Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Hawkmoon on January 10, 2015, 12:22:52 PM

Title: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 10, 2015, 12:22:52 PM
WTF is wrong with this guy?

He gets himself acquitted of murder, divorces his wife, moves in with a girlfriend then (allegedly) threatens her with a gun. He walks because she withdrew the allegation ... and now he's back in jail and charged with domestic abuse. I wonder if it's the same woman, or if he latched onto a thind sucker.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 10, 2015, 12:25:44 PM
WTF is wrong with this guy?

He gets himself acquitted of murder, divorces his wife, moves in with a girlfriend then (allegedly) threatens her with a gun. He walks because she withdrew the allegation ... and now he's back in jail and charged with domestic abuse. I wonder if it's the same woman, or if he latched onto a thind sucker.

I'm betting it's the same GF.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Brad Johnson on January 10, 2015, 01:22:51 PM
They guy definitely has anger management issues. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if he eventually winds up in the pokey for doing something terminally stupid.

Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Phyphor on January 10, 2015, 01:45:31 PM
Oh good god, just go become a hermit already, you fat jackass!  :facepalm:
Title: Re:
Post by: lupinus on January 10, 2015, 01:58:17 PM
Jackass. Stupid, *expletive deleted*ing, Jackass. If he was smart he'd write a book or something and find a little hole in a sparsely populated hole somewhere out west.

Instead he'he's doing pretty much everything he can to prove he's a *expletive deleted*ing moron.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Ben on January 10, 2015, 02:59:08 PM
I request permission to take back my original statement about him needing to disappear into small town America and lay low. At this point he needs to go live in a cave, and someone needs to seal him in.

He is also terrible at choosing girlfriends, or as someone here mentioned the last time he was in trouble, he likely doesn't have a great pool to choose from anymore, given that smart women probably think, "not with a ten foot pole". Tough luck, but that's the way it goes. Stay celibate then, or else put on a fake nose and mustache and visit a hooker once in a while.

The Fox News article mentioned that he told reporters that he is "homeless and broke". He told them this at a gun show. If you're broke, stay away from the gun shows. Use that money for food or a roof over your head.

While none of this changes the evidence that exonerated him in the Martin case, I think he will go down as the worst example in history of a responsible and "normal" CCW holder. Everything he has done since the case will be used by the MSM as "the kind of people gun owners are".
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Phyphor on January 10, 2015, 03:29:46 PM
Homeless and a gun show??!?

Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: 230RN on January 10, 2015, 03:39:11 PM
I request permission to take back my original statement about him needing to disappear into small town America and lay low. At this point he needs to go live in a cave, and someone needs to seal him in.

He is also terrible at choosing girlfriends, or as someone here mentioned the last time he was in trouble, he likely doesn't have a great pool to choose from anymore, given that smart women probably think, "not with a ten foot pole". Tough luck, but that's the way it goes. Stay celibate then, or else put on a fake nose and mustache and visit a hooker once in a while.

The Fox News article mentioned that he told reporters that he is "homeless and broke". He told them this at a gun show. If you're broke, stay away from the gun shows. Use that money for food or a roof over your head.

While none of this changes the evidence that exonerated him in the Martin case, I think he will go down as the worst example in history of a responsible and "normal" CCW holder. Everything he has done since the case will be used by the MSM as "the kind of people gun owners are".

Amen.  Or, as the accepted approval meme goes, +1.

You suppose a few of us could get him into an intervention session?

Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: French G. on January 10, 2015, 03:50:55 PM
Homeless and a gun show??!?

Probably doing appearances for money. That and a book were how Randy Weaver got by after being railed by the man.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 10, 2015, 04:20:00 PM
Autographs?  They probably stuck him in between the guy selling jerky and the nazi gear guy.
Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on January 10, 2015, 05:25:25 PM
I'm not ready to condemn the man. He's been through assault, having to kill to protect himself and a wrongful trial as well as the media trying to destroy him. (And if not fully destroyed, they have seriously damaged his life.)

One might be a little angry after that.
Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Ben on January 10, 2015, 05:53:50 PM
I'm not ready to condemn the man. He's been through assault, having to kill to protect himself and a wrongful trial as well as the media trying to destroy him. (And if not fully destroyed, they have seriously damaged his life.)

One might be a little angry after that.

I was willing to think that way the first time, in fact it sounded like the ex may have been in a catbird seat holding the threat of 911 over him for the smallest slight. This is (at least) strike three though. He needs to, at the very, least find new people to associate with.
Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: vaskidmark on January 10, 2015, 06:09:01 PM
I'm not ready to condemn the man. He's been through assault, having to kill to protect himself and a wrongful trial as well as the media trying to destroy him. (And if not fully destroyed, they have seriously damaged his life.)

One might be a little angry after that.

One might be a whole lot angry, but one ought to learn how to control one's anger so that it does not express itself by hitting one's girlfriend, pointing guns at one' girlfriend while threatening to shoot said girlfriend, or throwing wine bottles (even if it were "Thunderbird" which I hear it was not) at one's girlfriend, thus finding one's self spending so much time with cops and judges.

You know, I'm starting to see a pattern there - besides the anger thing.

Would George be better off going gay and getting himself a boyfriend?

I'm losing a lot of the sympathy I used to think I had for the guy and what he's been put through.  Along with everything else he claims to be suffering from PTSD; I just don't recall him doing anything except suffering.  (Not bragging, but the VA says I am 50% disabled by PTSD.  I quit suffering from it (most of the time) by learning how to cope with it over time so I was coming across as socially appropriate more often than not.  I'm far from "cured" but can pass most of the time without it being blatantly obviious my head is messed up.)  Maybe George needs to be sat down like I was and have it explained to him that the way he is going is not "acceptable".

stay safe.
Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 10, 2015, 07:44:07 PM
I'm not ready to condemn the man. He's been through assault, having to kill to protect himself and a wrongful trial as well as the media trying to destroy him. (And if not fully destroyed, they have seriously damaged his life.)

One might be a little angry after that.

I'm thinking some PTSD going on. First he had to kill someone in self defense then he was pretty well crucified in the media and damn near railroaded for murder. He's also had numerous credible death threats and I'm also betting that there are people that are in fact "out to get him".
He needs to drop off the face of the world for a decade or so. He will be forgotten eventually.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 10, 2015, 07:59:33 PM
Probably doing appearances for money. That and a book were how Randy Weaver got by after being railed by the man.

That, or he goes to gun shows because it's the only place he gets any appreciation.

I think we can sympathize with the bad hand he's been dealt in life, but also resent the way he's made all of us look bad with his antics. There's a "pattern" going on (especially if you count his legal troubles pre-Trayvon), but it's a pattern that's only gotten worse since Trayvon Martin and company screwed up his life.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 10, 2015, 09:37:55 PM
You suppose a few of us could get him into an intervention session?

As in blanket party?
Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on January 11, 2015, 12:34:31 AM
Is there any evidence of Zimmerman having these sorts of behavioral problems before Treyvon curb-stomped him?
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 11, 2015, 12:42:09 AM
^^^ I wondered about that myself.
Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 11, 2015, 12:47:46 AM
Is there any evidence of Zimmerman having these sorts of behavioral problems before Treyvon curb-stomped him?

I can't recall if there were domestic violence issues, but there was something about him getting into it with a cop.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 11, 2015, 12:49:05 AM
Yea he shoved an abc agent when she was busting his friend. He plead it down though

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Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: freakazoid on January 11, 2015, 05:36:57 AM
One might be a whole lot angry, but one ought to learn how to control one's anger so that it does not express itself by hitting one's girlfriend, pointing guns at one' girlfriend while threatening to shoot said girlfriend, or throwing wine bottles (even if it were "Thunderbird" which I hear it was not) at one's girlfriend, thus finding one's self spending so much time with cops and judges.

Did any of these things get proved or are they all accusations made by the girlfriend?
Title: Re: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: vaskidmark on January 11, 2015, 07:48:48 AM
Did any of these things get proved or are they all accusations made by the girlfriend?

My comment was that GZ seems to attract a lot of attention surrounding the same issue(s).  Add to that his public statements about PTSD that sound an awful lot like "It's not my fault, I have a disease".  The fact that the GF keeps (2 times now) going back to him after making then withdrawing charges makes me, at least, think of "Battered Girl Friend Syndrome".

Hauptmann was convicted on less circumstantial evidnce than is here.  It's the Court of Public Opinion, and unless there is something seriously wrong GZ ought to know that's where he has been finding himself of late.  Unless he's close kin to Joe Btfsplk one (me, among apparently others) would think he'd take some action to stay away from the spotlight - and I just don't see that happening.

For the record, the only way I can see a charge of aggravated assault for throwing a wine bottle at the GF was if it was something a lot better than Two Buck Chuck and it spilled.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 11, 2015, 09:18:55 AM
GZ was probably a tool and a fool before the Martin shooting.  And if the media hadn't jumped all over the incident as if it were some sort of racially motivated lynching, we'd never have known his name.  Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.  GZ is probably a dick, and the fact that the martin shooting was justified is neither here nor there in his pathetic existence. 
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: T.O.M. on January 11, 2015, 04:22:30 PM
A long time back, when the shooting was the subject of some debate around here, a lot of us pointed out that Zimmerman made bad decisions which ultimately put him in the position where the shooting occurred.  Looks like bad decisions may be par for thecourse for Zimmerman.

If I was him, a single man who went through the trial and was acquitted, I would have moved to a different state in a smaller community, changed my name as soon as legally possible, and started a new life.  But, he has shown us he makes poor choices by the pound...
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: HankB on January 11, 2015, 05:46:09 PM
Even though I thought - and still think! - Zimmerman was innocent of the charges brought in the Trayvon Martin shooting, from the outset I didn't think he was exactly a poster boy for MENSA.

Various police departments - and others - are probably keeping a VERY close eye on him, and won't cut him ANY slack if he even comes close to the line, let alone steps over it. He should understand that, and if he doesn't his lawyer should have explained it to him.

In detail. He's in a sort of real-life "double secret probation" situation - a marked man.

Yet he keeps having these run-ins.

Idiot.   :facepalm:
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on January 12, 2015, 09:19:23 AM
GZ was probably a tool and a fool before the Martin shooting.  And if the media hadn't jumped all over the incident as if it were some sort of racially motivated lynching, we'd never have known his name.  Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.  GZ is probably a dick, and the fact that the martin shooting was justified is neither here nor there in his pathetic existence. 
Even though I thought - and still think! - Zimmerman was innocent of the charges brought in the Trayvon Martin shooting, from the outset I didn't think he was exactly a poster boy for MENSA.

Various police departments - and others - are probably keeping a VERY close eye on him, and won't cut him ANY slack if he even comes close to the line, let alone steps over it. He should understand that, and if he doesn't his lawyer should have explained it to him.

In detail. He's in a sort of real-life "double secret probation" situation - a marked man.

Yet he keeps having these run-ins.

Idiot.   :facepalm:

A long time back, when the shooting was the subject of some debate around here, a lot of us pointed out that Zimmerman made bad decisions which ultimately put him in the position where the shooting occurred.  Looks like bad decisions may be par for thecourse for Zimmerman.

If I was him, a single man who went through the trial and was acquitted, I would have moved to a different state in a smaller community, changed my name as soon as legally possible, and started a new life.  But, he has shown us he makes poor choices by the pound...

Seriously? He doesn't deserve all this hate. The man is clearly of average or maybe slightly below average intelligence. Look at the jobs he has held (that we've been made painfully aware of from the press digging into his life so that EVERY DETAIL is meticulously examined.)

Prior to the lynch mobbing he received, he had ONE (1) run-in with the police. And the police were more than willing to allow him to plead down. It doesn't sound like he was violently attacking a police officer and may have been a misunderstanding.

He was attempting to help his community. Let me say that again, this average joe- poor, supporting himself, average joe- was trying to act to help keep thefts down in his community and RIGHTFULLY recognized Mr. Martin as a threat to his community. (I think the choir boy was casing some homes to support his habits.)

The man made some mistakes, much of it from misunderstanding the instructions relayed to him, because he was trying to be helpful.

Since being assaulted for attempting to help his community, he's had his life destroyed, his marriage ended, and a media hounding him that continues to hound him because they want his blood for their god.

He's not an idiot. He's an average guy who's been put in a situation that is way over his capabilities to handle.

Yes, all of us would have handled the initial situation and the aftermath differently, but all of us are above average intelligence, and most significantly so.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 12, 2015, 09:27:28 AM
The one run in was a moron move and if his daddy wasn't a judge his outcome likely woulda been very different.

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on January 12, 2015, 09:33:19 AM
The one run in was a moron move and if his daddy wasn't a judge his outcome likely woulda been very different.

Probably. But it was still just the one. A man Zimmerman's age, were he inclined to such stupidity would have had several more interactions by now.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on January 12, 2015, 09:40:21 AM
He's not an idiot. He's an average guy who's been put in a situation that is way over his capabilities to handle.
I think this is a very good point.  The challenges he's been put through are well beyond what most people could handle.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Ben on January 12, 2015, 10:11:49 AM
I think this is a very good point.  The challenges he's been put through are well beyond what most people could handle.

I don't think anyone here disagrees with that. After this many problems though, his attorneys, and/or people that care about him, should have been STRONGLY urging him to make some changes. If nothing else, he absolutely should have left Florida. If he's really doing gun shows as a "celebrity" for money, he could do them from anywhere.

In fact there are plenty of areas of the country where he might be looked at in the "hero" sense (or at least would have been a year ago) where he might be welcomed and offered a job. For that matter, I bet there are a bunch of websites that would take him as a contributor in an instant. He could do that from anywhere. Not that I would recommend that line of work to him. I still believe he needs  to lay low. Or have one book ghost written and call it good.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 12, 2015, 10:16:55 AM
Why the Zimmerman hate?
Well most people concede first that his pursuit of Martin was ill thought.  Following a suspicious individual through the dark isn't the brightest move.  (Of course, this is NO EXCUSE for Martin attacking him!).  But then in the aftermath of the trial, he seems to have had dubious at best relationships.  And when you're in the limelight the way he is, anything that brings you back to the limelight is bad.
(Except maybe when he came to the aid of the family in the car crash).
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 12, 2015, 10:25:58 AM
I don't hate him I feel bad for him. I know a couple dozen guys like him. They go from crisis to crisis till one of them killers em or they go to jail. The most important decision you can make is often when not to be somewhere. Know when it's time to leave and don't reinvest in bad decisions. Especially the same bad decision

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 12, 2015, 10:44:19 AM
I don't hate him I feel bad for him. I know a couple dozen guys like him. They go from crisis to crisis till one of them killers em or they go to jail. The most important decision you can make is often when not to be somewhere. Know when it's time to leave and don't reinvest in bad decisions. Especially the same bad decision

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Often seems to involve the "fairer" sex....
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: roo_ster on January 12, 2015, 10:55:18 AM
I would not mind if he had a lower profile and eschewed dumbass trashy behavior.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 12, 2015, 10:59:55 AM

Often seems to involve the "fairer" sex....

That's pretty typical of the guys I know
Women ain't nothin but trouble

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Phyphor on January 12, 2015, 04:22:05 PM
I would not mind if he had a lower profile and eschewed dumbass trashy behavior.

Preach it, brother.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Balog on January 12, 2015, 04:24:12 PM
Probably doing appearances for money. That and a book were how Randy Weaver got by after being railed by the man.

Randy Weaver wrote a book?
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 12, 2015, 05:36:17 PM
Randy Weaver wrote a book?

 If I wasn't on a freaking federal list before.... (
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: RoadKingLarry on January 12, 2015, 09:31:14 PM
Prior to the lynch mobbing he received, he had ONE (1) run-in with the police. And the police were more than willing to allow him to plead down. It doesn't sound like he was violently attacking a police officer and may have been a misunderstanding. 

We've even had one of our own APSers get crossways of LE not so long ago.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 13, 2015, 12:06:59 AM
We've even had one of our own APSers get crossways of LE not so long ago.

Two that spring to mind. Three, counting CSD's misspent youth.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Balog on January 13, 2015, 03:06:09 AM
If I wasn't on a freaking federal list before.... (

That's surprisingly affordable, I should get a copy.

I hope the family has been able to move on, and aren't still living in the shadow of the Feds murdering two of them.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: MikeB on January 13, 2015, 05:28:08 AM
The one run in was a moron move and if his daddy wasn't a judge his outcome likely woulda been very different.

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This is a perfect example of the "myths" about Zimmerman that probably lead to some of the hate. His father had been a Magistrate from somewhere in Virginia, not a Judge and would have had nothing to do with charges in FL.

Of course that doesn't mean Zimmerman has acted pretty stupidly in some circumstances.

Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 13, 2015, 11:27:23 AM
Daddy knew how the system works. It's real important and it's a portable talent. It pays off too,. Look at that bishop who killed the guy drunk. Good legal tactics last time will greatly improve her outcome this time

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Ron on January 13, 2015, 10:23:38 PM
Daddy knew how the system works. It's real important and it's a portable talent. It pays off too,. Look at that bishop who killed the guy drunk. Good legal tactics last time will greatly improve her outcome this time

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Zimmermans white privilege
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Balog on January 14, 2015, 01:36:08 AM
This does nothing for the credibility of the hypothesis that one cannot flim flam the zim zam.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: bedlamite on January 30, 2015, 07:09:49 PM (

Looks like he dodged this one, so who is running the pool on his next arrest?
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Fitz on January 30, 2015, 07:18:35 PM
This does nothing for the credibility of the hypothesis that one cannot flim flam the zim zam.

I came in here to post this, and you've done it.

Well done

People should just stop trying to simmer the zimmer.

It's as futile as trying to corner the Dorner.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Ben on January 30, 2015, 08:10:41 PM
And I suppose this lends weight to my theory that he has an incredibly poor psychogirl-sensor. I suppose it could still be that he's a closet abuser and threatened all the girlfriends into dropping charges, but it just seems more likely that the girlfriends have all been whack and have been using his precarious legal position to manipulate him.

I say again: Zimmerman! Give up on women and go live in the sticks. At least for the next ten or so years.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 30, 2015, 08:24:45 PM
Here's video of the traffic stop

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 31, 2015, 01:06:45 AM
The video won't play for me ...
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 31, 2015, 01:32:21 AM
I had to try twice
And it's abbreviated. The one I saw earlier had it start with her still in the car calm no tears

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: T.O.M. on February 03, 2015, 10:44:59 AM
If I was in his shoes, single man with no career ties to the area, who had just gone through a huge public trial because of a self-defense shooting, I would pack up and move out of the area.  Find somewhere far away.  Change my appearance.  Might even go through legal name change process.  Why?  First, there would be the worry that someone is gunning for me in revenge, whether because they knew Treyvon or because the voices in their head told them to get me.  Second, everything he does is going to be tainted by the shooting.  It's not George Zimmerman applying for a job, it's Treyvon Martin's shooter George Zimmerman applying for a job.  It's Treyvon Martin's shooter ordering pizza.  It's Treyvon Martin's shooter getting a speeding ticket.  Rather move to somewhere like Nelsonville, Ohio and become George Zimmers, that guy who used to live in Florida.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 03, 2015, 11:56:06 AM
Sadly I think on a couple levels he likes being famous and exploits it. Milking his 15 mins

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Balog on February 03, 2015, 12:44:09 PM
I came in here to post this, and you've done it.

Well done

People should just stop trying to simmer the zimmer.

It's as futile as trying to corner the Dorner.

Just send in the burners.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: T.O.M. on February 03, 2015, 03:55:55 PM
Sadly I think on a couple levels he likes being famous and exploits it. Milking his 15 mins

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Probably true...
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: De Selby on March 24, 2015, 06:52:59 AM (

It's Obama's fault he keeps having a series of women call the cops on him.

Couldn't be that he's an aggressive *expletive deleted*che who instigates confrontations with people who've done nothing to him - that wouldn't be consistent with the Trayvon Martin shooting at all.

Not guilty was absolutely the right verdict at trial - because of an incompetent prosecution.   Had they charged and run death caused by criminally negligent stupidity instead of what they did, I'm not so sure Zimmerman would've beat the rap.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: K Frame on March 24, 2015, 07:32:05 AM
It was a big mistake that a lot of gunowners hang their hat on this guy.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Mannlicher on March 24, 2015, 08:19:05 AM
no one in America has a bigger target on his back than George Zimmerman.  Is he perfect?  Well no. Prior to his lawful shooting of the Martin thug, he had a couple of incidents involving the po po.   Heck, I'd venture to guess that even some of OUR members here, have much the same in their background.
Zimmerman was spot on, in naming barack hussein as his most willful and egregious persecutor.   President of the Country has no business in getting involved in local issues such as this.  Race baiting at it's most disgusting.  Obama has a history of this crap though.  Remember his ill advised statements about the Professor Gates incident?
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on March 24, 2015, 08:20:18 AM (

It's Obama's fault he keeps having a series of women call the cops on him.

Couldn't be that he's an aggressive *expletive deleted*che who instigates confrontations with people who've done nothing to him - that wouldn't be consistent with the Trayvon Martin shooting at all.

Not guilty was absolutely the right verdict at trial - because of an incompetent prosecution.   Had they charged and run death caused by criminally negligent stupidity instead of what they did, I'm not so sure Zimmerman would've beat the rap.

Actually, it probably is.

The stress of having his life destroyed likely caused the break-up of his family, leading to these self-destructive tendencies caused by the stress and the sudden change in the pool of females who would be associated with him.

Oh, additionally, he was forced to kill someone to defend his own life and most humans are changed by that.

IF he were "an aggressive *expletive deleted*che who instigates confrontations with people who've done nothing to him", there would have been a rap sheet and witnesses to that effect. Instead he got nothing but praise from his neighbors.

As I said before, he's an average man tossed into the lion's den. Of COURSE he's not handling it well. There are few who would.

Incidentally, if your life were targeted for destruction by no less than the President of the United States who named your case personally as an example of racism, you might be a little angry, too.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 24, 2015, 08:20:20 AM
Couldn't be that he's an aggressive *expletive deleted*che who instigates confrontations with people who've done nothing to him - that wouldn't be consistent with the Trayvon Martin shooting at all.

Not consistent with the evidence at hand, no.

I'm sorry you were wrong about the Trayvon Martin case. Try not to be too obvious with the sour grapes.

On second thought, I shouldn't say that I'm sorry. Obviously, it's better that the survivor is not the one that assaulted someone that night, so we can be thankful for that. It's just too bad the young man had to throw away his life so readily.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on March 24, 2015, 08:24:42 AM
Also, all the "aggressive *expletive deleted*ches" I know call the police and make sure they are on the way before they attack random people who "weren't doin' nothin'!"
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cordex on March 24, 2015, 10:14:26 AM
Not guilty was absolutely the right verdict at trial
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: T.O.M. on March 24, 2015, 10:29:35 AM

Gonna stoke that fire again?   :lol:

I think DeSelby and I were arguing that he was going to be found guilty, not that he was guilty.  Personally, I just thought that the facts of the case (pursuing Martin when told not to) would make a jury convict despite the evidence of what happened otherwise (the assault leading up to the shooting).  As a gun owner, I am gladly wrong on that one.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: RevDisk on March 24, 2015, 11:43:05 AM

I haven't seen anything to contradict my earlier impression. "He was marginally within the law, and a complete, utter fool."
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 24, 2015, 01:35:45 PM
Gonna stoke that fire again?   :lol:

I think DeSelby and I were arguing that he was going to be found guilty, not that he was guilty.  Personally, I just thought that the facts of the case (pursuing Martin when told not to) would make a jury convict despite the evidence of what happened otherwise (the assault leading up to the shooting).  As a gun owner, I am gladly wrong on that one.

Um, unless you were repeatedly claiming that Z looks like a sexual predator, while insisting that he was looking for a fight, I see a lot of daylight between you and DeSelby.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on March 24, 2015, 01:53:28 PM
I think DeSelby and I were arguing that he was going to be found guilty, not that he was guilty.  Personally, I just thought that the facts of the case (pursuing Martin when told not to) would make a jury convict despite the evidence of what happened otherwise (the assault leading up to the shooting).  As a gun owner, I am gladly wrong on that one.

And, as I corrected you at the time, I will do so again, as the myth has persisted over the truth. Listen to the phone call- the dispatcher asks him which way he (Mr. Martin) ran and you hear the sound of the door opening and some breathing and she asks "are you following him?" Mr. Zimmerman replies "Yes." She then says "We don't need you to do that." To which he replies, "Ok."

First of all, that's not being told not to follow. Secondly, that's immediate acquiescence to her suggestion.

He got out of the car based on a misunderstanding of what the dispatcher was asking, not out of a desire to "get" Mr. Martin.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: roo_ster on March 24, 2015, 02:00:51 PM
And, as I corrected you at the time, I will do so again, as the myth has persisted over the truth. Listen to the phone call- the dispatcher asks him which way he (Mr. Martin) ran and you hear the sound of the door opening and some breathing and she asks "are you following him?" Mr. Zimmerman replies "Yes." She then says "We don't need you to do that." To which he replies, "Ok."

First of all, that's not being told not to follow. Secondly, that's immediate acquiescence to her suggestion.

He got out of the car based on a misunderstanding of what the dispatcher was asking, not out of a desire to "get" Mr. Martin.

Mr. Haven Monahan:

When you post such aggressive and hateful accusations, you rape the victim yet again.  Shame on you.


Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 24, 2015, 05:53:31 PM
I haven't seen anything to contradict my earlier impression. "He was marginally within the law, and a complete, utter fool."

What law(s) did he marginally follow, or marginally break?
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: T.O.M. on March 24, 2015, 07:05:38 PM
And here we go again...

I wrote a long respose and deleted it.  No need to rehash this. 
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cordex on March 24, 2015, 08:10:26 PM
No need to rehash this. 
You are right, I just thought his comment was funny. Particularly in light of De Selby's previous certainty of conviction and the fact that as soon as the not guilty verdict came down he went into self-imposed exile.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: De Selby on March 24, 2015, 08:12:36 PM
Yep - I'll just repeat what I said back then: so long as we all remember as gun owners not to pursue people who are running away from us, we got the important lesson from the case.

He was helped by an incompetent prosecution - they alleged racial animus (profiling) caused the shooting and produced zero evidence.  The charge was depraved heart murder.  The obvious charge, criminal negligence causing death, was an alternative introduced by the prosecutor (unheard of) at the end of it's case.

Had Zimmerman been tried on straight up "he made a stupid decision and the kid was right to fear mr wannabe" manslaughter case, the outcome might have been different.  

That's why it's always a bad idea, right wrong or indifferent, to give chase when you're armed.  Repeat it in your heads!  That's a case that gets to a jury, and you don't know what a jury will do with your version of events, even if you do kill the only other witness.

zimmerman  himself has had a string of encounters and 911 calls before the shooting that are consistent with all the drama since.  He has been accused of child molestation by a relative and of domestic violence before the case.  It's behaviour that is perfectly consistent with the idea that he tried to "citizens arrest" trayvon martin and then killed him when he resisted.  Not what I want in my neighbourhood.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Balog on March 24, 2015, 08:20:27 PM
9/10 on the trolling shootingstudent. Almost there, but you should've worked in accusations of racism against the people who are supporting him.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 24, 2015, 08:38:01 PM
I've seen two articles on this recent interview, and both make sure to mention that Z refers to the O as Barack HUSSEINZZZZ!!!11 Obama. I guess they now have proof that Z hates black people.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: De Selby on March 25, 2015, 12:53:49 AM
I've seen two articles on this recent interview, and both make sure to mention that Z refers to the O as Barack HUSSEINZZZZ!!!11 Obama. I guess they now have proof that Z hates black people.  :laugh:

It's more the lack of taking responsibility for his problems that I see.  I'm sure being accused of rape at a family dinner by a blood relative caused some stress (that'd probably cause more stress than a SD shooting), and having run-ins with the police on DV calls affected his life before he was in the news.  From his dozens of 911 calls, he was also apparently stressed by all the strangers in his neighbourhood.

But no - none of that is the cause of his problems.  It's solely the trial - nevermind that his post trial antics and domestic violence problems are the same as his pre-trial ones.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Mannlicher on March 25, 2015, 08:22:46 AM
none of which, has any bearing at all on what Zimmerman says about barack hussein. 
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on March 25, 2015, 08:36:35 AM
It's more the lack of taking responsibility for his problems that I see.  I'm sure being accused of rape at a family dinner by a blood relative caused some stress (that'd probably cause more stress than a SD shooting), and having run-ins with the police on DV calls affected his life before he was in the news.  From his dozens of 911 calls, he was also apparently stressed by all the strangers in his neighbourhood.

But no - none of that is the cause of his problems.  It's solely the trial - nevermind that his post trial antics and domestic violence problems are the same as his pre-trial ones.

I'm well aware that responding to you makes no difference, so I'd like to point out the subtle arguing style De Selby uses.

Note in this post:

zimmerman  himself has had a string of encounters and 911 calls before the shooting that are consistent with all the drama since.  He has been accused of child molestation by a relative and of domestic violence before the case.  It's behaviour that is perfectly consistent with the idea that he tried to "citizens arrest" trayvon martin and then killed him when he resisted.  Not what I want in my neighbourhood.

The specifics of the accusation are unknown. The veracity is also unknown.

However, in the next post, watch the subtle change:

It's more the lack of taking responsibility for his problems that I see.  I'm sure being accused of rape at a family dinner by a blood relative caused some stress (that'd probably cause more stress than a SD shooting), and having run-ins with the police on DV calls affected his life before he was in the news.  From his dozens of 911 calls, he was also apparently stressed by all the strangers in his neighbourhood.

But no - none of that is the cause of his problems.  It's solely the trial - nevermind that his post trial antics and domestic violence problems are the same as his pre-trial ones.

Now we have a specific charge. It's veracity is still unknown, but somehow the specifics are now known.

Very well done on the subtle creep.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: De Selby on March 25, 2015, 06:42:06 PM
Yeah, I wasn't splitting hairs between child molestation and rape - a minor female relative accused him of it.  The point there was that his life was a train wreck of drama and stupidity well before he started selling paintings.  And now he's added obama to the list of people he blames.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 25, 2015, 07:32:58 PM
Yea. She accused him after all those years got her 10 mins and ran

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: De Selby on March 25, 2015, 07:34:13 PM
Yea. She accused him after all those years got her 10 mins and ran

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What are you talking about?  The accusation was levelled at his family well before the shooting.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 25, 2015, 07:40:10 PM
You are unfamiliar with witness 9's phone call?

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 25, 2015, 07:40:18 PM

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 25, 2015, 07:43:45 PM

She waited till 2 days after the shooting to come forward. And is there any corroboration from her parents? I looked didn't see any. And at best they could corroborate what their daughter said. How about the mystery other up girl he molested? Any corroboration there ?

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: De Selby on March 25, 2015, 08:28:15 PM

She waited till 2 days after the shooting to come forward. And is there any corroboration from her parents? I looked didn't see any. And at best they could corroborate what their daughter said. How about the mystery other up girl he molested? Any corroboration there ?

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You're not noticing that she accused him of it in front of family well before this.  Yet another of the litany of women having problems with this guy.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 25, 2015, 08:41:26 PM
You notice she said she did? Did mom and dad corroborate?

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Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: De Selby on December 09, 2015, 06:32:14 AM
Zimmerman is back in the news with a couple of zingers: (

Over the weekend, an admirer tweeted him a photo of Martin's body, which was used as evidence for Zimmerman's trial. The user called Zimmerman a "one man army."

Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch guard, retweeted the graphic pic to his 11,000 followers. It stayed up for days before Twitter took it down.

Last month, Zimmerman replied to a critic on Twitter by taunting, “We all know how it ended for the last moron that hit me. Give it a whirl cupcake.” (

On Thursday, Zimmerman took to Twitter to besmirch an ex-girlfriend whom he alleges cheated on him "with a dirty Muslim." In retaliation, Zimmerman posted nude photos and contact information for the woman. He also accused her of stealing cash and a gun from him.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on December 09, 2015, 08:21:28 AM
Zimmerman is back in the news with a couple of zingers: ( (

And? I think everyone already has conceded Mr. Zimmerman isn't too bright.

Nothing that has occured since has changed my assessment of the man: guy, not too bright, was trying to do the right thing and was/is completely incapable of handling the aftermath of having his life destroyed by the president of the United States and his media allies.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Boomhauer on December 09, 2015, 09:15:03 AM
De Selby's sure got a hard on for Zimmerman...

Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: makattak on December 09, 2015, 11:04:14 AM
De Selby's sure got a hard on for Zimmerman...

Well, he was already proven SPECTACULARLY wrong on the merits of the case, the trial, and the outcome, but he's still certain he was right and that the courts got it wrong.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: HankB on December 09, 2015, 11:10:39 AM
And? I think everyone already has conceded Mr. Zimmerman isn't too bright.

Nothing that has occured since has changed my assessment of the man: guy, not too bright, was trying to do the right thing and was/is completely incapable of handling the aftermath of having his life destroyed by the president of the United States and his media allies.
+1 to the above.

Note that in the original Trayvon Martin incident, the best efforts of local, state, and federal agencies to discredit Zimmerman's version of events came to naught; I really don't think he's smart enough to concoct a lie that would stand up to that level of scrutiny. His subsequent actions have done nothing to raise my opinion of his intellect - so I still believe his trial jury returned the correct verdict. 
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Ron on December 09, 2015, 11:13:32 AM
With progressives it's never about the facts but always about the narrative.

Zimmerman fits their narrative so well that they still can't get over the reality that the facts didn't.

They would love to imprison him despite the facts just to uphold the narrative.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jocassee on December 09, 2015, 11:23:51 AM
Not a news flash that old George isn't too bright, and it won't surprise me terribly if he does end up in jail some day. If he does, I hope the State Attorney has the common sense to put together a prima facie case before it actually goes to trial.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jamisjockey on December 09, 2015, 01:08:03 PM
De Selby logic:

"Zimmerman is an idiot and keeps getting in trouble and has been accused of domestic violence, therefore he CLEARLY chased down and executed Trayon Martin."
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: wmenorr67 on December 09, 2015, 01:44:18 PM
I think someone on here as already mentioned this, if I was Zimmerman, I would have my name changed legally and get out of dodge and start over.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jocassee on December 09, 2015, 01:49:53 PM
I think someone on here as already mentioned this, if I was Zimmerman, I would have my name changed legally and get out of dodge and start over.

Unfortunately, he hasn't been smart enough to take even that rudimentary step.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Ben on December 09, 2015, 02:09:13 PM
Unfortunately, he hasn't been smart enough to take even that rudimentary step.

Sadly, I think he may be starting to thrive on the attention, which can only end badly.

I do agree that in the beginning he got the short end of the stick, considering even the POTUS was going after this one individual citizen, and that can certainly change a person, but at some point you have to suck it up and drive on (under the speed limit, in a Toyota Corolla).
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Angel Eyes on December 09, 2015, 02:10:39 PM
Unfortunately, he hasn't been smart enough to take even that rudimentary step.

I'm not sure it would matter.  Someone in the media would eventually uncover his new identity and broadcast it far and wide.

Also, what Ben said.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: MechAg94 on December 09, 2015, 02:39:43 PM
I'm not sure it would matter.  Someone in the media would eventually uncover his new identity and broadcast it far and wide.

Also, what Ben said.

That was my thought.  There are just too many liberals out there who have decided they hate this guy.  Look at the guy who chased him down and took a shot at him.  Changing his name wouldn't be enough. 
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: Jocassee on December 09, 2015, 02:55:01 PM
Sadly, I think he may be starting to thrive on the attention, which can only end badly.

Unfortunately I think you are correct. Some people can embrace negative attention and be stronger, stable people. George is not one of those people.
Title: Re: Zimmerman -- again
Post by: TechMan on December 09, 2015, 03:56:49 PM
Sadly, I think he may be starting to thrive on the attention, which can only end badly.

I do agree that in the beginning he got the short end of the stick, considering even the POTUS was going after this one individual citizen, and that can certainly change a person, but at some point you have to suck it up and drive on (under the speed limit, in a Toyota Corolla).

Not a speeding white Ford Bronco?