Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Ben on December 20, 2014, 08:16:14 PM

Title: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Ben on December 20, 2014, 08:16:14 PM
It appears to be related to the protests. If so, and even though it appears to be a lone wacko, the protest groups have probably lost sympathy from all but the fringe.

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on December 20, 2014, 08:44:06 PM
Both cops deceased now.

Was some buzz the guy did his g/f in baltimore and then went to ny. Also alleged he used waze to help in targeting

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Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: MechAg94 on December 20, 2014, 08:51:59 PM
waze?  ???
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Viking on December 20, 2014, 08:58:12 PM
Supposedly from the killer:
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: JN01 on December 20, 2014, 09:11:46 PM
waze?  ???

You have your ways, he has his waze.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: roo_ster on December 21, 2014, 01:52:40 AM
Any thoughts on any greater significance than just one possibly whacked out guy?  Is the frequency of deliberately targetted leos increasing or is it just a matter of tbem getting more play on the air and net?
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 21, 2014, 02:13:38 AM
waze?  ???

They were in the news a few days ago, for something unrelated, and much less dramatic.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 21, 2014, 02:41:09 AM
Can someone please update the thread when Al Sharpton and Ben Crump offer their assistance to the family of the deceased?
Title: Re:
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on December 21, 2014, 07:25:10 AM
I liked the way a room full of cops turned their backs on Deblasio when he walked through on his way to hospital press conference
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2014, 09:36:08 AM
It appears the dead LEOs were both "people of color". That's not going to be good for the narrative.

Also I found the various quotes here interesting. I'm not sure what made Holder say what he said, and the NAACP is apparently attempting to turn it into a gun control topic (in a city where the killer was prohibited from having a gun):
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Boomhauer on December 21, 2014, 09:48:13 AM
It appears the dead LEOs were both "people of color". That's not going to be good for the narrative.

Also I found the various quotes here interesting. I'm not sure what made Holder say what he said, and the NAACP is apparently attempting to turn it into a gun control topic (in a city where the killer was prohibited from having a gun):

They are rather eager to deflect it away from the Black Muslim angle.
Holder is still on his community-police relations (aka we need to stop arresting the black criminals) angle

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Ron on December 21, 2014, 10:00:15 AM
They are rather eager to deflect it away from the Black Muslim angle.
Holder is still on his community-police relations (aka we need to stop arresting the black criminals) angle

Cop killer protester who votes Democrat works.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: dogmush on December 21, 2014, 10:05:14 AM
Dunno about the Muslim angle, but I have feared for 5 or 6 years now that eventually the sub culture who honestly believes cops are the enemy will do something about it.  Whatever the truth the narrative is rapidly solidifying to "Cops can and will shoot black kids with impunity"

If you really believe that, and are one of the targets, the only real option is to make it so dangerous for cops they don't come to your area.  I fear this kind of thing will only escalate.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Monkeyleg on December 21, 2014, 10:10:21 AM
If you really believe that, and are one of the targets, the only real option is to make it so dangerous for cops they don't come to your area.  I fear this kind of thing will only escalate.

It's worked in some of the projects. I remember Cabrini Green in Chicago was so dangerous for cops that they wouldn't respond to calls there. That was in the 1970's or 1980's. When I drove past it, it looked like a real hellhole.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: never_retreat on December 21, 2014, 11:53:23 AM
It appears the dead LEOs were both "people of color". That's not going to be good for the narrative.

Also I found the various quotes here interesting. I'm not sure what made Holder say what he said, and the NAACP is apparently attempting to turn it into a gun control topic (in a city where the killer was prohibited from having a gun):
Yep a Hispanic and an Asian name.
Sharpton and Jackson won't even be able to insight any riots.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: HankB on December 21, 2014, 12:13:07 PM
This was a crazy wacko who decided that ANY of the NYPD's 35,000 members was a legitimate target . . . I wonder what the official reaction would be if he'd murdered a couple of the actual officers involved in the Staten Island incident?
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: AJ Dual on December 21, 2014, 01:57:08 PM
Despite my minarchist libertarian positions on most everything... if my only choice is between the cops and the Dindu Nuffin/FSA/SJW crowd... I'll stand with the cops.  Even after taking the police abuses into account. If the options are the ghettoification of America and a statist civilization... well at least that's "a civilization".  =|

I think people would take "Black Lives Matter" more seriously if black people themselves acted like they believed that.

And that's all I have to say.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: HankB on December 21, 2014, 03:44:25 PM
Just read where thousands of protestors gathered at the Mall of America (A BIG indoor shopping mall in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area) with the purpose of shutting down holiday sales in protest of Ferguson & Staten Island. (

Girl at the beginning of the video in the link above has a nose ring.  :facepalm:

Gee, what a GREAT idea - act like hooligans & thugs, thus reinforcing every bad stereotype about your group there is . . . along with making more people opine that perhaps the police have acted too leniently toward the anti-social antics of you and yours.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 21, 2014, 03:49:43 PM
Just read where thousands of protestors gathered at the Mall of America (A BIG indoor shopping mall in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area) with the purpose of shutting down holiday sales in protest of Ferguson & Staten Island. (

Girl at the beginning of the video in the link above has a nose ring.  :facepalm:

Gee, what a GREAT idea - act like hooligans & thugs, thus reinforcing every bad stereotype about your group there is . . . along with making more people opine that perhaps the police have acted too leniently toward the anti-social antics of you and yours.  :facepalm:

I can only surmise that the people in charge of these things are running it like a cargo cult. They must believe that if they make enough noise, they can give black people the right to vote right to not get killed by police.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Strings on December 21, 2014, 07:26:52 PM
If you were to actually interview them, you'd probably find out that many (most?) figure that appearances shouldn't matter, and they're just expressing their special snowflakeness

At a guess, you're talking about people who are drawn to those "styles", much as gun owners are drawn to the styles we are. Ask Dick to describe some of the people we saw at concealed carry rallies in Madison...
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on December 21, 2014, 11:06:44 PM
2 people are dead because of this Whako. Yes. This was a class A whack job that did this. Using the Garner incident as a reason to act out. The Garner incident has put a spotlight on the mistrust of police, and rightfully so. The mistrust of police is the root problem here. People are fed up with the almost zero accountability of the police. Departmental discipline where criminal charges should be pursued, militarization in most all aspects of today's police forces, has made a very serious powder keg. And I believe the fuse has been lit.  This idiot is only the start. 

The mistrust of police is well deserved, well earned in fact. Solving the mistrust issue is damn simple. But it won't happen. Too much money, power, politics and ego are involved.

I am not condoning this behavior, this incident. We still need to address the root cause of police mistrust. We will always have bat *expletive deleted*it crazy idiots that look for any excuse to do something like this.

The idiot who did this is the only one responsible. Trying to blame organizers of protests is stupid.

Putting our arms around LE and singing koombaya is ignoring the root problem that got us here to begin with.

2 innocent people are dead because of a nut job. Lets pray for their families.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: wmenorr67 on December 22, 2014, 06:50:39 AM
Then you have the officer in Florida that was attacked, shot and then ran over.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: makattak on December 22, 2014, 09:15:45 AM
2 people are dead because of this Whako. Yes. This was a class A whack job that did this. Using the Garner incident as a reason to act out. The Garner incident has put a spotlight on the mistrust of police, and rightfully so. The mistrust of police is the root problem here. People are fed up with the almost zero accountability of the police. Departmental discipline where criminal charges should be pursued, militarization in most all aspects of today's police forces, has made a very serious powder keg. And I believe the fuse has been lit.  This idiot is only the start. 

The mistrust of police is well deserved, well earned in fact. Solving the mistrust issue is damn simple. But it won't happen. Too much money, power, politics and ego are involved.

I am not condoning this behavior, this incident. We still need to address the root cause of police mistrust. We will always have bat *expletive deleted*it crazy idiots that look for any excuse to do something like this.

The idiot who did this is the only one responsible. Trying to blame organizers of protests is stupid.

Putting our arms around LE and singing koombaya is ignoring the root problem that got us here to begin with.

2 innocent people are dead because of a nut job. Lets pray for their families.

No, I'm sorry, but you are wrong. This is not a result of a legitimate mistrust of police.

There are a myriad of examples that could, and arguably, should have used if the issue were truly one of police accountability.

Specific ones come to mind are the two recent incidents in Ohio, which sadly, the names of the victims I have forgotten. (Which I indict the press for given the fact the two thugs Mr. Martin and Mr. Brown are names that I remember quite well.)

The gentleman shot in Wal-Mart because a caller lied to the police and was given no chance to react and the 12 year old boy shot the second the police pull up to him in a park. We have video for both these events. Both are clearly instances where the police were out of line. Both are very likely to end in no accountability (oh, MAYBE someone will get fired over the child's manslaughter, but no charges will be filed as they ought.)

Where's the grievance crowd over these? Nowhere to be found. The reason is that those are legitimate incidents where the public would support looking into police accountability.

These murders of the police officers are the result of an illegitimate, unreal, and fabricated mistrust of police. The race-baiters have been claiming that police "murder black men in the streets!" It's a false narrative, and the incidents chosen, where the decedent was either clearly (Mr. Brown) or arguably (Mr. Garner) in the wrong are chosen to create racial division. Because rational people will look at these incidents and say "I may have an issue with police actions in some cases, but someone assaulting a police officer and trying to steal his gun doesn't sound like some innocent."

If they were just choosing incidents at random, these racist activists would by chance pick one completely legitimate case that would have the full support of a vast majority of the country. They don't. I haven't heard a PEEP about the 12 year old in Ohio. No protests about why that police officer isn't facing charges rather than "internal discipline" and losing his job. Nope, they pick ones where they know they can foment division because rational people will be unwilling to support them. They can then use that to claim racism.

These protests are, unfortunately, NOT about a mistrust of police, but about racism and racial division specifically cultivated to pit black people against whites. (And, given the murders, it looks like against asians and hispanics, too.)
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Boomhauer on December 22, 2014, 11:40:28 AM
Three people, guys. Three. The f-face in NY killed his girlfriend that morning in Baltimore.

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: brimic on December 22, 2014, 12:07:05 PM
...and the same circus is coming to Milwaukee (it actually started friday night with protesters blocking the freeway system up)...

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Balog on December 22, 2014, 01:51:15 PM
I'm all for not trusting the cops, but the truly bad incidents (Habersham County GA killing pastors and blowing up babies, Spokane WA beating a retarded guy to death and covering it up etc) don't get press while violent thugs who died attacking cops like Mike Brown do. It's an odd situation to agree with the basic premise (cops murder people all the time and are not held accountable) but vehemently disagree with the examples used to push that point forward.

Oh and Mak, if you're referring to Tamir Rice with the "12 year old boy" thing, he was almost as tall as I am and pointed an exact, indistinguishable from the real thing air pistol at the cops who rolled up on him. I'm pretty well established as not caring for the American LEO institutionally, but that was as clean of a shoot as you could hope for.

I doubt most of the protesters are ready or willing to do violence. I think if anything serious starts happening it'll be the usual black bloc "anarchist" morons who are just glomming on to whatever they can as an excuse to do violence. This chick seems like a good example of that.

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: brimic on December 22, 2014, 02:17:53 PM
I'm all for not trusting the cops, but the truly bad incidents (Habersham County GA killing pastors and blowing up babies, Spokane WA beating a retarded guy to death and covering it up etc) don't get press while violent thugs who died attacking cops like Mike Brown do. It's an odd situation to agree with the basic premise (cops murder people all the time and are not held accountable) but vehemently disagree with the examples used to push that point forward.

Yes. Locally all of the attention has been on the shooting of a mentally ill (black) homeless guy by a police officer (Dantre Hamilton). The part where the homeless guy got a hold of the officer's baton and struck him during the struggle is largely dismissed by the news media. The 'harmless homeless guy' talking point means nothing to me either- over the last few years, there have been muggings, stabbings, rapes, and murders committed by 'harmless homeless guys.'
If you looked into the local news, every day there is another shooting, murder, or 'co-sleeping' death in the black neighborhoods of the city, yet not a peep from the local agitators about these 'black deaths.'
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Balog on December 22, 2014, 02:29:32 PM
If black lives matter as much as the protesters say, they'd be doing something about the black on black gang violence in Chicago. Literally hundreds of murders a year.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: makattak on December 22, 2014, 02:34:53 PM
Oh and Mak, if you're referring to Tamir Rice with the "12 year old boy" thing, he was almost as tall as I am and pointed an exact, indistinguishable from the real thing air pistol at the cops who rolled up on him. I'm pretty well established as not caring for the American LEO institutionally, but that was as clean of a shoot as you could hope for.

I was. Not to worry, I got PMs with the longer video I hadn't seen. It certainly looks like it was terminal stupidity on the part of the boy.  

However, I will stand by the idea that it still would have been a better case to get behind than either of the two who resisted arrest, even given the stupidity. (Though not as clear as I had thought.)

As a replacement example, the poor toddler with his face burned off in Georgia is one that OUGHT to have people up in arms.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: SADShooter on December 22, 2014, 02:48:11 PM
Chicago YTD (12/14) has seen 439 homicides. 328 of the victims were black. Of these, 96 attackers were (identified as) black. Deaths attributed to police is 16. (Quick scan of unverified sourcing after web search.)

Inference: At least 6 times more blacks killed by blacks in one city in one year than killed by police. (

Want to protest police abuse? Knock yourself out. Want to make any effort to address the real underlying issues? No, that would be racist.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Balog on December 22, 2014, 03:04:40 PM
As a replacement example, the poor toddler with his face burned off in Georgia is one that OUGHT to have people up in arms.

This is absolutely correct, and I could not agree more.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: brimic on December 22, 2014, 03:09:29 PM
This is absolutely correct, and I could not agree more.

He didn't come from a victim class, therefor no protest.
But yes, I'd love 5 minutes alone with that police chief to remove that smirk off his face.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on December 22, 2014, 05:14:37 PM
We can talk about the "victim class", the right or wrong race, where the most crime is committed etc......All day long. The mistrust of police is the root problem. It will only get worse.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Strings on December 22, 2014, 07:12:02 PM
I had a discussion about this with a somewhat racially biased friend when Ferguson first went down.

I agree: the facts of the case (as they've been presented) show no wrongdoing by police. However... there has been so much misconduct by police, that the facts really no longer matter.

Mistaken no-knock raids. Civil forfeiture. Special treatment under the law (like exemptions from many gun laws). Outright criminal behavior, with no repercussions. That's all been going on for awhile... and it makes for a powderkeg. Things like Ferguson, whether right or wrong, help provide spark

Doesn't help when race baiters (looking at you, Sharpton and Jackson) are busily striking matches for all they're worth. But the leg will blow, one way or another.

Given the totality of circumstances, I'm almost surprised something like what happened in New York didn't happen sooner
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: roo_ster on December 22, 2014, 07:27:27 PM
Leos ought to have the same ability to protect themselves and third parties as ordinary citizens.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on December 22, 2014, 07:39:32 PM
Leos ought to have the same ability to protect themselves and third parties as ordinary citizens.

And they do. It's the, for example, excessive force incident ending up in a few paid days off instead of criminal charges filed and take it to court as would happen to third parties and ordinary citizens ( except for us it's called assault). I can list several more examples, but it would be a waste of my time.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 22, 2014, 08:49:47 PM
And they do. It's the, for example, excessive force incident ending up in a few paid days off instead of criminal charges filed and take it to court as would happen to third parties and ordinary citizens ( except for us it's called assault). I can list several more examples, but it would be a waste of my time.

I suspect that's what roo to the ster was trying to say.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on December 22, 2014, 10:55:06 PM

I suspect that's what roo to the ster was trying to say.

If I read it wrong, and I have been known to do that, I sincerely apologize if I offended rooster.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: roo_ster on December 23, 2014, 08:23:03 AM
Fisrful has the right of it. 

No offense taken.  This is the internet and i may very well be an artificial intelligence playing at being a dog imitating a person. 

Also I took care to word it just..._so_ with humor aforethought.

It says what i mean plain enough but folk who bring along extra baggage might end up at a different destination.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: BReilley on December 23, 2014, 10:17:11 AM
So I have some thoughts on this one.  I'll just go in no particular order:

These guys were not your rural county sheriff's deputies, they were NYPD.  NYPD is the agency which brought you stop-and-frisk, which enforces the SAFE Act, which serves as tax collector/enforcer for some of the highest sin taxes in the country, etc. - and one of their officers just got by with not only no punishment but no charges after using a chokehold, which is expressly forbidden by department policy, which caused the death of a man accused of dodging cigarette taxes, the usual punishment for which is a fine.  The guy who recorded that killing, though?  He got extra-special attention for a couple of weeks until he, too, was arrested... for a gun "crime".  There are few clearer examples of jack-booted Stasi thuggery in the country than NYPD.
If the order ever comes to "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn in your guns", these guys will be the ones knocking on your doors.  They are part of the standing domestic army the founders warned about.
How bad does it have to get before you all start viewing these guys differently?  At what point does the murder of a police officer become self-defense against a violent oppressor?  Would it have been excusable in Poland, occupied France, Nazi Germany... Afghanistan?

The police have chosen again and again to stand with their own, to never accept responsibility for harm or death, to take ever more aggressive actions as a matter of course rather than a last resort.  They shoot pets for kicks.  They imprison, beat, and sometimes kill people who have committed no real harm.  They accept strings-attached grants of BEARCATs and MRAPs, automatic weapons, drones.  Their unions secure back pay, benefits, reintatemement and pensions for habitually violent and corrupt cops.
It is becoming increasingly clear who they protect and who they serve.  The policeman is not your friend.  The police(as a whole) are America's biggest, best-armed, most violent gang, and people are starting to figure that out.

Options for restraining police are few and constantly diminishing.  The grand jury is supposed to provide a measure of power to the citizenry, but the process has been so completely perverted that it's now nothing more than a show.  The courts, much of whose funding comes from collections of police-issued fines, continue to affirm and uphold the increasingly aggressive policies anc tactics of police - and the few cases where police are found at fault invariably result in sentences far, far lighter than would be issued against you and I.  Often we see suspended sentences or probation rather than actual jailtime.  The lawmakers, whose power is derived exclusively from police enforcement, make mouth noises but really can do nothing meaningful.  The President proposes to use more federal money(i.e. money borrowed against our grandchildren's names) to outfit police with body cameras.  Which have "off" buttons.  The police themselves?  We know what happens to cops who break ranks and attempt to make arrests on bad cops.  They are shunned, threatened(professionally and personally), stuck on crappy shifts, fired.  Is it any shock that people see the gun as their only option?

Having said all of that, I'm sure I have to come right out and say it: I don't support or excuse these killings.  To punish one for the sins of another is wrong.  One must admit, though, that the lines of right and wrong(legal and illegal be damned) are becoming quite blurry these days with respect to the police.

I am heartened by what I see of the Oath Keepers, particularly of their actions in Ferguson.  There truly are people who believe that their job is to protect people and property and to keep the peace, and I was mightily impressed by their laughing in the face of Ferguson PD's threat to arrest them for operating without a permit.

Food for thought.  If you think I'm wrong, call me out.  Use reason.  Consider, though, that most folks here decry the trend of militarization and the lack of accountability.  Many discussions have been had on tipping points, lines in the sand, and so forth.  I really want you all to consider the fact that this is not happening to the guys from Dragnet and The Andy Griffith Show.  It's happening to NYPD.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on December 23, 2014, 10:44:13 AM
So I have some thoughts on this one.  I'll just go in no particular order:

These guys were not your rural county sheriff's deputies, they were NYPD.  NYPD is the agency which brought you stop-and-frisk, which enforces the SAFE Act, which serves as tax collector/enforcer for some of the highest sin taxes in the country, etc. - and one of their officers just got by with not only no punishment but no charges after using a chokehold, which is expressly forbidden by department policy, which caused the death of a man accused of dodging cigarette taxes, the usual punishment for which is a fine.  The guy who recorded that killing, though?  He got extra-special attention for a couple of weeks until he, too, was arrested... for a gun "crime".  There are few clearer examples of jack-booted Stasi thuggery in the country than NYPD.
If the order ever comes to "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn in your guns", these guys will be the ones knocking on your doors.  They are part of the standing domestic army the founders warned about.
How bad does it have to get before you all start viewing these guys differently?  At what point does the murder of a police officer become self-defense against a violent oppressor?  Would it have been excusable in Poland, occupied France, Nazi Germany... Afghanistan?

The police have chosen again and again to stand with their own, to never accept responsibility for harm or death, to take ever more aggressive actions as a matter of course rather than a last resort.  They shoot pets for kicks.  They imprison, beat, and sometimes kill people who have committed no real harm.  They accept strings-attached grants of BEARCATs and MRAPs, automatic weapons, drones.  Their unions secure back pay, benefits, reintatemement and pensions for habitually violent and corrupt cops.
It is becoming increasingly clear who they protect and who they serve.  The policeman is not your friend.  The police(as a whole) are America's biggest, best-armed, most violent gang, and people are starting to figure that out.

Options for restraining police are few and constantly diminishing.  The grand jury is supposed to provide a measure of power to the citizenry, but the process has been so completely perverted that it's now nothing more than a show.  The courts, much of whose funding comes from collections of police-issued fines, continue to affirm and uphold the increasingly aggressive policies anc tactics of police - and the few cases where police are found at fault invariably result in sentences far, far lighter than would be issued against you and I.  Often we see suspended sentences or probation rather than actual jailtime.  The lawmakers, whose power is derived exclusively from police enforcement, make mouth noises but really can do nothing meaningful.  The President proposes to use more federal money(i.e. money borrowed against our grandchildren's names) to outfit police with body cameras.  Which have "off" buttons.  The police themselves?  We know what happens to cops who break ranks and attempt to make arrests on bad cops.  They are shunned, threatened(professionally and personally), stuck on crappy shifts, fired.  Is it any shock that people see the gun as their only option?

Having said all of that, I'm sure I have to come right out and say it: I don't support or excuse these killings.  To punish one for the sins of another is wrong.  One must admit, though, that the lines of right and wrong(legal and illegal be damned) are becoming quite blurry these days with respect to the police.

I am heartened by what I see of the Oath Keepers, particularly of their actions in Ferguson.  There truly are people who believe that their job is to protect people and property and to keep the peace, and I was mightily impressed by their laughing in the face of Ferguson PD's threat to arrest them for operating without a permit.

Food for thought.  If you think I'm wrong, call me out.  Use reason.  Consider, though, that most folks here decry the trend of militarization and the lack of accountability.  Many discussions have been had on tipping points, lines in the sand, and so forth.  I really want you all to consider the fact that this is not happening to the guys from Dragnet and The Andy Griffith Show.  It's happening to NYPD.

Well said. The fuse has been lit. And LE knows it. That's why you see the media talking heads, ex NY mayors, etc trying to walk this back. Begging for folks to rally around LE. Might happen in some areas, but the truth is out. Only folks who can change this are the folks who caused this, LE.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: KD5NRH on December 23, 2014, 11:33:01 AM
Leos ought to have the same ability to protect themselves and third parties as ordinary citizens.

And exactly the same results, adjusted only for having a duty to not retreat in certain circumstances.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Ron on December 23, 2014, 12:03:28 PM
The problem is anyone who calls to restrain, limit and rethink the role and responsibilities of the police will be painted with the anti-cop brush.

They will just associate those who rail against the 'gang in blue' and the militarization of the police with the extremists who randomly commit murder and violence against the cops.   
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: BReilley on December 23, 2014, 12:53:03 PM
Only folks who can change this are the folks who caused this, LE.

But they won't.  Being a cop means never having to admit you were wrong. (

What they're going to do is freak the F out, become ever more paranoid and react with even more violence.  And lots of people will support them, because they strap on a vest every day, and don't they deserve to go home at the end of the day?

Police agencies are actively recruiting prior military with combat experience - young, strong men who went straight from government school to military service, who probably have not spent much, if any, time with a direct responsibility to the general public or without some sort of rigid chain of command.  People who are accustomed to using threats and aggressive force as a first option, not a last resort, who already have the attitude of an occupier, who are used to following orders and leaving the consequences to superiors("you might beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride").  The evolution of the policestate marches on.  The state of things is by design, and this completely foreseeable violence was inevitable.  I'd even say it's desired, because it gives the state further justification for the expansion of the panopticon and police powers.

Can't take pee out of a pool.

(Edited for spelling)
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: AJ Dual on December 23, 2014, 04:17:56 PM
...and the same circus is coming to Milwaukee (it actually started friday night with protesters blocking the freeway system up)...

Chisholm has GOT to be "the loneliest man in Wisconsin" right now.

He's hated on the right for the years long John Doe partisan witch hunt Grand Jury/Investigation that basically served as a last-ditch effort to unseat Scott Walker, and hamstring the various GOP fundraiser/political groups in the state.

Now he's hated on the Left for not adhering to the new standard of "Shooting a black man for any reason, and no matter what he's doing, is illegal" that's managed to enter the American public discourse over the course of the year.

It's actually got to be somewhat worrisome, with the majority of the political spectrum disliking you, and the threats, or even actual action, and an impossibly wide array of people who might have done it.  [tinfoil]
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: brimic on December 23, 2014, 04:28:24 PM
Chisholm has GOT to be "the loneliest man in Wisconsin" right now.

He's hated on the right for the years long John Doe partisan witch hunt Grand Jury/Investigation that basically served as a last-ditch effort to unseat Scott Walker, and hamstring the various GOP fundraiser/political groups in the state.

Now he's hated on the Left for not adhering to the new standard of "Shooting a black man for any reason, and no matter what he's doing, is illegal" that's managed to enter the American public discourse over the course of the year.

It's actually got to be somewhat worrisome, with the majority of the political spectrum disliking you, and the threats, or even actual action, and an impossibly wide array of people who might have done it.  [tinfoil]

Looking back, I think he was waiting for a weather report of a couple of cold rainy days in a row in order to release the verdict. :laugh:

But yeah, I have no sympathy for him or Barrett- they are the most recent in a long line of democrats and sooner or later the chickens of their race politics have to come home to roost. They can't have both a virtual police state (city) and race pandering at the same time. Bill Blasio, as much of a turd he is at least being honest about what he thinks of his police department.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: AJ Dual on December 23, 2014, 04:59:45 PM
Looking back, I think he was waiting for a weather report of a couple of cold rainy days in a row in order to release the verdict. :laugh:

But yeah, I have no sympathy for him or Barrett- they are the most recent in a long line of democrats and sooner or later the chickens of their race politics have to come home to roost. They can't have both a virtual police state (city) and race pandering at the same time. Bill Blasio, as much of a turd he is at least being honest about what he thinks of his police department.

The one potential bright spot I see here is that despite Chisholm's teacher wife "crying over Act 10 and the .gov union busting", I still seriously doubt he'd have gone as hard or as far or as long with the John Doe fishing expedition against Walker and the WI GOP establishment without either marching orders from much higher up in the Lefty/Democrat food chain in D.C., or some sort of overwhelming pressure from the collective WI Democratic party.

If the pressure was more "Federal" in nature, or came from somewhere in the Obama admin, and then whatever DOJ "investigation" that comes of the shooting throws Chisholm under the bus in any way, he might leak whatever Washington pressure he got to go after Walker in retaliation.  =D
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 24, 2014, 09:35:21 PM
The problem is anyone who calls to restrain, limit and rethink the role and responsibilities of the police will be painted with the anti-cop brush.

They will just associate those who rail against the 'gang in blue' and the militarization of the police with the extremists who randomly commit murder and violence against the cops.   

You've noticed that, too?

Those protesting the recent police killings might have chosen to focus on actual police brutality, against people of various skin colors. (Garner might pass that test; Brown clearly would not.) Instead, they chose to focus on racial issues, in a moment when accusations of racism have become a running joke, more likely to be laughed at than heeded. At the same time, they choose to keep "protesting," when it obviously does more harm (often literal harm) than good.

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Ron on December 28, 2014, 09:56:14 AM
Where are the editorials from black police officers?

Why are they not in the spotlight offering their insight into both the experience of being black in America and being an inner city police officer?

Are they not stepping up or is the media ignoring them?

Just some random thoughts leading to rhetorical questions this morning.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Boomhauer on December 28, 2014, 10:07:42 AM
Where are the editorials from black police officers?

Why are they not in the spotlight offering their insight into both the experience of being black in America and being an inner city police officer?

Are they not stepping up or is the media ignoring them?

Just some random thoughts leading to rhetorical questions this morning.

Because like any black person that strays from The One True Path, they are Uncle Tom Race Traitors throwing in with Whitey.

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Ron on December 28, 2014, 10:16:43 AM
Because like any black person that strays from The One True Path, they are Uncle Tom Race Traitors throwing in with Whitey.

Not really the conversation about race Obama/Holder want to have now is it?

The Orwellian nature of our culture is pretty scary  [tinfoil]

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Boomhauer on December 28, 2014, 10:20:54 AM
Not really the conversation about race Obama/Holder want to have now is it?

The Orwellian nature of our culture is pretty scary  [tinfoil]

I think it's more akin to Beavis and Butthead than 1984...

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Hawkmoon on December 28, 2014, 10:50:10 AM
Chicago YTD (12/14) has seen 439 homicides. 328 of the victims were black. Of these, 96 attackers were (identified as) black. Deaths attributed to police is 16. (Quick scan of unverified sourcing after web search.)

Inference: At least 6 times more blacks killed by blacks in one city in one year than killed by police. (

Want to protest police abuse? Knock yourself out. Want to make any effort to address the real underlying issues? No, that would be racist.

But you're not allowed to point that out. To do so is racist.
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Hawkmoon on December 28, 2014, 10:58:37 AM
So I have some thoughts on this one.  I'll just go in no particular order:

Much too long to quote in its entirety, so I'll just comment "Well said."

I am heartened by what I see of the Oath Keepers, particularly of their actions in Ferguson.  There truly are people who believe that their job is to protect people and property and to keep the peace, and I was mightily impressed by their laughing in the face of Ferguson PD's threat to arrest them for operating without a permit.

Sounds interesting. I've seen a few Oathkeepers tee shirts around here, and I've heard of them. Got any links to their actions in Ferguson?
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: BReilley on December 29, 2014, 12:08:28 PM
Sounds interesting. I've seen a few Oathkeepers tee shirts around here, and I've heard of them. Got any links to their actions in Ferguson?

Sure.  I first heard the story on Free Talk Live, who sourced from Reason: ( (
As I said, I'm impressed by these guys' putting action to their talk.  They're clearly illustrating the difference between constructive, active community policing and predatory law enforcement.
I also find it sadly amusing that while the Oath Keeper volunteers(I was not able to find how many actually showed up) were standing on rooftops with rifles and fire extinguishers to protect people and property from looting and arson, the police were lined up in riot gear outside their station, facing off against singing protesters.
If you're intrigued by that story, have a look at the Threat Management Center ( in Detroit.  It's fascinating to see what fills the vacuum when the state's monopoly on security disappears.

Where are the editorials from black police officers?

Why are they not in the spotlight offering their insight into both the experience of being black in America and being an inner city police officer?

Are they not stepping up or is the media ignoring them?
Were I a good black cop I'd be much more hesitant to cross the Thin Blue Line than to irritate the Jackson/Sharpton axis.  The race-baiters are pretty much a hot-air-and-money machine, but the cops will ruin your life: (
And that was in response to a highway patrolwoman who pulled over an off-duty cop doing 120.  The article fails to mention that(as I recall) the FHP officer had pursued the Miami cop several times prior and had not been able to catch up to him.  The guy was an above-the-law type, and the overwhelming force came out to protect him and shield him from accountability.  For *speeding*.  How do you think they'll respond to being called out for habitual assault and murder?

It's a much simpler situation, if you start with the idea that the police are an armed gang and consider the rest based on that.

(Edited for grammar and clarity)
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Boomhauer on December 29, 2014, 10:31:39 PM
If you're intrigued by that story, have a look at the Threat Management Center in Detroit.  It's fascinating to see what fills the vacuum when the state's monopoly on security disappears.

You may not want to uphold a bunch of whackers as a police alternative. They are a special kind of special. We've discussed them here before. Their videos and website well, dig deeper and it's chock full of WTF goodness*

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on December 29, 2014, 10:43:44 PM
You mean these guys?

Run this?

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Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Boomhauer on December 29, 2014, 10:48:40 PM
You mean these guys?

Run this?

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I think a Good Idea Fairy read about the MallNinja story and decided to run with it.

Because, honestly, judging from the training videos, the average APS member could wipe out their entire cadre without much trouble.

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on December 29, 2014, 10:53:44 PM

It's a much simpler situation, if you start with the idea that the police are an armed gang and consider the rest based on that.

Even that does not describe modern LE accurately. Even on other forums with a heavy LE presence, they don't get it. The "warrior cop" attitude has brainwashed them. Cops are not warriors, never will be. Just organized street thugs.

Here is what happens if you actually want to do the job right.

Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: Strings on December 29, 2014, 11:14:22 PM
I would say that I'm disgusted. Except that doesn't begin to cover the depth of my revulsion upon reading that
Title: Re: Two NYPD Cops Killed in Ambush
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on December 29, 2014, 11:31:47 PM
Which part?

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