Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: roo_ster on July 14, 2015, 05:43:20 PM

Title: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 14, 2015, 05:43:20 PM
Video: Planned Parenthood’s profit off of fetal body parts

Nucatola is seen in the video having lunch with actors posing as buyers who are interested in purchasing the body parts of babies how have been aborted. The Planned Parenthood senior staffer notes how abortion procedures are modified to ensure that requested body parts can be collected. She says:

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

Nucatola also describes how Planned Parenthood abortionists move the preborn child into a breech delivery position so that the body can be preserved while the brains of the child are removed. This account is an almost exact medical description of partial-birth abortions which are illegal in the United States.

Planned Parenthood, though, appears to be concerned internally about the legality of their own behavior, as Nucatola notes how, “At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now.”

The price that the so-called “products of conception” fetch can run from $30 to $100 per specimen, according to Nucatola. That means that Planned Parenthood profits from killing babies by charging the patients, and then from harvesting their corpses by selling them. “A lot of people want liver,” Nucatola tells the undercover investigator, so Planned Parenthood trains its people to use the forceps to leave the abdomen intact. They even maneuver the baby into the breech position, using ultrasound, in order to facilitate their gruesome harvest.

Remind me again why the federal government funds these ghouls?

Waste not, want not.

Safe, legal, medium rare.
"Do it for to the Kids- Recycle."

Every cloud has a sliver gold lining

The horror show goes on.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on July 14, 2015, 05:54:14 PM
To avoid offending Art's grammaw (not to mention not getting this thread locked after the second post and dodging the banschwerk), I'll refrain from posting how I really feel...

But my one solace is that these vultures will one day face an eternal justice for their actions.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on July 14, 2015, 06:16:28 PM
I'll just remind everyone that these threads tend to turn ugly. But before me or someone else locks it, I guess I'll get my two cents in. :P

It seems to me, wherever you are on abortion, once they start talking about specific organs - hearts, lungs, livers, as this PP doctor did, it kind of negates the 'blob of tissue" argument. Either it's a worthless blob of amorphous tissue, or it has identifiable characteristics (like organs developed enough to discretely identify) and it's a person.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Boomhauer on July 14, 2015, 06:43:50 PM
70 years ago we killed these kinds of sick *expletive deleted*ers for running death camps.

Why is this *expletive deleted*it legal now?

Every day my attitude turns more towards "*expletive deleted*ck the world. Let it burn, burn good and hot"...

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 14, 2015, 06:58:33 PM
I find I have little to say about this, and very little emotional reaction. This story is exactly what any reasonable person would expect from those who spend their workdays murdering innocent children. I suppose we will get to hear some politicians getting emotional over this, as if it were somehow worse than the murders themselves. Which they could stop, if they wanted to.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: brimic on July 14, 2015, 07:01:55 PM
At this point, it would no longer shock me if they caught a leader in PP selling fetus skin to a Halloween mask maker.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Balog on July 14, 2015, 07:22:32 PM
People who work at clinics dedicated to torturing babies to death, that were originally founded as a means of reducing the black population, are immoral? Who could have guessed? What a completely unexpected development. Surely no one could have foreseen this.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on July 14, 2015, 07:33:28 PM
One of those moments when we all agree.
Truly truth is stranger than fiction. Sicker

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: SADShooter on July 14, 2015, 07:38:00 PM
People who work at clinics dedicated to torturing babies to death, that were originally founded as a means of reducing the black population, are immoral? Who could have guessed? What a completely unexpected development. Surely no one could have foreseen this.

But, but, but...Margaret Sanger...feminist hero...not about eugenics...
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Balog on July 14, 2015, 07:49:47 PM

But, but, but...Margaret Sanger...feminist hero...not about eugenics...

It's like a black guy wearing a Che Guevera shirt.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: lupinus on July 14, 2015, 08:53:20 PM
I'm not sure what's sadder.

That they do so with impunity, or that we aren't all that surprised.

I think we need to rid some nests and set up a similar operation with wag eggs. Anyone willing to pitch in for bail money?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 14, 2015, 09:50:59 PM
1. Fistful is correct that the gop policritters could stop this or at least cut off govt funding.  Problem is they just plain do not want to.  As with many issues they agree with what is happening and pretend to be in opposition.

2.  I agree with csd.  I would not have made it up and put it in a story.  Too freakish.  Too macabre.  Too grisly.  It would have been too over the top and demonizing of planned parenthood. 

3. Boomhauers response is completely understandable.  And the simple reason it was then a moral horror and now no big deal is the same reason lenin gave: 'Who?  Whom?'  'Who does what to whom?' To be more wordy.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: RevDisk on July 14, 2015, 10:48:44 PM

Just a reminder that is legal to donate or sell at cost tissues under certain circumstances. Assuming proper consent is obtained from patients. As far as I know, Planned Parenthood is a non-profit, so the whole "profiting from aborted fetus sales" is a bit weird of an accusation, but entirely possible. If not the case, definitely worthy of IRS attention. If they're doing anything illegal, which would be breathtaking stupid as they're usually to always under a significant amount of scrutiny, I await the results of an actual investigation.

Not saying I disagree with any disgust if someone is hawking aborted fetuses for profit, just saying you can generally trust the media as far as you can throw them and I'm not overly fond of lynch mobs over accusations.

Seriously, regardless of whether the behavior was legal or illegal, how did that lady NOT know to treat all interactions as if it would be plastered across the world?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 14, 2015, 11:13:37 PM
1. Fistful is correct that the gop policritters could stop this or at least cut off govt funding.  

I wasn't talking about the GOP. I was including every red-handed "pro-choice" politician, as well. If Democrats cared about "the most vulnerable among us," as they so often claim, they could do something about this.

If they're doing anything illegal, which would be breathtaking stupid as they're usually to always under a significant amount of scrutiny, I await the results of an actual investigation.

Oh, man. You oughtta take that act on the road, cause I about died, laughing.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: MechAg94 on July 14, 2015, 11:54:31 PM
Since when does non-profit stop people within the non-profit from making a profit?  Just because the organization as a whole does not make a profit means very little. 
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on July 15, 2015, 12:04:39 AM
Since when does non-profit stop people within the non-profit from making a profit?  Just because the organization as a whole does not make a profit means very little. 

[cough] Clinton foundation [/cough]
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Balog on July 15, 2015, 01:12:23 AM
Since when does non-profit stop people within the non-profit from making a profit?  Just because the organization as a whole does not make a profit means very little. 

"We're a non-profit, of course we aren't concerned with making money!" said the CEO with the $500,000 salary.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 15, 2015, 06:37:40 AM

David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress said the abortion provider is lying: “Planned Parenthood makes two key admissions in their statement today; first, that aborted fetal parts are harvested at their clinics, and second, that money is exchanged in connection with this.”

He also says Planned Parenthood is lying by insisting it gets “proper consent” from its patients,” and “Planned Parenthood does not make money off the body parts.”

In response, Daleiden produced anonline ad from StemExpress, Planned Parenthood’s partner in the body-parts business, that “advertises 4 different times the financial benefit that Planned Parenthood clinics can receive from supplying fetal tissue with the words, ‘Financially profitable,’ ‘Financial Profits,’ ‘financial benefit to your clinic,’ and ‘fiscal growth of your own clinic.'” The ad has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood Medical Director Dr. Dorothy Furgerson.

Mash the link and read the marketing materials.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Jamisjockey on July 15, 2015, 09:13:58 AM
Non profit.... :rofl:

You see....just because there aren't shares or investors who are profiting, there's plenty of ways to get rich off a non profit.  Like being the CEO, for example.

I find I have little to say about this, and very little emotional reaction. This story is exactly what any reasonable person would expect from those who spend their workdays murdering innocent children. I suppose we will get to hear some politicians getting emotional over this, as if it were somehow worse than the murders themselves. Which they could stop, if they wanted to.

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Boomhauer on July 15, 2015, 09:35:54 AM
In cases like this "Non Profit" simply means "We are making money but it's tax free bitches, tax free!"

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Monkeyleg on July 15, 2015, 10:56:51 AM
I thought that selling organs was illegal in the US. Or are these not "organs" because they don't come from "humans"?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: MechAg94 on July 15, 2015, 11:34:58 AM
Selling organs is illegal.  I don't know how they classify this.  

The profit issue is a side show to me.  The act of harvesting and selling is enough.  It would not surprise me if the selling fetal tissue is buried in the paperwork the patients sign.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: MillCreek on July 15, 2015, 11:37:37 AM
My guess is that PP does this by patient donation, and the costs charged are for processing and transport.  Just like you see with blood banks, tissue banks and organ donation to meet the letter of the law.  I bet they have had their lawyers parse this with a fine-tooth comb.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: SADShooter on July 15, 2015, 11:43:11 AM
My guess is that PP does this by patient donation, and the costs charged are for processing and transport.  Just like you see with blood banks, tissue banks and organ donation to meet the letter of the law.  I bet they have had their lawyers parse this with a fine-tooth comb.

All true. However, given precedent evidence of staff behavior in PP clinics, I am skeptical of the notion that they are diligent in pursuing truly informed consent.

"Now, this form will let us harvest and distribute the fetus' organs after we've removed it. Please sign on the X."
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: RevDisk on July 15, 2015, 01:14:48 PM
I thought that selling organs was illegal in the US. Or are these not "organs" because they don't come from "humans"?

Yes, no. It is illegal to make a profit from selling organs. But you can charge to recoup your expenses. And of course, no one is ever overly generous with counting their expenses. Blood banks, spare parts from corpses, apparently abortion clinics, etc. You need consent. While it's not widely discussed, this is kinda an every day thing.

Blood is the most common and runs $160 to $600 per pint. It costs money to safely harvest tissues or fluids of all kinds, pay the staff, pay for testing, pay for transportation, pay for storage, etc. All in compliance with a multitude of local, state and federal laws and regulations.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on July 15, 2015, 01:27:02 PM
Sounds like not just this, but a lot of medical stuff involving human body parts, fluids, etc. is based on the late night TV commercial model of, "get a second widget free! just pay shipping and handling!" (shipping and handling is $99.95).
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: MillCreek on July 15, 2015, 02:57:29 PM
All true. However, given precedent evidence of staff behavior in PP clinics, I am skeptical of the notion that they are diligent in pursuing truly informed consent.

"Now, this form will let us harvest and distribute the fetus' organs after we've removed it. Please sign on the X."

Typically, the consent forms say something like "I agree that any biological materials from my procedure may be disposed of in accordance with usual medical practices'.  Healthcare has a long history of then trying to turn a profit from this.  Witness the Moore vs. Regents case in California and the Henrietta Lacks case.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: White Horseradish on July 16, 2015, 11:13:15 AM

A deceptive video from a conservative group purports to show a Planned Parenthood official discussing prices for the illegal sale of fetal tissue from abortions. But the full, unedited footage and transcript released by the group undermines their sensationalist claims, showing at least three crucial edits that reveal the Planned Parenthood official was instead discussing the reimbursement cost for consensual, legal tissue donations.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: makattak on July 16, 2015, 11:27:49 AM

Yes, they don't, in ANY WAY, refer to illegal payments disguised as "reimbursement costs." Nor do they, IN ANY WAY, refer to illegally performing a partial birth abortion in order to illegally harvest the human organs by illegally changing the way you do the abortion, per federal law.

You see, she used the correct weasel words about that specific issue, so it's perfectly alright and we're going to ignore the other illegalities disclosed.

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 16, 2015, 12:01:52 PM
the Planned Parenthood official was instead discussing the reimbursement cost for consensual, legal tissue donations.

Oh, well, that makes it quite alright. The clinic is merely harvesting and selling the tissues of the people it murders, but one of the parents has consented. Mater familias and all that.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 16, 2015, 12:11:11 PM

Heh.  Has David Brock cleaned the K-Y off his Glock yet?

Four pages of a glossy pamphlet targeting PP clinic, with PP endorsement.  Majority of space dedicated to graphics.  Yet the following bits occur:
"Financially Profitable"
"Join the StemExpress program that financially rewards clinics..."
"...providing a financial benefit to your clinic."

Nothing of THIS sort of thing:
"Will reimburse only for the cost of extracting and delivering human tissues."

Anyone not deliberately obtuse understands what is going on here:  PP expects to make moneymoneymoney off dead baby parts above and beyond the cost to "harvest" them. 

I guess from a utilitarian ( point of view this sort of thing makes sense.  To be sure, Planned Parenthood and its supporters do not stand alone (  To take life unworthy of life ( and do some good (, worthy (, scientific research ( may--in some ( people's (,_Philipp_Bouhler.jpg) eyes--shine a light of hope ( on an otherwise unfortunate ( incident. 

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: RoadKingLarry on July 16, 2015, 01:36:25 PM
Has the group that produce the video been charged with a crime yet (any crime will do just to make a point)?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Balog on July 16, 2015, 04:31:42 PM
Has the group that produce the video been charged with a crime yet (any crime will do just to make a point)?

The audit is being scheduled as we speak.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 16, 2015, 04:33:31 PM
Well, as long as the livers aren't fried then I guess it's okay - can't have all that fat content, you know  ;)
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Scout26 on July 16, 2015, 11:13:00 PM
Since when does non-profit stop people within the non-profit from making a profit?  Just because the organization as a whole does not make a profit means very little. 

A Non-Profit =/= NO profit.  You can be a non-profit and still show a gain (and a sizable one at that.  Even if your last name isn't Clinton.)  Year after year, after year.  You just can't disburse the profit to "Shareholders", it either has to be re-invested or used to grow and expand your operation.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 17, 2015, 11:12:20 AM
A Non-Profit =/= NO profit.  You can be a non-profit and still show a gain (and a sizable one at that.  Even if your last name isn't Clinton.)  Year after year, after year.  You just can't disburse the profit to "Shareholders", it either has to be re-invested or used to grow and expand your operation.

Yes, and/or paid to managers in the form of huge salaries  ;)
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Scout26 on July 17, 2015, 02:31:49 PM
And since there is no other way, this thread must be Godwin'd.  It would appear that they have picked up right where Dr. Mengele ( left off...

When an outbreak of noma (a gangrenous bacterial disease of the mouth and face) broke out in the Romani camp in 1943, Mengele initiated a study to determine the cause of the disease and develop a treatment. He enlisted the aid of prisoner Dr. Berthold Epstein, a Jewish pediatrician and professor at Prague University. Mengele isolated the patients in a separate barrack and had several afflicted children killed so that their preserved heads and organs could be sent to the SS Medical Academy in Graz and other facilities for study. The research was still ongoing when the Romani camp was liquidated and its remaining occupants killed in 1944

After an experiment was over, the twins were sometimes killed and their bodies dissected.[51] Nyiszli recalled one occasion where Mengele personally killed fourteen twins in one night via a chloroform injection to the heart.[34] If one twin died of disease, Mengele killed the other so that comparative post-mortem reports could be prepared.[52]

Mengele sought out pregnant women, on whom he would perform experiments before sending them to the gas chambers

Files released by the Argentine government in 1992 indicate that Mengele may have practiced medicine without a license, including performing abortions, while living in Buenos Aires.

PP is simply doing the work the WVHA  ('t finish.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: makattak on July 17, 2015, 02:41:48 PM
And since there is no other way, this thread must be Godwin'd.  It would appear that they have picked up right where Dr. Mengele ( left off...

It's kind of hard not to Godwin a thread that is discussing gruesome murder and harvesting of human organs.

I suppose we could also compare them just as easily to the Japanese experiments in WWII. Somehow that's not taboo.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 17, 2015, 04:05:59 PM
It's kind of hard not to Godwin a thread that is discussing gruesome murder and harvesting of human organs.

I suppose we could also compare them just as easily to the Japanese experiments in WWII. Somehow that's not taboo.

How's about Niwdog(1) a thread?  When the original topic starts off so heinous and gruesome that even a Nazi might be expected to be taken aback.

(1) Niwdogging?  Sounds like "New Dog"
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: zxcvbob on July 17, 2015, 04:31:05 PM
How's about Niwdog(1) a thread?  When the original topic starts off so heinous and gruesome that even a Nazi might be expected to be taken aback.

(1) Niwdogging?  Sounds like "New Dog"

That's like a "reverse Godwin"?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 17, 2015, 04:40:15 PM
That's like a "reverse Godwin"?

Yep, or extra-Godwin territory.  Something that might get a Nazi to go, "Now hold on, might you be going a bit too far with that?"
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Firethorn on July 17, 2015, 04:43:21 PM
A Non-Profit =/= NO profit.  You can be a non-profit and still show a gain (and a sizable one at that.  Even if your last name isn't Clinton.)  Year after year, after year.  You just can't disburse the profit to "Shareholders", it either has to be re-invested or used to grow and expand your operation.

Considering the scope of their operations, I figure it'd be a bit like the boy scouts and many other non-profit organizations:

They're always looking for ways to make a 'profit' or save money, but when they do it's simply used to provide more benefits.

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 17, 2015, 04:53:15 PM
Considering the scope of their operations, I figure it'd be a bit like the boy scouts and many other non-profit organizations:

They're always looking for ways to make a 'profit' or save money, but when they do it's simply used to provide more benefits kill more babies.

Fixed :(
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 17, 2015, 05:59:38 PM
How's about Niwdog(1) a thread?  When the original topic starts off so heinous and gruesome that even a Nazi might be expected to be taken aback.

(1) Niwdogging?  Sounds like "New Dog"

Yeah, sort of like how you can't really Godwin a thread on Stalin. His body count, like PPs, is higher.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: RoadKingLarry on July 17, 2015, 06:03:49 PM
Considering the scope of their operations, I figure it'd be a bit like the boy scouts and many other non-profit organizations:

They're always looking for ways to make a 'profit' or save money, but when they do it's simply used to provide more benefits.

Does the top paid admin of the BSA make $500K a year?
Does the BSA get Federal money?
I'm thinking comparing the BSA and PP is kind of like comparing apples and tarantulas.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Pb on July 17, 2015, 07:28:19 PM
Does the top paid admin of the BSA make $500K a year?
Does the BSA get Federal money?
I'm thinking comparing the BSA and PP is kind of like comparing apples and tarantulas.

Actually, top exec of the BSA makes huge salary too:
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Northwoods on July 17, 2015, 11:09:21 PM
Clair - any chance it's time?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Hawkmoon on July 18, 2015, 05:46:04 PM
Either it's a worthless blob of amorphous tissue, or it has identifiable characteristics (like organs developed enough to discretely identify) and it's a person.

Or ... there are other criteria for determining personhood.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on July 18, 2015, 05:55:15 PM
Or ... there are other criteria for determining personhood.

I was speaking directly to how planned parenthood, etc. define "person", or more precisely, "fetus". 
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ron on July 19, 2015, 10:47:44 AM
What do you expect? The mental contortions and searing of ones conscience necessary to dehumanize the offspring in the womb will necessary lead to this end. The abortion is in the middle of the path to ruin. The beginning was when the wrong moral path was chosen, it then led to the widespread acceptance of abortion. Now that it is normalized we recoil from where this path leads us?

If the young unborn one is not a human being worthy of dignity and respect then why not part it out? Is parting it out really any worse than putting it in a plastic bag and disposing of it as medical waste?

The false outrage over this by those who support the practice of abortion is as disgusting as the practice itself IMHO.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 21, 2015, 11:40:53 AM
Somebody has learned from James O'Keefe:
1. Initial video drop on head of corrupt lefty organization.
2. Vociferous denials by org and claims that even if true, it is an "isolated incident."
3. Second video drop kick in the jimmy, usually even uglier than #1, plus shows they were lying in #2 and shows their defenders to be saps (at best).

From drudge:

In the second video released today by the Center for Medical Progress, yet another senior medical adviser to Planned Parenthood of America appears to negotiate the price of selling baby body parts to actors playing entrepreneurs from a start-up biotech firm.

What’s more, in the beginning of the video, she talks about an earlier situation where a company called Novogenix used to come to her abortion clinic to buy specimens: “Heather, a Novogenix person would come to the site and our staff would sign the patients up and get consent. And then Heather would look at the tissue and take what she required. So logistically it was very easy for us. We didn’t have to do anything.” (emphasis added)

This statement would seem to contradict the need of a higher and higher price for doing nothing except letting a technician from another company come into the facility and take specimens. While she seems willing to accept higher prices, Gatter does claim Planned Parenthood is “not in it for the money” and they do not want to appear to be selling body parts.

At the end of the video, like Nucatola, Gatter talks about changing the abortion technique to get intact specimens, changing from a rather violent suction method that would destroy tissue to what she calls an IPAS, which is a reference to a nonprofit company that makes and distributes “manual vacuum aspirators” which would be a less harmful way to get at the internal organs. She said there would be protocol issues with the patient but that she saw no problem with it. She calls it a “less crunchy” way to get intact organs.

At the end of the tape provided by CMP, Gatter jokes about wanting “a Lamborghini” for body parts.

Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods

Sure, you'd let this gal babysit your kids...
...if you wanted them parted out like a 1992 Mustang GT.

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on July 21, 2015, 11:46:58 AM
Another video has been released showing one of the PP heads talking price and saying she 'wants a Lamborghini". Additionally she apparently was discussing the preference of second trimester over first trimester due to the increased value. For an organization that's supposedly all about women's health and not about money, one would think they'd be promoting abortion at the earliest possible time instead of dragging it out. Even in a "heavily edited" video, it's all pretty damning.

EDIT: Rooster posted while I was typing.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: vaskidmark on July 21, 2015, 01:08:43 PM

Producing the isolated cells researchers need from donated tissues requires the development of complicated, often unique, research techniques using millions of dollars of scientific equipment. We are hopeful the events of the last few days will not diminish our efforts to support the research community or hinder our partners from continuing their important work.

Just for giggles, let's go beyond the A-word thing and discuss what their partners are doing with the stuff once they get their hands on it.

No, this is not a statement about the A-word itself, or the philosophy behind being for or against it.

The fact of the matter is that folks now have this stuff and are doing/trying to do things  with it.  Is that good or bad?  Is some of it good and some of it bad?  What about the philosophy of doing/trying to do stuff in the first place (disregarding for the sake of the discussion where/how they get the stuff)?

More than anything else I would like to hear from the religiously-focused on why they feel this is bad while genetic manipulation in animal husbandry is good.

stay safe.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 21, 2015, 01:26:17 PM
You seriously don't see a difference between animals and people ???
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: lupinus on July 21, 2015, 01:41:16 PM

Just for giggles, let's go beyond the A-word thing and discuss what their partners are doing with the stuff once they get their hands on it.

No, this is not a statement about the A-word itself, or the philosophy behind being for or against it.

The fact of the matter is that folks now have this stuff and are doing/trying to do things  with it.  Is that good or bad?  Is some of it good and some of it bad?  What about the philosophy of doing/trying to do stuff in the first place (disregarding for the sake of the discussion where/how they get the stuff)?

More than anything else I would like to hear from the religiously-focused on why they feel this is bad while genetic manipulation in animal husbandry is good.

stay safe.
The two can not be separated. "Well they have it, is it so bad that they are at least doing something with it?" Yes, yes it is, it stems from the fact they have it in the first place.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Balog on July 21, 2015, 02:13:42 PM

More than anything else I would like to hear from the religiously-focused on why they feel this is bad while genetic manipulation in animal husbandry is good.

1. At least one atheist and one pagan in this thread who are opposed to abortion.
2. You can't understand why some of us are against murdering children in order to use parts of their corpses for medical experimentation, but not against genetic manipulation of animals? I refuse to believe you are actually that stupid, this must be a troll question.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: vaskidmark on July 21, 2015, 08:21:26 PM
You seriously don't see a difference between animals and people ???

For the sake of a polite discussion I can certainly see the difference.  What I don't get is that those that do see a difference seem to feel totally comfortable manipulating animals for optimum performance but have the heebie-jeebies about the possibility that serious, debilitating, and often early-in-life fatal disabilities might be remediated if not actually cured.

For the purpose of stimulating discussion: did $deity make the animals any less perfectly than $deity made the humans?  (Watch out when answering - the issue of humans being made in the image of $deity - regardless of how you interpret that phrase - is not in play.)

The two can not be separated. "Well they have it, is it so bad that they are at least doing something with it?" Yes, yes it is, it stems from the fact they have it in the first place.

Seems some folks are so wrapped around the axle that they cannot even play high school debate team.

1. At least one atheist and one pagan in this thread who are opposed to abortion.
2. You can't understand why some of us are against murdering children in order to use parts of their corpses for medical experimentation, but not against genetic manipulation of animals? I refuse to believe you are actually that stupid, this must be a troll question.

Again, that wrapping around the axle thing.  Maybe it's you, maybe it's me, but this was posed as a discussion, for the purposes of discussion and NOT to try to change or challenge anybody's beliefs, to go past the method/means of collecting the material and into the difference of manipulating one but not the other.

Humor the everloving heck out of me, OK?  Pretend that two sets of protoplamsmic goop that is documented to have come to us from outside this galaxy came into our possession.  Pretend that the first set of this goop could be used to change the way animals look and grow and do or do not produce by-products, and that the second set of this goop could be used to change the way humans look and grow and do or do not produce by-products.  And that regarding humans we are talking about curing or even preventing genitically caused diseases or reducing/eliminating cancers or even preventing them from forming in the first place.  Why is playing with the first set of goop OK while playing with the second set of goop is beyond bad?

Strangely, I learned how to do that separation while studying debate, logic, and philosophy at the feet of the Jesuits, the Loyolaists, and several different flavors of rabbis.  All of those folks make the anti-abortionists here look like pikers.  But in spite of that they could and would take either side of the discussion for the sake of  seeing which side would hold water without resorting to "$deity says it is bad".

In closing - does anybody here know how I feel about abortion?  Does anybody here see how the answer to that question should not stand in the way of the discussion I have proposed?

stay safe.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 21, 2015, 08:28:22 PM
For the purpose of stimulating discussion: did $deity make the animals any less perfectly than $deity made the humans?  (Watch out when answering - the issue of humans being made in the image of $deity - regardless of how you interpret that phrase - is not in play.)

Actually, it is. The imago dei is pretty much the whole reason why slaughtering humans is bad, and slaughtering non-humans is what we do before we thank God for our food.

I'm not sure why you think God creating animals or humans "perfectly" has anything to do with the question, and in any case, the perfect creation quit being perfect shortly after day 6.
Title: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: lupinus on July 21, 2015, 08:39:41 PM
The flaw in your argument is that you are micromanaging it in a way that doesn't fit reality.

Animals are not humans. Humans, biology aside, aren't animals.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 21, 2015, 08:42:30 PM
Example: we have horses and we love them dearly, but we put ropes on them and ride them around.

So is it okay to keep people as pets, too ???
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: lupinus on July 21, 2015, 08:49:35 PM
Example: we have horses and we love them dearly, but we put ropes on them and ride them around.

So is it okay to keep people as pets, too ???
Sounds kinky.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 21, 2015, 08:55:09 PM
Sounds kinky.

50 Shades of Hay  :laugh:
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: RoadKingLarry on July 21, 2015, 09:55:07 PM
I base my position on the difference between sentience and sapience. Which blob of protoplasmic goop has the potential to reason and think abstractly and to perceive the world we live in not only objectively but subjectively.
I'm not against research on fetal tissue per se, but I am strongly against the way it is being obtained and marketed as shown in the videos from PP.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: SADShooter on July 21, 2015, 10:05:58 PM
I base my position on the difference between sentience and sapience. Which blob of protoplasmic goop has the potential to reason and think abstractly and to perceive the world we live in not only objectively but subjectively.
I'm not against research on fetal tissue per se, but I am strongly against the way it is being obtained and marketed as shown in the videos from PP.

This. The ethics associated with  tissue used in research, human and animal, are intended, at least in part, to prevent it from becoming a saleable-for-profit commodity. This seems to clearly illustrate a willful, deliberate, and self-interested crossing of that barrier.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: MechAg94 on July 21, 2015, 11:01:46 PM
Based on her experience, Ms. Johnson says she saw nothing in the video to indicate that Planned Parenthood is breaking the law. At the same time, she said the video exposes a loophole that gives clinics and processing companies enormous latitude in setting reimbursement charges for fetal hearts, lungs and other organs.

“The law currently states that there can be moneys exchanged as long as they fit under certain categories like preservation, collection, storage, transport, etc.,” Ms. Johnson said. “And the law says there is not a maximum amount that can be charged or a minimum amount but that costs cannot be prohibitive. And that’s very subjective.”

Read more:
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Saw this link.  That second paragraph explains some of the legality if it wasn't mentioned before.   
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Balog on July 22, 2015, 12:27:44 AM
For the sake of a polite discussion I can certainly see the difference.  What I don't get is that those that do see a difference seem to feel totally comfortable manipulating animals for optimum performance but have the heebie-jeebies about the possibility that serious, debilitating, and often early-in-life fatal disabilities might be remediated if not actually cured.

For the purpose of stimulating discussion: did $deity make the animals any less perfectly than $deity made the humans?  (Watch out when answering - the issue of humans being made in the image of $deity - regardless of how you interpret that phrase - is not in play.)

Seems some folks are so wrapped around the axle that they cannot even play high school debate team.

Again, that wrapping around the axle thing.  Maybe it's you, maybe it's me, but this was posed as a discussion, for the purposes of discussion and NOT to try to change or challenge anybody's beliefs, to go past the method/means of collecting the material and into the difference of manipulating one but not the other.

Humor the everloving heck out of me, OK?  Pretend that two sets of protoplamsmic goop that is documented to have come to us from outside this galaxy came into our possession.  Pretend that the first set of this goop could be used to change the way animals look and grow and do or do not produce by-products, and that the second set of this goop could be used to change the way humans look and grow and do or do not produce by-products.  And that regarding humans we are talking about curing or even preventing genitically caused diseases or reducing/eliminating cancers or even preventing them from forming in the first place.  Why is playing with the first set of goop OK while playing with the second set of goop is beyond bad?

Strangely, I learned how to do that separation while studying debate, logic, and philosophy at the feet of the Jesuits, the Loyolaists, and several different flavors of rabbis.  All of those folks make the anti-abortionists here look like pikers.  But in spite of that they could and would take either side of the discussion for the sake of  seeing which side would hold water without resorting to "$deity says it is bad".

In closing - does anybody here know how I feel about abortion?  Does anybody here see how the answer to that question should not stand in the way of the discussion I have proposed?

stay safe.

You cannot separate the use of a substance from the manner it is collected. It's beyond asinine to attempt to do so. "So Mrs Lincoln, aside from that, how was the play?" "So, let's pretend humans and animals have the same intrinsic rights and that there is no need to commit murder in order to obtain this substance..." No, I don't think I will thanks.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Northwoods on July 22, 2015, 01:14:55 AM
For the sake of a polite discussion I can certainly see the difference.  What I don't get is that those that do see a difference seem to feel totally comfortable manipulating animals for optimum performance but have the heebie-jeebies about the possibility that serious, debilitating, and often early-in-life fatal disabilities might be remediated if not actually cured.

If I had the choice between some horrible progressively degenerative disease that would eventually kill me without a treatment based on aborted human babies, and a long healthy life if I took that treatment I'd take the former.  Every day of the week.  And twice on Sunday.  This is not an entirely (mostly, but not entirely) academic question.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: zxcvbob on July 22, 2015, 01:44:24 AM
Selling aborted baby parts for whatever "noble" purpose commoditizes abortions, and gives them a false legitimacy.  That's why I decided not to get a shingles vaccine (look it up). 
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 22, 2015, 09:04:15 AM

I just wondered if I had answered your question. As I said, the big difference between animals and humans, from a Christian "religious focus," is that one of these groups is made in the image of God. Depending on one's theological perspective, humans may or may not also have the "breath of life" breathed into them by God. Animals and plants, at least since Noah docked the ark, were specifically given to us as a source of food. This may, or may not, have some bearing on whether or not it is OK to genetically alter them.

Does that help?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: vaskidmark on July 22, 2015, 10:19:35 AM
Thank you all for your responses.  Without declaring who "won" and who "lost" I am withdrawing from this and other conversations like it.

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: KD5NRH on July 22, 2015, 12:12:25 PM
So is it okay to keep people as pets, too ???

No.  Canadians aren't real people though.  There's not enough evidence either way regarding Democrats yet, so I'd propose just storing them in zoos.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 22, 2015, 12:51:50 PM
No.  Canadians aren't real people though. 

Mmmm ... Jewel Staite   :cool:
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: KD5NRH on July 22, 2015, 01:57:43 PM
Mmmm ... Jewel Staite 

Proof you don't need a soul to be hot.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 22, 2015, 04:38:53 PM
Proof you don't need a soul to be hot.

"She's cute, too. Except I don't think she's all there, you know? 'Course, not all of her has to be."
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 22, 2015, 05:35:39 PM
"She's cute, too. Except I don't think she's all there, you know? 'Course, not all of her has to be."

Wrong girl.  She's from Texas IIRC.

The Vancouver girl: engines make her hot  :cool:
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 22, 2015, 06:13:13 PM
Wrong girl.  She's from Texas IIRC.


It could apply here, with the Canadian gal not having a soul, but now you've ruined it.  =(
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Tallpine on July 22, 2015, 06:23:38 PM
It could apply here, with the Canadian gal not having a soul, but now you've ruined it.  =(

We can let her come to our party if we don't have standards.  ;)
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: MechAg94 on July 22, 2015, 07:25:49 PM
No.  Canadians aren't real people though.  There's not enough evidence either way regarding Democrats yet, so I'd propose just storing them in zoos.
I heard Wesley Clark has some ideas and wants you to subscribe to his newsletter. 
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: KD5NRH on July 23, 2015, 10:02:13 PM
The audit is being scheduled as we speak.

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on July 30, 2015, 12:22:30 AM
Restraining order has been issued to stop the release of any more videos. Guess PP has friends in high places.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: RoadKingLarry on July 30, 2015, 12:32:10 AM
I don't know how they got copies of our videos your honor but we didn't release them...

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: makattak on July 30, 2015, 08:05:37 AM
Restraining order has been issued to stop the release of any more videos. Guess PP has friends in high places.

Gee, I don't recall any of the News (as they claim) hidden camera exposé videos getting prior restraint. Funny that.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Scout26 on July 30, 2015, 09:19:58 AM
Yeah, I can't see this standing up to a 1A review, but stranger things have happened....
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: roo_ster on July 30, 2015, 11:08:10 AM
Restraining order has been issued to stop the release of any more videos. Guess PP has friends in high places.
Hey, where is the ACLU jumping all over the judge for censorship, prior restraint and all that?

Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: SADShooter on July 30, 2015, 11:20:02 AM
Hey, where is the ACLU jumping all over the judge for censorship, prior restraint and all that?

To quote a well known poster here: "Heh."
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: zxcvbob on July 30, 2015, 11:29:30 AM
Restraining order has been issued to stop the release of any more videos. Guess PP has friends in high places.

And restraining order has been ignored:
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Monkeyleg on July 30, 2015, 11:36:36 AM
And restraining order has been ignored:

Good. Let them do it the Obama way: do something, then see if a court stops you after you've done it.

That the DOJ would go after the makers of the video rather than PP for violating federal laws is a sign of just how bad this government has become. I think it's hog-feeding time.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: makattak on July 31, 2015, 11:35:14 PM

Another restraining order.

First Amendment?  Please, we already ignore that religious nonsense in there. Who cares about that speech stuff either?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on August 03, 2015, 01:14:50 PM
Interesting new strategy: If Republicans get their way and divert PP funds, PP will no longer be able to prevent abortions, and abortions will increase. Hello bizzaro world.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: SADShooter on August 03, 2015, 01:40:30 PM
Interesting new strategy: If Republicans get their way and divert PP funds, PP will no longer be able to prevent abortions, and abortions will increase. Hello bizzaro world.

Right. Because there's more money in contraception and "reproductive health" than selling fetal tissue. And the STD argument is risible. You're female, and you think you may have a STD. A PP clinic is going to be your first stop? I'm curious how many of those diagnoses were made for women already seeking abortions.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: MechAg94 on August 03, 2015, 04:19:04 PM
Right. Because there's more money in contraception and "reproductive health" than selling fetal tissue. And the STD argument is risible. You're female, and you think you may have a STD. A PP clinic is going to be your first stop? I'm curious how many of those diagnoses were made for women already seeking abortions.
Why sell only one service when you can sell more?
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: SADShooter on August 03, 2015, 04:34:04 PM
Why sell only one service when you can sell more?

No reason. But to suggest you need money to provide an inexpensive or less expensive service which will preclude you from offering as much of another service which nets you orders of magnitude more money? Given the callous disregard and venality displayed in the videos thus far, the altruistic/utilitarian argument does not seem credible.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 03, 2015, 08:09:16 PM
They can do more mammograms and make more money. They've been saying for years that one of the important non-abortion services they provide for women is mammograms, even though PP doesn't own a mammogram machine in any of its clinics.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Ben on August 03, 2015, 08:12:52 PM
even though PP doesn't own a mammogram machine in any of its clinics.

I just saw that today. There's a lot of stuff spilling out of their now open closet.
Title: Re: Fresh Baby Livers for Sale!: Planned Parenthood Hawks Baby Body Parts
Post by: Balog on August 03, 2015, 08:14:24 PM
I just saw that today. There's a lot of stuff spilling out of their now open closet.

That fact (the mammogram lie) has been public knowledge for years. It's just now being reported on outside the pro-life community, thanks to the videos.