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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Matthew Carberry on November 27, 2006, 05:43:11 PM

Title: Britain splittin'?
Post by: Matthew Carberry on November 27, 2006, 05:43:11 PM,,2006550102,00.html

Brit members, is this at all accurate or just complete Sun hype.

Second question...

Is it true that the "Labour" agenda is being pushed primarily by Scotland/Wales, that Jolly Olde England would be more likely to have a more conservative government without all the "outside" MPs?
Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: LAK on November 27, 2006, 10:19:41 PM
Can not comment on the accuracy of the opinion figures posted in the article - but it is true that nationalism is rising fast in some pockets of europa. Austria as an example has had a growing number of strongly nationalist people. Scotland has had a strong nationalist movement.

It is understandable that globo-euro socialist pressure has been concentrated in places where rising nationalism is strongest. Margaret Thatcher was forced out of her own party by the so-called "conservative" leaders for her resistance to Britain's further integration into the EU. The fact is, many people in the UK (and europa) have now found out that Enoch Powell (and others likeminded) was not some kook afterall. Many are going to find that out in this country real soon too.

Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: Stickjockey on November 28, 2006, 04:56:10 AM
The last vestiges of the British Empire have been breaking up for a while now. When I was in Edinburgh in '99, they had a huge sign on the hill above the train station that was counting down the time until Scotland got her Parliament back, right down to the tenths of a second. Heck, I've even heard rumors of Wales starting to call for home rule.
Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: Cromlech on November 28, 2006, 06:18:25 AM
I wouldn't mind if Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland all got home rule/independence, whatever you want to call it.
Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: Iain on November 28, 2006, 06:44:28 AM
It's not quite what it seems.

With devolution (some powers devolved to Scottish Assembly and a few less devolved to the Welsh Assembly) some in England began to feel that where a parliament existed north of the border that dealt with exclusively Scottish issues including some powers over taxation there should be an analogous body for England.

The argument runs that English MP's have no right to sit in the Scottish Assembly and vote on Scottish issues. Yet MP's who are Scottish but sit in Westminster rather than 'up North' do presently have a right to vote on Parliamentary issues that purely affect England and not Scotland or Wales. Some suggest that the simplest thing to do would be deny the vote on such issues to MP's who represent Scottish seats. It might blow up into something, but not yet.

As for the Scots, I expect that the future will hold greater powers for the devolved government and a shrill SNP demanding more. Doubt the UK is going anywhere just yet, well not until us Cornish march north of the Tamar to demand Pasty Friday and road signs in Cornish.
Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: Mannlicher on November 28, 2006, 08:01:59 AM
It won't make much difference in the long run.  UK is already a third tier country.  Breaking it up into its constituent parts might even help them out.
Seems much of the EU is doing their best to fragment their society, political union and ethnic groups. 
With typical European ignorance, they can't grasp that strength comes from unity, and not by establishing tiny city states.
Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: Warren on November 28, 2006, 11:27:16 AM
If there is a split wuld this mean a return of the Border reavers?
Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: MechAg94 on November 28, 2006, 01:50:28 PM
It would seem to make sense to convert all of England to a state/federal system or a confederation.  You can't let some groups split off and not be prepared to let other groups do so.
Title: Re: Britain splittin'?
Post by: LAK on November 29, 2006, 01:05:59 AM
It won't make much difference in the long run.  UK is already a third tier country.  Breaking it up into its constituent parts might even help them out.
Seems much of the EU is doing their best to fragment their society, political union and ethnic groups. 
With typical European ignorance, they can't grasp that strength comes from unity, and not by establishing tiny city states.
Devolution won't help, but outright sovereign independence would allow any of them to drop out of the EU altogether, and this is what I think many have in mind.

Be interesting to see how quickly the "terror cells" appear out of thin air and are tied to "extremist" Scottish nationalists etc, so that they can be discredited and kept under control - and some mock opposition "nationalist" parties formed.
