Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on August 20, 2015, 12:29:18 AM

Title: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 20, 2015, 12:29:18 AM
I've seen just about all of the PP videos. This one had the most chilling effect on me.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Northwoods on August 20, 2015, 01:11:22 AM
I can't bring myself to watch them.  I'm already pro-life, so it's unlikely to make me rethink that position anyway.

If the one you're referencing is the latest one, from what I've read, anyone involved should go down on 1st degree murder charges.  And if there were some way to get charges akin to "crimes against humanity" against the executives of PP I'd fully support it.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 20, 2015, 01:51:42 AM
I have a rabidly liberal niece who's been posting memes on Facebook defending PP. I'd like to post that link, and just say "defend this".
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on August 20, 2015, 02:32:47 AM
I can't bring myself to watch them.  I'm already pro-life, so it's unlikely to make me rethink that position anyway.

If the one you're referencing is the latest one, from what I've read, anyone involved should go down on 1st degree murder charges.  And if there were some way to get charges akin to "crimes against humanity" against the executives of PP I'd fully support it.

This... With a 14 month old, and another one on the way, watching these videos would make me simultaneously sick and irrationally angry. 
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 20, 2015, 02:39:49 AM
I'm still expecting the people that made and released the videos to be jailed and prosecuted.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Firethorn on August 20, 2015, 03:11:46 AM
This... With a 14 month old, and another one on the way, watching these videos would make me simultaneously sick and irrationally angry. 

Not able to watch the video myself, but why?  Did they talk about talking specific women into abortions because they wanted the fetus for their scheme?

My mom's pro-choice.  She chose to have me and my brother.  Would have had a sister, but spontaneous abortion happened.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 20, 2015, 03:24:52 AM
In the interest of not contemplating activities that would be decidedly unchristian I'm not watching any more of those damn videos.

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Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: dogmush on August 20, 2015, 07:23:49 AM
I've seen just about all of the PP videos. This one had the most chilling effect on me.

I don't care to watch any more of those videos.  Can you give me a cliff's notes?

Quote from: RoadKingLarry
I'm still expecting the people that made and released the videos to be jailed and prosecuted.

With this Justice Department, probably in that order.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on August 20, 2015, 08:12:04 AM
I have not seen any of the "dissection" videos, just the "lunch & money" ones.

Apparently in this one, the remove the brain of a still breathing baby boy.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: makattak on August 20, 2015, 08:38:49 AM
I have not seen any of the "dissection" videos, just the "lunch & money" ones.

Apparently in this one, the remove the brain of a still breathing baby boy.

I believe you have two of the... incidents?? -I can't even come up with a term proper for harvesting the organs of murdered babies- mixed up.

One she describes as having a beating heart. (Meaning the baby was born alive.)

A different one she was ordered to remove the baby's brain through his face.

I think those were two separate incidents. I think.

Edit: No, I was wrong, they appear to be the same incident. I just do not have words for what these people are.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 20, 2015, 09:44:21 AM
I have not seen any of the "dissection" videos, just the "lunch & money" ones.

Apparently in this one, the remove the brain of a still breathing baby boy.

The word you are looking for is vivisection.

These people are no better than Josef Mengele or the Japanese unit 731 and in a just world would receive the same treatment their victims did.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on August 20, 2015, 10:06:29 AM
Apparently there is another video about to be released that may be even worse, if that's possible. I find them difficult to watch now myself, and find it difficult to contemplate how even someone "pro-choice" can defend what is said in them. But there are many who are rabidly defending PP, and it makes me sad for our world.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: SADShooter on August 20, 2015, 10:16:02 AM
Apparently there is another video about to be released that may be even worse, if that's possible. I find them difficult to watch now myself, and find it difficult to contemplate how even someone "pro-choice" can defend what is said in them. But there are many who are rabidly defending PP, and it makes me sad for our world.

If history teaches us nothing else, some people are prepared to abandon reason and morality, and even commit atrocities, in blind allegiance to an ideology or religion. A segment of modern secular progressives meet this standard.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 20, 2015, 11:06:36 AM
I believe you have two of the... incidents?? -I can't even come up with a term proper for harvesting the organs of murdered babies- mixed up.

One she describes as having a beating heart. (Meaning the baby was born alive.)

A different one she was ordered to remove the baby's brain through his face.

I think those were two separate incidents. I think.

Edit: No, I was wrong, they appear to be the same incident. I just do not have words for what these people are.
Oh I have words.

Lots and lots of words. And plenty of thoughts of what should happen to such animals that wouldn't make me shed a tear.

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Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: roo_ster on August 20, 2015, 11:54:09 AM
If history teaches us nothing else, some people are prepared to abandon reason and morality, and even commit atrocities, in blind allegiance to an ideology or religion or expedience. A segment of modern secular progressives meet this standard.

Bitty addendum.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 20, 2015, 12:38:52 PM
I have not seen any of the "dissection" videos, just the "lunch & money" ones.

Apparently in this one, the remove the brain of a still breathing baby boy.

Well, then I'm glad I didn't watch it.

The pastor of my church congratulated these guys on living out Ephesians 5.11 (NIV), and I have to agree.

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: SADShooter on August 20, 2015, 01:00:30 PM
Bitty addendum.

If the first two were in regular practice that would be a redundancy. =|
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 20, 2015, 04:34:13 PM
We've crossed a line. Abortion is, IMO, a deplorable, despicable, and evil act. But I will stop short of calling the majority of folks who are OK with it evil themselves. And it's a whole different subject.

This *expletive deleted*it, on the other hand, is decidedly evil and barbaric. And anyone who is OK with it is, IMO, also evil and barbaric. When you are cool with cutting a humans face off so you can rip it's brain out, and thinking it's downright nifty, you're *expletive deleted*ing evil. And anyone who supports you, is *expletive deleted*ing evil.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: makattak on August 20, 2015, 04:38:58 PM
We've crossed a line. Abortion is, IMO, a deplorable, despicable, and evil act. But I will stop short of calling the majority of folks who are OK with it evil themselves. And it's a whole different subject.

This *expletive deleted*it, on the other hand, is decidedly evil and barbaric. And anyone who is OK with it is, IMO, also evil and barbaric. When you are cool with cutting a humans face off so you can rip it's brain out, and thinking it's downright nifty, you're *expletive deleted*ing evil. And anyone who supports you, is *expletive deleted*ing evil.

The end justifies the means. The creature in the womb is not a human, but is useful for actual humans, so we are more than justified in cutting off that creature's face to get to its brain.

For you to call it a "human" is abhorrent to those people. You are just a superstitious, backwards thinking rube to believe its human just because it has a (human) face. And a (human) heart, and liver, and well, human DNA. It is NOT human. It's just human parts. No different than a hangnail, really. (Well, a hangnail with autonomous movement and observable reaction to stimulus, but that's just a minor difference.)
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 20, 2015, 04:55:04 PM
The end justifies the means. The creature in the womb is not a human, but is useful for actual humans, so we are more than justified in cutting off that creature's face to get to its brain.

For you to call it a "human" is abhorrent to those people. You are just a superstitious, backwards thinking rube to believe its human just because it has a (human) face. And a (human) heart, and liver, and well, human DNA. It is NOT human. It's just human parts. No different than a hangnail, really. (Well, a hangnail with autonomous movement and observable reaction to stimulus, but that's just a minor difference.)
Oh I know how the line gets there, it's even a natural progression to the die hards imo. As is usual it's not that they haven't held that belief the whole time, they've just spent a few decades cultivating public opinion before they were fully honest about it.

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Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: cordex on August 20, 2015, 04:58:07 PM
Despite the fact that the most horrifying elements were described as opposed to videoed, I wish I hadn't watched it.

In my opinion this is not the end result of the "pro-choice" movement, merely a step along the path.

Edit: In addition to the marketing angle, I totally get why they are presenting these the way they are.  This is the kind of thing that would have seemed unbelievable to most folks if presented first.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 20, 2015, 05:09:15 PM
If a line's been crossed, it's only in the way of public opinion. If that.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: dogmush on August 20, 2015, 05:33:40 PM
I'm probably closer to pro-choice than most in this thread,  but let me see if I have this straight:

So we have an organization that is admittedly based in eugenics, cutting apart live infants, so that their body parts can be used in experiments?

At that point is it actually Godwining to mention Nazi's?  The comparison kinda makes itself. ......
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 20, 2015, 06:36:14 PM
Remember, too, that abortion is a means to a political end. This isn't just about profits.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on August 20, 2015, 06:49:23 PM
We've crossed a line. Abortion is, IMO, a deplorable, despicable, and evil act. But I will stop short of calling the majority of folks who are OK with it evil themselves. And it's a whole different subject.

So being a guard at a concentration camp, like Dachau, where the prisoners are only starved to death is OK, but being one at a death camp, like Sobibor, is evil.

Good to know.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
- Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Boomhauer on August 20, 2015, 07:11:36 PM
I'm probably closer to pro-choice than most in this thread,  but let me see if I have this straight:

So we have an organization that is admittedly based in eugenics, cutting apart live infants, so that their body parts can be used in experiments?

At that point is it actually Godwining to mention Nazi's?  The comparison kinda makes itself. ......

All they are are Nazis without the fancy uniforms

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 20, 2015, 07:42:39 PM
All they are are Nazis without the fancy uniforms

And no Allied forces to stop them, try them, and hang them.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on August 20, 2015, 08:13:22 PM
I'm probably closer to pro-choice than most in this thread,  but let me see if I have this straight:

So we have an organization that is admittedly based in eugenics, cutting apart live infants, so that their body parts can be used in experiments?

At that point is it actually Godwining to mention Nazi's?  The comparison kinda makes itself. ......
The calling out of people using a 'nazi" comparison is a meme of the left. Nazis are often a very good comparison to the 'ends justify the means' ideas and movements of the left because their idealism is rooted in the same blighted stump.
The only thing that amazes me is that they disparage naziism and worship stalin and mao in the same breath.

Seriously, *expletive deleted*ck the abortionists. They gave up their humanity by not only destroying it, but making a mockery of killing the weakest among us. They have reduced themselves to being mere animals. 
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: roo_ster on August 20, 2015, 08:36:59 PM
Seems sort of like a repaganization of western culture.  Chucking aside christianity and its ethical monotheism left a vacuum and this sort of expedience as ethics fills that vacuum. 

Rome and greece also have a huge hand in shaping the west but their ethical moral systems would have been ok with this.  It took christianity to bring in the sort of universalist ethics the west was known for.

I think naziism can be understood as a revival of pagan ethics in germany and a rejection of ethical monotheism in general and christianity in particular.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: tokugawa on August 20, 2015, 08:41:03 PM
By and large, these are the same people who don't want you to have a gun. What sort of plans do you suppose they have in mind for you?
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on August 20, 2015, 08:48:31 PM
By and large, these are the same people who don't want you to have a gun. What sort of plans do you suppose they have in mind for you?

They also seem to love importing islam and sharia law, that combination isn't going to turn out well for them in the long run.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 20, 2015, 08:50:47 PM
So being a guard at a concentration camp, like Dachau, where the prisoners are only starved to death is OK, but being one at a death camp, like Sobibor, is evil.

Good to know.
 - Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Abortion is evil. Is everyone who is ok with it evil themselves? I don't know. But I do think that there is a difference between someone who buys into the "it's a clump of cells" BS, and someone who can get giddy at the idea of ripping the face off an infant to harvest it's brain.

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Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: De Selby on August 20, 2015, 08:56:41 PM
They also seem to love importing islam and sharia law, that combination isn't going to turn out well for them in the long run.

This thread reminds me of the old Saturday night live skit with Chevy Chase:  the blame game.

Are there any other suspicious minorities/non-WASPs we can add to the list as being responsible for commoditising babies?  Certainly we should not blame capitalism - the bare free market would never have done this.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: cordex on August 20, 2015, 09:15:13 PM
Certainly we should not blame capitalism - the bare free market would never have done this.
Because socialism's track record on human rights is so much better?  Or because the US healthcare market is a paragon of a free market?
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: RevDisk on August 20, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
I think naziism can be understood as a revival of pagan ethics in germany and a rejection of ethical monotheism in general and christianity in particular.

Uh. Wut?

Hitler was at best, marginally Christian. Better to say, he was pragmatically Christian. He seemed to care little for religion, but seemed to acknowledge God and knew it was politically advantageous to be religious. He was actively dismissive of occult and mysticism. Some folks up in the upper ranks were into astrology (which is not necessarily related to paganism). Himmler was into paganism. Though specifically the Germanic mythology variation. As opposed to Druid, Roman or Greek paganism. Even Asatru, the modern Nordic and specifically not Aryan pagan mythology, has been visibly distancing themselves from racial discrimination, and generally trying to move away from racialism.

Nazism was rather kosher with monotheism. The vastly overwhelming majority of Nazis were specifically Christian. They put "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles. If you're labeling military gear with religious slogans, it's probably not a rejection of monotheism.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 20, 2015, 10:36:39 PM
This thread reminds me of the old Saturday night live skit with Chevy Chase:  the blame game.

Are there any other suspicious minorities/non-WASPs we can add to the list as being responsible for commoditising babies?  Certainly we should not blame capitalism - the bare free market would never have done this.

So....Basically, you fully support PP's goals and methods, got it.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 20, 2015, 10:52:26 PM
Do grandma and grandpa have any usable parts?

Gotta get busy on encouraging them to check out early while they still have marketable pieces left.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Firethorn on August 20, 2015, 11:05:36 PM
The end justifies the means. The creature in the womb is not a human, but is useful for actual humans, so we are more than justified in cutting off that creature's face to get to its brain.

This is just buying into twisted propaganda, for the most part, or somebody who chose their wording poorly.

An early term fetus is still human.  For that matter, so aren't Henrietta Lacks' HeLa ( cells.

What they aren't is a person

It makes for a rather easy way to explain pro-choice anti-death penalty people.  They don't believe fetuses are people, thus don't deserve the protection a human does.  They do believe that a murderer is a person, and thus deserves protection.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 20, 2015, 11:37:38 PM
So when does a human become a person?  What's the milestone?
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on August 20, 2015, 11:38:57 PM
This is just buying into twisted propaganda, for the most part, or somebody who chose their wording poorly.

An early term fetus is still human.  For that matter, so aren't Henrietta Lacks' HeLa ( cells.

What they aren't is a person


Oh my.
Where did I leave that nazi clue bat when I need it.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 20, 2015, 11:50:01 PM
So when does a human become a person?  What's the milestone?

What does it matter? What is a person? The byproduct of chaotic blind natural processes? A biochemical machine driven by its evolutionary imperative to survive?

Why should we be against eliminating without prejudice the offspring of humans who don't even have the common sense to use free contraception?

How do you even know if you qualify as a person?

Should we decide what it means to be human by voting on it? or maybe give the authority to decide to a bunch of robed elites?

Apropos question Monkeyleg. This post isn't directed at you personally.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: TommyGunn on August 20, 2015, 11:59:07 PM
Uh. Wut?

Hitler was at best, marginally Christian. Better to say, he was pragmatically Christian. He seemed to care little for religion, but seemed to acknowledge God and knew it was politically advantageous to be religious. He was actively dismissive of occult and mysticism. Some folks up in the upper ranks were into astrology (which is not necessarily related to paganism). Himmler was into paganism. Though specifically the Germanic mythology variation. As opposed to Druid, Roman or Greek paganism. Even Asatru, the modern Nordic and specifically not Aryan pagan mythology, has been visibly distancing themselves from racial discrimination, and generally trying to move away from racialism.

Nazism was rather kosher with monotheism. The vastly overwhelming majority of Nazis were specifically Christian. They put "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles. If you're labeling military gear with religious slogans, it's probably not a rejection of monotheism.

"Hitler was at best, marginally Christian. Better to say, he was pragmatically Christian."

Hitler payed some lip-service to Christianity, however he did force Nazi emblems into the church.  He also once stated; "you cannot be a good Christian and a good German at the same time."  So he sort of thought that there was a real divergence between the two.  I'd agree if he had used the term "Nazi" instead of "German" but I rather think there have been many Germans who considered themselves both good Germans and Christians.

"They put 'Gott mit uns' on their belt buckles. If you're labeling military gear with religious slogans, it's probably not a rejection of monotheism."

The German army had, in fact, adopted the "Gott mit uns" ("God is with us") as their motto in 1871, long before Hitler was even born let alone assumed power.  Therefor I highly doubt its presence on military belt buckles says anything about what Hitler, or other Nazis, thought about monotheism.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: De Selby on August 21, 2015, 05:20:28 AM
Because socialism's track record on human rights is so much better?  Or because the US healthcare market is a paragon of a free market?

You can't see the profit motive anywhere in those videos???  Looks like a pretty business-focused approach to me. 

This thread's nazi comparison is great irony - the most nazi like thing here isn't PP.  It's sitting around deciding that our most hated minorities and ideologies are killing babies - that's exactly what the nazis did.
Title: Re: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: makattak on August 21, 2015, 07:02:31 AM
What does it matter? What is a person? The byproduct of chaotic blind natural processes? A biochemical machine driven by its evolutionary imperative to survive?

Why should we be against eliminating without prejudice the offspring of humans who don't even have the common sense to use free contraception?

How do you even know if you qualify as a person?

Should we decide what it means to be human by voting on it? or maybe give the authority to decide to a bunch of robed elites?

Apropos question Monkeyleg. This post isn't directed at you personally.
You know what? I have no idea when a human becomes a "person" which is purposely chosen for its nebulous-ness.

I do know one thing. It's a principle I learned from hunting. If you aren't absolutely certain that your target is both what you aim to kill AND not human, you don't take the shot.

Uncertainty means you don't kill it.

It's also interesting how the side of SCIENCE!!11! purposely makes the debate about a metaphysical idea when it wants to defend killing babies.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: dogmush on August 21, 2015, 07:43:20 AM
You can't see the profit motive anywhere in those videos???  Looks like a pretty business-focused approach to me. 

This thread's nazi comparison is great irony - the most nazi like thing here isn't PP.  It's sitting around deciding that our most hated minorities and ideologies are killing babies - that's exactly what the nazis did.

You need to check in with your fellows. The party line is that there's no profit or even any monetary motive behind the harvesting.

Not sure which minority you think is being hated on here,  but as far aso ideologies killing babies,  there seems to be video evidence of the acts.  Not sure how that's "deciding"
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: cordex on August 21, 2015, 08:01:11 AM
You can't see the profit motive anywhere in those videos???  Looks like a pretty business-focused approach to me.  
The most horrifying thing is the slaughter of babies in the first place. Custom killing and parting them out for cash is horrific not because of profit but because they are being killed in the first place.  That you are offended by profit or business (which can certainly be evil or run evilly) simply shows your priorities.

This thread's nazi comparison is great irony - the most nazi like thing here isn't PP.  It's sitting around deciding that our most hated minorities and ideologies are killing babies - that's exactly what the nazis did.
Except the Jews weren't, you know, actually killing Gentile babies. Do you allege that this is a case of PP being demonized through false accusations?  And what "hated minorities" are you referring to?

Also, you just attempted to lay the fault for the butchered babies at the feet of an ideology you despise, then in the same post have the guts to accuse others of being like Nazis for trying to do exactly that?  Niiiiice.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on August 21, 2015, 08:50:36 AM
You can't see the profit motive anywhere in those videos???  Looks like a pretty business-focused approach to me. 

This thread's nazi comparison is great irony - the most nazi like thing here isn't PP.  It's sitting around deciding that our most hated minorities and ideologies are killing babies - that's exactly what the nazis did.

That word irony- I don't think it means what you think it means.
Google the words 'margaret sanger' and see what she said about about killing minorities and what organization she founded.
Title: Re: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 21, 2015, 09:44:17 AM
You know what? I have no idea when a human becomes a "person" which is purposely chosen for its nebulous-ness.

I do know one thing. It's a principle I learned from hunting. If you aren't absolutely certain that your target is both what you aim to kill AND not human, you don't take the shot.

Uncertainty means you don't kill it.

It's also interesting how the side of SCIENCE!!11! purposely makes the debate about a metaphysical idea when it wants to defend killing babies.

Exactly, when a baby is considered a person seems to be based only on convenience to these monsters.

The science damns them as well as all human moral systems except for maybe those who worshiped Moloch.
Title: Re: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 21, 2015, 10:00:56 AM
It's also interesting how the side of SCIENCE!!11! purposely makes the debate about a metaphysical idea when it wants to defend killing babies.

And they like to accuse us of making it about religion. Even when we don't.

(FWIW, I'm not saying "personhood" is always a religious concept, but surely if I can't base my politics on religion, then you can't base yours on your own non-provable philosophy.)
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: De Selby on August 21, 2015, 10:22:43 AM
You need to check in with your fellows. The party line is that there's no profit or even any monetary motive behind the harvesting.

Not sure which minority you think is being hated on here,  but as far aso ideologies killing babies,  there seems to be video evidence of the acts.  Not sure how that's "deciding"

Muslims, socialists, the left generally are blamed in this thread - there's an awesome list by rooster on another thread about child molesters (basically everyone except whites, Asians, and Jews).

No mention of the big pharma types buying the baby parts or moves to protest their stock - just PP. 

It's literally an SNL skit. 
Title: Re: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: De Selby on August 21, 2015, 10:27:24 AM
Exactly, when a baby is considered a person seems to be based only on convenience to these monsters.

The science damns them as well as all human moral systems except for maybe those who worshiped Moloch.

Well, half the population seems to agree with them.  So I don't think its fair to say that the science is clear and damning.

Abortion as a controversy is relatively modern, if we're talking religion or moral foundations.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: roo_ster on August 21, 2015, 10:31:42 AM
Muslims, socialists, the left generally are blamed in this thread - there's an awesome list by rooster on another thread about child molesters (basically everyone except whites, Asians, and Jews).

No mention of the big pharma types buying the baby parts or moves to protest their stock - just PP. 

It's literally an SNL skit. 

Don't wanna be called out for disproportionately diddling kiddies?  Stop you & yours from diddling kiddies.  There is something peculiar to the called-out sub-groups that increases the rate.  I'd say it was high time they addressed it.  The same way white middle class Americans addressed their propensity to litter after WWII and other social ills in the past.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 21, 2015, 10:44:39 AM
Muslims, socialists, the left generally are blamed in this thread - there's an awesome list by rooster on another thread about child molesters (basically everyone except whites, Asians, and Jews).

No mention of the big pharma types buying the baby parts or moves to protest their stock - just PP. 

It's literally an SNL skit. 


Agree about the pharmaceutical companies, of course.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: cordex on August 21, 2015, 10:47:50 AM
No mention of the big pharma types buying the baby parts or moves to protest their stock - just PP. 
Who here is defending the companies buying the PP brand Baby Bitz?  Oh, that's right, no one.

Your shtick is tedious.
Title: Re: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 21, 2015, 10:54:45 AM
Well, half the population seems to agree with them.  So I don't think its fair to say that the science is clear and damning.

Abortion as a controversy is relatively modern, if we're talking religion or moral foundations.

On the first bit there, you're saying that the science is unclear, because half the country is pro-abortion? Is the science on the origin of mankind also unclear, due to the large numbers of people that are skeptical of evolutionary theory?

On the second bit, yes, abortion is among the things it is taking humankind some time to figure out. Much like slavery.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on August 21, 2015, 12:06:15 PM
Muslims, socialists, the left generally are blamed in this thread - there's an awesome list by rooster on another thread about child molesters (basically everyone except whites, Asians, and Jews).

No mention of the big pharma types buying the baby parts or moves to protest their stock - just PP. 

It's literally an SNL skit. 

See, I didn't blame Muslims, I just find it funny and ironic that those who are likely to be at the front of the line for public beheadings (abortionists, and various other far left feminists) are the biggest cheerleaders for more Sharia law in our country.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on August 21, 2015, 01:10:12 PM
To follow along with Fistful's slavery analogy, most of the US/world was okay with slavery in an abstract sense up until the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Once people were confronted with the truth of the evils of slavery the Abolitionist movement took off.

These videos force people to confront the horrors of abortion in a way that gives lie to the "Choice" and "Clump of Cells" arguments along with all the other falsehoods put out to cover their evil.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on August 21, 2015, 02:13:27 PM
To follow along with Fistful's slavery analogy, most of the US/world was okay with slavery in an abstract sense up until the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Once people were confronted with the truth of the evils of slavery the Abolitionist movement took off.

These videos force people to confront the horrors of abortion in a way that gives lie to the "Choice" and "Clump of Cells" arguments along with all the other falsehoods put out to cover their evil.

I think everyone except the extremely naive knew these weren't just 'clumps of cells,' its just that there are a lot of people willing to rabidly defend their cognitive dissonance.
Title: Re: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Pb on August 21, 2015, 03:24:20 PM
Well, half the population seems to agree with them.  So I don't think its fair to say that the science is clear and damning.

Abortion as a controversy is relatively modern, if we're talking religion or moral foundations.

Traditional Judaism has always forbidden abortion except to save the mother.

Traditional Christianity has always forbidden abortion as well.

There is nothing modern about opposition to abortion, especially religious opposition.  It has existed from the very beginning.

Now legally-

In the USA, up until the 1800's sometime, a fetus was not considered alive until movement in the womb was felt, and so abortion was generally allowed before then.  As medical science improved, doctors realized the fetus was alive prior to the "quickening" and abortion was more restricted.
Title: Re: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 21, 2015, 05:13:58 PM
Well, half the population seems to agree with them.  So I don't think its fair to say that the science is clear and damning.

Abortion as a controversy is relatively modern, if we're talking religion or moral foundations.

Science tells us that the little unborn babies are distinctly different humans with their own unique genetic code.

Science continues to push back the age of viability.

Science continues to fail to be able to describe what it means to be human other than describing us as bio/chemical machines.

Science offers us very little to nothing on consciousness and is mostly quiet on the moral/ethical reality of sentient beings.

Only morally deficient one dimensional materialists could possibly not see the barbaric nature of wantonly destroying little humans. Or those who chose to remain willingly ignorant of the murders that have been going on under color of law.

There is no science that can justify the horror of modern abortion.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 21, 2015, 06:13:04 PM
I'm starting to soften my stance on those who bombed abortion "clinics"  =|
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 21, 2015, 07:13:56 PM
I'm starting to soften my stance on those who bombed abortion "clinics"  =|

The correct stance has always been, "Well, that doesn't really help."
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 21, 2015, 07:32:13 PM
The correct stance has always been, "Well, that doesn't really help."

Yeah - but they would say that it stopped X number of abortions murders while the place was out of commission.

At any rate, it's getting to the point where we need to apologize to the Nazis that we hanged  ;/
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 22, 2015, 12:05:33 AM
Yeah - but they would say that it stopped X number of abortions murders while the place was out of commission.

While making it harder to shut down all the other abortuaries.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 22, 2015, 10:56:44 AM
While making it harder to shut down all the other abortuaries.

Like that's ever happening ...  ;/

Not saying I would do it or even really approve, but how many of us would intervene if we were walking down the street and saw someone murdering an infant in broad daylight - or would we say "let the political process take care of it"  ???  =|

Heck, our government bombs villages in the middle east just to try to kill one supposed "terrorist"  ;/
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 22, 2015, 12:36:24 PM
Like that's ever happening ...  ;/

Not saying I would do it or even really approve, but how many of us would intervene if we were walking down the street and saw someone murdering an infant in broad daylight - or would we say "let the political process take care of it"  ???  =|

Heck, our government bombs villages in the middle east just to try to kill one supposed "terrorist"  ;/

But the Supreme Court has ruled!!!
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 22, 2015, 02:34:00 PM
Like that's ever happening ...  ;/

Not saying I would do it or even really approve, but how many of us would intervene if we were walking down the street and saw someone murdering an infant in broad daylight - or would we say "let the political process take care of it"  ???  =|

Heck, our government bombs villages in the middle east just to try to kill one supposed "terrorist"  ;/

Once again,slavery. Who would have expected that to be outlawed?

Secondly, we know infants are being murdered on a regular basis, and the locations of the death camps are not secret. There's no need to wait until we see a random murder on the street. If being a one-man baby-saving militia is the right thing to do, it would be easily enough done. It would be even easier for a woman.

Thirdly,  you can mock "the political process" all you want, but that process has been powerful enough to send ~50 million children to their deaths, and stave off any attempts to put an end to it. We've seen what happens when people skirt the political process, and just shoot the abortionist. What does it do, except burden our side, while the abortion machine chugs right along?

As far as our government bombing terrorists, well, yeah. That's the political process at work. A very powerful tool to have on your side. A baleful enemy.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 22, 2015, 04:05:57 PM
Like that's ever happening ...  ;/

Not saying I would do it or even really approve, but how many of us would intervene if we were walking down the street and saw someone murdering an infant in broad daylight - or would we say "let the political process take care of it"  ???  =|

Heck, our government bombs villages in the middle east just to try to kill one supposed "terrorist"  ;/
Unless and until one of two things happens I will be seriously surprised to see abortion outlawed.

Either A) the republic dissolves and comes out as a new and likely factored entity or B) We see a huge trend in states asserting themselves and telling .fedgov to *expletive deleted*ck off when the state feels fedgov is in serious error, and they take it open themselves to maintain their state law. Until one of those two things happens I simply don't see a chance in the legal policy on abortion.

I will be extremely happy to be wrong, but I doubt I will be. Remember what people are finally on the roof tops over isn't killing babies, it's ripping them apart after the fact to sell their organs and ripping their face off that is being found objectionable by the horde. Maybe if people woke up on the underlying issue of it being fine and dandy to murder babies in the first place I stand a better chance of being wrong but I doubt it.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: zxcvbob on August 22, 2015, 04:25:35 PM
I will be extremely happy to be wrong, but I doubt I will be. Remember what people are finally on the roof tops over isn't killing babies, it's ripping them apart after the fact to sell their organs and ripping their face off that is being found objectionable by the horde. Maybe if people woke up on the underlying issue of it being fine and dandy to murder babies in the first place I stand a better chance of being wrong but I doubt it.

I thought in this last one, they kill a baby that was born alive *by* ripping his face off and harvesting the brain.  =(  No, I haven't actually watched it.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 22, 2015, 04:58:21 PM
In the video released yesterday, it's shown that they were selling whole fetuses to the lab.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on August 22, 2015, 05:24:18 PM
In the video released yesterday, it's shown that they were selling whole fetuses to the lab.

So again, what happened to "amorphous clump of cells"?

Rhetorical question, of course.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 22, 2015, 05:40:51 PM
Once again,slavery. Who would have expected that to be outlawed?

Secondly, we know infants are being murdered on a regular basis, and the locations of the death camps are not secret. There's no need to wait until we see a random murder on the street. If being a one-man baby-saving militia is the right thing to do, it would be easily enough done. It would be even easier for a woman.

Thirdly,  you can mock "the political process" all you want, but that process has been powerful enough to send ~50 million children to their deaths, and stave off any attempts to put an end to it. We've seen what happens when people skirt the political process, and just shoot the abortionist. What does it do, except burden our side, while the abortion machine chugs right along?

As far as our government bombing terrorists, well, yeah. That's the political process at work. A very powerful tool to have on your side. A baleful enemy.

So you agree with me then  ???  =|
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 22, 2015, 05:46:47 PM
I thought in this last one, they kill a baby that was born alive *by* ripping his face off and harvesting the brain.  =(  No, I haven't actually watched it.
I refuse to watch, my blood boils enough at what I read I don't need to hear it. But that is my point. It's not killing the baby that got people outraged, it's only the way it was done was more barbaric than they pictured.

Maybe it will wake folks up and do sell the clump of cells BS. Maybe it won't. But it's sad as many people don't get as worked up over killing babies in the first place, regardless of the method.

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Title: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 22, 2015, 05:47:41 PM
So again, what happened to "amorphous clump of cells"?

Rhetorical question, of course.
Apparently the clump of cells shares an amazing amount of physical characteristics with play dough.

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Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 22, 2015, 05:54:28 PM
Y'all think maybe that I wasn't "outraged" enough before  ???

Well - back 20+ years ago I was instrumental in getting a crisis pregnancy center* organized and opened in the little mountain college town where we lived in Colorado.  I'm not sure what happened to it after we left.

* offers alternatives to abortion
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 22, 2015, 08:20:47 PM
Anyone who plays the abortion clinic bombing/violence canard gets dismissed by me immediately.

Considering how long abortion has been legal it's actually amazing how few incidents against clinics and providers have occurred.

It's just a feeble attempt of moral equivalency by a supporter of heinous crimes against humanity.

I understand what Tallpine meant and you will never see me bombing anything.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 22, 2015, 08:56:59 PM
Anyone who plays the abortion clinic bombing/violence canard gets dismissed by me immediately.

Considering how long abortion has been legal [and the fact that millions of anti-abortion Americans also believe in the death penalty, and own guns] it's actually amazing how few incidents against clinics and providers have occurred.

brackets mine
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 22, 2015, 09:35:07 PM
heinous crimes against humanity

Abortion, or attacks on providers  ???
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Northwoods on August 23, 2015, 12:22:20 AM
"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure."  Clarence Darrow

I wouldn't ever bomb an abortion clinic, or give material (or any other) support to those that do, but I won't mourn those killed in such incidents either (unless they were an innocent bystander).
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on August 23, 2015, 12:37:09 AM
I wouldn't ever bomb an abortion clinic, or give material (or any other) support to those that do, but I won't mourn those killed in such incidents either (unless they were an innocent bystander).

Well, that would be the problem. The people in the office on the other side of the shared wall, the UPS guy, the plumber...
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 23, 2015, 07:11:32 AM
Abortion, or attacks on providers  ???

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on August 23, 2015, 04:41:26 PM
The latest video shows why Stem Express was in such a awful hurry to get a restraining order when they did.  Fortunately, once the temporary one expired, CMP put out the video and a transcript before they could get a new one.

Horse, barn, door.

Hopefully, this will put those butchers out of business. 
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 23, 2015, 04:45:57 PM
I'm not watching any of the videos, but I'm given to understand that each one is more shocking and damning than the last. Brilliant move on the CMP's part. Keeps it in the news, week after week. I'm guessing it also has led to PP explaining things in a certain way, only to have their explanation undermined by the next video.

I shudder to think what any new videos may contain.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on August 23, 2015, 06:08:55 PM
If I recall from one of the interviews with Mr. Daleiden he stated that they have at least a dozen of these videos.  Given that each one has been more horrific then the last I shudder to think what else they have.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Boomhauer on August 23, 2015, 08:11:03 PM
If I recall from one of the interviews with Mr. Daleiden he stated that they have at least a dozen of these videos.  Given that each one has been more horrific then the last I shudder to think what else they have.

I hope he and his group have measures in place to release the videos in the event of his death. I do not think PP is above taking extreme measures to try and stop the video releases.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ron on August 23, 2015, 08:36:42 PM
            What I was trying to say was that when the leftists bring up violence against abortion providers I dismiss them immediately.

The opportunity for those of us opposed to abortion has been there for decades and all they have is a few incidents at most.

Meanwhile the butchers have aborted and murdered millions.

There is no equivalence possible.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 23, 2015, 08:52:21 PM
            What I was trying to say was that when the leftists bring up violence against abortion providers I dismiss them immediately.

The opportunity for those of us opposed to abortion has been there for decades and all they have is a few incidents at most.

Meanwhile the butchers have aborted and murdered millions.

There is no equivalence possible.

Okay, I see now  =)
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on August 25, 2015, 09:58:24 AM
Well, the next one is out. I didn't watch it, but synopsis is at the URL. Buyer is asking for an extra 50 livers* a week. "No problem, we're a volume institution**".

* That's livers. Not proto-livers or cells that might become livers. It's livers. Developed organs from a person.

** Say the people who claim that abortion is a tiny part of their "women's health" organization.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 25, 2015, 12:40:04 PM
And, PP is suing the makers of the videos, claiming they selectively edited to make PP look bad. The videos were released unedited. Even if they had been edited, nothing could be taken out of context.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: lupinus on August 25, 2015, 01:49:29 PM
No aholes. Wholesaling fetal organs after you snatch a child from the womb makes you look bad.

Sent from my iPhone. Freaking autocorrect.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: roo_ster on August 25, 2015, 04:26:19 PM
And, PP is suing the makers of the videos, claiming they selectively edited to make PP look bad. The videos were released unedited. Even if they had been edited, nothing could be taken out of context.

PP does not yet realize that the videographers are STILL a few steps ahead of PP.  Center for Medical Progress is probably doing high-fives right about now.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: roo_ster on August 25, 2015, 04:31:41 PM
Quote from:
The latest undercover Planned Parenthood video is an interview with Cate Dyer, CEO of an organization called StemExpress that buys aborted baby body parts from Planned Parenthood and sells them to researchers.

StemExpress: I know we get requests for neural [tissue]. It's the hardest thing in the world to ship.

Buyer: You do it as the whole calvarium.

StemExpress: That's it, yeah, that's the easiest way. And I mean we've actually had good success with that in the past.

Buyer: Yeah, Make sure the eyes are closed!

StemExpress: [Loud Laughter] Tell the lab it's coming. So they don't open the box and go, "Oh God!" [Laughter] So yeah, whereas so many of the academic labs cannot fly like that. They're just not capable.

Buyer: Why is that? I don't understand that.

StemExpress: It's almost like they don't want to know where it comes from. I can see that. Where they're like, "We need limbs, but no hands and feet need to be attached." [...] They want you to take it all off, like, "Make it so that we don't know what it is."

Buyer: Yeah. Bone the chicken for me and then I'll eat it.

StemExpress: That's it. But we know what it is [Laughter]. [...] Their lab techs freak out, and have meltdowns, and so it's just like, yeah.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: sanglant on August 27, 2015, 12:56:22 AM
Just needed to add, the women that have already had abortion(s) prayer(for them) couldn't hurt. =(
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: SADShooter on August 27, 2015, 11:46:16 AM
A PP lawsuit would be a disastrous mistake. The discovery process alone would probably destroy the organization as details of their operations filtered out. CMP knows this, and has every reason to goad PP into filing.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Pb on August 27, 2015, 04:05:09 PM
When you sell the heads of dead babies "make sure the eyes are closed!"

How can these people sleep at night?  Do they ever wonder- I am in fact an evil person?
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 27, 2015, 04:15:20 PM
When you sell the heads of dead babies "make sure the eyes are closed!"

How can these people sleep at night?  Do they ever wonder- I am in fact an evil person?

You are so out of date and out of touch:
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on August 27, 2015, 04:53:01 PM
Wait !, what !?!?

Who's chopping heads off people ??  Which two groups??
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on August 27, 2015, 08:16:51 PM
Well, that would be the problem. The people in the office on the other side of the shared wall, the UPS guy, the plumber...
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Tallpine on August 27, 2015, 09:09:54 PM
Well, that would be the problem. The people in the office on the other side of the shared wall, the UPS guy, the plumber...

The US Military would just consider that "collateral damage" - too bad  :angel:
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on October 29, 2015, 10:23:45 AM
Another video was released, this time leaked after a court injunction.

From the article, what hit me the hardest (though not the most disgusting - see "gift bag")was:

addresses an audience and discusses her frustrations trying to dispose of five months of backlogged fetal remains.

That immediately put into my head images of Nazi concentration camps and how to get rid of backlogged bodies. So many remains that you can't get rid of them fast enough.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 29, 2015, 10:51:39 AM
Ben, that was one of the worst videos. The two women laughing about working to get the bodies out breech first so as to get to the brain. Laughing about how the little hearts and livers are "so cute".

One thing I've found so far in arguing with liberal friends and relatives about this is that almost all of them say the videos have been edited, but none of them have seen the videos. It's not like the videos are three hours long. They just don't want to have to confront their beliefs.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: roo_ster on October 29, 2015, 11:09:13 AM
Another video was released, this time leaked after a court injunction.

From the article, what hit me the hardest (though not the most disgusting - see "gift bag")was:

That immediately put into my head images of Nazi concentration camps and how to get rid of backlogged bodies. So many remains that you can't get rid of them fast enough.

I just installed a new garbage disposal in the kitchen.  Not sure if my picked up the regular one of the "fetus rated" model.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Boomhauer on October 29, 2015, 12:34:02 PM
Ben, that was one of the worst videos. The two women laughing about working to get the bodies out breech first so as to get to the brain. Laughing about how the little hearts and livers are "so cute".

My comments about what to do with these Nazi *expletive deleted*s is not fit for this board. I look forward to the day when justice is dispensed

One thing I've found so far in arguing with liberal friends and relatives about this is that almost all of them say the videos have been edited, but none of them have seen the videos. It's not like the videos are three hours long. They just don't want to have to confront their beliefs.

This. None of them have ever watched them but god damn they sure do hold fast to the "Butbutbutbuteditedandoutofcontext!!!!!"

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on October 29, 2015, 04:10:20 PM
They've been "edited" in the sense that they have taken an hour+ of footage and found the 3-5 minute clip that gets to the heart of the issue/crime presented in that video. 

I don't need to watch 1 hour of some guy walking around Wal-mart then shoplifting.  Show me the footage from when he lifts the merchandise to when he walks out the door.

But keep saying it's "edited" without watching both the clips and the full-length video (along with the transcripts).... ;/ ;/ ;/
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on October 30, 2015, 07:06:41 PM
And the unedited video is typically also released at same time.  The New York Times stuck with the edited lie for 17 days before admitting that both were released at same time. The full vid just took longer to download

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Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Scout26 on October 30, 2015, 07:42:07 PM
Is the NYT still using dial-up AOL??  I can't imagine it even taking 17 days to download a full PP video even at that slow of speed....
Title: Re:
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on November 02, 2015, 12:06:44 PM
No they admit the short video took a couple mins. The long one closer to an hour. Both available same time. It took  17 days to admit that their "zomg edited videos!" Headline was a lie

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on January 25, 2016, 05:38:37 PM
Thread necro.

So a Texas grand jury has chosen to indict the videographers. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: MechAg94 on January 25, 2016, 05:57:33 PM

Here is the Houston Chronicle article. 

I guess we will see what they have at trial.  Someone is pulling out all the stops to go after these guys. 
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Northwoods on January 25, 2016, 08:41:40 PM
My only surprise is that the GJ was in Houston and not Austin. 
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 25, 2016, 08:54:56 PM
My only surprise is that the GJ was in Houston and not Austin. 

Houston's been giving Austin a run for its money of late, I've noticed.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on January 26, 2016, 08:37:31 AM
Typical left wing lawfare.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: MechAg94 on January 26, 2016, 08:56:35 AM

Houston's been giving Austin a run for its money of late, I've noticed.
The city center has always been pretty liberal.  It is heading left as fast as it can as more people move out to suburbs. 
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on January 27, 2016, 11:01:26 PM
Well this part is a bit 1984ish: One of the videographers is being charged with "purchasing human organs".
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: MechAg94 on January 27, 2016, 11:07:11 PM

At the end of Micheal Berry's 1/27 PM show, he interviews the lawyer representing the whistle blowers.  Not much new information I think, but on subject. 

I was surprised that he said that prosecutor was considered conservative.  No information on how this grand jury ended up with this result.  They are also saying use of false ID's is okay if there is no intent to defraud or something like that.  Mentioned it was a form of journalism that was 1st amendment.  I have no idea what the precedent for that is. 
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 28, 2016, 12:13:01 AM
This is just incredible. This would be like having FBI Special Agent Joe Pistone ("Donnie Brasco") indicted for violating the RICCO statutes after his investigation.

Through all this, nothing has happened to the heads of PP. There really are two sets of laws in this country.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: MillCreek on January 28, 2016, 01:43:47 PM

According to these two citations, it appears as if several states have done investigations and not come up with illegal activity on the part of PP.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 28, 2016, 01:52:41 PM

According to these two citations, it appears as if several states have done investigations and not come up with illegal activity on the part of PP.

Shrug. They've been getting away with murder for the longest.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Northwoods on January 28, 2016, 08:26:20 PM

According to these two citations, it appears as if several states have done investigations and not come up with illegal activity on the part of PP.

How many of those investigations took place in states that are especially friendly to PP, or were headed up by individuals that were friendly to PP?  And how many of those took place in states that ban all transfer of fetal tissue, rather than just regulate it?  In such a case PP may well have not sold (or "donated") any tissues.  Hardly a shock that they'd be in the clear in such a case.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: MillCreek on January 29, 2016, 12:10:19 AM
^^^From the NPR article, not necessarily a list of just liberal states:


In July 2015, Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott ordered a state investigation to see whether Planned Parenthood was "selling body parts," Politico Florida reported at the time. On Aug. 5, the agency investigating the clinics released its findings, saying that none of the state's Planned Parenthood sites had been selling tissue or body parts. However, the investigation did find that one clinic out of Florida's 16 wasn't correctly keeping its records of fetal remains. In addition, three were found to have been performing second-trimester abortions while only being licensed to perform abortions in the first trimester, according to Politico. Planned Parenthood disputed this, arguing that the state had changed the rules on how it measured the first trimester, as Reuters reported. Though it briefly looked like the state and Planned Parenthood agreed on the issue, Politico reported, the organization was fined in September 2015.


Republican Gov. Nathan Deal on July 16, 2015, asked the state's Departments of Community Health and Public Health to investigate whether Planned Parenthood was engaging in the "horrific practice" that the CMP's videos claimed to depict. On Aug. 13, the Department of Public Health reported that all five of the clinics had "proper procedures in place for burial or internment of [fetal] remains," as NPR member station WABE reported.


In July 2015, Republican Gov. Mike Pence asked the state Department of Health to investigate the state's Planned Parenthood clinics, to see whether they were engaging in any sale of fetal tissue, local TV station WTHR reported. Weeks later, the department said it had "concluded there was no evidence of this type of activity" at three Planned Parenthood facilities in the state, as the Indianapolis Star reported.


On July 21, 2015, Republican Gov. Sam Brownback asked his state's Board of Healing Arts "to address the issue of sale of tissue and organs from the unborn" at Planned Parenthood facilities, the Topeka Capital-Journal reported. This month, the board said it had "determined no further action would be taken at this time," per the Associated Press.


On July 17, 2015, Republican state Rep. James Lyons sent a letter to Democratic state Attorney General Maura Healey, asking her to launch an investigation into whether Planned Parenthood was participating in fetal tissue sales like those the CMP video purported to show, as the Boston Herald reported. On July 29, Healey responded in a statement that the state's Planned Parenthood sites were "fully compliant with state and federal laws regarding the disposition of fetal tissue" and were not participating in any fetal tissue donation, though it is legal in that state, as the Boston Globe reported.


On July 16, 2015, Republican state Sen. Phil Pavlov asked the state to investigate "to determine whether or not any Michigan-based facilities have participated in the horrifying sale of babies' body parts," MLive reported. In October, the two departments handling the investigations issued a statement, saying that "there is no evidence to date that illegal practices are occurring," MLive reported.


On July 21, 2015, Democratic Attorney General Chris Koster started an investigation, saying that "the questions raised by [CMP's] videos require careful review," local TV station KMBC reported. In September, a release from Koster's office said the investigation turned up no "irregularities involving the transmission, examination, or disposal of the fetal organs and tissue" from abortions at the state's one clinic that performed surgical abortions, as the New York Times reported.


In September 2015, Nevada Republican Attorney General Adam Laxalt sent a letter to Nevada Planned Parenthood facilities. Mentioning the videos, the letter asked the sites about their abortion procedures and also asked if they donate fetal tissue, as the AP reported. In December 2015, his office closed the investigation, saying that the facilities weren't performing surgical abortions and that there also wasn't evidence of tissue donation, according to the AP.


In mid-July 2015, Ohio Republican Attorney General Mike DeWine announced that he was launching an investigation into whether any Planned Parenthood clinics in the state were selling fetal parts, according to In December, the state released the investigation, revealing that there was no evidence of any such sales. However, investigators did find that fetal remains were disposed of via incinerators or landfills, which, while not illegal, DeWine claimed "violate[d] Ohio administrative code," as reported. (An Ohio Planned Parenthood official disputed his claim.)


In July, two Republican state legislators asked the state attorney general to investigate whether Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania was selling fetal tissue, reported. In August, state Health Secretary Karen Murphy responded in a letter that there was no evidence that any Pennsylvania facilities were buying, selling or donating fetal tissue, as The Hill reports.

South Dakota

In July 2015, Republican state Attorney General Marty Jackley instructed the state Health Department to investigate whether fetal tissue sales were occurring at Planned Parenthood, the AP reported. On Aug. 11, 2015, Jackley told the Associated Press that "there are no reports, complaints or inspection records that would demonstrate any evidence (of) illegal activity in South Dakota at this time."


In late July 2015, 34 Republican lawmakers wrote a letter asking Democratic Attorney General Bob Ferguson to investigate whether the state's Planned Parenthood clinics were selling fetal parts, the Seattle Times reported. In November, Ferguson reported that the state had found no evidence that the state's affiliates were selling fetal tissue. Washington is home to one of only two clinics (the other being in California) that Planned Parenthood says currently donate any fetal tissue to researchers.

In addition, eight states (California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Virginia) decided not to pursue investigations into the videos' allegations.

Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: MechAg94 on January 29, 2016, 10:08:37 AM
So all their paperwork was in order and/or they were complying with the legal loopholes allowed.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: brimic on January 29, 2016, 10:25:10 AM
So all their paperwork was in order and/or they were complying with the legal loopholes allowed.

That. Dr. Mengele also worked within the bounds of the laws of his country. But hey, the end justifies the means, right?
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 29, 2016, 11:02:46 AM
Planned Parenthood's whole business model is to murder small children, and stay mum about the guys getting their step-daughters in trouble. No surprise they can sell the body parts and get away with it.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: White Horseradish on January 30, 2016, 02:46:15 PM
they were complying with the legal loopholes allowed.

Is that like the people complying with AWB "using the loopholes to skirt the law"?
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: roo_ster on January 30, 2016, 04:04:18 PM
Is that like the people complying with AWB "using the loopholes to skirt the law"?

Well, yes, but the AWB loophole-skirting did not result in several hundred thousand humans dying when done so successfully.

So other than that, just about the same.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: cordex on January 31, 2016, 11:04:38 AM
Well, yes, but the AWB loophole-skirting did not result in several hundred thousand humans dying when done so successfully.
To be fair, neither did skirting these loopholes. These loopholes merely allowed humans who were going to be killed anyway to be parted out legally.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Doggy Daddy on January 31, 2016, 09:14:21 PM
^^^From the NPR article, not necessarily a list of just liberal states:

While admitting that I did not read through all of them, I'll point out that the story for my state ...
In September 2015, Nevada Republican Attorney General Adam Laxalt sent a letter to Nevada Planned Parenthood facilities. Mentioning the videos, the letter asked the sites about their abortion procedures and also asked if they donate fetal tissue, as the AP reported. In December 2015, his office closed the investigation, saying that the facilities weren't performing surgical abortions and that there also wasn't evidence of tissue donation, according to the AP.

... seems to be on the order of, "we asked them if they were doing anything wrong, and they said 'no', so we closed the investigation."
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 31, 2016, 09:53:38 PM
Regarding my state, our AG is a Democrat. No surprise they found nothin'. From looking through that list, a lot of the states seem to have gone a route similar to Nevada's. They entrusted the "investigation" to some bureaucrats at a "Dept. of Health" or some-such, and they quashed the matter.

I wonder how many of those states allow late-term abortions. If not, would there even be usable body parts? I don't know.
Title: Update: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: makattak on July 26, 2016, 03:20:31 PM
Thread necro.

So a Texas grand jury has chosen to indict the videographers. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Another thread necro:

Prosecutors tried to offer a plea deal and the folks at CMP called their bluff. The prosecutors dropped all charges just before they were to come to trial. (After the misdemeanor charges were dismissed by the judge as having no basis for the charge.) 

Will the hack, politically motivated, unethical <spit> lawyers be held accountable? OF COURSE NOT.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 26, 2016, 03:32:58 PM
Not exactly a happy ending, but it's something.

Now the big question: which of our consulates was attacked as a result of this dangerous and "selectively-edited" video?
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on May 26, 2017, 03:43:43 PM
Thread necro.

Another video. We keep saying "worst" and they keep getting worse. This one has already been removed by court order from Youtube. It's still at the link below for who knows how long. It really is pretty bad, so be forewarned:
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: makattak on May 26, 2017, 04:24:53 PM
Thread necro.

Another video. We keep saying "worst" and they keep getting worse. This one has already been removed by court order from Youtube. It's still at the link below for who knows how long. It really is pretty bad, so be forewarned:

The left won't care. They've decided that every video-taped evidence of massive malfeasance and brutality by liberals is "edited" and "faked".

So they won't even watch it. Because they know it's fake.

(I, on the other hand, won't watch it because I know it's real and I don't need further reasons to consider the left the handmaidens of darkness.)
Title: Re: Update: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 22, 2017, 12:57:10 AM
Another thread necro:

Prosecutors tried to offer a plea deal and the folks at CMP called their bluff. The prosecutors dropped all charges just before they were to come to trial. (After the misdemeanor charges were dismissed by the judge as having no basis for the charge.) 

Will the hack, politically motivated, unethical <spit> lawyers be held accountable? OF COURSE NOT.

Another bunch of charges dropped.
Title: Re: Update: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: Ben on June 22, 2017, 08:55:18 AM

Another bunch of charges dropped.

Good. The new CA AG is one of the biggest partisan hacks on the planet. He pressed these charges simply for his buddies and for the same reason many NGOs sue - to financially break the other side. He's whatever the opposite is of an officer of the court.
Title: Re: I think this is the worst of the Planned Parenthood videos
Post by: makattak on June 22, 2017, 08:58:56 AM
Good. The new CA AG is one of the biggest partisan hacks on the planet. He pressed these charges simply for his buddies and for the same reason many NGOs sue - to financially break the other side. He's whatever the opposite is of an officer of the court.

That seems a fancy way of saying "lawyer", and he'd not be the opposite, because I'm pretty sure that he's not an angel.