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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: gunsmith on October 04, 2006, 07:13:17 PM

Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: gunsmith on October 04, 2006, 07:13:17 PM
I heard about it on the glenn beck show and just watched my first episode tonight.
Kind of un realistic, wouldn't an EMP wipe out the cars and electrical grid?
Where are the guns!?
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 04, 2006, 07:31:34 PM
I think they jury is still out on whether or not the show is accurate.

The power went out after tha blast.  Not immiedately, though, which is a bit unrealistic.  Electronics still seemed to work, those that could be powered by means other than the pwoer grid.  This is somewhat consistent with EMP.  Any sort of shielding would protect electronics, and simple devices like appliances, older style analog radios, and such-like, woud probably still function after EMP.

There were a few shotguns visible here and there amongst the crowds.  One of the main characters was handed a pistol from a friend who appeared to be carrying concealed.

The only person in town with a ham radio and a modicum or preparation was portrayed as a lunatic tin-foil type.  It was as if being better prepared for a disaster than your neighbors is prima facie evidence of nuttery.  Sad
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: wingnutx on October 04, 2006, 07:39:06 PM
Doesn't an EMP only affect devices that are powered on during the pulse?

It's more comforting for folks to think that being prepared is nutty than it is for them to admit that they are unprepared and at the mercy of fate.
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 04, 2006, 07:50:34 PM
My understanding is that EMP is most likely to affect silicon-based electronics, stuff with chips inside of it, stuff that is usually sensitive to static discharge.  Older technology like discrete resistors, capacitors, inductors, switches, vacuum tubes, and so forth aren't terribly susceptible.  

A device doesn't need to be powered on to be damaged.  Actual EMP won't care.  A nuclear attack may cause surges in the power grid, similar to the surges you sometimes get in a lightning storm.  In that case, a device that is switched on may be more susceptible, since witching it on connects its innards to the power grid whereas switching it of disconnects its internals from the grid.
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 05, 2006, 02:57:42 AM
Its hollyweirded up, but so far its interesting.  I'm hooked.  However, I was hooked on Lost...and lost interest by the end of the first season.  Jericho better go somewhere quicker than Lost....
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: client32 on October 05, 2006, 03:06:12 AM
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Bogie on October 05, 2006, 07:40:35 AM
I wanna see another reality show...
Call it "Second Chance." Get a buncha the losers from American Idol, Survivor, etc., up to a couple hundred to start, and put 'em about 100 yards apart around the edge of an island. Give 'em each a .45, one magazine, and a Ka-Bar... Tell 'em that the person who makes it to the center of the island and captures the flag gets their own tv show.

Buy lots and lots of Kevlar and bullet-proof minitanks for the camera crews.
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: AJ Dual on October 05, 2006, 10:51:59 AM
It is indeed "Hollywierded" up, but it's not too bad. However...

In Jericho: "Fallout" only happens during rainstorms, and is only dangerous for a few hours. If you don't have underground shelter, plastic sheets on the windows will do in a pinch.

In reality: You need to shelter for a minimum of two weeks for the worst isotopes to burn off, and even then, it's minimum exposure when absolutely necessary. More like a month.  Plastic sheets can help keep things "clean" of fallout dust, but the gamma and neutron radiation coming off that fallout will go through it like a hot knife through butter. Even a basment is marginal protection because of the exposed top of the foundation, and the wooden "roof" of the first floor is too thin.  

The best protection is a few feet of dirt, rock, or concrete.

The redeeming factor: At least Jericho mentioned fallout and treated it as a real concern, even if the on-screen execution was poor.

In Jericho: Tincture of Iodine cures radiation sickness.

In reality: Tincture of Iodine is POISONOUS. Ingesting anything other than a few drops used to disinfect water is a "bad thing". Many people, often children, died during the Chernobyl disaster trying this. You need KI Potassium Iodide pills. And even then it only protects your thyroid by "filling you up" with "good" iodine, which prevents the uptake of radioactive Iodine 131 in the fallout. All the other fallout isotopes are still deadly. Even then radioactive iodine outside your body will still be irradiating you...

The redeeming factor: At least they knew something about the Iodine. However, it has the potential to poison however many millions of sheeple who's only knowledge of iodine and nuclear war/disaster was what they just saw on TV...

The way they treated EMP wasn't too bad. It takes large bombs detonated at high altitude to create widespread EMP effects.  Groundbursts minimize it much closer to the line-of-sight horizon, the ground absorbs the rest. Even in a "worst case" EMP scenario where it's detonated to maximize the effects, electronics connected to some kind of antenna, long pieces of metal like pipes, power lines or fencing are the most affected, because the antenna collects the EMP and creates voltages in the line the longer the antenna is.

Small rural power grids could posibly protect themselves with breakers, surge strips on computers, breakers and fuses inside appliances, and stand alone items like cars might survive better than people would initialy think within a few hundred miles of a groundburst.

Although the local EMP from the Atlanta blast would have cut off the poor kid's mom from leaving that phone message the second it detonated. The line would have gone dead instantaneously.

If the show dosen't get any more "soap opera-y" than it is now, and the main drama is confined to the survival chalenges. I'll keep watching.

Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: atek3 on October 11, 2006, 06:02:01 AM
that show rules.  can't wait til tonight.
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Telperion on October 11, 2006, 06:24:35 AM
Nobody in town has a shortwave radio receiver?

This show needs a THR member caricature, ASAP.
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: StopTheGrays on October 11, 2006, 06:57:33 AM
Quote from: Telperion
Nobody in town has a shortwave radio receiver?

This show needs a THR member caricature, ASAP.
There is at least one guy but the show makes him out to be a Art Bell-esque nut.

The "ex-LEO" from St. Louis=terrorist involved or .gov agent? Involved or at least knew before hand what was going on?
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: atek3 on October 11, 2006, 07:01:39 AM
just out of PC-ness they can't make the only black guy a bad guy. it would be like an action movie killing off the black guy...

Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: StopTheGrays on October 11, 2006, 07:09:26 AM
Quote from: atek3
just out of PC-ness they can't make the only black guy a bad guy. it would be like an action movie killing off the black guy...

Like in Predator? Both black team members got smucked.
Like in Doom? Both black team members got smucked as well as the Rock.
Like in aliens? Both black team members got smucked.

Trust me, they will make him a bad guy but justify it somehow thru moral relativism.
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: atek3 on October 11, 2006, 08:10:03 AM
my point is killing the black dude is such a lame cliche.
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: StopTheGrays on October 11, 2006, 08:44:15 AM
Quote from: atek3
my point is killing the black dude is such a lame cliche.
My bad, I misunderstood your point. Sad
Title: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: 280plus on October 11, 2006, 09:48:02 AM
Quote from: Bogie
I wanna see another reality show...
Call it "Second Chance." Get a buncha the losers from American Idol, Survivor, etc., up to a couple hundred to start, and put 'em about 100 yards apart around the edge of an island. Give 'em each a .45, one magazine, and a Ka-Bar... Tell 'em that the person who makes it to the center of the island and captures the flag gets their own tv show.

Buy lots and lots of Kevlar and bullet-proof minitanks for the camera crews.
My idea has always been to take them all as suggested, put them on an island in the middle of nowhere and leave them there until there is only one left. That person would be the survivor and wins whatever.

Once someone said to me, "You'd KILL them all?!?" with a really shocked expression on her face. I said, "No, I wouldn't kill them, I'd just let them die." Tongue
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Guest on October 29, 2006, 10:03:03 PM
It's not a bad show, but I wish anyone watching it could go back and watch Jeremiah on Showtime.  It starred Luke Perry and Malcolm-Jamaal Warner and was on in 2003.  Its story was a virus killed everyone on earth over the age of 15, and 10 years later the survivors were, well, trying to survive.

It was the best apocalyptic style program I've ever seen.   Ran for two years, got cancelled when its creator threw a temper tantrum against the company producing it and pulled the plug.

It was superior to Jericho in every way, IMO.

Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 30, 2006, 04:13:58 AM
He's not a bad guy (yet).....lessee...he's so far helped the town with the fallout, security, and other matters.....
I think he's some kind of government agent.  CIA or something.  They had advance warning, but couldn't do anything about it in time to save anyone without causing widespread panic.  I guess we'll see if they cliche' him as the bad guy or a dead guy...

So far this show is pretty good (to me).  Obviously hollyweird's going off what they think and making stuff up on the fly.  But to me TV  and Movies are for escapisim.  I despise "reality" TV because its not real.  At least with traditionally produced TV and Movies I know its not real and as long as its not too fked up I can get on board and enjoy it.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: mtnbkr on October 30, 2006, 04:19:33 AM
I'm kinda frustrated with the show.  The first half to 2/3 of an episode make me want to turn it off, but the last bit makes me tune in the following week.  It's not completely bad or completely good, just good enough to keep me hooked.  Heroes is the same way.  rolleyes

Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: AJ Dual on October 30, 2006, 05:32:32 AM
I'm kinda frustrated with the show.  The first half to 2/3 of an episode make me want to turn it off, but the last bit makes me tune in the following week.  It's not completely bad or completely good, just good enough to keep me hooked.  Heroes is the same way.  rolleyes


This discribes the show to a "T" for me as well. "Just good enough to keep me coming back."

IMO, the problem is that the show is trying too hard to compete with "LOST". In the closed Twilight Zone environment of LOST, the writers can do whatever they want, and all the dangling mystery is part of the game that you know your signing up for as a viewer.

With "Jericho", even though it's fictional, the more realistic setting, and semi-realistic disaster make you expect more concrete information. The added "mystery" seems contrived and unnatural, and in this context it hinders suspension of disbelief, and makes it a weaker show.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 30, 2006, 06:28:29 AM
I'm kinda frustrated with the show.  The first half to 2/3 of an episode make me want to turn it off, but the last bit makes me tune in the following week.  It's not completely bad or completely good, just good enough to keep me hooked.  Heroes is the same way.  rolleyes


This discribes the show to a "T" for me as well. "Just good enough to keep me coming back."

IMO, the problem is that the show is trying too hard to compete with "LOST". In the closed Twilight Zone environment of LOST, the writers can do whatever they want, and all the dangling mystery is part of the game that you know your signing up for as a viewer.

With "Jericho", even though it's fictional, the more realistic setting, and semi-realistic disaster make you expect more concrete information. The added "mystery" seems contrived and unnatural, and in this context it hinders suspension of disbelief, and makes it a weaker show.

I disagree.  The recent relevation that DC is gone in the show easily explains the information vacum.
Also, I think Hawkins knows who did it.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: HankB on October 30, 2006, 07:13:35 AM
The show seems to be losing it's realism . . . for example, the missles that were fired shook the town, but the mayor commented that the nearest silos were over 100 miles away . . . and then there was the EMP burst right afterwards that fried everything. (Did we EMP ourselves?)

Then there's the horse thieves that nearly killed Jake's mother, and everyone's insistence that nobody actually should DO anything. Then Jake goes out and lets himself be sucker-punched and dragged into a barn, only to be rescued by his brother & a deputy who get the drop on one of the horse thieves who's about to shoot Jake. Of course, rather than SHOOT the bad guy when he turns with a shotgun, the brother and deputy duck, and stay conveniently hidden so the fleeing horse thief can make his way across the yard, jump on Ol' Dobbin, and make good his escape . . . whereupon the good guys (belatedly) exit the barn and stare at the bad guy in the distance.

The show is so uneven it makes me think there's a committee of writers involved, and they don't talk to each other before the scripts are stapled together.

I have to agree with the earlier comment that the "mystery" is beginning to appear contrived and unnatural.

Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: AJ Dual on October 30, 2006, 07:23:02 AM
I'm not complaining about the news blackout.

Who bombed the US, Why, who got bombed? That's all very realistic and part of the show I like.

I can't remember if it was here or in GT, but I even suggested that the only news the town should get is an asian guy screaming on the shortwave, and all you hear is United States, a couple of times so you know he's talking about them, but no idea what he's saying.

Then when the satelite dish picked up that Asian newscast for a second, I was ROTFL that they "stole" my idea.

What I am complaining about is the whole "mystery men" side plots, or at least the way it's being handled. Jake's past, and little drips and drabs about Hawkins with his laptop etc. It's overly melodramatic.

It's like the writers are screaming "WOO HOO! LOOK AT THE BIG SECRETS WE"RE NOT TELLING YOU!  WOOOOOOOAH! TUNE IN NEXT WEEK!" They're just telegraphing it so hard, trying to compete with LOST&

That's what bugs me.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: HankB on October 30, 2006, 08:05:08 AM
It's like the writers are screaming "WOO HOO! LOOK AT THE BIG SECRETS WE"RE NOT TELLING YOU!  WOOOOOOOAH! TUNE IN NEXT WEEK!" They're just telegraphing it so hard, trying to compete with LOST&
Exactly. (As for Lost . . . aside from the silliness of the BIG unseen monster that was eating people, I quit watching Lost when the group was attacked by a polar bear in the jungle and were OUTRAGED that the guy who saved them used a GUN they felt he shouldn't have had . . . and then he let himself be disarmed.)
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 30, 2006, 08:10:18 AM
Find a TV show that is perfectly realisitic.  Good luck.
My point is the show has an interesting premise and its entertaining to try and follow the plot.  Some holes in it? Sure.  Unrealistic things?  Sure as hell.  But I'm real curious where its going and at this point I'm hooked.  Will I lose interest (Lost all interest in lost....) maybe....who knows....
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: AJ Dual on October 30, 2006, 08:32:58 AM
That is why I still like Jericho. It does have a very unique premise. Attempting to deal, even semi-realisticaly, with a limited nuclear attack is pretty original. Other than "The Day After" which was realy a made for TV movie, I can't even think of a telivision series that came close.

As long as there's no MZB's being chased by left hand drive GT Ford Falcons, it'll be okay.  grin
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: ilbob on November 19, 2006, 02:38:36 PM
I hadn't watched any of the episodes yet so last night I watched the first 8 on the Internet, and the 9th this morning.

I could just nitpick all the technical mistakes (and there are a lot), but really, you have to give the writers a certain amount of creative freedom.

I give it a thumbs up.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: cosine on February 22, 2007, 08:11:32 PM
What did y'all think of the latest episode of Jericho?
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: gunsmith on February 23, 2007, 12:17:37 AM
I didn't like the insinuation that some kind of "patriot" militia
was behind the bombings.
It's as if Hollywood thinks that if we just beat ourselves up that jihadist will just leave us alone.
Same problem I had with that lame movie "child of man".
Liberals see a bad man with a gun so they ban the gun, not the bad man.
I am so sick of political correctness being shoved down my throat in the guise of entertainment.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 23, 2007, 01:39:26 AM
I didn't like the insinuation that some kind of "patriot" militia
was behind the bombings.
It's as if Hollywood thinks that if we just beat ourselves up that jihadist will just leave us alone.
Same problem I had with that lame movie "child of man".
Liberals see a bad man with a gun so they ban the gun, not the bad man.
I am so sick of political correctness being shoved down my throat in the guise of entertainment.
We don't know that the group isn't jihadist islam converts....
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: Ron on February 23, 2007, 03:48:47 AM
Looks like it is a military coup or something along those lines. Who else would have access to the satellite they used to show the guy playing with his kid in the yard?
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: HankB on February 23, 2007, 03:54:57 AM
I suspect the producers or the network required "politically correct" villains . . . notice that the (mostly) white guys delivered their bombs, the black guy (Hawkins) didn't blow up Columbus but rescued his family instead . . . it wouldn't surprise me if the bombers turn out to be neonazis who've infiltrated our government and have been running our brutal, illegal & immoral policies for years, and have grown impatient with the pesky little obstacles in their way (like the Constitution) as they try to reform America.  rolleyes

(When they made Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears into a movie, the same mentality was at work when they made the villians modern neonazis instead of the Arab fanatics of the book.)
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: RocketMan on February 23, 2007, 05:11:44 AM
After Wednesday's episode it was pretty clear the villians are some "right wing conservative" group.  Those are almost the only kind of bad guys Hollywood will portray these days.
I am betting the missile launch will turn out to have been done by a conservative administration, and it will have been against an innocent country.  The EMP burst was in retaliation for those nuke shots.
The  earlier dropping of supplies with Chinese markings will turn out to be opportunism on their part.
I used to be interested in the show.  After Wednesday, seeing how the plot line is taking a typical Hollywood PC direction, it is losing its appeal.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: xsquidgator on March 12, 2008, 03:35:07 PM
So, anyone watched the show recently (today is 3-12-08)?  I started watching a month or so ago when they started playing the first season's episodes on SciFi, and now we're DVRing the new episodes when they come on Tuesday nights.  Just watched episode 29 or 30 where the townspeople finally string up Goetz.  Good stuff.

By coincidence I've been re-reading Unintended Consequences the last couple of weeks (just got into the really good part last 1/3 or so) and the similarities between that and "occupied Jericho" really have me going.  You know, when it's time to bury 'em it's time to dig 'em up kind of stuff.  Anyone else get good and worked up watching this?
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: mtnbkr on March 12, 2008, 05:12:29 PM
It is definitely getting better. Smiley

Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: gunsmith on March 12, 2008, 06:19:52 PM
its been a long time since I watched, political correctness of last year made me return to reading yet again.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: RocketMan on March 12, 2008, 06:22:28 PM
It is definitely getting better. Smiley


Agreed.  I've started watching again.  The writing seems a little tighter, the stories more interesting.
Not great TV, but more watchable and more enjoyable than the first season.
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: SomeKid on March 12, 2008, 08:05:25 PM
It's like the writers are screaming "WOO HOO! LOOK AT THE BIG SECRETS WE"RE NOT TELLING YOU!  WOOOOOOOAH! TUNE IN NEXT WEEK!" They're just telegraphing it so hard, trying to compete with LOST&
Exactly. (As for Lost . . . aside from the silliness of the BIG unseen monster that was eating people, I quit watching Lost when the group was attacked by a polar bear in the jungle and were OUTRAGED that the guy who saved them used a GUN they felt he shouldn't have had . . . and then he let himself be disarmed.)

An armed man, let unarmed people disarm him, after he saved their lives? You joke, right?
Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: mtnbkr on March 13, 2008, 01:51:36 AM
IIRC, they were outraged because he stole the gun and he let them have it because it was empty anyway.  No ammo means the gun is no more useful than a rock.  Lots of rocks on the island...

Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: mtnbkr on March 13, 2008, 01:53:08 AM
its been a long time since I watched, political correctness of last year made me return to reading yet again.

It's a lot less PC this year.  The main characters are starting to talk about concepts such as freedom, oppression, etc.  Without getting into much detail, this week's episode had them dealing with their main oppressor. Smiley

Title: Re: anyone else watching Jericho?
Post by: HankB on March 13, 2008, 03:35:22 AM
The coming attractions imply Major Beck is going to hammer Jake and the towns of both New Bern and Jericho because Goetz finally got what was coming to him.

Of course, Goetz had already been FIRED by Ravenwood (and their employer, J&R) for embezzling funds, so I don't know what the problem is here. And it's not clear why Jake & Jericho are going to be punished, since Beck found Goetz strung up at New Bern.

Maybe they need to come up with some reason to have a car chase with a nuke . . . time for "willing suspension of disbelief" again.