Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Jamisjockey on July 03, 2015, 09:13:17 AM

Title: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Jamisjockey on July 03, 2015, 09:13:17 AM
No open carry in Whataburger.

And it is their official policy to have minimum wage workers ask armed people to leave the store.   :facepalm:
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: lupinus on July 03, 2015, 09:15:12 AM
well pluck them too.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: dogmush on July 03, 2015, 09:30:53 AM
I completely support voting with your wallet, and it's not like I ever go there anyway.

I gotta say though, that's one of the more reasonable letters I've seen on the subject.  He doesn't say it's about safety, or any other BS.  The guy flat says it's because of whiners feelings, and he's trying to run a business.

If one liked Whataburger's food (again I don't eat there) it might be worth an e-mail to ask him what kind of numbers of gun owners you'd need to swear off Whataburger to counter the "many customers and employees". If all feedback is listened to and valued the same, he might be open to change given a large enough, reasoned campaign.

Or you could go to Wendy's.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Ben on July 03, 2015, 09:41:15 AM
Yup, it's all about the numbers. If he had stats showing some worthwhile to him percentage of customers open carried or were in favor, I guarantee he would be telling the whiny employees and customers to get bent. And I'm guessing the percentage of whiners is actually small, but loud.

Gun owners need to ask the gays for the names of their attorneys.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: HeroHog on July 03, 2015, 10:52:01 AM
The local Chicken Express has the 2nd Amendment printed on the bottom of their receipts and a Green Circle with a Gun in it on their doors along with the text stating legally carried guns allowed here!
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: zxcvbob on July 03, 2015, 11:04:13 AM
Does Texas have open carry of handguns yet?  AFAIK, almost all of Whataburger's stores are in TX.  Maybe this is a reaction to all the idiots carrying black rifles into Starbucks and Target.  I can't say that I blame them. 

A more nuanced rule would be that all firearms most be concealed or discretely holstered with a strap or other retention device.  (Nuance is generally a bad idea for policy statements)
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: zxcvbob on July 03, 2015, 11:05:06 AM
The local Chicken Express has the 2nd Amendment printed on the bottom of their receipts and a Green Circle with a Gun in it on their doors along with the text stating legally carried guns allowed here!

I love their sign, with the chicken hurtling thru the air like a well-thrown football   :lol:
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Brad Johnson on July 03, 2015, 11:08:49 AM
Can't fault them for making what appears to be a solid business-based decision (as opposed to a touchy-feely TEOTWAWKI Brady-center-driven one). I can respect that even if I don't agree with it. They remain solidly neutral on concealed carry so I'll give them a pass on this one.

Zxcv... Gov Abbott signed open carry into law a couple weeks ago. Goes into effect Jan 1, 2015. Only stipulation is open-carriers must have a CHL.

Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Fitz on July 03, 2015, 11:13:30 AM
I had the initial "OMG" reaction to this, but its actually not bad, and i won't go elsewhere as a result. This, to me, is like a dress code. the subtext is "We don't mind guns, but some people whined, so keep it hidden"

Interesting thought, though. I wonder how the libtards would react if a business said "You can be gay in our store... just not OPENLY gay"

think we have a discrimination case?
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Triphammer on July 03, 2015, 11:23:30 AM
There are a few in Tucson. From what I've seen of the cliental, It won't make much difference. Mostly soccer moms, middle/ high school kids and a few service techs (plumbers, electricians) stopping for lunch. 
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: zxcvbob on July 03, 2015, 11:47:15 AM

Gov Abbott signed open carry into law a couple weeks ago. Goes into effect Jan 1, 2015 [sic]. Only stipulation is open-carriers must have a CHL.

Cool.  Now if they'd just recognize my MN license, like all the other states between here and there.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Brad Johnson on July 03, 2015, 11:57:18 AM
Oops, should have said Jan 1, 2016 effective date.

Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: lupinus on July 03, 2015, 12:09:02 PM
Oops, should have said Jan 1, 2016 effective date.

You really should stop living in the past and just move on.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: vaskidmark on July 03, 2015, 12:25:33 PM
Apparently the places around here that use the name and have the A-frame building are not in fact Whataburgers.  Which is good because as of last night they were still not freaking out when I sat down to eat.  Pretty much unless it's prohibited by law I carry, and pretty much I open carry.

I give props to the real Whataburger folks for coming out and saying they are giving in to a vocal minority that might stir up noise and discord, thus endangering their bottom line.  It's honest.

My experience is that most folks don't notice, and the ones that do want to know if it's a Glock Fo'tay or a 1911.  (I do not recall any revolver being made in either of those models.)  Maybe the next time I'm near a Mommies Demanding Attention gathering I'm going to suddenly stop and yell "She's got a baby!  Run for your lives!" just to see how much panic it stirs up, based on the theory it's not what you say but how you say it.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: KD5NRH on July 03, 2015, 12:35:47 PM
My experience is that most folks don't notice, and the ones that do want to know if it's a Glock Fo'tay or a 1911.  (I do not recall any revolver being made in either of those models.)

Colt made some changes to the Bisley in 1911, resulting in a "1911 Model" revolver.  I don't recall ever seeing one rollmarked as such, though.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: SADShooter on July 03, 2015, 01:13:28 PM
To quote a modern Western: "Well...bye."

They made their decision, I've made mine. I've been  frequent customer over many years. No more.

ETA: My e-mail reply-


In response to your policy decision regarding open carry in Texas,I respect your right to make decisions regarding your business operations. However, to be unwelcoming to patrons conducting a lawful activity is unacceptable to me, as I consider it discriminatory. In making a concession to the fear and paranoia of one group you insult and disregard the freedom and dignity of another. The predictions of bloody streets in the wake of concealed carry did not materialize. Open carry will have the same result. This long-time patron will no longer darken your door unless and until you reconsider.


Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Jamisjockey on July 03, 2015, 01:42:26 PM
Does Texas have open carry of handguns yet?  AFAIK, almost all of Whataburger's stores are in TX.  Maybe this is a reaction to all the idiots carrying black rifles into Starbucks and Target.  I can't say that I blame them. 

A more nuanced rule would be that all firearms most be concealed or discretely holstered with a strap or other retention device.  (Nuance is generally a bad idea for policy statements)

No.  It goes into effect Jan 1st 2016.
And you still have to have a valid CHL to open carry. 
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 06, 2015, 12:54:31 PM
The only legal open carry in TX right now is long guns. I've seen the kind of mouth breathing retards that TX has as OC advocates. I think it should be legal to buy integrally suppressed full auto short barreled rifles with under barrel grenade launchers out of a vending machine, but if I owned a business there I'd ban the Fatty and Snowboots crowd too.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: zxcvbob on July 06, 2015, 01:03:44 PM
The only legal open carry in TX right now is long guns. I've seen the kind of mouth breathing retards that TX has as OC advocates. I think it should be legal to buy integrally suppressed full auto short barreled rifles with under barrel grenade launchers out of a vending machine, but if I owned a business there I'd ban the Fatty and Snowboots crowd too.

Long guns and antiques.  The retards should be carrying Ruger Old Armies and other antique handguns -- in holsters.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 06, 2015, 01:18:28 PM
This is what they banned.



Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: roo_ster on July 06, 2015, 01:23:15 PM
I see the OC Tarrant County folk as useful in a "Deal with reasonable folk like me or you get to deal with the ammotards," way.  Nope, not hanging out with them or participating in their antics, but they have pushed the OC issue and kept it front burner in the legislature.

TSRA has done good work over time, but it sure seemed like they were dragging their feet on OC.  OCTC worked around them and lit a fire under legicritters sympathetic to them.

I sure as hell am not going to play tone police or direct fire at folk who are pretty much on my side.  Shooting allies is the sort of thing pathetic moderates looking to impress the other side do.  Screw that noise.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 06, 2015, 02:03:12 PM
I see the OC Tarrant County folk as useful in a "Deal with reasonable folk like me or you get to deal with the ammotards," way.  Nope, not hanging out with them or participating in their antics, but they have pushed the OC issue and kept it front burner in the legislature.

TSRA has done good work over time, but it sure seemed like they were dragging their feet on OC.  OCTC worked around them and lit a fire under legicritters sympathetic to them.

I sure as hell am not going to play tone police or direct fire at folk who are pretty much on my side.  Shooting allies is the sort of thing pathetic moderates looking to impress the other side do.  Screw that noise.

OCTC has dopne nothing but get OC banned in a number of retail establishments and make passage more difficult and uncertain in the legislature. If someone is "on my side" but doing things that actively harm the cause then I'll feel free to criticize them.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Fitz on July 06, 2015, 02:06:42 PM
OCTC has dopne nothing but get OC banned in a number of retail establishments and make passage more difficult and uncertain in the legislature. If someone is "on my side" but doing things that actively harm the cause then I'll feel free to criticize them.

This... OCT and the operatards that go full-movie-commando at places have been directly responsible for 30.06 signs going up. I'm actually amazed their "efforts" didn't derail open carry in TX entirely.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: roo_ster on July 06, 2015, 03:02:41 PM

For the TL;DR sort CL Cotton says TSRA was not opposed to OC, but also not willing to push for OC.  Not their priority, etc., etc.  This was in 2011.  All very defensible and reasonable and honest, but "not opposing and not promoting" is in the neighborhood of "feet dragging" territory.

I have little doubt the rising crescendo of vocal support for open carry has been part of the reason that TSRA has moved from their 2011 position to being somewhat more in favor of OC.  OCT and OCTC are part of this.

FTR, I think a whole lot of Cotton and I think TSRA has done yeoman work on RKBA over the years.  I give them $$$ in the form of memberships, but they have been dragging their feet on OC for some years.  They need someone to light a fire under them every once in a while, especially since one or more of their better lobbyists are not gunny-types.

I do not look at loud OC advocates and the TSRA as "either/or," but rather as "yes, more."

OC in Texas still has a way to go, as it still requires a permit.  Same with CC.

Oh, and for those getting confused by the acronyms:
TSRA = Texas State Rifle Association, an NRA-like advocacy group that has done good work on the RKBA in Texas over the years.
CC = Concealed Carry
OC = Open Carry
OCT = Open Carry Texas, an OC advocacy organization
OCTC = Open Carry Tarrant County, a splinter from OCT.  "Fattie & Boots" were part of this org.  Main source of heartburn for some folks.

Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: MechAg94 on July 06, 2015, 03:46:33 PM
From my memory, OC wasn't a significant mainstream issue at all until 2 or 3 sessions ago.  It was talked about occasionally, but never a serious issue.  TSRA was focused on improving concealed carry and protecting shooting ranges and such.  All important stuff.  I remember there was an online poll circulated that got a great deal of support and then the issue got a lot of attention in the next session.  My impression was that TSRA was more or less blind sided by it and wasn't prepared to work for it in that session.  Since then, I thought they had added it to their agenda.  I could be wrong. 
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: MechAg94 on July 06, 2015, 03:48:42 PM
So is Whataburger going to post 30.07 signs or not?  I sort of wonder why they even bothered to mention it at this point.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Angel Eyes on July 06, 2015, 03:49:49 PM
This is what they banned.

So they're the 2A equivalent of fedora-wearing neckbeards?
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 06, 2015, 04:00:01 PM
So they're the 2A equivalent of fedora-wearing neckbeards?

Yes. They just substitute crappy rifles for waifu or anatomically correct MLP dolls.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: SADShooter on July 06, 2015, 04:03:59 PM
So is Whataburger going to post 30.07 signs or not?  I sort of wonder why they even bothered to mention it at this point.

I don't think so given that they don't take issue with existing concealed carry.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Firethorn on July 06, 2015, 04:38:49 PM
Gun owners need to ask the gays for the names of their attorneys.


Because it's so true.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: HeroHog on July 07, 2015, 08:52:06 AM
Would carrying this with the 30 round stick but in its folded configuration be ok?



Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: SADShooter on July 07, 2015, 05:54:43 PM
I received a response to my e-mail:

Mr. SADShooter,


Thank you for taking the time to contact Whataburger Restaurants. Your feedback as it is very important to us. We always appreciate the opportunity to hear from our guests. Please know that we do respect and support our customers’ second amendment right regarding gun ownership. However, Whataburger policy has been to not allow the open carry of guns or other firearms in all Whataburger restaurants and is for the safety and comfort of our other customers and employees.


Best Regards,


Linda Scott

Customer Care Team

Whataburger Restaurants
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Jamisjockey on July 07, 2015, 05:59:42 PM
I received a response to my e-mail:

Mr. SADShooter,


Thank you for taking the time to contact Whataburger Restaurants. Your feedback as it is very important to us. We always appreciate the opportunity to hear from our guests. Please know that we do respect and support our customers’ second amendment right regarding gun ownership. However, Whataburger policy has been to not allow the open carry of guns or other firearms in all Whataburger restaurants and is for the safety and comfort of our other customers and employees.


Best Regards,


Linda Scott

Customer Care Team

Whataburger Restaurants

Yup. Done with whataburger.  Not that I'm a regular fast food customer, but I could almost see their position as to not making some guests uncomfortable.  But the "Safety" excuse is bull *expletive deleted*it.  OC is legal in a number of other states.  Cops and LEO can open carry.  There are criminals that are utterly unafraid of trying to disarm and kill a cop.  No different. 
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: SADShooter on July 07, 2015, 06:28:04 PM
I am impressed that they actually responded, and I do genuinely respect their right to take a position. Just means I'll get slightly inferior chicken strips or travel burgers elsewhere.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Fitz on July 07, 2015, 06:30:49 PM
Yup. Done with whataburger.  Not that I'm a regular fast food customer, but I could almost see their position as to not making some guests uncomfortable.  But the "Safety" excuse is bull *expletive deleted*it.  OC is legal in a number of other states.  Cops and LEO can open carry.  There are criminals that are utterly unafraid of trying to disarm and kill a cop.  No different. 

I got that same response. Framing it as a safety issue is weak as *expletive deleted*ck. I replied back , replaced all mentions of guns with homosexuality, and asked her how it was different. I dont expect a response
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: SADShooter on July 07, 2015, 06:33:17 PM
I got that same response. Framing it as a safety issue is weak as *expletive deleted*ck. I replied back , replaced all mentions of guns with homosexuality, and asked her how it was different. I dont expect a response

Nice. Breastfeeding would be another good hook.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 07, 2015, 07:21:37 PM
Yup. Done with whataburger.  Not that I'm a regular fast food customer, but I could almost see their position as to not making some guests uncomfortable.  But the "Safety" excuse is bull *expletive deleted*it.  OC is legal in a number of other states.  Cops and LEO can open carry.  There are criminals that are utterly unafraid of trying to disarm and kill a cop.  No different. 

Again, in TX OC of pistols is not yet legal. OC of long guns, the way the folks there are doing it at least, is in fact a safety risk.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Fitz on July 07, 2015, 07:27:17 PM
Again, in TX OC of pistols is not yet legal. OC of long guns, the way the folks there are doing it at least, is in fact a safety risk.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but this came out due to the legalization (eventually) of pistol OC? the bill that was passed?
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: MechAg94 on July 07, 2015, 08:00:27 PM
Correct me if i'm wrong, but this came out due to the legalization (eventually) of pistol OC? the bill that was passed?

The bill was passed, but it doesn't go into effect until January 1st.  State cops asked for the delay.  Said they do most of their CHL training of instructors in the Fall and this bill is tied into the CHL law.  Most new laws default to Sept 1st as the date they go into effect after the legislative session is over. 
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: dogmush on July 07, 2015, 08:08:07 PM
Again, in TX OC of pistols is not yet legal. OC of long guns, the way the folks there are doing it at least, is in fact a safety risk.


It's a decorum risk.  It's rude. It's probably unhelpful.

It's not a safety risk any more then slinging an M16 for a chow line is.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 07, 2015, 08:45:45 PM

It's a decorum risk.  It's rude. It's probably unhelpful.

It's not a safety risk any more then slinging an M16 for a chow line is.

You missed this part I think.

the way the folks there are doing it at least,

Plenty of .mil folks who were unsafe in their handling on the FOB where everyone always had their rifle. I don't know how many times I got muzzled but it's in the hundreds. And that's all mandatory Con 3 rifles on slings and infantry guys. These idiots are walking around with Con 1 rifles at low ready. It absolutely is a safety risk the way the actual people this actually applies to are doing it.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but this came out due to the legalization (eventually) of pistol OC? the bill that was passed?

Per the link this has always been their stance, it is not a recent change.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Fitz on July 07, 2015, 08:57:31 PM
You missed this part I think.

Plenty of .mil folks who were unsafe in their handling on the FOB where everyone always had their rifle. I don't know how many times I got muzzled but it's in the hundreds. And that's all mandatory Con 3 rifles on slings and infantry guys. These idiots are walking around with Con 1 rifles at low ready. It absolutely is a safety risk the way the actual people this actually applies to are doing it.

Per the link this has always been their stance, it is not a recent change.

Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Scout26 on July 07, 2015, 09:38:00 PM
Fortunately, there are none near me.  And I just barely missed giving them some of my money when we were in Alabama because I misread the Billboard and got off at the wrong exit.  We ate at Hardee's instead.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: vaskidmark on July 07, 2015, 11:09:53 PM
The corporate policy on OC existed well before the Texas OC law was passed.  Given the hoopla about handgun OC coming to Texas they decided to make sure everybody was up to speed on where they stood - including, I am told, some of their local outlet managers in states that are not Texas.

You want to talk about customers feeling uncomfortable?  I'm petrified thinking that some of the clowns I see at fast food places (among other places) might be carrying a hidden handgun.  Make them open carry like honest people.  Then I'll only have to deal with my fear of cops mishandling their openly carried handguns (and my disappointment at never being the one that finds one left behind in the bathroom).

stay safe.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: dogmush on July 08, 2015, 12:28:41 AM
Plenty of .mil folks who were unsafe in their handling on the FOB where everyone always had their rifle. I don't know how many times I got muzzled but it's in the hundreds. And that's all mandatory Con 3 rifles on slings and infantry guys. These idiots are walking around with Con 1 rifles at low ready. It absolutely is a safety risk the way the actual people this actually applies to are doing it

Yes, I remember the rash of ND's in and around Texas eateries........oh wait.

I get that you don't like the Texas OC guys.  You've made that clear.  But there's no more of a safety risk with the tools then some guy with a CCW in a shoulder holster, and way, way less then a football player with a gun in his pants.  Claiming a safety hazard is bordering on mad mothers crap.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: wmenorr67 on July 08, 2015, 08:02:58 AM
Well considering I've only eaten at Whataburger once, only because the Mother-in-Law wanted to, she was buying, this doesn't hurt my feelings at all.  Plenty of other places to clog my arteries that will be more than happy to take my money if I do decide to OC.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 08, 2015, 12:17:25 PM
Yes, I remember the rash of ND's in and around Texas eateries........oh wait.

I get that you don't like the Texas OC guys.  You've made that clear.  But there's no more of a safety risk with the tools then some guy with a CCW in a shoulder holster, and way, way less then a football player with a gun in his pants.  Claiming a safety hazard is bordering on mad mothers crap.

So you don't think a guy with a Con 1 rifle flagging you is more of a safety risk than a guy with a pistol in a shoulder holster? I seriously doubt you actually think that. Your ideology is blinding you to reality here.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: SADShooter on July 08, 2015, 12:38:52 PM
So you don't think a guy with a Con 1 rifle flagging you is more of a safety risk than a guy with a pistol in a shoulder holster? I seriously doubt you actually think that. Your ideology is blinding you to reality here.

Basement-dwelling Wookie-suiter with Crapco rifle does not automatically equal TX CHL holder. I will open carry, when I think it appropriate, in a Level II holster. If I enter an establishment and I am asked to leave I will do so, and not return.

(edit for typo)
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: roo_ster on July 08, 2015, 12:51:33 PM
So you don't think a guy with a Con 1 rifle flagging you is more of a safety risk than a guy with a pistol in a shoulder holster? I seriously doubt you actually think that. Your ideology is blinding you to reality here.

I have never been muzzle-humped with a long gun in a Texas eatery by someone who was OC-ing a long gun.  I suspect you have not either.  The reality is that there is zero evidence of danger from people OC-ing long guns in Texas restaurants.  Even if those with the long guns are fat and unfashionable.

Hey, what's that?  [bbbrrrrring!] Howdy.  Really?  He's right here.  You don't need to talk to him, just give him the message?  Gotcha.  Buh-bye.

That was The Brady Campaign.  They were wondering if you were done with their "Blood in the streets restaurants" argument?  And if not, when you might return it? 
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 08, 2015, 12:58:16 PM
I have never been muzzle-humped with a long gun in a Texas eatery by someone who was OC-ing a long gun.  I suspect you have not either.  The reality is that there is zero evidence of danger from people OC-ing long guns in Texas restaurants.  Even if those with the long guns are fat and unfashionable.

Hey, what's that?  [bbbrrrrring!] Howdy.  Really?  He's right here.  You don't need to talk to him, just give him the message?  Gotcha.  Buh-bye.

That was The Brady Campaign.  They were wondering if you were done with their "Blood in the streets restaurants" argument?  And if not, when you might return it? 

How many times have you been to an eatery with someone OCing a long gun?

And you're right, saying that people doing something stupid and dangerous is stupid and dangerous is exactly the same as calling for gun bans. Because if we police our own and call people out on being unsafe, then that's the same as asking the feds to violate the Second Amendment. Spot on analysis, I'm convinced. Anyone who is nominally on our side must be held immune from criticism. I'm sure Jeb Bush will appreciate your full support once he is the nominee.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: roo_ster on July 08, 2015, 01:37:38 PM
How many times have you been to an eatery with someone OCing a long gun?

And you're right, saying that people doing something stupid and dangerous is stupid and dangerous is exactly the same as calling for gun bans. Because if we police our own and call people out on being unsafe, then that's the same as asking the feds to violate the Second Amendment. Spot on analysis, I'm convinced. Anyone who is nominally on our side must be held immune from criticism. I'm sure Jeb Bush will appreciate your full support once he is the nominee.

With apologies to AC/DC:
"If You Want Blood (You Got It In Texas Restaurants)"

It's criminal
There ought to be a law
There ought to be a whole lot more
You get muzzlin' for muzzlin'
Tell me who can you trust
We got what you want
And you got the dust (cover open)
If you want blood, you got it
If you want blood, you got it
Blood on the register
Blood in my Crocs
Blood by the ketchup dispenser
Every last drop
You want blood
You got it in Texas Restaurants
Yes you have

I don't expect you to be convinced by The One Perfect Analogy That Won't Break Down When Stretched Beyond Its Intended Use.  But you do sound a bit like a Brady shill when making the safety argument with zero evidence to back it up.

Looking back at the the photo of Fatty & Boots.  It shows them not covering folk with their muzzles and keeping their booger hooks off the bang switch.  Could it be that they can, unlike your buddies, eat and practice muzzle discipline at the same time?   :O

I tell ya, what really ought to be banned at Whataburger are white slip-on shoes worn with shorts.  That's just wrong.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Firethorn on July 08, 2015, 02:12:34 PM
These idiots are walking around with Con 1 rifles at low ready.

I can't say it about all of them, but I do know that the situation is that they tend to go to 'low ready' for photo shoots, which is when we see them.  The rifle is normally slung the rest of the time.

IE they're only at low ready when mugging for the camera, in order to make the weapon more visible in the shot.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: zxcvbob on July 08, 2015, 02:13:51 PM
I can't say it about all of them, but I do know that the situation is that they tend to go to 'low ready' for photo shoots, which is when we see them.  The rifle is normally slung the rest of the time.

IE they're only at low ready when mugging for the camera, in order to make the weapon more visible in the shot.

So what we *really* need is to ban cameras...   :laugh:
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Jamisjockey on July 08, 2015, 02:25:06 PM
Or just kick individuals out of places when they're being stupid.  You may get escorted out of many places for taking your clothes off.  Or for swearing and yelling loudly.  Why not for fondling you firearm in an unsafe manner?
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: roo_ster on July 08, 2015, 02:32:33 PM
Or just kick individuals out of places when they're being stupid.  You may get escorted out of many places for taking your clothes off.  Or for swearing and yelling loudly.  Why not for fondling you firearm in an unsafe manner?

Sounds reasonable.  As a restaurant owner I might also object to customers cleaning newly-caught fish on tables and countertops.    Or gutting hogs in the McD's play area.  "Don't go in the ball pit, honey.  Uncle Bob just dumped the offal in there."

Lots of behavior that a business owner might find objectionable that they ought to have the authority to regulate.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 08, 2015, 02:43:54 PM
With apologies to AC/DC:

I don't expect you to be convinced by The One Perfect Analogy That Won't Break Down When Stretched Beyond Its Intended Use.  But you do sound a bit like a Brady shill when making the safety argument with zero evidence to back it up.

Looking back at the the photo of Fatty & Boots.  It shows them not covering folk with their muzzles and keeping their booger hooks off the bang switch.  Could it be that they can, unlike your buddies, eat and practice muzzle discipline at the same time?   :O

I tell ya, what really ought to be banned at Whataburger are white slip-on shoes worn with shorts.  That's just wrong.

Are you unable to comprehend the difference between a private corporation making a business decision and laws banning things, or are you just trolling?
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: dogmush on July 08, 2015, 02:46:06 PM
Firstly. Those rifles may or may not be condition 1. You don't know that.

Secondly, as was pointed out, no one is being flagged in those photos,  or in any of the videos I've seen. Also,  theyou tend to have trigger diciplene. (Que Blackhawk Down clip).

There's no evidence of a safety violation. Sense and taste,  yes.  Safety no.

Someone is blinded by their idiology but it ain't me.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 08, 2015, 02:48:15 PM
Firstly. Those rifles may or may not be condition 1. You don't know that.

Secondly, as was pointed out, no one is being flagged in those photos,  or in any of the videos I've seen. Also,  theyou tend to have trigger diciplene. (Que Blackhawk Down clip).

There's no evidence of a safety violation. Sense and taste,  yes.  Safety no.

Someone is blinded by their idiology but it ain't me.

How would you know that, given that the rifle is pointed off camera at an area you can't see?

Lol, what ideology is it you think I'm blinded by exactly? The one where dipshits who hurt gun rights are a bad thing? Ok, you got me.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Firethorn on July 08, 2015, 02:59:08 PM
How would you know that, given that the rifle is pointed off camera at an area you can't see?

I just reviewed all the photos in this thread.  In all of them I can see a straight line from the muzzle direct to the floor, within the photo.  Incorrect perspective can only do so much - somebody would have to have an oddly placed foot to get shot in for how they're holding it.  Hell, the fat guy has it pointed straight down - his own feet are at the biggest risk.

And most of them aren't even at 'low ready', with their hands completely out of position to reach the trigger.

Just searched for 'open carry demonstration' - first appropriate image:

Unless there's somebody very oddly placed off-image, they're all being pointed in a safe direction.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: roo_ster on July 08, 2015, 03:24:34 PM
Are you unable to comprehend the difference between a private corporation making a business decision and laws banning things, or are you just trolling?

Stop whining like a Brady shill and I will stop making the observation that you are whining about a nonexistent problem for which there is no empirical evidence.  That is the analogy involved, Mr Blood in the Streets. 

I think I have shown via my posts that I've little problem with Whataburger doing as it pleases.  Heck, I don't even have plans to boycott Whataburger if they keep Fatty & Boots out.  And Mr White Slip-Ons.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: wmenorr67 on July 08, 2015, 05:09:04 PM
(SARCASM) But, but, but they can't ban me, I'm gay and I OC. (SARCASM)
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: KD5NRH on July 08, 2015, 05:13:16 PM
(SARCASM) But, but, but they can't ban me, I'm gay and I OC. (SARCASM)

Maybe we can transcarry; BBQ gun in a fancy OWB holster that identifies as concealed.
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: SADShooter on July 08, 2015, 05:21:56 PM
Maybe we can transcarry; BBQ gun in a fancy OWB holster that identifies as concealed.

This idea can also put to rest the 9mm vs. .45 debate once and for all
Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Balog on July 08, 2015, 05:48:54 PM
Stop whining like a Brady shill and I will stop making the observation that you are whining about a nonexistent problem for which there is no empirical evidence.  That is the analogy involved, Mr Blood in the Streets. 

I think I have shown via my posts that I've little problem with Whataburger doing as it pleases.  Heck, I don't even have plans to boycott Whataburger if they keep Fatty & Boots out.  And Mr White Slip-Ons.

Title: Re: Well Whataburger can officially pound sand
Post by: Jamisjockey on July 08, 2015, 06:29:59 PM
Okay this one has gone past polite.  Despite my involvement in the thread, I'm putting a fork in it.