Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ron on January 20, 2016, 12:36:21 PM

Title: New internet browser
Post by: Ron on January 20, 2016, 12:36:21 PM

Apparently the president and CEO running this outfit knows a little something about browsers and the internet.

Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: lee n. field on January 20, 2016, 12:40:36 PM
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 20, 2016, 12:59:15 PM
Oh, cool. The guy that had to go away because he didn't like kool-aid. I've been thinking about switching phone browsers.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: brimic on January 20, 2016, 01:47:15 PM
Going to have to try it.
eff mozilla.
I hope he's so successful that he puts google out of business as well.  >:D
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 20, 2016, 08:56:25 PM
Will have to check it out.

I'm still very partial to Waterfox, though.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: AJ Dual on January 20, 2016, 09:10:02 PM
Ugh... github stuff.

I'd like to try it, but new diabeetus medicine starts today. I can't brain right now.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Calumus on January 20, 2016, 10:04:46 PM
I'll try it on my phone once I have a bit more info on it. I'm still stuck on ios 8.4 until 9.2 or 9.3 is jailbroken, and there are a few sites that I can't visit anymore because they have ads that launch the app store. Its a security hole that's apparently been patched in newer versions of ios; but I'm stuck until Taig or Pangu get their butts in gear. Maybe this browser will be able to prevent it.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 21, 2016, 01:52:07 PM
Does it run on computers, or only on smart phones?

Does anyone have screen shots? I stay with Firefox because it still has menus, in real text characters that I can read. I took a look at Google Chrome once, and I couldn't figure out how to do anything. I think it was on and gone from my computer all within a half hour.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Marnoot on January 21, 2016, 03:41:28 PM
The browser is slated for phones and computers. If anyone wants to try it out, I built it and stuck it in a ZIP file here (link will die in 7 days): (Only for 64-bit Windows)

Just run the Brave.exe after unzipping the folder. Said build is naturally provided with no guarantee of anything. All I can guarantee is that I didn't add anything to it, just downloaded the source from Github and built it.

I used it for a few minutes. It's pretty early in its development, no extensions, no user-changeable settings (at least in my build), so all you can really compare is general browsing/page-loading speed (unrelated to your bandwidth, anyway). Seems the built-in ad-blocking isn't working yet (again, unless I did something wrong in my build, I'm not a node.js guru).
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 21, 2016, 06:36:20 PM
The browser is slated for phones and computers. If anyone wants to try it out, I built it and stuck it in a ZIP file here (link will die in 7 days): (Only for 64-bit Windows)

Just run the Brave.exe after unzipping the folder. Said build is naturally provided with no guarantee of anything. All I can guarantee is that I didn't add anything to it, just downloaded the source from Github and built it.

Awesome, thanks! APS loads so much faster without all those male Russian escort ads!

Now build me the Android version! Do it now!
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: GigaBuist on January 21, 2016, 09:32:26 PM
I'll try it when it hits beta, if I get a link to the installer, but I'm not too enthused about the program.

Step 1 is to block ads.

Step 2 is to replace ads with their own.
When Brave is ready, it'll replace the missing content with its own ads, splitting the revenue between itself (15 percent), publishers (55 percent), ad suppliers (15 percent) and even you, the user (10 to 15 percent). Eich sees it as an attempt to "chlorinate the pool" for ads, starting from scratch to build a better business model that respects web surfers.

I predict this going over not very well.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Marnoot on January 21, 2016, 10:33:02 PM
I'll try it when it hits beta, if I get a link to the installer, but I'm not too enthused about the program.

Step 1 is to block ads.

Step 2 is to replace ads with their own.
When Brave is ready, it'll replace the missing content with its own ads, splitting the revenue between itself (15 percent), publishers (55 percent), ad suppliers (15 percent) and even you, the user (10 to 15 percent). Eich sees it as an attempt to "chlorinate the pool" for ads, starting from scratch to build a better business model that respects web surfers.
I predict this going over not very well.

Yeah.... if that's their plan, I don't see it going over well either. If I had a website that provided me with ad revenue, I wouldn't be too jazzed. Blocking ads with adblock / uBlock Origin is one thing, people won't see my ads and I'll lose a bit of revenue. An organization actively replacing my ads with their own to essentially steal ad revenue, that I'd have a serious problem with. I'd be tempted to just outright block any requests coming from the Brave browser and inform the user why.

Now build me the Android version! Do it now!

Just as soon as I get the male escort ad monetization module done. Each one you click is money in my wallet!
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: HeroHog on January 21, 2016, 10:38:41 PM
Thanks! Loaded it. Opened it. Tried it. OK, where the heck are ANY of the settings/controls/options/ANYTHING? So far, SO not impressed.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Marnoot on January 21, 2016, 10:44:42 PM
Thanks! Loaded it. Opened it. Tried it. OK, where the heck are ANY of the settings/controls/options/ANYTHING? So far, SO not impressed.

That's why I mentioned it's early in development, they seem to be focusing on the actual page rendering performance and such before moving on to other niceties. (Or they're busy with the aforementioned ad-revenue-stealing modules  :P)

Edited to add:

Quote from:
Preferences, a bookmark manager, a history section, and a download folder are all missing from this initial release of the browser, but they’ll ship in a later version within a few weeks, a spokesperson told VentureBeat in an email.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 21, 2016, 10:45:51 PM
I can't get it to work under Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.  Probably operator error, but their FAQ doesn't speak much to troubleshooting.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Marnoot on January 21, 2016, 10:55:06 PM
I can't get it to work under Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.  Probably operator error, but their FAQ doesn't speak much to troubleshooting.

The one I built? I built it on 10 Pro 64-bit. Could be some prerequisite library is missing on your computer (though I wouldn't have a clue what). You're not missing much. Just imagine your current browser with no settings or extensions, and it renders pages pretty quickly, and you've had the Brave experience for now  =).
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 21, 2016, 11:01:25 PM
That's why I mentioned it's early in development, they seem to be focusing on the actual page rendering performance and such before moving on to other niceties.

It's probably easy to make a browser run fast if you leave out all the code that actually does anything.

"Hey, wow! Look at that, it loaded this humongous web page in 0.37 nanoseconds. Cool, now to go back to the previous ... where's the BACK button?"

Just imagine your current browser with no settings or extensions,

If I want to imagine a browser without any settings, I can just install Google Chrome again.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: Marnoot on January 21, 2016, 11:30:38 PM
It's probably easy to make a browser run fast if you leave out all the code that actually does anything.

Yes and no. Most of the browser code that does something is the page rendering code, which includes playing videos, rendering animations, etc. Everything beyond that is an extension or in the Bells and Whistles department (which many browsers have too many of). If your browser is slow because of how many extensions are installed, you really have no one to blame but yourself. If it's slow because of the bells and whistles, find a browser that doesn't have as many or at least lets you turn them off if you don't use them.

Regardless, I'd be shocked if this Brave browser ever even hits a single-digit install base. I'm sure it's faster than my Chrome I've got open, but I'd have to record and check page-rendering times to notice, thus I'm unlikely to be changing anytime soon, despite my many issues with Chrome.
Title: Re: New internet browser
Post by: HeroHog on January 22, 2016, 03:07:18 AM
Worked for me...