Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Ben on February 12, 2016, 10:46:03 AM

Title: Police Chiefs and Unions Candidate Endorsement?
Post by: Ben on February 12, 2016, 10:46:03 AM
This is not a pro or con cops thread please.

I haven't done any in-depth googling, but on the other hand, have not come across much in the way of MSM reporting on which presidential candidate most police chiefs associations and police unions are supporting at this time.

Usually, and often the opposite of the "cops on the street", both these organizations strongly support the Democrat candidate. I'm wondering if that will be the case this time, because from what I read about last night's dem debate, both Clinton and Sanders were reaming cops about being militarized and haphazardly shooting unarmed minorities. It seems both candidates are coming out strongly against LE "business as usual", which is pretty much what both types of LE organizations support.

I wonder if they will still support the dem candidate, or if this time around we will see more of them uncharacteristically supporting the Republican candidate? BLM and the related movements may very well push that entire voting block Republican.
Title: Re: Police Chiefs and Unions Candidate Endorsement?
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 12, 2016, 11:42:50 AM
I doubt we'll see much change, other than the usual guys - David Clarke, etc.
Title: Re: Police Chiefs and Unions Candidate Endorsement?
Post by: Boomhauer on February 12, 2016, 11:47:51 AM
Police chiefs and commissioners are politicans more than leaders most of the time. They will throw their officers under the bus at a moments notice in order to cozy up to city leadership or higher politicians, often introducing idiotic policies to satisfy the bleeding hearts and politicians whose constituents are the criminal class

Title: Re: Police Chiefs and Unions Candidate Endorsement?
Post by: lee n. field on February 12, 2016, 11:50:52 AM
"Don't do stupid ****.  Don't associate with people who do."

(a reply in the wrong thread, but hey!)
Title: Re: Police Chiefs and Unions Candidate Endorsement?
Post by: MechAg94 on February 12, 2016, 12:01:50 PM
"Don't do stupid ****.  Don't associate with people who do."
Old wisdom reworded.  I was trying to think of old sayings that pretty much said that same thing. 

"If you lay down with dogs, you will wake up with fleas."  That was comes to mind, but I am sure there are others.  I was thinking of something my mother used to say about God's wrath eventually coming down on them and you don't want to be standing close by.  Probably their own deeds coming back on them rather than God's wrath most of the time.  Luck runs out eventually. 
Title: Re: Police Chiefs and Unions Candidate Endorsement?
Post by: Ben on February 12, 2016, 12:02:13 PM
I can see the police chiefs organizations (vs Sheriff leadership organizations) still endorsing the dem no matter how anti-cop the rhetoric gets, as related to what Boomhauer wrote. The unions may have more of a quandary, given that much of what the two dems are saying seems to be pretty opposite of what the unions promote.