Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: roo_ster on January 10, 2016, 01:17:36 AM

Title: UVA Rape Fiasco in Just A Few Paragraphs
Post by: roo_ster on January 10, 2016, 01:17:36 AM
All the word chaff about UVA Rapity-Rape Hoax got you scratching your head?  The following few paragraphs boil it down. 

The Importance of Three Words: "Catfishing" and "Haven Monahan"
Referenced the wapo links"

Quote from:
A lot of effort has been put into stuffing the UVA – Rolling Stone gang rape on broken glass hate hoax down the Memory Hole by making the scandal seem as boring and technical as imaginable: mistakes were made in following proper journalistic procedures. Nothing else to remember here, move along.

The key roadblock was to keep the words “catfishing” and “Haven Monahan” out of the public mind. If you understand how those two fit together, the story is hilarious: a super-girly girl, Jackie, catfishes a dream date “Haven Monahan” into digital existence to make a boy she likes, Ryan, jealous.

When that’s not working she makes up a story about Haven Monahan’s sexual assault. When that still doesn’t make Ryan fall in love with her, she switches back to having Haven send Ryan an email explaining why Ryan should fall in love with Jackie, cribbed from Dawson’s Creek and other romance shows for boy-crazy tween girls.

When that fails, Jackie slowly becomes aware over many months that if she can’t have Ryan, she can still have some of the attention she craves by portraying herself as a victim of campus rape culture. But of course she can’t call the police because she just made everything up. Dean Nicole Eramo recognizes that Jackie’s probably never going to talk to the police about her woozy story.

Eventually, Sabrina Rubin Erdely comes to town for Rolling Stone and between them they work up a doozy of a story. With publication, an actual Night of Broken Glass ensues with SJW vandals smashing the windows of the libeled fraternity house. Jackie then defends Dean Eramo when America’s feminists try to get the poor woman fired. It’s a complete fiasco, but nobody in the media seems to notice that Erdely’s article is absurd until Richard Bradley blogs about it five days later. After four more days, I post a link to Bradley’s blog and the great unraveling begins.

There is a bit more at the blog post.

Quote from:
Let’s go back. Way back to 2010, when the term first entered the lexicon. It began with a documentary about a New York City man lured into an Internet relationship with an attractive 19-year-old woman in the Midwest. Or so he thought. When inconsistencies began to arise in the woman’s story, Nev Schulman, along with his brother and a filmmaker friend, traveled to Michigan to meet the woman, ultimately discovering that he’d been corresponding with a 40-year-old housewife all along.

It was that woman’s husband who inadvertently coined the phrase “catfish.” Sitting outside with his elbow perched on the back of a bench, he tells the filmmakers about live cod being transported from Alaska to China. During the journey the fish would become lethargic; by the time they arrived, he says, “their flesh was mush and tasteless.” But someone discovered that if catfish were put in the tanks, the cod would remain active. The man said he thanks God for people who play a similar role in life — those “who keep you on your toes, keep you thinking, keep you guessing.”...

In one of the most famous instances of catfishing, former Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o publicly mourned the death of his girlfriend throughout the fall of 2012. Until, that is, he found out she never existed. “This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about,” he said at the time. “But over an extended period of time, I developed an emotional relationship with a woman I met online. We maintained what I thought to be an authentic relationship by communicating frequently online and on the phone, and I grew to care deeply about her. To realize that I was the victim of what was apparently someone’s sick joke and constant lies was, and is, painful and humiliating.”

Title: Re: UVA Rape Fiasco in Just A Few Paragraphs
Post by: Devonai on January 10, 2016, 06:41:40 AM
Absolutely fascinating, thank you for posting this. I'd been following the case casually on but I hadn't heard how ridiculous it really was.
Title: Re: UVA Rape Fiasco in Just A Few Paragraphs
Post by: Jocassee on January 10, 2016, 09:31:23 AM
When the story of the Great Unraveling is told, I suspect this episode will feature strongly in it.
Title: Re: UVA Rape Fiasco in Just A Few Paragraphs
Post by: dogmush on January 10, 2016, 10:39:03 AM
So at this point pretty much everyone agrees that the gang rape story was a lie.  Even her ardent supporters are saying things like"Just because she lied about all the details, she still might have been raped."  It's pretty clear that she made herself a victim to pursue personal gains.

and yet we still have things like this:
Jackie and her lawyers have not responded to requests for comment. The Washington Post generally does not identify people who are purported victims of sex crimes.

The take away from this is that her plan worked.  She lied.  She got lots of supporters (Still), is suddenly popular, is still at UVA, the lawsuits are against Rolling Stone not her. People are still protecting her.  She didn't get the exact boy she wanted, but she sure got a lot of it, and I'd bet money that some guy is all about "healing" her and tells her everything her narcissistic little mind wants to hear every night.
Title: Re: UVA Rape Fiasco in Just A Few Paragraphs
Post by: Viking on January 16, 2016, 03:35:51 AM
Apparently wasn't the first time Rolling Stone got conned into believing a rape story:
Title: Re: UVA Rape Fiasco in Just A Few Paragraphs
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 16, 2016, 11:57:11 AM
And then there's "mattress girl" ...
Title: Re:
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 17, 2016, 09:50:30 AM
Or almost all of the movie the hunting ground

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