Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: roo_ster on July 02, 2015, 10:09:33 AM

Title: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: roo_ster on July 02, 2015, 10:09:33 AM
Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat – Education Secretary

Anti-gay comments could ‘trigger a thought’ in teachers’ minds about possible radicalisation says Nicky Morgan as she outlines anti-terror plans

Children who speak out in class against homosexuality could be viewed as potential extremists under Government guidelines intended to prevent Islamist terrorism, Nicky Morgan, the education secretary, has suggested.

Mrs Morgan said comments by children that they consider homosexuality to be “wrong” or “evil” could “trigger” concerns from teachers under guidance designed to help schools detect possible radicalisation.

Traditionalist Christians said Mrs Morgan’s remarks implied that anyone who raised their children in line with conservative religious teaching on sexuality would now be viewed with suspicion.

It follows moves to close two Christian schools after they were judged to have failed the Government’s new “British Values” tests introduced in the wake of the so-called “Trojan Horse” scandal in which hard-line Muslim groups attempted to infiltrate schools in Birmingham.

Yes, they really hate traditionalist, native-born white Christian types. 
1. Pass legislation touted as protecting the native-born from external aliens with a terrorist bent.
2. Allow immigration by those same external terrorists.
3. Use the legislation against the native-born.
4. Ignore huge pedophile rape-conspiracies that target the children of the native-born.

The Department for Education has issued schools with new guidance to help identify pupils at risk of radicalisation.

Mrs Morgan said this would include “changes in behaviour” and “things that they say”.

Asked, during an interview on BBC Radio 4 if this meant that if a child questioned democracy a teacher would have to take action, she replied: “No, I think schools should be a safe space for young people to explore all sorts of ideas.

Well, except for ideas we don't like.

“But we have since last year been very clear that schools should also be teaching British values – those are the things that we all hold dear.”

And what do they hold dearest of all?  Why the queen, you ninny!

Asked for an example, she said: “It could be for example, as we’ve seen, sadly Isil are extremely intolerant of homosexuality.”


If it were not for their position on homosexuality, ISIL wouldn't be so sad.  They might be reasonable sort we could deal with, no matter their systematic mass-torture and murder of Christians.

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “Many families believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.

“Are these families now to be officially treated with suspicion and even linked with extremism?
“Are teachers going to be required to spy on them and even reported to the police?”

She added: “We are on the verge of a sinister new era of 'thought-policing' in our schools.”

Ain't no "verge" about it, Andrea.

Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Ron on July 02, 2015, 10:18:32 AM
Don't worry, we've been assured that religious freedom and Christian churches will not be targeted or legally affected by this new state imposed culture.
Title: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: wmenorr67 on July 02, 2015, 01:10:19 PM
Glad it is the UK right now, but how long before it is viewed as a good idea here also?
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 02, 2015, 01:43:55 PM

Suggests that one quarter of those under 40 believe churches should have same-sex weddings forced upon them.

Our church has a "teen night" most Fridays, with most of the kids being from non-church-going parents. It's become obvious to us that someone, probably both public schools and media, has been very heavily indoctrinating them with the idea that traditional views on homosexuality are a terrible form of bigotry.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Angel Eyes on July 02, 2015, 01:50:36 PM

Suggests that one quarter of those under 40 believe churches should have same-sex weddings forced upon them.

Do they also believe that Muslims should be forced to conduct same-sex weddings? 
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: dogmush on July 02, 2015, 02:10:40 PM
Do they also believe that Muslims should be forced to conduct same-sex weddings? 

Only on Thursdays.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: dogmush on July 02, 2015, 02:15:27 PM
Our church has a "teen night" most Fridays, with most of the kids being from non-church-going parents. It's become obvious to us that someone, probably both public schools and media, has been very heavily indoctrinating them with the idea that traditional Christian views on homosexuality are a terrible form of bigotry.

Yes, definitely, with that small edit.  (Traditional Roman views are probably fine)  I'm not sure how much you folks interact with the more leftist side of our country but in general, not considering gayness to be AOK, and a valid lifestyle, is considered bigotry in America. It's been like that for a while now. And kids and young folks tend to be more leftist.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: KD5NRH on July 02, 2015, 02:22:50 PM
Suggests that one quarter of those under 40 believe churches should have same-sex weddings forced upon them.

Have to wonder how many are saying that because they realize it's the only way some of the "we're just going to stay out of this" types will figure out that they can't stay out of it.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: dogmush on July 02, 2015, 02:32:36 PM
Have to wonder how many are saying that because they realize it's the only way some of the "we're just going to stay out of this" types will figure out that they can't stay out of it.

I don't think so.  I think a large percentage of folks under 40 in this country, even many that attend church, don't have "Faith" the way the folks on this board would define it.  To them religion is, at best, a set of rituals and songs they do every now and then for fellowship, and at worst something that is embodied by Cardinal Richelieu, or pictures of Puritans burning innocent women.  From that viewpoint, coupled with my observation up thread that not embracing homosexuality is bigotry, it's a very small step to not allowing people to claim religion to support bigotry.  After all, look at the paintings of those women burning alive.  That's what happens when you let people hide hate and bigotry behind religion.*

And from that viewpoint, using the government to force them to leave that bigotry behind is not only OK, but almost a moral imperative.  Those are the kind of folks that are being surveyed.

*I have had that statement, almost word for word, delivered to me with a straight face by a practicing Presbyterian.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Balog on July 02, 2015, 05:39:00 PM
I don't think so.  I think a large percentage of folks under 40 in this country, even many that attend church, don't have "Faith" the way the folks on this board would define it.  To them religion is, at best, a set of rituals and songs they do every now and then for fellowship, and at worst something that is embodied by Cardinal Richelieu, or pictures of Puritans burning innocent women.  From that viewpoint, coupled with my observation up thread that not embracing homosexuality is bigotry, it's a very small step to not allowing people to claim religion to support bigotry.  After all, look at the paintings of those women burning alive.  That's what happens when you let people hide hate and bigotry behind religion.*

And from that viewpoint, using the government to force them to leave that bigotry behind is not only OK, but almost a moral imperative.  Those are the kind of folks that are being surveyed.

*I have had that statement, almost word for word, delivered to me with a straight face by a practicing Presbyterian.

No Puritans ever burnt people alive.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: dogmush on July 02, 2015, 05:52:14 PM
No Puritans ever burnt people alive.

In the context of what I wrote, that doesn't really matter.

In point of fact, I never said they did. I pointed out that that image ( colors a lot of peoples thinking on Religion, and religious people.

Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Balog on July 02, 2015, 05:55:55 PM
In the context of what I wrote, that doesn't really matter.

In point of fact, I never said they did. I pointed out that that image ( colors a lot of peoples thinking on Religion, and religious people.


I was more agreeing with your point by observing that those silly ideas are not even based in fact.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: dogmush on July 02, 2015, 06:21:52 PM
I was more agreeing with your point by observing that those silly ideas are not even based in fact.

Ah, yes.

As trite as it sounds, it really is competing religions. (Christ and Liberal)
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Blakenzy on July 02, 2015, 06:28:27 PM
It only takes a basic HS biology course to PROVE that homosexuals ARE doing it the WRONG way.

Title: Re: Children could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: RoadKingLarry on July 02, 2015, 07:09:25 PM
It only takes a basic HS biology course to PROVE that homosexuals ARE doing it the WRONG way.

You people and your cis-reality oppressions are all in need of re-education.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 02, 2015, 07:14:08 PM
Yes, definitely, with that small edit.  (Traditional Roman views are probably fine)  I'm not sure how much you folks interact with the more leftist side of our country but in general, not considering gayness to be AOK, and a valid lifestyle, is considered bigotry in America. It's been like that for a while now. And kids and young folks tend to be more leftist.

It's considered bigotry by some, but not by an overwhelming majority.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Blakenzy on July 02, 2015, 07:16:16 PM

You people and your cis-reality oppressions are all in need of re-education.


So let's sue Evolution for not making it so one man can impregnate another man. It's so unfair and insensitive. Maybe if we ban truth and science we can make whatever we want happen!
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: SADShooter on July 02, 2015, 07:26:10 PM

So let's sue Evolution for not making it so one man can impregnate another man. It's so unfair and insensitive. Maybe if we ban truth and science we can make whatever we want happen!

Well, duh.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: dogmush on July 02, 2015, 07:35:20 PM
It's considered bigotry by some, but not by an overwhelming majority.

At the risk of implying you are sheltered, I question how much first hand interaction you have with folks outside your self selected circle.  No offense meant, but certainly here at APS we self select our peers, and there's a fair amount of friction on the gay issue.  I think, and polls support (*, that a pretty good majority of people under 30 (remember I was talking about young people) in America see disapproval of homosexuality as bigotry, on a par with racism against blacks.  It's a pretty common belief.

*I know that marriage=/=bigotry, but I don't feel like an in depth google, and opinions dovetail.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 02, 2015, 08:04:10 PM
At the risk of implying you are sheltered, I question how much first hand interaction you have with folks outside your self selected circle.  No offense meant, but certainly here at APS we self select our peers, and there's a fair amount of friction on the gay issue.  I think, and polls support (*, that a pretty good majority of people under 30 (remember I was talking about young people) in America see disapproval of homosexuality as bigotry, on a par with racism against blacks.  It's a pretty common belief.

*I know that marriage=/=bigotry, but I don't feel like an in depth google, and opinions dovetail.

I was referring to this:

not considering gayness to be AOK, and a valid lifestyle, is considered bigotry in America.

I was talking about America, generally. This is why I'm talking about indoctrination by schools and media. The young people are learning it from somewhere, or there wouldn't be such a difference between them and their parents.

I really wish I could "self-select" the people that I talk to. Alas, I have a job, and customers talk about everything from politics to their sex lives.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: zxcvbob on July 02, 2015, 08:18:50 PM
I was referring to this:

I was talking about America, generally. This is why I'm talking about indoctrination by schools and media. The young people are learning it from somewhere, or there wouldn't be such a difference between them and their parents.

I learned from watching BBC television (especially the first 2 seasons of "Torchwood") that everybody in the UK is gay.  All of them, although a few might not realize it at first.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: MillCreek on July 02, 2015, 08:26:20 PM
I was referring to this:

I was talking about America, generally. This is why I'm talking about indoctrination by schools and media. The young people are learning it from somewhere, or there wouldn't be such a difference between them and their parents.

So where did their parents learn it?
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 02, 2015, 08:49:42 PM
So where did their parents learn it?

Learn what?
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: dogmush on July 02, 2015, 08:50:49 PM
I was talking about America, generally. This is why I'm talking about indoctrination by schools and media. The young people are learning it from somewhere, or there wouldn't be such a difference between them and their parents.

So am I .  I think you are mistaken.

You can talk about how schools, media, Facebook, this that and the other are not reflective of the culture, but at some point I think you have to realize that it's your opinion that is the minority. Now minority/majority of holders does not impart correctness, that's a conversation I've been studiously avoiding for a week.  But correct or not, what you referred to as "Traditional views on homosexuality" are considered bigotry by a majority of young folks in this country.

At this point, culture or schools/media is kind of a chicken or the egg question.
Title: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 03, 2015, 01:16:46 AM
So am I .  I think you are mistaken.

You can talk about how schools, media, Facebook, this that and the other are not reflective of the culture, but at some point I think you have to realize that it's your opinion that is the minority. Now minority/majority of holders does not impart correctness, that's a conversation I've been studiously avoiding for a week.  But correct or not, what you referred to as "Traditional views on homosexuality" are considered bigotry by a majority of young folks in this country.

At this point, culture or schools/media is kind of a chicken or the egg question.

You seem to be mistaking my position pretty much all over the place, so maybe I wasn't very clear.

If you'll recall, I was the one who first brought up the fact (or at least anecdotal evidence to support the fact) that younger people have that particular view of homosexuality, and related issues. I'm not denying that they do. And I'm not saying that the various parts of the culture that you listed aren't part of the culture. I was saying that those specific parts are pushing a specific viewpoint, and pushing it rather relentlessly, and vilifying those who disagree.

Also, traditional views on homosexuality are just that. They don't require quotation marks. Why use quotation marks? I mean, I get that other traditions have had different ideas about the matter, but we're obviously talking about the U.S. (and Britain).

Now I think I can figure out when to acknowledge that the traditional point of view is the minority, if the polls show that (the poll you linked to is not measuring that). I'm used to being the odd-ball minority, even in my "sheltered" existence.  :P  But I wasn't talking about whether people do or do not approve of homosexuality. I was talking about the far-left doctrine that regards the traditional view as a form of bigotry.

Now I've got to go and write "Straight Lives Matter" on my Confederate battle flag, so I'm all ready for the VP fair. See ya later.  =)
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: KD5NRH on July 03, 2015, 12:58:56 PM
There's people right by my office trying to sell incendiaries and explosives to people who think homosexuality is wrong.

( (

Couldn't get the Baptist church bus in frame.
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: Angel Eyes on July 03, 2015, 01:05:45 PM
There's people right by my office trying to sell incendiaries and explosives to people who think homosexuality is wrong.

( (

Couldn't get the Baptist church bus in frame.

... without a waiting period or background check, either. 

This is the NRA's fault!
Title: Re: Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat
Post by: KD5NRH on July 03, 2015, 01:52:03 PM
This is the NRA's fault!


Damn, their artillery shell prices are way up from a few years ago too.  Might have to settle for roman candles or bottle rockets.