn, cause I have an Anal-Retentive(only about her garden) wife who thinks I will mow it flat. So she mows it.  I did vacuum the floors on friday.
To busy celebrating my Son's 18th birthday and International Talk like a Pirate Day.