Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Angel Eyes on June 10, 2015, 11:51:51 PM

Title: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Angel Eyes on June 10, 2015, 11:51:51 PM
. . . for not having a permit:

Police agreed to waive the fee of the permit, which normally would cost $150. “The officer told them they had to go to city hall to get a permit,” Overton Police Chief Clyde Carter tells Yahoo Parenting. “Then the city told them they had to check with the health department, which they didn’t do.”

Let me get this straight: open carry a firearm and you're fine[1].  Try to sell lemonade and The Man will shut you down.

There is a happy ending, of sorts:

Instead of pursuing the permit, the girls will set up a new stand this Saturday, according to KLTV: Free lemonade, donations welcome.

[1]: which I fully support.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: freakazoid on June 11, 2015, 12:00:54 AM
Didn't this happen a few years ago?
Title: Re:
Post by: lupinus on June 11, 2015, 12:09:42 AM
Someone needs a kick in the balls and a lemonade enema.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: RocketMan on June 11, 2015, 12:34:47 AM
This happens all over the country where city councils have nothing better to do than mess with folks.  Pretty damn sad situation.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 11, 2015, 12:43:24 AM
I keep thinking that the answer to things like this is to get as many kids as possible running lemonade stands, sans the silly permits, for weeks on end.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on June 11, 2015, 01:02:55 AM
So who complained? Or do cops routinely play health dept in texas?

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Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on June 11, 2015, 01:51:51 AM
Overton Texas, population 2500 or so. Right down the road from where I grew up. You don't get the cream of the crop for police. This incident should have never happened. 30 years ago it would not have. Just goes t show you that badge wearing revenue generators will just follow orders like lemmings.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Brad Johnson on June 11, 2015, 09:32:15 AM
I think the esteemed police chief and the honerable city manager are gonna get their a$$es handed to them. Overton is in the heart of east Texas. Traditional values still count there. A lot. Being a legalistic self-righteous prick is guaranteed to get you the wrong kind of local attention.

Judging by what I'm seeing in the news, the police chief and city manager will probably be hiding in their basements this weekend. (If they aren't already. The locals are piiiiiisssed.) Seems like that half of the state has decided to come to Overton and have some lemonade in a show of support for the girls. Anyone who tries to be an officious jerk may well find themselves duct taped to a lawn chair for the day.

Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: dogmush on June 11, 2015, 10:27:34 AM
How big do you think the bribe the girls gave the cop for all the free advertising was?

Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: KD5NRH on June 11, 2015, 10:38:08 AM
Seems like that half of the state has decided to come to Overton and have some lemonade in a show of support for the girls.

If it was closer, I'd go, but it's a bit over 3 hours from here.  Might try to send some friends that live in Tyler and Longview, but I suspect they're not responding to FB messages because they're already there.

The $150 fee strikes me as a bit silly too; here it's $15 for a 30 day permit, though sometimes a $25 investigation fee is added in certain cases.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: T.O.M. on June 11, 2015, 10:44:18 AM
And this is just another reason why I can't trust anything from the press anymore.

Heard this story on Headline News while I got ready for work.  The HLN version indicated that police were called after a complaint about traffic.  Police shut it down because of (1) no permit and (2) health department regs on food for sale.  Story then indicated that police gave mom the information about who to talk to, how to get things squared away so the sale could continue the next day.  Story ended by saying that the girls could give away their food and drink, take donations for their cause (buy Dad a Father's Day gift), and no permit or inspections would be required.

Now, there's a significant difference between these stories.  The version in the OP makes the cops look like the bad guys driving down the street and picking on little girls, and then the .gov people look bad for requiring the permit.  The HLN version makes it sound like police and .gov employees doing their jobs as they have to, but also helping the girls continue with their stand.

Sad thing is that both versions are believable, but one is clearly written to show a bias.  Which one, I don't know.  My point: if the press is playing games with a story this insignificant, what kind of crap are they doing with the big stories?
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Jamisjockey on June 11, 2015, 10:48:15 AM
And this is just another reason why I can't trust anything from the press anymore.

Heard this story on Headline News while I got ready for work.  The HLN version indicated that police were called after a complaint about traffic.  Police shut it down because of (1) no permit and (2) health department regs on food for sale.  Story then indicated that police gave mom the information about who to talk to, how to get things squared away so the sale could continue the next day.  Story ended by saying that the girls could give away their food and drink, take donations for their cause (buy Dad a Father's Day gift), and no permit or inspections would be required.

Now, there's a significant difference between these stories.  The version in the OP makes the cops look like the bad guys driving down the street and picking on little girls, and then the .gov people look bad for requiring the permit.  The HLN version makes it sound like police and .gov employees doing their jobs as they have to, but also helping the girls continue with their stand.

Sad thing is that both versions are believable, but one is clearly written to show a bias.  Which one, I don't know.  My point: if the press is playing games with a story this insignificant, what kind of crap are they doing with the big stories?

There was a day in America where the cops would have just been lemonade customers, and the only thing that would have made the blotter would have been an accident, assault, rape or murder.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: T.O.M. on June 11, 2015, 11:28:35 AM
There was a day in America where the cops would have just been lemonade customers, and the only thing that would have made the blotter would have been an accident, assault, rape or murder.

...and it wasn't that long ago.   :'(
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: SADShooter on June 11, 2015, 12:24:59 PM
...and it wasn't that long ago.   :'(

Poached frog legs, anyone?
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 11, 2015, 03:34:28 PM
I guess that is why all the money raising car washes down here are for donation.  We probably have the same rule just no one has shut down a little girls lemonade stand. 
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: vaskidmark on June 11, 2015, 03:41:43 PM
A principal at some Florida school got fired/reassigned to administrative duties.

Just who  was it that contacted the press after the cops came by?  Why would they have done that?

stay safe.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: T.O.M. on June 11, 2015, 04:00:17 PM
A principal at some Florida school got fired/reassigned to administrative duties.

Just who  was it that contacted the press after the cops came by?  Why would they have done that?

stay safe.

First story sucks to high heaven...but knowing things like that happen is why I don't comment publicly on anything anymore.  Especially on Facebook or a news sites comment section.  Someone would get butthurt, call my boss to complain, and it would be nothing but trouble.

Second, on the press thing...listening to people milling around the courthouse, it seems that the S.O.P. these days if you have any involvement with the police is to call the press.  Guess if you can't win in court, you hope to win in the court of public opinion.  Which sometimes is more important in modern America.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 11, 2015, 05:33:42 PM
You at least don't use your real name for commenting. 
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: HankB on June 11, 2015, 06:26:53 PM
Once again, the actions of law enforcement officials help young minds develop an opinion about "their" police.

And then they wonder why support and respect for LEO's has diminished over the past several decades.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: KD5NRH on June 11, 2015, 07:48:47 PM
A principal at some Florida school got fired/reassigned to administrative duties.

On the other hand;
He did not retract what he wrote nor did he apologize for what he wrote.

At least he's got the guts to stand behind his opinion.  I'm sure there are still some employers who will value that, though I suspect he's going to have to go into a different field to find one.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Sergeant Bob on June 11, 2015, 09:54:04 PM

Second, on the press thing...listening to people milling around the courthouse, it seems that the S.O.P. these days if you have any involvement with the police is to call the press.  Guess if you can't win in court, you hope to win in the court of public opinion.  Which sometimes is more important in modern America.

Ah, the glory of the 1st Amendment! It's a feature, not a fault.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 11, 2015, 10:59:52 PM
On the lemonade stand, I heard a comment today that the quickest way to get bad laws removed is to enforce them to the maximum extent.  Those people shouldn't be going after the cops so much as the mayor and council that set up those laws.  
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: zahc on June 12, 2015, 07:37:30 AM
Yeah,  if we value the rule of law,  don't we want them enforced equally and as - written?  Asking the cops to selective enforce laws just makes their job even more no-win.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 12, 2015, 11:56:31 AM
Here is a similar issue that has a happier ending (so far).
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Jamisjockey on June 12, 2015, 03:54:51 PM
Yeah,  if we value the rule of law,  don't we want them enforced equally and as - written?  Asking the cops to selective enforce laws just makes their job even more no-win.

Because shutting down dangerous lemonade stands is a great use of the police state.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: vaskidmark on June 12, 2015, 04:57:21 PM
Here is a similar issue that has a happier ended (so far).

How long does it take for the grass to grow to more than the code-defined maximum height?  And then for the warning notices to be posted?  And for the notices that if you don't attend to the cutting of the grass by X date the county/city will come out to do it and charge you what they spent?

Once the brothers got started, others in the community joined. Together, they were able to mow the entire lot in about two hours.

Inquiring minds want to know where the [expletive deleted] they were before then.  Once upon a time  :old: mothers and fathers would be informing their children of lawnmowing age that they would be out there, and to remember to say "Please" and "Thank you" when the senior citizen offered you a drink from the garden hose because they did not have any lemonade or cookies.  I'm told that in some localities troops of Boy Scouts held reconnaissance hikes to find lawns/lots that needed mowing since doing a good deed a day was difficult when most of what we now call good deeds was just what you were expected to do.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on June 12, 2015, 04:58:11 PM
Private school

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Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: KD5NRH on June 12, 2015, 05:35:22 PM
How long does it take for the grass to grow to more than the code-defined maximum height?  And then for the warning notices to be posted?  And for the notices that if you don't attend to the cutting of the grass by X date the county/city will come out to do it and charge you what they spent?

Especially with most of Texas giving everybody a pass lately because so many yards were swampy for about a month, and grew like crazy as they firmed up.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 12, 2015, 05:47:12 PM
That was some of my misgiving with the grass story.  It didn't really give you a history of how it came to that.  And since they had photos of the old lady with the kids, she wasn't a complete shut in. 
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Angel Eyes on June 12, 2015, 06:07:49 PM
Because shutting down dangerous lemonade stands is a great use of the police state.

The important thing is everyone got home safely.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 12, 2015, 07:06:30 PM
Speaking of local politics, at a meeting for my gun range, they had the local mayor come speak.  Apparently there was an issue with a local home FFL.  The BATFE started asking FFL's if they had permission from the local govt to conduct business.  So this guy went to the city council to ask and found out that they had a list of "allowed" home businesses and selling guns wasn't one.  I don't know what the final outcome was but there was a spirited discussion at the meeting about it.  I do notice all the local car washes and such done to raise money, they always show a "donation" amount on the sign rather than just a price.  I hadn't thought about why until see this story.  Maybe the FFL could do transfers for a "donation".   =)
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: HankB on June 13, 2015, 12:41:47 PM
. . . Once upon a time  :old: mothers and fathers would be informing their children of lawnmowing age that they would be out there, and to remember to say "Please" and "Thank you" when the senior citizen offered you a drink from the garden hose because they did not have any lemonade or cookies . . .
I remember when I was a child of lawnmowing age getting paid to mow other folks' lawns; same with shoveling snow in winter. Parents back then encouraged their kids to develop a work ethic by teaching them that pocket money had to be earned. (Dad told me he got the same from HIS parents when he was a youngster.)
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 13, 2015, 01:23:27 PM
This link has a picture.  The unmowed lot was across the street.

I tried to search for the lady's name.  It looks like this all came up recently.  We may have covered this before, but what are the rules for issuing court summons?  Can they just be done by letter or does someone have to physically hand over the summons?  Would some verification be done on that or do judges typically put out an arrest warrant immediately? 
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: vaskidmark on June 13, 2015, 01:33:49 PM
Agreed, Terry -

But for senior citizens in "obvious" distress you got voluntold to go over there and do whatever it was that needed to be done.

For those that were just seniors you got paid.  And some kids fought over which senior citizen was "theirs" - not only $$ but the quantity and quality of cookies and hot cocoa/lemonade (seasonal dependent).  Of course when the pay and fringes were not up to snuff it was (almost) legitimate to not solicit business with them.  Folks who paid $1 for a "standard" city lot + store-bought cookies and sour lemonade vs those that pair $1 for 2 1/2 acres even with home-made triple chocolate chip cookies and they let you keep the Coke bottle for the refund.

Of course the fact that this is not still going on (prices adjusted) is that we let those do-gooders convince us it was more important for the kiddies to do whatever.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: vaskidmark on June 13, 2015, 01:47:05 PM
This link has a picture.  The unmowed lot was across the street.

I tried to search for the lady's name.  It looks like this all came up recently.  We may have covered this before, but what are the rules for issuing court summons?  Can they just be done by letter or does someone have to physically hand over the summons?  Would some verification be done on that or do judges typically put out an arrest warrant immediately? 

I'm beginning to rethink my position on all of this.  The first link mentions a son who said he would come cut the grass.  I want to know why he wasn't out there cutting grass when it reached 12 inches or so.  The second link has some quotes from Gerry Suttle which sound a lot like "I'm an old lady, I don't like your laws, I don't like being told what I have to do (show up in court, sign a paper saying she did not get the first summons and the matter would be dropped), and "Leave me alone, boy.  You bother me."

stay safe.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: MechAg94 on June 13, 2015, 03:49:35 PM
I was wondering if there was some confusion on which lot needed to be mowed.  It was apparently the lot across the street.  Maybe the son was mowing the house.  A lot of information missing from this story.

However, most of the articles claim they tried to contact city or court officials and could not.  Don't know if that means much yet. 
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 14, 2015, 11:58:17 AM
Speaking of local politics, at a meeting for my gun range, they had the local mayor come speak.  Apparently there was an issue with a local home FFL.  The BATFE started asking FFL's if they had permission from the local govt to conduct business.  So this guy went to the city council to ask and found out that they had a list of "allowed" home businesses and selling guns wasn't one.  I don't know what the final outcome was but there was a spirited discussion at the meeting about it.  I do notice all the local car washes and such done to raise money, they always show a "donation" amount on the sign rather than just a price.  I hadn't thought about why until see this story.  Maybe the FFL could do transfers for a "donation".   =)

Problematic. An FFL is a license to engage in the business of buying and selling firearms. Processing transfers is a sideline to the actual purpose of the license. The issuance of the license is predicated on the applicant being legally allowed to conduct a business at the premises decalred in the application as the place of business. For a home FFL to not be allowed by the local zoning regulations to engage in retail sales at his home (which is, remember, supposed to be his place of business) is a significant problem.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: KD5NRH on June 14, 2015, 07:28:42 PM
I'm beginning to rethink my position on all of this.  The first link mentions a son who said he would come cut the grass.  I want to know why he wasn't out there cutting grass when it reached 12 inches or so.

For all we know, he could be travelling several hours to her place, so would only be able to when it's a dire need or when he has otherwise planned to go see her.  She's also 75,  so her son is probably in his mid 50s, and may not be all that physically able himself.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: vaskidmark on June 15, 2015, 10:20:11 AM
For all we know, he could be travelling several hours to her place, so would only be able to when it's a dire need or when he has otherwise planned to go see her.  She's also 75,  so her son is probably in his mid 50s, and may not be all that physically able himself.

Wouldn't a "good son" do something to overcome those obstacles?  Maybe go down to Home Depot and get some guys willing to do what a 75-year old American lady won't do?  (OK, that's a cheap shot.  Maybe they only have a Lowes or Ace Hardware in town.)

Or maybe we get back to the discussion about how kids born after a certain date were never instilled with the notion that respect for their parents goes farther than not letting somebody else cuss them out.

I don't have enough information to begin to know what questions will reveal the big picture, let alone what the answers to the situation are in this case.  Probably more than anything what I'm doing is using it as an excuse to bemoan the decline and demise of the family and the notion of neighbors as opposed to people who live next door/down the block.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Overton, TX: cops shut down lemonade stand
Post by: KD5NRH on June 15, 2015, 11:00:48 AM
Wouldn't a "good son" do something to overcome those obstacles?  Maybe go down to Home Depot and get some guys willing to do what a 75-year old American lady won't do?  (OK, that's a cheap shot.  Maybe they only have a Lowes or Ace Hardware in town.)

Well, I suppose if he's also a master of telepathy and teleportation, since last I checked the day labor line doesn't exactly have a website to order up a few illegals in another city.  Assuming he's moved out of her house at some point, he also wouldn't know how tall her grass is unless she decides to tell him.

Or maybe we get back to the discussion about how kids born after a certain date were never instilled with the notion that respect for their parents goes farther than not letting somebody else cuss them out.

Or maybe we could have a discussion about how merely squirting someone out of your vagina doesn't entitle you to their eternal worship.  She's been around long enough to figure out how to look up "lawn service" in the phone book for herself, or even talk to her neighbors and ask if some of them would be interested in making a few bucks.