Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: lumpy on November 08, 2006, 08:01:22 PM

Title: Rise in gas prices
Post by: lumpy on November 08, 2006, 08:01:22 PM
Wow... no one could have seen this coming! rolleyes

Rise in gas prices first since August
By Gary Richards
Mercury News
Special report: Rising gas prices

Fuel prices jumped Tuesday in some parts of California, the first increase since the great slide at the pumps began in August.

Sure, the average rise was less than a penny in many areas, including San Jose, but several pennies at some stations -- and cause for concern among some drivers who see the recent gas price plummet in the rearview mirror.

``Actually in our neighborhood, the regular price jumped from $2.31 to $2.37,'' said Christian Pape, who lives near Saratoga Avenue and Interstate 280 in West San Jose. ``I probably would have chuckled if I'd seen the one-cent change.''

At the Arco at Jarvis and Branham Lane, the price was up from $2.21 to $2.27. The Shell at Blossom Hill and Almaden Expressway, which went up six cents Monday, had a four-cent rise Tuesday.

Prices reached their peak May 18 at $3.38 a gallon in California. But since late summer they've gone down, down and down. Filling up the SUV that once cost $75 can now be accomplished for under $50. A bargain!

Tuesday's rise was minuscule in most places: San Jose's average rose one-third of one cent to an average $2.363 a gallon; the state average climbed one-tenth of a cent to $2.399.

But fears of a return to $3 a gallon gas have some drivers thinking of drastic action. Georgia Rock of Gilroy ponders taking the car keys away from her two teenage drivers to save gas.

``I already make them carpool to school,'' she said, ``which in their eyes is worse than driving nails under their nails.''

What's up with this recent price blip? Violence in Nigeria, threats from members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to pump less oil and the oncoming winter with its demand for more heating oil.

Some experts say prices fell so far so fast that they have to rebound upward. Others say there's a glut of oil available and that prices will not rise much.

Then there is the election aftermath. Two of every five Americans insist the White House was behind the huge drop in prices and that once the election was over we'd be paying more, according to a Gallup poll last month.

``According to my husband, the theory about the price of gas prices being tied to the election seems awfully hard to ignore,'' Terri Schneider of San Jose said. ``He sees nothing else in the media lately that explains this change. I don't happen to agree, but . . .''

John Amos of San Jose is more direct:

``I'm sure that President Bush and his good friends in the Saudi monarchy will not allow the price of gas to go up much,'' he groused. ``Yeah, and I'm the queen of England.''
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Dannyboy on November 09, 2006, 03:00:52 AM
This really doesn't dignify a response, so I'll just leave this. rolleyes
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: The Rabbi on November 09, 2006, 03:19:44 AM
Wow.  Prices jumped by 2 cents a gallon.  No way to explain that but BIG OIL manipulation to help Bush.  Just connnect the dots!
Sheesh. rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: HankB on November 09, 2006, 03:23:55 AM
Wow.  Prices jumped by 2 cents a gallon.  No way to explain that but BIG OIL manipulation to help Bush.  Just connnect the dots!
Sheesh. rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes
As I'm writing this, I can report that prices at some stations in the Austin, TX area have jumped 14 cents a gallon in the 36 hours since the polls closed on election day.  rolleyes
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 09, 2006, 03:27:48 AM
They did that here, too.  It's about 2.19.  They do that every couple of weeks, and then ratchet down to 1.96, or there-abouts.  It's nothing new, unless it goes up again.  But that's not really new, either.

Why is it that since Katrina, everybody expects some obvious reason for an increase?  Gas has been going up my whole life.  I'm used to it. 
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: auschip on November 09, 2006, 04:02:51 AM
Odd, near my house the price fell 3 cents to $2.11, and where I usually fill-up the price has been a steady $2.09.

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: charby on November 09, 2006, 04:19:30 AM
no change here in central Iowa, ranges from $1.99-2.03 been like that for over a week

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Art Eatman on November 09, 2006, 04:20:47 AM
Clue:  "Nigeria".  Do a little homework.

Smiley, Art
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: The Rabbi on November 09, 2006, 04:36:33 AM
You mean the Nigerians have bribed Bush too?Huh??   shocked
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: grampster on November 09, 2006, 04:57:56 AM
You folks are complaining about $2.03 or $1.99?  Most stations in our metro area, Grand Rapids, have been up to $2.40 for better than a week.  I live in a small town and its still $2.20.  Gas never got lower than $2.11 anywhere around here.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: lumpy on November 09, 2006, 06:17:49 AM
our gas prices haven't fallen below 2.30.

my favorite line...

threats from members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to pump less oil

which of course begs the question why did they increase pumping in August in the middle of 'peak' season. Maybe you're right... gas prices always go up in the winter... oh wait...

btw: Nigeria is a member of OPEC for those of you thinking it was only the home of the rich uncle...
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Art Eatman on November 09, 2006, 04:43:27 PM
The majority of Nigerian crude comes to US refineries.  The total output is some three million barrels per day.  The rebels there have been attacking oil fields and kidnapping foreigners.  The country's output is notably reduced.

This is all elementary world news, not rocket science.

Reduction in supply when coupled with a constant or increasing demand = an increase in prices.

Economics 101. 

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: lumpy on November 09, 2006, 07:53:14 PM
The majority of Nigerian crude comes to US refineries.  The total output is some three million barrels per day.  The rebels there have been attacking oil fields and kidnapping foreigners.  The country's output is notably reduced.

This is all elementary world news, not rocket science.

Reduction in supply when coupled with a constant or increasing demand = an increase in prices.

Economics 101.

hmmm. not what Nigeria is saying...


Officials from the state-run Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNP.YY) defended Daukoru's comments, saying about 250,000 barrels a day of additional output was shut in recent weeks due to "technical" and "operational" issues.

reminds me of Enron...

"This is all elementary world news, not rocket science." maybe you need to read 'oil' news

rebels? ...nice try.

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Preacherman on November 09, 2006, 08:27:58 PM
Lumpy, your ignorance on various topics is becoming REALLY annoying - and yes, I'm speaking as a moderator of this forum.

Oil prices CANNOT be manipulated by US politicians in the way so many conspiracy theorists are suggesting.  The facts simply aren't there.  Check any reputable, authoritative, knowledgeable source and they'll all confirm this.  I worked in the oil industry myself for some years (Shell and BP in Southern Africa), and I know whereof I speak.  Art does as well.  There's no rocket science in this - it's a simple matter of supply and demand.

To make allegations, suggestions, etc. with no proof, and then scoff at those who know better, is the hallmark of ignorance - not to mention bigotry, silliness and general unfitness to debate.  (And yes, there are plenty on all sides of an issue that share that problem!)

If you (or anyone else) wishes to have your points taken with respect, then advance your position AND GIVE SOLID, VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE FOR IT.  If you don't, perhaps you should think of posting elsewhere, because you won't get too much respect here.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: lumpy on November 09, 2006, 08:48:06 PM
If you (or anyone else) wishes to have your points taken with respect, then advance your position AND GIVE SOLID, VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE FOR IT.  If you don't, perhaps you should think of posting elsewhere, because you won't get too much respect here.

Oh please. that's nonsense. OPEC has every capability of manipulating oil prices in fact Nigeria is one of the worst offenders (do some damn research). Art brought up rebels... Nigeria has had rebel problems for years... suddenly it's a problem for them, they kick the oil production off and on when they feel like it.

For you to come on here as the moderator and tell me that for my points to be taken with respect I need to provide verifiable evidence simply point to your own hypocrasy on the treatment of those that you disagree with on this site. I provided my source to Art to oppose his position that rebels are the cause... I assume he's grown up enough to speak for himself.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Preacherman on November 09, 2006, 09:50:52 PM
Lumpy, you don't listen very well, do you?  I repeat - you have advanced no evidence whatsoever, just made wild claims, and when others have advanced evidence, you've derided it and refused to listen.  Now, put up or shut up.  Where is your evidence?  You've certainly not provided any!

OPEC has every capability of manipulating oil prices in fact Nigeria is one of the worst offenders (do some damn research)

Sure they're capable - but have they done so in this case?  Hardly . . . in fact, they've been trying to raise prices for weeks!  Do some research yourself!  Information is freely available.  Art and I both know whereof we speak, from many years of experience in energy and related fields.  You clearly don't.

For you to come on here as the moderator and tell me that for my points to be taken with respect I need to provide verifiable evidence simply point to your own hypocrasy on the treatment of those that you disagree with on this site.


Would you please explain this comment?  Where have I displayed hypocrisy (spelling check, ol' buddy!) on this site?  There are many with whom I disagree on this site, but I have no beef with them, because I treat them with respect, and they treat me the same way.  If I find someone who doesn't treat others with respect - for an example, please look in your mirror - I call them on it.  If they don't improve, they're gone.  Period.  No nonsense about it.

You're quite right.  Art can speak for himself, and he tends to do so very well.  I'm sure he'll respond . . . if he thinks you're worth responding to.  If you're going to trash someone's comments, someone who clearly knows far more about the subject than you do, then you're not really worth a response, are you?

I'll point out one other thing.  Attacking the person, as you've attacked me, is the classic, dead-giveaway sign of someone who doesn't have a case.  If you have to resort to ad hominem attacks rather than respond cordially, rationally and intelligently, you aren't hurting me in the slightest - but you're certainly painting a very clear picture of yourself, aren't you?  It's like the famous advice given to new lawyers.  "If the facts are against you, argue the law.  If the law is against you, argue the facts.  If both the law and the facts are against you, assassinate the character of the witness!"

Last chance, Lumpy.  Substantiate your claims, treat others with respect, and you're golden.  If not . . . I can deal with that, too.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: lumpy on November 10, 2006, 06:00:03 AM
lumpy, your ignorance on various topics is becoming REALLY annoying

you're right... I'm an idiot. Only an idiot would look at gas prices falling since summer only to have them raise the day after election and assume that there is some political motivation by OPEC. Only a idiot would look at the rebel activity in Nigeria that has been going on for years, and then look at OPEC's claim that their problem is that Nigeria's oil production is too high and come to the conclusion that current overproduction a not a rebel problem. Only an idiot would view oil as not only as revenue for OPEC, but a political tool. Only an idiot would see an incoming US legislature that has as a priorty energy independence, a threat to OPEC.

Art has told me that I'm wrong. I've supplied oil industry information that contradicts Art. About the only thing you've supplied is spelling tips.

But then again... I'm just an idiot.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: caseydog on November 10, 2006, 07:19:19 AM
Wanna have a clue how something like an election can cause a spike in gas prices in less than 24hrs ?

Smart business people learn when they get burned by the market , the worst thing that can happen to a gas station owner is a quick rise and fall without warning , they don't have time to fill their tanks before the upward spike , get caught paying a high price when they fill close to peak price and then the price drops and they have to drop too or have people pass them by for cheaper gas down the street.

So after being burned ,any supply chain depot worth buying from now has a priceline, any gas station that deals with that supplier can call and get gas prices updated hourly and adjust accordingly, and how you ask does the supplier determine the prices that they qoute on the priceline ?? from the petroleum futures markets here and around the world. In the runup after Katrina prices were changing hourly at the pump , were all those pump owners watching CNN and guessing ? No they were just calling for their updates.

So you can like believing it or not , but you are being screwed at the pump by the free market, heck if you are an employed productive adult your own pension plan or bank could be playing a part in your discomfort.

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: caseydog on November 10, 2006, 07:31:50 AM
Duhh , I forgot to add that futures are probably trading higher after the election because Democrat greeenies are not going to approve expanding off-shore drilling areas or stuff like ANWR. Or it could be some news blip on some obscure website about Nigeria , traders are an odd bunch  undecided All OPEC has to do to cause a price blip is do a press release about a conference two weeks from now , the price will be up an hour after the press release on the futures market.

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 10, 2006, 07:40:12 AM
I'm still waiting for the price to go up higher than usual. 
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: The Rabbi on November 10, 2006, 07:57:43 AM
I'm still waiting for the price to go up higher than usual. 

I'm still waiting for someone to explain how OPEC could manipulate prices this year but must have failed miserably through the late 1990s when gas was around a dollar.
I'm also waiting for an explanation of how a 2.5% change could be considered manipulation.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Preacherman on November 10, 2006, 08:21:14 AM
Rabbi, to understand why an explanation won't be forthcoming, see the last line of Lumpy's last post.

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: The Rabbi on November 10, 2006, 08:35:38 AM
Somehow I think he was being ironic.  Or maybe moronic.  I cant keep the two apart sometimes.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 10, 2006, 08:46:41 AM
Preacherman, I love ya, and there's no doubt you're usually more polite and a better interlocuter than the lumpster.  But it does seem you were the first to get personal in this exchange.  I also wonder if you missed lumpy's link in his first post, or if you just find it lacking in hard evidence?

In any case, perceived slights toward lumpy can be explained away as botched jokes about the President, which was obviously what you meant, anyway.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Preacherman on November 10, 2006, 09:06:08 AM
Nothing personal about it at all, Fistful.  As I said:

There are many with whom I disagree on this site, but I have no beef with them, because I treat them with respect, and they treat me the same way.  If I find someone who doesn't treat others with respect - for an example, please look in your mirror - I call them on it.  If they don't improve, they're gone.  Period.  No nonsense about it.

That was the basic issue, allied to the fact that no evidence was provided (there was no link to his first post, and in any event, it was a polemic viewpoint, not a reasoned discussion.  The fact that such a viewpoint appears in the press doesn't make it factual or verifiable, does it?)

The same principle applies everywhere on APS.  I'm noticing more than a few incipient ad hominem attacks between posters, even between some of our regulars, who should know better.  I'm hoping it dies out now that the election's over.  If not . . . we're going to be short a few more users.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Matthew Carberry on November 10, 2006, 09:34:13 AM
I for one agree.  People who use ad hominem attacks are morons and probably smell bad too!


On a serious note, the predictable short-term illogic of markets can be confusing and a lack of understanding of the supply chain in commodities does more to advance conspiracy thinking than almost everything except the fact that, when dealing on a global level, the number of variables involved makes coincidences almost inevitable.

Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Dannyboy on November 10, 2006, 09:58:07 AM
I am now convinced.  George W. Bush is controlling gas prices and jacked them up over the last couple of days to punish us all for allowing the Democrats to take control of the House and the Senate.
Title: Re: Rise in gas prices
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on November 10, 2006, 11:30:30 AM
Cripes, the answer is right there in the article lumpy first posted.  It was staring him in the face right from the beginning.

What's up with this recent price blip? Violence in Nigeria, threats from members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to pump less oil and the oncoming winter with its demand for more heating oil.
It's all about market forces.  Shazaam!!  It's all, like, you know, magical, the way things make sense when you know how they work, and like, think about them rationally, or you know, objectively.  Yeah!

But lemme ask you this lumpy:  If George W Bush or Karl Rove or Ken Mehlmen or whomever is pulling strings behind the scenes to manipulate gas prices for political gain, how are they doing it?  It's one thing to want to manipulate prices, it's something else entirely to be able to pull it off. 

Actually, we probably ought to nail down just who, exactly, is doing it before we get into how he (or she) is doing it.

So lumpy:  Name the person responsible for this conspiratorial price manipulation.  Then name the method they're able to employ to make it happen. 

Perhaps you can also explain to me why, if Republicans are manipulating prices to benefit themselves politically, why aren't Democrats manipulating prices the other way to benefit themselves?