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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Perd Hapley on February 14, 2016, 06:19:01 PM

Title: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 14, 2016, 06:19:01 PM

The obvious choice. Lots of FUD in the comments.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Hawkmoon on February 14, 2016, 08:40:40 PM
What was left of my rational mind has been forever diminIshed by reading some of those comments. Now I know why I eschew "social media."
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 14, 2016, 09:15:31 PM
I'm tempted to add a comment, accusing Cruz of the Lindbergh kidnapping.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: lee n. field on February 14, 2016, 09:42:08 PM
Gura endorses Cruz

An endorsement I'll pay attention to.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Battle Monkey of Zardoz on February 14, 2016, 09:56:48 PM
Title: Re: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: roo_ster on February 14, 2016, 10:32:44 PM
I'm tempted to add a comment, accusing Cruz of the Lindbergh kidnapping.
Unpossible.  Beacause he was plotting to assassinate jfk when all that went down.
Title: Re: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: HankB on February 14, 2016, 10:38:50 PM
Unpossible.  Beacause he was plotting to assassinate jfk when all that went down.
How could Cruz even run? Sure, they SAY his mother was a US citizen when he was born, but secret documents prove she was actually Tokyo Rose . . .
Title: Re: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: MechAg94 on February 14, 2016, 10:45:40 PM
Unpossible.  Beacause he was plotting to assassinate jfk when all that went down.
I thought Cruz was involved in the death of President McKinley?
Title: Re: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: charby on February 14, 2016, 10:46:11 PM
How could Cruz even run? Sure, they SAY his mother was a US citizen when he was born, but secret documents prove she was actually Tokyo Rose . . .
I heard at the local coffee shop that he is the Manchurian Candidate.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: MechAg94 on February 14, 2016, 11:26:01 PM
I just listened to the first hour of GunTalk.  Alan Gura was on for 20 minutes or so.  He essentially said Cruz had a lot of experience around the Supreme Court and would be the most likely to get the right justices nominated.  He thinks the Heller decision will be overturned or neutered quickly if we get another liberal leaning justice.

I would be curious what Rubio and Trump say about Scalia and his potential replacement in coming days. 
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Fly320s on February 15, 2016, 08:42:15 AM
Cruz also gets an endorsement from F. Paul Valone of Grass Roots North Carolina.
Title: Re: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: MechAg94 on February 15, 2016, 09:26:58 AM
I heard at the local coffee shop that he is the Manchurian Candidate.
I thought that was McCain, but he lost.
Title: Re: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: KD5NRH on February 15, 2016, 10:02:22 AM
Beacause he was plotting to assassinate jfk when all that went down.

JFK shot first.  Oswald was just defending himself.
Title: Re: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: charby on February 15, 2016, 12:01:11 PM
I thought that was McCain, but he lost.
So was John Kerry and he lost, that is the job of the Manchurian Candidate is to lose.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Scout26 on February 15, 2016, 12:29:19 PM
Cruz couldn't have kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, he was busy disappearing Amelia Earhart at the time...
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: JN01 on February 15, 2016, 12:55:02 PM
Supreme Court Justice Gura has a nice ring to it.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 15, 2016, 03:51:24 PM
Supreme Court Justice Gura has a nice ring to it.

I'll be in my bunk.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: charby on February 15, 2016, 06:51:20 PM

I'll be in my bunk.
With or without the sock monkey?
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: RoadKingLarry on February 15, 2016, 07:25:05 PM
With or without the sock monkey?

I'd bet "with".

( (
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: MechAg94 on February 15, 2016, 11:02:44 PM
With or without the sock monkey?
He will be busy disappearing Amelia Earhart.

 =D     =|     :-X
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Angel Eyes on February 16, 2016, 02:09:40 PM
Thomas Sowell also endorses Cruz:
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 16, 2016, 03:29:47 PM
Thomas Sowell also endorses Cruz:

But the fact that Trump leads in the polls does not mean that he is electable in the general election this fall. He is ahead only because the majority vote among Republicans has been split among so many other candidates.

Much as I admire Messrs. Sowell and Cruz, I can't take that sentence seriously. Trump's ahead because (for good or ill), he draws a crowd.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: roo_ster on February 16, 2016, 04:02:11 PM

Much as I admire Messrs. Sowell and Cruz, I can't take that sentence seriously. Trump's ahead because (for good or ill), he draws a crowd.

This, in general.

In particular, GOPe wanted a candidate that would help draw in minority (black & hispanic) voters.  Well, according to polls, he is doing better with them than any GOP POTUStential candidate in many cycles.  Matter of fact, in this aspect, Trump is the most Reaganesque of the field.

Quote from:
If Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States, there will be plenty of surprises along the way. One of the biggest will be the help he gets from black voters.

According to Republican pollsters and Trump’s allies, the GOP poll-leader — who has been dogged by accusations of racism, most recently for tweeting out a chart that exaggerated the share of murders committed by blacks — is poised to out-perform with this demographic group in a general-election matchup with Hillary Clinton.

“If he were the Republican nominee he would get the highest percentage of black votes since Ronald Reagan in 1980,” said Republican messaging guru Frank Luntz, referring to the year Reagan won 14 percent of that bloc of voters. “They listen to him. They find him fascinating, and in all the groups I have done, I have found Obama voters, they could’ve voted for Obama twice, but if they’re African-American they would consider Trump.”

Quote from:
A SurveyUSA poll released in September showed that 25% of black respondents said they would vote for Trump over Clinton.

According to The American Mirror Trump would more than double the best result for a Republican in modern American history...

Now there’s even better news for Trump.
40% of black voters and 45% of Hispanic voters support Donald Trump.

I don;t think this is how the GOPe planned for this to happen.

Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: AJ Dual on February 16, 2016, 04:10:57 PM

Much as I admire Messrs. Sowell and Cruz, I can't take that sentence seriously. Trump's ahead because (for good or ill), he draws a crowd.

There's much truth to this. Keep in mind Cruz beat Trump in Iowa, while running against the ethanol mandate.

And in more detailed and sophisticated polling, Trump's weakness is that he was almost no one's second choice. Unlike Rubio, Cruz, and even some of the dropped out candidates, who were all each other's supporters fallback positions.

Trump pulling 30% +/- is impressive when there's 6 people still running, but he is neither inevitable or a sure-thing unless he's consistently over 50% when there's only two or three of them left. (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio presumably)
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: KD5NRH on February 16, 2016, 05:39:20 PM
I don;t think this is how the GOPe planned for this to happen.

Very few demographics despise illegal immigrants as much as legal immigrants do.
Title: Re: Gura endorses Cruz
Post by: AJ Dual on February 16, 2016, 09:51:51 PM
Hmm... I guess even Slate gets it that Cruz gets it. (Obviously Cruz does, since he wrote the big amicus brief on behalf of the states in Heller...)