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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Scout26 on August 20, 2015, 11:44:09 PM

Title: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Scout26 on August 20, 2015, 11:44:09 PM
And it probably won't go away, no matter how much the establishment tries.  He has what's known as FU money.  He doesn't need the RNC.  Watch how he refuses to play the presses' games.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: brimic on August 20, 2015, 11:52:21 PM
They hate him for putting inconvenient truths that aren't supposed to be talked about front and center.
The more the press try to harangue him, the more they play into his game and the more free notoriety he gets  >:D

I dislike him at a very visceral level, but I'll support him as long as he's pulling back curtains.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Scout26 on August 21, 2015, 12:01:34 AM
I saw something where he said he'd name Trey Gowdy as AG if elected (it was a FB link, so I'm not sure as to fact).  That being the case I would vote for him.

The "I'm not going to play your game" thing is a political breath of fresh air.  He doesn't need the RNC, nor anyone to pay for his campaign.   Therefore he cannot be bought nor sold, ala the Clinton Foundation and the many spineless RINO's.

He's also speaking to the issues near and dear to average Americans "You can't find a good job, because the illegals are undercutting both jobs and wages.  I'll end that."  Anything else is simply nice to have.   

If it appears that he may seriously become the GOP nominee and/or President, we may see illegals begin to "self-deport" ala Operation Wetback.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: charby on August 21, 2015, 02:16:39 AM
They hate him for putting being inconvenient

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 21, 2015, 03:03:06 AM
The establishment GOP will not allow Trump to be the nominee. Nobody that tells the truth like he's been doing would be allowed the nomination.
Unfortunately my bet is that once the rinos make sure he isn't on the GOP ticket he'll go 3rd party and ensure a win for whichever POS the DNC eventually runs. I still expect that to be Hillary.

I'm starting to warm up to Trump. The country is *expletive deleted*ed no matter who gets in, might as well be entertaining.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: brimic on August 21, 2015, 08:52:22 AM

I'm starting to warm up to Trump. The country is *expletive deleted*ed no matter who gets in, might as well be entertaining.

Trump is the '*expletive deleted*ck you' candidate.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: 230RN on August 21, 2015, 09:11:26 AM
I guess there's no point in donating to his campaign, huh?
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: RevDisk on August 21, 2015, 09:14:40 AM
He's also speaking to the issues near and dear to average Americans "You can't find a good job, because the illegals are undercutting both jobs and wages.  I'll end that."  Anything else is simply nice to have.   

Considering his stated stance on outsourcing US jobs overseas, and that all of his clothing and other branded material is made in China or Vietnam, might want to take his positions with a grain of salt. I'm sure he believes what he says at the exact moment he says it. Then goes and does whatever is best for himself.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 21, 2015, 09:50:42 AM
Considering his stated stance on outsourcing US jobs overseas, and that all of his clothing and other branded material is made in China or Vietnam, might want to take his positions with a grain of salt. I'm sure he believes what he says at the exact moment he says it. Then goes and does whatever is best for himself.

Far be it from me to defend Trump, but maybe he could "insource" more stuff if the tax/regulation climate here was more favorable to his business.

There's no contradiction between wanting more jobs in America, but creating/moving jobs overseas. The market is as it is.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: SADShooter on August 21, 2015, 10:18:12 AM

Far be it from me to defend Trump, but maybe he could "insource" more stuff if the tax/regulation climate here was more favorable to his business.

There's no contradiction between wanting more jobs in America, but creating/moving jobs overseas. The market is as it is, a reality which our interventionist regulation and tax policies distort to the benefit of the political class and their patrons. Trump presents risk to this gravy train.

Supplemental detail.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: roo_ster on August 21, 2015, 10:22:37 AM
Trump is the '*expletive deleted*ck you' candidate.

Ain't he, though?
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: RevDisk on August 21, 2015, 10:25:46 AM
Far be it from me to defend Trump, but maybe he could "insource" more stuff if the tax/regulation climate here was more favorable to his business.

There's no contradiction between wanting more jobs in America, but creating/moving jobs overseas. The market is as it is.

I don't disagree. However, one can look unfavorably on people who very loudly hold one position and then do something completely different. They may have good reasons for it, I don't doubt that for a moment. Nor am I waving my hands in the air like some kind of communist or hippy and saying burn the witch. 

It's not a contradiction, so much as an indication of one's character, integrity and priorities. Though at this point, all three of those should be rather clear.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: SADShooter on August 21, 2015, 10:30:32 AM
I don't disagree. However, one can look unfavorably on people who very loudly hold one position and then do something completely different. They may have good reasons for it, I don't doubt that for a moment. Nor am I waving my hands in the air like some kind of communist or hippy and saying burn the witch. 

It's not a contradiction, so much as an indication of one's character, integrity and priorities. Though at this point, all three of those should be rather clear.

Given that every candidate can likely be tarred with the brush of hypocrisy, and "political integrity" deserves pride of place in the pantheon of oxymorons, the issue becomes one of relative utility in achieving a desired outcome.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: 230RN on August 21, 2015, 10:45:10 AM
Considering his stated stance on outsourcing US jobs overseas, and that all of his clothing and other branded material is made in China or Vietnam, might want to take his positions with a grain of salt.

Whose isn't?

I'm not a "supporter," but he sure knows how to say what I think about a lot of the basura the hyperlibs dish out.

"Undocumented," indeed.  You mean "illegal," Mr. reporter.  I'll stick with "anchor babies," too.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: MechAg94 on August 21, 2015, 11:37:39 AM
I don't disagree. However, one can look unfavorably on people who very loudly hold one position and then do something completely different. They may have good reasons for it, I don't doubt that for a moment. Nor am I waving my hands in the air like some kind of communist or hippy and saying burn the witch. 

It's not a contradiction, so much as an indication of one's character, integrity and priorities. Though at this point, all three of those should be rather clear.

IMO, doing production overseas and at the same time wishing the legal/regulatory system here favored domestic production is not hypocrisy or poor character.  There are ways it could be those things, but it depends. 
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Balog on August 21, 2015, 12:36:04 PM
I guess there's no point in donating to his campaign, huh?

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Balog on August 21, 2015, 12:37:46 PM
I don't disagree. However, one can look unfavorably on people who very loudly hold one position and then do something completely different. They may have good reasons for it, I don't doubt that for a moment. Nor am I waving my hands in the air like some kind of communist or hippy and saying burn the witch. 

It's not a contradiction, so much as an indication of one's character, integrity and priorities. Though at this point, all three of those should be rather clear.

As far as I can tell he has no character or integrity, and his priority is accumulation of wealth power and prestige for himself. So, exactly like every other candidate.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: 230RN on August 21, 2015, 02:25:11 PM
As far as I can tell he has no character or integrity, and his priority is accumulation of wealth power and prestige for himself. So, exactly like every other candidate.

Well, at least he's being an opportunist by attacking the very things I'd like an opportunist politician to attack.

Or any politician.

At least if he's elected, it seems like he'll attack problems (even ones he's not familiar with) in a businesslike manner instead of the wishy-washy bubbleheaded party-directed way our present politicians (with few exceptions) merely massage with fluffy ideological nonsense.

One hopes.

At the very least, he's demonstrated to both parties what they might want to pay attention to, political correctness aside.

Let the Europeans and Far Easters develop their own "one world" and then we can deal with them on that basis.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 21, 2015, 06:29:05 PM
If it appears that he may seriously become the GOP nominee and/or President, we may see illegals begin to "self-deport" ala Operation Wetback.

'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 21, 2015, 11:59:00 PM
I don't disagree. However, one can look unfavorably on people who very loudly hold one position and then do something completely different. They may have good reasons for it, I don't doubt that for a moment. Nor am I waving my hands in the air like some kind of communist or hippy and saying burn the witch. 

It's not a contradiction, so much as an indication of one's character, integrity and priorities. Though at this point, all three of those should be rather clear.

Either I'm way off on what Trump is actually saying (possible, as I don't pay much attention to Trump, so I don't know what his position is), or you just aren't getting it. Not sure which.

It depends on whether he's denouncing outsourcing per se, or denouncing the regulatory regime that makes outsourcing the best choice for so many companies. If he's castigating the businesses who outsourced, rather than the gov that put them up to it, then I'd agree it reflects poorly on his character. If his criticism is reserved for the government, there's no inconsistency.

Title: Re: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on August 22, 2015, 08:30:53 AM
As far as I can tell he has no character or integrity, and his priority is accumulation of wealth power and prestige for himself. So, exactly like every other candidate.
Well it had to happen.
I agree totally

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Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: 230RN on August 22, 2015, 09:39:40 AM
I'm sorry, but I don't see a genuine problem with Donald Trump's so-called hypocrisy.  As he said in one interview, he was wearing a tie made in China because that's what's available.

As a businessman, one has to generate profit in the legislative (and cultural) milieu in which one finds oneself.  If it makes more sense to outsource something or "buy foreign" because of subtle or direct government pressure to do so (the "legislative milieu"), then that's the reasonable choice to make as a businessman.

For personal reasons, I dislike products made in one particular country, but given a choice between two automobiles with virtually identical specs, and the one from the country I dislike is 20% cheaper, my decision usually tends toward buying the cheaper one... personal dislikes notwithstanding.

Hypocrisy?  Or obeying my wallet's demands?

Who among us has not bought a pair of special-purpose pliers from, say, (insert Discount Tool House of your choice), even though the pliers are made in...

Who among us has not bought running shoes from...

Who among us will throw the first stone called "hypocrisy?"

Who among all those candidates is also wearing a tie made in China?

Terry, 230RN
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Tallpine on August 22, 2015, 11:01:57 AM
For lots of products, there are no American made equivalents readily available.  It's not like you can go into the hardware store and find a separate bin or aisle for American made plumbing supplies.

Although after the last Chinese gate valve that I bought, I'm wishing that there was  =(
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 22, 2015, 11:55:00 AM
The way I've seen Trump from the get go is as someone who's just stirring the pot to see what floats to the top and he'll pull out once he's done enough damage to the established status quo of politics.
The fact that he's gained so much more traction this time around just shows how fragile that system has gotten in the last few years.
I think he'll do the same as last time, and pull out when someone he thinks is worth supporting comes along, but only after the damage he does gives that person the momentum to keep going.

And I'll enjoy it to the hilt. It's fun to see the major news media scrambling over his antics.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Blakenzy on August 22, 2015, 02:39:34 PM
I find it funny how he does not speak of Employers being the real problem regarding illegal immigration. Listen, if no one hired them, they wouldn't come. Not in those numbers.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 22, 2015, 03:09:52 PM
I find it funny how he does not speak of Employers being the real problem regarding illegal immigration. Listen, if no one hired them, they wouldn't come. Not in those numbers.

Well, they aren't the real problem.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but what with the minimum wage laws, fee's and paperwork and whatnot for the IRS and other expenses associated with hiring and maintaining employees legally, someone who works under the table might be all those employers can afford and still make some sort of profit.

And the scope of how much illegals can get work shows how many jobs are out there that just don't make the grade for doing it the 'right' way.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 22, 2015, 03:25:24 PM
The way I've seen Trump from the get go is as someone who's just stirring the pot to see what floats to the top and he'll pull out once he's done enough damage to the established status quo of politics.
The fact that he's gained so much more traction this time around just shows how fragile that system has gotten in the last few years.
I think he'll do the same as last time, and pull out when someone he thinks is worth supporting comes along, but only after the damage he does gives that person the momentum to keep going.

Who did he back last time?
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Ron on August 22, 2015, 03:39:04 PM
For years the Republicans have been seen as the lesser evil. They sold themselves as the party who would incrementally bring us back to greatness just as the Democrats incrementally chipped away at our greatness. If we kept putting them in office they would steer the ship rightward. Lying bastards.

Many on the right have woken up from that fever dream delusion. They now realize the Republicans and Democrats are mostly on the same team. There is no lesser evil between them as they are just different heads on the body of the same hydra.

Donald Trump doesn't seem to be on that team or part of the same monster. He is on a different team, a competing "monster". He is an old school capitalist who isn't ashamed to work the system put in place by others (crony-capitalism). He is not one of our bureaucratic elites but a a modern American robber baron.

It has come to the point where the CS Lewis quote (prophecy) is coming true.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

The busy bodies of the left are tormenting us with the religious zeal only found in true believers who are convinced they are on the "right side of God/history/etc " and have grasped the power to fulfill their Utopian visions.

The Donald is seen as one who would only bother himself with strengthening the US economy and position in the world...making it easier for his ilk to prosper.

Hat tip to Orthosphere for pointing this out to me.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: lupinus on August 22, 2015, 03:53:07 PM
The way I've seen Trump from the get go is as someone who's just stirring the pot to see what floats to the top and he'll pull out once he's done enough damage to the established status quo of politics.
The fact that he's gained so much more traction this time around just shows how fragile that system has gotten in the last few years.
I think he'll do the same as last time, and pull out when someone he thinks is worth supporting comes along, but only after the damage he does gives that person the momentum to keep going.

And I'll enjoy it to the hilt. It's fun to see the major news media scrambling over his antics.
I've evened the odds of him pulling out from about 90/10 to 50/50.

He's gone a lot further than he did last time, is gaining an increasing number of people who love his ass, and generally seems to be enjoying the piss out of himself.

And it's scary that I find myself increasingly convinced I'd take him long before a large number of the folks running. He's damn sure not ideal, but he's actually some of what we need. Perhaps not for the right reasons, but I'll take what we can get.

Besides a minimum of four years with him in the big chair would be quality entertainment. I'm just picturing the SOTU addresses we could get out of him...
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 22, 2015, 04:02:41 PM

Who did he back last time?

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: lupinus on August 22, 2015, 04:07:03 PM
He's probably pissed Romney lost, therefor couldn't provide what was promised, so he's adopted an "anything you wont done right" attitude this time  =D
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Ben on August 25, 2015, 07:37:57 PM
Okay, I gotta give the guy props now. I was just flipping channels and saw him kick Jorge Ramos (of Univision, with an ego ten times bigger than Trump's) out of his press conference because Ramos kept talking over Trump and other reporters without waiting for his turn. 

I guarantee no other candidate would have done that for fear of being labeled un-pc, bigoted against Latinos, or what have you.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: SADShooter on August 25, 2015, 09:41:48 PM
Okay, I gotta give the guy props now. I was just flipping channels and saw him kick Jorge Ramos (of Univision, with an ego ten times bigger than Trump's) out of his press conference because Ramos kept talking over Trump and other reporters without waiting for his turn. 

I guarantee no other candidate would have done that for fear of being labeled un-pc, bigoted against Latinos, or what have you.

It'll get spun by the libtard media, but Ramos was being downright rude, (and stealing time from other reporters following accepted practice). Trump subsequently let him return and, IMO, smoked him in direct debate.
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: Scout26 on August 25, 2015, 10:38:54 PM
I don't see him dropping out anytime soon.  Every time he says or does something un-PC he gains in the polls.   He still has to last to next November, but right now, I'll predict a bloodbath in Iowa and NH.  By the time SC's primary rolls around I'd be surprised if there are 5 R's left.

On the D side. If Hillary hasn't been indicted, she'll win in Iowa,  Bernie will take NH, I think Hillary will take SC and her and Bernie will trade states.  If Hillary is forced out, Warren jumps in and the 'tard faction goes apeshit in love.   She combines the worst of both Bernie and Hillary.  And goes down to defeat ala Carter v Reagan.

While I will readily admit Trump is far from perfect, he's one of only five I would vote for (Cruz, Fiorina, Paul and Carson)
Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: roo_ster on August 25, 2015, 10:51:31 PM
I don't see him dropping out anytime soon.  Every time he says or does something un-PC he gains in the polls.   He still has to last to next November, but right now, I'll predict a bloodbath in Iowa and NH.  By the time SC's primary rolls around I'd be surprised if there are 5 R's left.

On the D side. If Hillary hasn't been indicted, she'll win in Iowa,  Bernie will take NH, I think Hillary will take SC and her and Bernie will trade states.  If Hillary is forced out, Warren jumps in and the 'tard faction goes apeshit in love.   She combines the worst of both Bernie and Hillary.  And goes down to defeat ala Carter v Reagan.

While I will readily admit Trump is far from perfect, he's one of only five I would vote for (Cruz, Fiorina, Paul and Carson)

One of two (maybe three) for me:
Cruz...though I wish he had executive experience.
Maybe Walker...if he doesn't squish out like he has been recently.

Ticket for greatest hilarity and lefty butthurt: Trump/Cruz

Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: lupinus on August 26, 2015, 12:21:50 AM
I don't see him dropping out anytime soon.  Every time he says or does something un-PC he gains in the polls.   He still has to last to next November, but right now, I'll predict a bloodbath in Iowa and NH.  By the time SC's primary rolls around I'd be surprised if there are 5 R's left.

On the D side. If Hillary hasn't been indicted, she'll win in Iowa,  Bernie will take NH, I think Hillary will take SC and her and Bernie will trade states.  If Hillary is forced out, Warren jumps in and the 'tard faction goes apeshit in love.   She combines the worst of both Bernie and Hillary.  And goes down to defeat ala Carter v Reagan.

While I will readily admit Trump is far from perfect, he's one of only five I would vote for (Cruz, Fiorina, Paul and Carson)
hey you left out poor Joe

Sent from my iPhone. Freaking autocorrect.
Title: Re: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on August 26, 2015, 10:36:09 AM
One of two (maybe three) for me:
Cruz...though I wish he had executive experience.
Maybe Walker...if he doesn't squish out like he has been recently.

Ticket for greatest hilarity and lefty butthurt: Trump/Cruz
Cruz is smarter than that

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Title: Re: Why Trump is Popular
Post by: 230RN on August 27, 2015, 09:56:06 AM
A smidgen of amusement....

From a poster  (not me) on another board:

President Trump starts sounding pretty good. He could change his name to 'None of the Above' Trump and guarantee his election.


Terry, 230RN