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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Moondoggie on September 21, 2006, 01:38:37 PM

Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: Moondoggie on September 21, 2006, 01:38:37 PM
Saw Mr. Glover being questioned by a Fox News reporter as he exited the Mt Olivet Baptist Church in Harlem where Chavez spoke.  Glover made the statement noted in the subject line.

Alrighty, then!  Another Hollywierd wacko who's films I'll never spend another buck on.

I knew he was anti-Bush, and that's his choice to make, but touting Chavez is just crazy.

BTW, when I watch current news and think back to films I've watched about WWII I'm struck by the similiarties between Chavez and Mousileni (SP?).  The posturing is very close.  Iran's nutjob president is also highly reminescent of Hitler in the early '30's IMHO.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: wingnutx on September 21, 2006, 02:03:18 PM
Glover has been a nutbag of epic proportions for years.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 21, 2006, 02:25:35 PM
I swear, the world's gone plum crazy.  That's the only possible explaination.  It's bad enough that nuts like Chavez get into power, but for these nuts to receive praise from folks who've got to know better?  

Crazy, I tell you.  It's the Twilight Zone out there.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 21, 2006, 02:41:33 PM
There is NO indication that Glover has any reason to know otherwise.  He's fruit-loops.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: crt360 on September 21, 2006, 03:18:36 PM
Chavez also announced that Citgo, the U.S.-based refining arm of Venezuela's state-run oil company, plans to more than double the amount of discounted heating oil it is offering Americans this winter to 100 million gallons (380 million liters), up from 40 million gallons (150 million liters).
Citgo said the oil will be available to people in 17 states, including Indian tribes in Alaska, some of whom were flown to New York for the ceremony and attended in traditional dress. They performed a dance and offered Chavez a walrus figurine carved out of whale bone as a gift.
"This will go a long way for a lot of families," said Ian Erlich, a leader of the Alaska Intertribal Council who said many people struggle to afford heating oil where he lives in Kotzebue, Alaska, north of the Artic Circle.
Chavez started the heating oil program last winter, accusing Bush of neglecting the poor. Citgo says up to 1.2 million people will benefit this winter.
While the program started mainly in the Northeast, this winter it is to expand to Alaska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Virginia, Maryland, and the cities of Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The United States continues to be the top buyer of Venezuelan oil, bringing the South American country billions of dollars in earnings that help fund Chavez's popular social programs.

. . .
Chavez told the crowd in Harlem that he is committed to democracy. Many among the hundreds in the audience said they share the views behind Chavez's message, even if not his precise choice of words.
"I think for many people, it rings true," said Nellie Hestor Bailey, who leads the Harlem Tenants Council, saying she believes Chavez is trying to address poverty while Bush appears indifferent.

Apparently, the goofy Glover guy is not the only one who considers Chavez a friend.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: CAnnoneer on September 21, 2006, 03:57:15 PM
If Chavez wants to give free oil to others, let him. Just have the FedGov reduce their handout by the reciprocal amount. In a sense Chavez would then be subsidizing Mr Taxpayer. I am all for that.

That put aside, the worship of actors is one of the signs of decay of Western Civilization.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: The Rabbi on September 21, 2006, 04:16:42 PM
I recall that Fidel spoke at the UN too.  Probably said about the same things, but more eloquently as he is at least an educated dictatorial thug.  The leftists in America fell in love with him too.  Chavez is trying to be Fidel's succesor in Latin America.
I say give him the Allende treatment.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: BaxterGriffin on September 21, 2006, 06:10:38 PM
Don't know if they sell Citgo fuels where you live...I've never really been a customer of theirs to begin with, but after reading about their Chavez connection (I'd already heard of their ties to Venezuela), I wouldn't even stop in one of their stores for a pack of gum!  I'm wondering if handing out some informational flyers to any uninformed customers there might be in order?!?!
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: mustanger98 on September 21, 2006, 06:20:35 PM
What do they need Venezualan oil in Alaska for?
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 21, 2006, 08:38:59 PM
Quote from: CAnnoneer
That put aside, the worship of actors is one of the signs of decay of Western Civilization.

I have been trying to boycott Citgo for a while now, but I can never remember if it's Citgo or Conoco.  I need a mnemonic.  Help me out.

Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: 280plus on September 22, 2006, 01:29:21 AM

How'd I do?


Personally, I'd say that was his OWN sulphur he was smelling...
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: stevelyn on September 22, 2006, 03:35:46 AM
Quote from: mustanger98
What do they need Venezualan oil in Alaska for?
Because DSMF Eco-Nazi pukes won't let us produce enough to go around.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: grampster on September 22, 2006, 04:15:15 AM
As my grandmother used to say..."A skunk smells his own hole first."
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: Art Eatman on September 22, 2006, 04:53:53 AM
HTG, pick a news source:  TV, mainstream press, Internet online news, weekly newsmagazine, whatever.  From my perspective, browsing through the "here, there and yonder" of it all, the vast majority of it is what used to be limited to "News of the Weird".  Now, damned near all of it is indeed weird.

Some years back, my mother was griping about the absence of statesmen in politics and government:  "Statesmen.  We used to have statesmen.  Where are the statesmen?"  I replied, "Mom, I've given up on statesmen.  All I'm looking for is a mature adult."

So I watch the utterances of important people like Paris Hilton and Hugo Chavez; Hillary Clinton, Bush or the Iranian leader, et al, and I wonder, "Where are the mature adults?"

A correlative question, of course, is, "Why are all these weird commentaries considered "News"?

Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: The Rabbi on September 22, 2006, 04:57:58 AM
Report in the WSJ this AM has quotes from Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel denouncing Chavez.  Rangel is particularly incensed because Chavez insulted "my President" in his own district.  How about them apples?
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: Iain on September 22, 2006, 05:00:50 AM
People around here refer to it as Bush Derangement Syndrome and in this case I'm inclined to agree that this is the likely source of Glover's comments. Chavez (and Ahmadinejad) is out there sticking it to Bush on a daily basis, or so he thinks.

If you're inclined to dislike Bush, enjoy seeing someone attack him and forget about the character of those you associate with, then you might just like Chavez.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: garrettwc on September 22, 2006, 06:55:50 AM
BTW, when I watch current news and think back to films I've watched about WWII I'm struck by the similiarties between Chavez and Mousileni (SP?).  The posturing is very close.  Iran's nutjob president is also highly reminescent of Hitler in the early '30's IMHO.
More than one person has commented how 1938ish things seem right now.

As to your CITGO anagram, since like all good Socialists, Chavez has nationalized the oil company. Try this one:

C- Chavez
I- is
T- the
G- gosh darned (replace with appropriate expletive)
O- owner
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: Guest on September 22, 2006, 06:56:56 AM
Quote from: Art Eatman
Some years back, my mother was griping about the absence of statesmen in politics and government:  "Statesmen.  We used to have statesmen.  Where are the statesmen?"  I replied, "Mom, I've given up on statesmen.  All I'm looking for is a mature adult."
I think this should qualify for quote of the day.  
I know I plan on repeating it.
Title: Danny Glover: "Hugo Chavez is my friend, my brother"
Post by: doczinn on September 22, 2006, 07:50:40 AM
Report in the WSJ this AM has quotes from Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel denouncing Chavez.  Rangel is particularly incensed because Chavez insulted "my President" in his own district.  How about them apples?
I don't really know what to think about that. My suspicion would be that, rather than actual patriotism, it is an attempt to curry favor.