Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Jamisjockey on September 26, 2006, 05:12:31 AM

Title: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 26, 2006, 05:12:31 AM
....Anyone else get to watch it?
I liked it.  Interesting and different as far as TV shows go.  Some hokie *expletive deleted*it (like the tracheotomy), but isn't there always on TV?
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: mtnbkr on September 26, 2006, 05:24:34 AM
I'm undecided as of yet.  I'll give it another shot or two before I make my final decision.  

Title: Jericho.....
Post by: AJ Dual on September 26, 2006, 06:09:53 AM
Same here.

At least they're trying something "different" in terms of the premise.

However that dosen't mean that the plot details, acting, and direction won't kill it in it's crib.

But I'll watch for now.

Next show is when the fallout comes. I predict they'll hide in the mine that the mayor ordered the mine manager clear at the beginning of the crisis. (Insert actual KS residents screaming that there's only strip-mining in their state here&)

I think a great ending to the series would be when they're at their wits end, almost out of food, and half the townspeople dead of disease, accidents, and prison escapees etc. a convoy of military and FEMA trucks rolls up, looks around, and says, "You guys are in the best shape we've seen so far! We're going to send 10,000 refugees your way in the next few days. Get ready. Bye!" and rolls off&.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: HankB on September 26, 2006, 06:15:36 AM
So far, it's so-so . . . there's the potential for it to get preachy and politically correct; hopefully with Gerald McRaney as one of the main characters, it will stay on course and not devolve into a poltically correct soap opera where the people act stupidly.

If they say they nukes were set off by the Aryan Brotherhood of Blond Blue-Eyed Christian Fundamentalists - I'm gone. (They did something of the sort - changing the villains to politically acceptable neo-Nazis - when they turned Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears into a movie.)
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: AJ Dual on September 26, 2006, 06:42:34 AM
Quote from: HankB
If they say they nukes were set off by the Aryan Brotherhood of Blond Blue-Eyed Christian Fundamentalists - I'm gone. (They did something of the sort - changing the villains to politically acceptable neo-Nazis - when they turned Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears into a movie.)
I agree that the substitution of neo-Nazis in "The Sum of All Fears" was absolutely lame, and I've yet to watch that movie. I probably never will. If it's ever "free" on cable, I'll watch the nuke going off to see the SFX, and then change the channel.

In Jericho, the intentionaly vauge radio news reports and the joint session of congress that were heard and shown before the attack implies that it's "international terrorisim", most likely Islamic, or Middle Eastern of some sort, perhaps with the backing of a sponsor nation.

However, I get the impression tht for now, if not forever, who is responsible for the nuclear attack is moot, and that by keeping the audience in the dark as to the "whys" and "hows", we're all focused on the town's survival. And that way, we'll better empathize with how cut off they feel.

In a way, Jericho is trying to be the antithesis of the traditional "disaster movie" where you get an omnipitent view of the action, alternately following the terrorists, "ground level" survivors, the President, rescue workers etc., getting the "big picture".

The closest example I can think of is the movie "Testament", where the action focuses on a small far-flung suburb of San Fransisco that's pretty much in the same boat as Jericho.  "The Day After" kept the action around Kansas City, but even then they jumped around the area a lot, and spoon-fed the audience clips stock footage of the US military going on alert, TV news about the "Crisis in Europe" etc.

So that's where Jericho, at least in premise, is "unique". The audience is given little info the rest of the characters don't have. So far the only things I can think of is that the Sheriff is dead at the hands of a convict from the prison bus, and what the mayor's son's been up to for the past few years& Otherwise we'll find out what's going on as the townspeople discover it. In that regard it's "realistic".
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: HankB on September 26, 2006, 07:10:37 AM
. . . what the mayor's son's been up to for the past few years . . .
From what the son said & did in the first episode, it seems he's been playing minor league baseball for both the Army and Navy, and learned to do some basic emergency surgery somewhere along the way.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 26, 2006, 07:10:43 AM
It could be interesting, if it doesn't fall into a morass of interpersonal drama BS.  It also has big potential for statist "trust the goverment, they'll save us" drivel.  

Time will tell.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 26, 2006, 07:26:24 AM
Quote from: mtnbkr
I'm undecided as of yet.  I'll give it another shot or two before I make my final decision.  

Wouldn't be the first time I like a show out of the gates and lose interest as it wanders off into la-la land.  Lost is a prime example.  These macro-series they're starting now have alot of potential, but I just think they try to get too many seasons out of them.  Lost should be over by now, but instead it just plods along.  Unlike shows like Friends or Sienfield, there is some kind of outcome in the future you can see, but you never know when it'll happen.  The castaways on Gilligans Isle had to get rescued at some point....
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: InfidelSerf on September 30, 2006, 11:19:27 AM
(Insert actual KS residents screaming that there's only strip-mining in their state here&)
He did say it was a salt mine.   In Hutchinson,KS there is a large saltmine that is now an underground storage facility.  In fact most of the greatest hollywood reels are stored there.

Based on the sign in the first episode it would put this fictional town around 100mile radius from Wichita.

My main gripe so far has been the blond ex girlfriend of the mayor's son.  When the two Jericho sheriff deputies pulled up to her on the side of the road.  She would have instantly known those two were not deputies.  A town with a polulation of 5K.. might have a dozen deputies. She would know them all by name if not at least their faces.  Besides she's from Jericho and two Jericho deputies ask her where the nearest gas stations are???  She should have played along but at least made it look like she knew something was up that instant.

But so far it looks interesting.
I was glad to see my local cable company had the episodes on their on demand service.  Since I missed the first one.

*edit* !warning potencial spoiler!...

when she takes the six shooter to the bathroom, and then crawls out of the house to call for help. BIG mistake.  
She had 3 rounds.. she should have loaded it.. and then walked back downstairs and plugged them both catching them off guard at the table. She would have eliminated the threat and had plenty of time to call for help.  Oh well monday morning quarterbacking hollywierd is kind of pointless anymore :p
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: Moondoggie on September 30, 2006, 12:26:54 PM
Yeah, my wife and I talked about the blond not knowing the cons in deputies' uniforms were bogus.

We live in a town of 4,600 maybe 300 miles from "Jericho".

Our county of 9,600 has 4 deputies in addition to the Sheriff.

No way somebody who'd lived there all of their life wouldn't know who was who.

We also picked up on them asking where there was gas....Duh!

BTW, our town also only has one grocery store, and we're the biggest town for 50 miles in any direction.

I like the show a lot.  There's a lot of gaffe's that better writing could fix, but overall it's a fun ride.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: atek3 on October 11, 2006, 06:44:52 AM
Quote from: veloce851
when she takes the six shooter to the bathroom, and then crawls out of the house to call for help. BIG mistake.  
She had 3 rounds.. she should have loaded it.. and then walked back downstairs and plugged them both catching them off guard at the table. She would have eliminated the threat and had plenty of time to call for help.  Oh well monday morning quarterbacking hollywierd is kind of pointless anymore :p
Dude, we have know idea of the characters background.  Frankly I'd be suprised if a novice shooter could a) even load a single action revolver b)  index the cylinder so that the hammer fell on the first of the 3 rounds and c) hit a trained opponent on the first shot under pressure.  

Sure if she was a SASS veteran, go downstairs and plug them, but I'm super suprised they let a female non-police officer successfully shoot and kill an opponent.  

I'm digging the show.

Title: Jericho.....
Post by: jeff-10 on October 12, 2006, 04:41:15 PM
For some reason I can't quote other posts on APS like I can on THR. Anyways I am thinking that the nukes maybe a coup attempt. In Hollywood's current state they will do anything for ratings. That means the most politically correct or unpolitically correct plot they can think of. Could be an attack by Islamic Terrorists or China but for some reason I am leaning towards a coup/homegrown terrorist attempt to take over the country. Also I read somewhere they will be introducing survivalists and militia type gangs in future episodes so there should be more gunplay coming.

I don't believe Jake is a minor-league baseball player. More than likely he is a former Marine, Ranger or SEAL. Not as knowledgable or experienced as Hawkins but still pretty good. He killed that felon in the 2nd episode without flinching, that leads me to believe he has combat training. Hawkins is some kind of ex-spook, possibly turned survivalist when he had some info about the nukes. That IRS agent is hot, she needs more face time. Those are just my thoughts on the show. So far I really like it and its basically the only syndicated TV show I have followed in ages.

The mods should merge the 2 Jericho posts.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: AJ Dual on October 12, 2006, 05:42:37 PM
The governmental coup is one of the ideas rattling around in my head too.

Staging the attack so the-powers-that-be can consolidate control and secure America from the "real threats that are out there".

If that's the direction this is going, they'll lose me as a viewer in a femtosecond...

I'm hoping he's part of a well heeled survivalist group, or ex-gov's who believed the attack was coming, but weren't believed, so they quit to seek safety for thier families etc.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 12, 2006, 05:53:42 PM
I don't get Hawkins.  He obviously had forewarning of the nukes, yet he didn't flee to some remote foreign land.  The only reason I can suggest is that he has some future task to perform, else he wouldn't be staying.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: BakerMikeRomeo on October 13, 2006, 12:20:34 AM
Quote from: jeff-10
For some reason I can't quote other posts on APS like I can on THR.
Jeff, on APS there is a little "quote" link in the bottom right hand corner of your post. That's how I quoted you, and then I deleted the rest of your post to which my reply wasn't relevant.

You can also just copy whatever you want to quote, and in your post type {quote=guy}QUOTE TEXT{/quote} where guy is the person to whom you are responding, QUOTE TEXT is the copied post, and the squirrely brackets are square ones.

e.g., here's what I typed to quote your message:

{quote=jeff-10}For some reason I can't quote other posts on APS like I can on THR.{/quote}

Only with square brackets.

Sorry if you knew any of that already, and just didn't know about the quote button, I was just trying to be thorough. Cheesy

Title: Jericho.....
Post by: jeff-10 on October 15, 2006, 06:24:24 PM
Quote from: Headless Thompson Gunner
I don't get Hawkins.  He obviously had forewarning of the nukes, yet he didn't flee to some remote foreign land.  The only reason I can suggest is that he has some future task to perform, else he wouldn't be staying.
I would imagine that if the US took a bunch of hits from some Nukes it would probably dish a lot out. The world could be very messy in Jericho. I would also imagine the world economy would completely crumble and there wouldn't be many places out there that would want to take in refugees.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 15, 2006, 07:42:56 PM
Quote from: Headless Thompson Gunner
I don't get Hawkins.  He obviously had forewarning of the nukes, yet he didn't flee to some remote foreign land.  The only reason I can suggest is that he has some future task to perform, else he wouldn't be staying.
Which would explain the 50 gallon drums in the truck he went to move during the fallout.  He got hazmat suited up and moved it.
Also, he asked his kid "who will take care of you forever" and the kid answered "mommy"....damn weird.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 16, 2006, 04:29:21 AM
Quote from: JamisJockey
Quote from: Headless Thompson Gunner
I don't get Hawkins.  He obviously had forewarning of the nukes, yet he didn't flee to some remote foreign land.  The only reason I can suggest is that he has some future task to perform, else he wouldn't be staying.
Which would explain the 50 gallon drums in the truck he went to move during the fallout.  He got hazmat suited up and moved it.
Also, he asked his kid "who will take care of you forever" and the kid answered "mommy"....damn weird.
I guess I would expect someone who knew nukes were about to fall on the US would jump on the next flight to Bangkok or Bolivia or somwehere.  That's certainly what I would do.  Ain't no 50 gallon drum full of supplies big enough to convince me to stick around and tough it out in the aftermath.

Sure, the world economy may tank, but the economy sure as heck isn't gonna be any better in the remaining small towns of America.  A basic living wage is pretty cheap in India or Hong Kong or Brazil, and I figure there's gotta be demand for an educated English speaking worker who isn't too greedy.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: HankB on October 19, 2006, 05:56:49 AM
Well, last night's episode had Homeland Security using a "reverse 911" system to call everyone in Jericho and let them know help was on the way. Power went back on, too.

Hawkins was spotted with a backyard satellite dish by the Mayor's wayward son . . .

TV came back with a "stay tuned" announcement, which at the end of the episode shifted to a view of an empty podium that was interrupted when we launched ICBMs at somebody (seems there were silos not far from Jericho) . . . so apparently some part of the U.S. Government is still functioning, and a decision was made to hit back - hard - at whoever nuked the USA.

Still waiting for news about what's actually going on . . .
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: mtnbkr on October 19, 2006, 06:07:33 AM
Did anyone notice the IP address typed into the web browswer by Hawkins' daughter?  

Who wants to point out what was wrong with the IP? Smiley

Title: Jericho.....
Post by: doczinn on October 19, 2006, 06:25:34 AM
I didn't notice the IP address, but there's no way the ground would rumble like that, that far away from the launch.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: AJ Dual on October 19, 2006, 06:53:17 AM
I noticed the IP that Hawkin's daughter tried, it started with *28& or something similar.

The IP version of 555-5555? LOL& "*" will only work well with a subnet mask. Web browser URL's or IP's don't work too well with wildcards, especialy in the FIRST octet...

I'm still watching, but they're not doing much to win me over. It's more just following through on invested time. I also noticed that after Hawkins logged through the "FEMA block" or whatever BS on the internet that was supposed to be, he first got the Presdential seal, then had a pop-up site that appeared to be in Russian, or at least in a Cyrillic alphabet.

My guess is that he's some sort of NSA (No Such Agency) Fed, but the writers are ham-fisted with making you wonder. They're trying too hard to be "LOST", and doing a bad job of it. In the fantasy island/Twilight Zone world of LOST, that kind of junk works, because that story is a means onto itself. OTOH, a nuclear atack on America has a context, and some expectation of a plot direction, but Jericho keeps playing too long with the ambivalence gambit, and it's starting to fail, IMO.

Since Hawkins also found prodigal son's blocked passport on the "online watch list", and was then "fixing" something, I think he's a Fed, and was using his strings to clean up wayward son's record. I'm guessing wayward son is AWOL special forces.

I want the answers to this, but the show is really pissing me off in the process. It's now just a race to see which wins out.

I didn't like the launch rumble either. Overly dramatic, just like the "power surge" starting the fires that were the main plot point of today's show in the first place. (Gee, nuclear war isn't "dramatic" enough? Sigh...) IIRC there's some silo's in Kansas, but I thought most were in Nebraska and the Dakotas. They might have seen contrails, maybe heard it faintly (NASA launches sure carry pretty far), but ground tremor is over the top, I agree.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: ilbob on October 19, 2006, 07:04:07 AM
Frankly I'd be suprised if a novice shooter could a) even load a single action revolver b)  index the cylinder so that the hammer fell on the first of the 3 rounds and c) hit a trained opponent on the first shot under pressure.
If the novice shooter had taken the NRA basic pistol class, a) and b) would be taken care of. Smiley
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: mtnbkr on October 19, 2006, 07:10:02 AM
I thought the first octet started with a 9, which is completely illegal.  For those that don't know, no octet in an ip address can be higher than 255.  Standard first octet ranges are:  1-223 with the following three octets running 0-255.  Therefore, any IP address starting with is fake and wouldn't be accepted by a web browser Unless that "number" was actually a domain name resolved via DNS.  However, in the show, the girl specifically mentioned bypassing DNS by using the IP.

Title: Jericho.....
Post by: garrettwc on October 19, 2006, 09:53:19 AM
Hawkins was spotted with a backyard satellite dish by the Mayor's wayward son . . .
Yeah, what was up with that? I caught this show for the first time last night. If this guy is some secret squirrel type, he's really bad at it. You set up your COMSAT in the backyard in broad daylight?

What about the stuck valve at the water tower? That must have been one heck of a kevlar stock on that rifle to not snap off using it to pry like that.

Did anyone else get a creepy feeling when the "Homeland Security" computers started calling? I didn't get a sense of "hello, help is on the way". It felt more like someone was probing trying to locate them.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: AJ Dual on October 19, 2006, 10:56:26 AM
Quote from: garrettwc
Hawkins was spotted with a backyard satellite dish by the Mayor's wayward son . . .
Did anyone else get a creepy feeling when the "Homeland Security" computers started calling? I didn't get a sense of "hello, help is on the way". It felt more like someone was probing trying to locate them.
The DHS reverse 911 calls were kind of creepy, just because it was so impersonal. For all they knew, it could be some computer system programmed to do that automaticaly with a pre-recorded message from long before the attacks and no-one is yet in charge.  It also reminded me of the end of "Lawnmower Man" where the now all-digital Job's birth cry would be to ring every phone on Earth. And an even better scene in the seminal Cyberpunk book Neuromancer, where an AI that wants to talk with the protagonist rings every payphone in a row as he walks past them.

The calls, the blocked Internet, and the video of the empty presidential podium just before the missiles went off made me feel like the writers of Jericho are possibly building up for the post-attack "government" to be some sort of quasi-junta built from a questionable order of presidential succession, and FEMA/DHS bureaucracy...

And "Mr. Hawkins" is either going to be part of it, or against it, and "prodigal son's" past will mix up in it as well.

"Yeah, I was a 'pool guy" too&"

"Snippy stranded cute IRS Auditor Woman" is positioned to be an irritating defender of the "Fed's Run Amok", and it'll throw a wrench in the protean, but all too obvious, romance with "Young Farmer Guy With Deaf Kid Sister", until the abuses are too much, and she comes around to stand with the "good people of Jericho".

They really don't tell you SQUAT in this show, and they're rapidly approaching an inverted curiosity/irritation ratio with me, but I think I see potential for a huge hand-wringing AWOT/Patriot Act/"What's America Coming To?" plotline.. I could be completely wrong, just a theory that's bubbling in my head.

The whole "Town on Fire" show already stinks of things getting episodic, rather than furthering a story-arc which seems to be the hallmark of the really good TV lately.
Title: Jericho.....
Post by: StopTheGrays on October 19, 2006, 11:30:03 AM
Quote from: garrettwc
Hawkins was spotted with a backyard satellite dish by the Mayor's wayward son . . .
Yeah, what was up with that? I caught this show for the first time last night. If this guy is some secret squirrel type, he's really bad at it. You set up your COMSAT in the backyard in broad daylight?
Well, there was 3 fires going on 3 different sides of town. Maybe he took advantage of it thinking no one would be around to snoop on him.

What about the stuck valve at the water tower? That must have been one heck of a kevlar stock on that rifle to not snap off using it to pry like that.
I was thinking that too. I was waiting for it to snap and for the guy to injure himself.

Did anyone else get a creepy feeling when the "Homeland Security" computers started calling? I didn't get a sense of "hello, help is on the way". It felt more like someone was probing trying to locate them.
I had not thought of that but now that you mention it that sounds like a plausible and ominous explaination.

The missles going off and causing a rumble. Would they cause a sonic boom on the way up? I am not up on rocketry so I do not know if that could cause the rumble.

Jake(?) being on the watch list and Hawkins "fixing" it, I believe Hawkins was narcing him out to whoever he works for. I think Jake had an idea what was going to happen and wanted to see his family one more time before the SHTF. He wanted the money his grandfather left for him so he could flee the country because he did not want to be involved with what was going to happen. He most likely works with some agency like Hawkins does. Whether it is the same one I do not know yet. Overall I like the series so far but I would like to see more conflict of the armed style rather than the drama.
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: mtnbkr on November 02, 2006, 06:09:40 AM
Did anyone catch last night's episode?  Can you give me a synopsis?  I missed it. 

Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 02, 2006, 06:33:33 AM
Did anyone catch last night's episode?  Can you give me a synopsis?  I missed it. 


Mayor is in bad shape.   The wannabe mayor is getting antsy to take control of the city and is even advocating and pushing interrogating the new residents of the city (8 new families just before the SHTF).  The resident criminal element stole all the food from the train and then broke the BG out of jail in the dark during the halloween party, but the ringleader is the hot blonde's dad, and she got him to begin helping out (Selling food back to the town).  Brothers then took off to an outlying larger town, where the hospital is, to find medicine for the Mayor.  Secnes from next week look like the brothers get confronted in the hospital by a military or para-military group (well equipped and well trained), and also find the other town in bad shape (looted, etc).....
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: mtnbkr on November 02, 2006, 06:39:05 AM
Weren't folks supposed to return from their explorations to the rest of the country (those sent out in the 2nd or 3rd episode) and give reports on the carnage?

Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: StopTheGrays on November 02, 2006, 06:51:00 AM
Weren't folks supposed to return from their explorations to the rest of the country (those sent out in the 2nd or 3rd episode) and give reports on the carnage?

Wannabe Mayor was one of them. But if what happened to him on the road happened to the others then it is MadMax time out there and the others could be strapped to the front of "the lord Humongus'" vehicle by now.

Hawkins was right in the first episode...painting out the city name on the squad cars that leave the city to keep the fact that Jericho is still somewhat alive a secret.
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 02, 2006, 08:34:52 AM
Weren't folks supposed to return from their explorations to the rest of the country (those sent out in the 2nd or 3rd episode) and give reports on the carnage?


Oh, yea, I forgot about that.  Mr. Wannabe reported that he caught a ride with a FEMA convoy headed to a refugee camp with water and supplies at one point, but then they were robbed at a "checkpoint" and the fema official was killed.  So apparantly FEMA is running, but its turning into mad max still. 
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: mtnbkr on November 02, 2006, 08:42:57 AM
Interesting.  I may tune in next week if it's convenient.

Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: jeff-10 on November 02, 2006, 10:37:07 AM
A couple of important points.

1) Jake's weapon of choice appears to be a 4 inch Colt Python.
2) IRS agent is hot and now useless. Still may be the Federal Goverment's senior rep in town though.
3) The so called 'survivalist' from the last episode turns out to be a small time hood/smuggler with a gang. More grease monkey than militia but he does have manpower. He also appears not to be totally evil.
4) NYC made it. Apparently NYPD caught the ppl trying to smuggle in the nuke and arrested or killed them before they could detonate it. Somehow I doubt NYC is doing to good though without daily truck loads of food and electricity.
5) DC was blown up.
6) Bald wanna be dictator is slowly gaining power.

My only issue with the cities being nuked by terroists cells is who EMP'd? Could Al Qaeda launch an EMP attack? Some how I doubt it.
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 02, 2006, 10:58:28 AM
I am seriously starting to doubt they will blame terrorists.  I'm suspecting some kind of coup.
Also, I'm notcing more guns.  Its like they are starting to realize that its getting more and more serious and desperate, and are thinking about taking care of themselves a bit more.  Also, Jake told the thug-boss that among the things they'd need to start trading for would be ammo....
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: SkunkApe on November 02, 2006, 11:39:10 AM
Did anyone catch last night's episode?  Can you give me a synopsis?  I missed it. 


You can watch all the episodes here:

I've watched them all here, except last night's episode.  The picture quality was decent, even in full screen mode.  Less commercials than on TV, too.

I think you need a pretty fast connection, though.
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: StopTheGrays on November 02, 2006, 12:48:14 PM

My only issue with the cities being nuked by terroists cells is who EMP'd? Could Al Qaeda launch an EMP attack? Some how I doubt it.

Maybe what is left of the government set one (or more) off. Reason?
1. If this was caused by terrorists bringing in nukes maybe setting off emps could disable any others not set off yet. I am not sure what range an emp would have.


2. To prevent the people from moving far from where they are located to stop the spread of irradiated people by setting off emps to disable most cars, trucks and planes.

Anyone think Hawking might have a small nuke? Could one fit inside a barrel, like the one he pulled out of storage and bricked up in his basemen? That was a barrel he was bricking up, right?
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 02, 2006, 02:10:15 PM
FYI, most private aircraft have very basic electronics, much like an older car.  Many are carburoated, and with basics like a compass, gyro (horizon), and under VFR (visual flight rules) they could in my estimation be used to fly around.  When Jake was at the airport to get the horses, there were several aircraft that I believe probably fit this description.  Surely if there's a small airport in town, someone has to be a pilot.  What better way to get a look around than from above?
Obviously the writers hadn't thought of this (yet).
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 08, 2006, 05:26:20 PM
Tonights was pretty damn good. 
Spoiler alert!

Jake was driving a truck in Iraq for 1 1/2 years.  He revealed that tonight.
The funny part was watching the brothers search the hospital.  Jake was crisp and had a very good stance, the other brother used low ready mostly. 
Next week looks to be interesting.
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: HankB on November 09, 2006, 03:45:53 AM
Next week looks to be interesting.
After a couple of b-o-r-i-n-g episodes it looks like it may be picking up. More than a month has passed, "contractors" have been hired by the Feds to help out the overstretched National Guard, FEMA has set up evacuation points, and groundwater has been contaminated by fallout in some places (good thing what fell on Jericho had a VERY short half-life  rolleyes ).

And Hawkins left FBI credentials where they might be found during a search . . . hmmmm . . .

Of course, Jake's brother conveniently left his wallet behind so the "contractors" - who appear to have gone rogue - would know he's from Jericho, and from the coming attractions it appears they show up in order to "gather supplies" per Federal Government orders . . .

Yeah, sure, the folks of Jericho are just going to turn over what little they've got . . . looks like the confrontation might get "interesting."
Title: Re: Jericho.....
Post by: StopTheGrays on November 09, 2006, 05:44:59 AM

Jake was driving a truck in Iraq for 1 1/2 years.  He revealed that tonight.
Jake said he did a lot of stuff in the past. He probably was in Iraq but not as a driver.

Jake's brother was wearing a jacket when they went into the hospital and took it off to "disguise" himself as a doctor when the mercs were hunting them down. He did not have time to go back and get his jacket and his wallet was in it. I keep my wallet in my jacket all the time too so I see that as not being too far fetched a plot point.