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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on October 04, 2006, 01:47:09 PM

Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 04, 2006, 01:47:09 PM
One of my favorite movies is "Thelma and Louise." I know it's a "chick-flick," but I enjoy it. Also, I'll watch just about any movie that shows the indescribable beauty of southern Utah.

Anywho, I also find Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis to be very attractive.

And, as a self-described conservative, that bothers me. I'm not supposed to like them because of their political views. Or at least Sarandon's views.

The problem with that line of thinking is that about the only entertainers I'd be left with would be Mel Gibson, Ted Nugent and Charlie Daniels.

Does anyone else struggle with this?
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 04, 2006, 01:53:51 PM
No, because Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon are not especially attractive.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: onions! on October 04, 2006, 02:21:03 PM
No,because A)what comes out of their mouth actually can be used to make a co-worker sheep think a little bit.
-----co-worker"Well Susan Saranwrap says ****,& I like her**"so it must be true."
----Me"You do realize that she's an actress & gets paid-lots more than you & I make together-to lie.Right?& What did your parents teach you about liars?"Believe it or not it seems to be working with her.A little at a time...
& B)I care more about what Winston(my mutt)warbles to me when I get home everyday.

**This is the same argument this same woman uses as defense of President Clinton.
He's likeable.
Mrs.Saranwrap is a hottie though.>shrug<
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: wingnutx on October 04, 2006, 02:22:38 PM
I'll watch Barbarella.

That evil commie slag was a pretty hot chick at one point.

I don't take it all too seriously. I do avoid especially obnoxious actors like Sean Penn, but if he was a bit player in a movie I wanted to see then I won't let it bother me. No way I would quit watching "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" just because doofus Clooney is in it.

Luckily, most of the starring roles the worst have been in lately are ones I would have avoided anyway.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Ron on October 04, 2006, 02:33:12 PM
I find myself watching less and less modern media.

No particular reason other than I just lost interest. I have a couple, few shows I'll catch on TV on occasion. Sometimes a movie will come out I feel I have to rent. But it is just not a priority for me now.

It started out as a boycott against certain actors/actresses and just blossomed into "the hell with all of it".

You cannot escape the fact that modern entertainment including the news is agenda driven. I just don't have the energy to filter all the BS anymore. So I watch less.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: 280plus on October 04, 2006, 02:41:35 PM
Susan Sarandon was pretty hot in Rocky Horror...

I like Geena until the nose job, now she looks kind of generic to me.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Ron on October 04, 2006, 02:54:56 PM
I never did answer the question.

I reserve the right to lust after any woman regardless of political leanings. If she becomes especially obnoxious she usually stops being attractive to me.

I used to think Cameron Diaz was cute and likable. Then I heard a couple of her rants and she lost all appeal to me.

Julia Roberts was appealing to me early on, now she has the fingers on chalkboard effect to me.

Actors and actresses that keep their political views unknown remain empty vessels that we can project what we want into. They are the ones who become beloved because they can be all things to all people.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Devonai on October 04, 2006, 03:25:26 PM
For some perspective, I'll be 30 in 13 days.

Geena Davis was never especially attractive to me, but she looked pretty good in Long Kiss Goodnight.  These days I would only go out with her because she's famous.

Susan Sarandon did indeed look good in Rocky Horror, but that was about the end of it for me.  Note that I have not seen Bull Durham.

For the latter, I avoid films with her in them because of her political stance.  However, my favorite movie of all time is The Shawshank Redemption with her long time boyfriend Tim Robbins, and his acting in this movie allows me to disregard his political views.  I would not avoid a movie with him in it because of this bias.

And I'll second GoRon's opinion of Cameron Diaz, except my feelings were changed after an interview with Jay Leno.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: wingnutx on October 04, 2006, 05:40:07 PM
I'll continue to lust after Winona Ryder, who seems to just be an apolitical kleptomaniac Cheesy
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 04, 2006, 06:15:21 PM
"However, my favorite movie of all time is The Shawshank Redemption with her long time boyfriend Tim Robbins, and his acting in this movie allows me to disregard his political views.  I would not avoid a movie with him in it because of this bias."

Interesting. "Shawshank Redemption" was also one of my favorite movies. Until Tim Robbins got on camera ranting like an adolescent about "19th Century Fox" (his reference to the Fox news network).

After that, I just couldn't look at him without thinking what a ridiculous and juvenile press conference he'd held. Still sticks with me today.

As I said before, if I based my taste in music or movies on the politics of the performers, I'd be awfully limited in my choices.

It's really a shame that so many talented people alienate large segments of their audience by taking sides. In the final political analysis, their influence is rather small.

But Susan Sarandon does have beautiful eyes. Wink
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 04, 2006, 06:22:54 PM
Quote from: Devonai
Geena Davis was never especially attractive to me, but she looked pretty good in Long Kiss Goodnight.
Same here.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Lee on October 04, 2006, 06:25:38 PM
Fantasy is fantasy...I wouldn't worry about it.

Shawshank Redemption -funny, I was just thinking that this is the time of the year to visit this place >>>

"Built in 1886, the Ohio State Reformatory was a working prison for 94 years, housing more than 154,000 prisoners throughout that time. Ohio State Reformatory has been the setting for major motion pictures, including Shawshank Redemption, Air Force One and Tango and Cash. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and in the Guinness Book of Word Records, the prison boasts the world's largest freestanding steel cell block. Some say former inmates still walk the halls of the Ohio State Reformatory. Whether this is true or not is hard to say, but hundreds of people have entered the prison in hopes of finding out."
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: wingnutx on October 04, 2006, 07:36:14 PM
I didn't see "Shawshank Redemption" because there is no way a movie could do justice to the book.

"Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" was a fantastic novel.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: Lee on October 05, 2006, 07:04:08 AM
"I didn't see "Shawshank Redemption" because there is no way a movie could do justice to the book." was pretty darned good.  I'd say it's at least on par with 'The Shining'.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: SpookyPistolero on October 05, 2006, 07:07:00 AM
As someone who is also often irritated by people turning good books into bad movies, I can honestly say you'd be doing yourself a large favor by watching The Shawshank Redemption. It's been on my 'favorite' list for a long, long time.
Title: A conservative (me), Susan Sarandon, and Geena Davis
Post by: wingnutx on October 05, 2006, 03:57:16 PM
I'll give it a shot, if I can keep my wife from throwing things at the screen every time RObbins comes on.