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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 29, 2016, 04:03:21 PM

Title: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 29, 2016, 04:03:21 PM
He's done stick a fork in him
Real question is how long before he's under bus

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Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: roo_ster on March 29, 2016, 05:34:59 PM
He's done stick a fork in him
Real question is how long before he's under bus

Were this the ¡JEB! or Rubio or Cruz campaign, sure enough. 

The Trump campaign is not a university administration hen party easily set a-twitter by accusations from flighty females.

Looking at the video, comparing it to the histrionic & morphing accusations, and knowing the opposition, I think Trump's best move would be to keep Lewandowski on.  Both in terms of what is correct and in keeping his image as not the sort to be bullied by media and political castrati.

Then again, maybe I'm jaded.  I recall Bill Clinton before & after winning POTUS.  I saw political aides, Arkansas State Troopers, and Secret Service folk deal much more harshly with media who got a bit too up in Bill's face when he was transitioning.  Took careful note not to get between politician and security.  [Of course, when my sister visited during the 1992 campaign, I was showing her the Gov mansion & area she managed to drive her car through the  mansion's back round-about drive and lure out a very large Ark State Trooper.  He did not look pleased as I urged my sister to put her foot in it.]
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 29, 2016, 05:56:50 PM
Looking at the video, comparing it to the histrionic & morphing accusations, and knowing the opposition, I think Trump's best move would be to keep Lewandowski on.  Both in terms of what is correct and in keeping his image as not the sort to be bullied by media and political castrati.

Right. Trump was about to be bullied by his own press organ.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 29, 2016, 07:29:18 PM
He's on revision 3 or is it 4 on what happened now

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Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 29, 2016, 07:30:24 PM
Remember they said" if it happened where's the video"   A real Gary hart moment

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Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: De Selby on March 29, 2016, 07:52:59 PM
Essentially they're charging shoving in a large moving crowd?  Yeah, nothing political about that one.

That video looks like something a defendant would post to rebut the charge.  The triumphalism over how it applies to Trump just makes it even more blatantly political.

The media are frothing at the mouth to get Trump.  As much as Americans hate them, I guess there're still a sizeable number of us who'll line up at the drum beat anyway.

Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Ron on March 29, 2016, 08:17:33 PM
Trump should do what rooster said and encourage folks to watch the video.

I'm not even a Trump supporter and I think this is stupid.

If you get up in a candidates grill ie getting in their personal space there is a good chance someone will put themselves in between you and them.

* just saw Trump interviewed, he says he is the one who provided and released the tapes because he believes they exonerate his guy. He said he is standing by him and not tossing him aside.

Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: De Selby on March 29, 2016, 09:20:36 PM
Trump should do what rooster said and encourage folks to watch the video.

I'm not even a Trump supporter and I think this is stupid.

If you get up in a candidates grill ie getting in their personal space there is a good chance someone will put themselves in between you and them.

* just saw Trump interviewed, he says he is the one who provided and released the tapes because he believes they exonerate his guy. He said he is standing by him and not tossing him aside.

He's right.  I had a hard time even seeing the contact in the video.
Title: Re: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: roo_ster on March 29, 2016, 09:37:59 PM
He's on revision 3 or is it 4 on what happened now

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So hes keeping up with his accusers' revisions?

I think a lot of folk are seeing what they want to see in the video.  "He drags her to the ground with ill intent" or "He merely brushes by whilst giving her a blessing and a cookie."  Which is a sign the video is none too conclusive.  I am not sure what happened given the video but it surely does not line up with reporter gals first story.  Maybe story 3 or 4.

But like i wrote above i saw first hand much more conclusive and heavy manhandling of aggressive reporters during the 1992 campaign.  Yet none of those became a national cause for all the latent sir galahads to come a-galloping out on their keyboards.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 29, 2016, 10:20:18 PM
Where's that video clip of Huma Abedin shoving a woman at a Clinton event?

What's sauce for the gander should be sauce for the goose ...
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Ron on March 29, 2016, 10:29:24 PM
Where's that video clip of Huma Abedin shoving a woman at a Clinton event?

What's sauce for the gander should be sauce for the goose ...
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 29, 2016, 10:39:40 PM
That's the one.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 30, 2016, 12:41:24 AM
Trump should do what rooster said and encourage folks to watch the video.

I'm not even a Trump supporter and I think this is stupid.

If you get up in a candidates grill ie getting in their personal space there is a good chance someone will put themselves in between you and them.

* just saw Trump interviewed, he says he is the one who provided and released the tapes because he believes they exonerate his guy. He said he is standing by him and not tossing him aside.
Add to the list of lies
Trump did not release tapes, unless he bought the police dept.
Remember the Donald was saying there were no tapes showing the assault therefore it never happened
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 30, 2016, 12:42:44 AM
So hes keeping up with his accusers' revisions?

I think a lot of folk are seeing what they want to see in the video.  "He drags her to the ground with ill intent" or "He merely brushes by whilst giving her a blessing and a cookie."  Which is a sign the video is none too conclusive.  I am not sure what happened given the video but it surely does not line up with reporter gals first story.  Maybe story 3 or 4.

But like i wrote above i saw first hand much more conclusive and heavy manhandling of aggressive reporters during the 1992 campaign.  Yet none of those became a national cause for all the latent sir galahads to come a-galloping out on their keyboards.
The accusers are fairly consistent
The Donald and fanbois not so much
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: De Selby on March 30, 2016, 06:09:51 AM
The accusers are fairly consistent
The Donald and fanbois not so much

Have you seen the video?  You'd be hard pressed to see micro aggression
Title: Re:
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 30, 2016, 06:34:16 AM
Which video? There are at least 3. The last one released got even the breitbart guy to admit he was wrong when he bad mouthed fields

Did you look at the video in the first link?

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Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: brimic on March 30, 2016, 07:25:05 AM
I'm not sure of what kind of attack is supposedly in that video, but I'm not seeing it after watching several times. ???
Title: Re:
Post by: De Selby on March 30, 2016, 07:37:00 AM
Which video? There are at least 3. The last one released got even the breitbart guy to admit he was wrong when he bad mouthed fields

Did you look at the video in the first link?

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That's the video I was talking about
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 30, 2016, 07:52:04 AM
The media are frothing at the mouth to get Trump.  As much as Americans hate them, I guess there're still a sizeable number of us who'll line up at the drum beat anyway.

That's odd. You weren't this skeptical when the media was frothing at the mouth to get George Zimmerman.

Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: CypherNinja on March 30, 2016, 07:54:58 AM
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2016, 09:38:26 AM
The stop-motion security video doesn't show a lot.  He did reach out and pull her back from Trump.  It is hard to tell if it qualified as physical violence.  However, the police department apparently agreed that it fit the definition of battery in that state.  

It is just a misdemeanor.  He will probably pay a minor fine and move on.  It is the public denial and the attacks on the reporter that are more interesting with this.  Apparently the Trump strategy of "deny and attack, never defend" came from this guy at least in part and that is the strategy he took dealing with this.  It apparently pissed off the reporter enough that she realized what he did fit the definition of battery in that state and pressed charges.  I heard she worked for Breitbart and since they are all in for Trump, they refused to support her or allow the subject to be published and she resigned over it.  

This is basically a political soap opera.  However, the guy has a strange history and that is being used to to show what sort of people Trump has been surrounding himself with.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2016, 09:40:55 AM

That's odd. You weren't this skeptical when the media was frothing at the mouth to get George Zimmerman.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Ben on March 30, 2016, 09:55:36 AM
1) Michelle Fields is ridiculously conservative. I doubt she would have wanted to make a big deal over this initially if for nothing else, to protect conservatives from bad press. All it would have taken would have been a behind the scenes apology, even just to her editor, at the first phone call and this would likely have all gone away with little fanfare. Instead, her pro Trump employer not only didn't back her up, but basically called her a liar. Ben Shapiro also resigned from Breitbart over the incident. Also, she was kicked off "Cashin' In" on Fox business, whose host is extremely pro Trump. Add to that all the changing narratives out of the Trump camp. Likely that's where politics came into play and she decided to make a big deal over it.

2) It's funny, because I know there have been many comments in the past on APS regarding how a "hands on" action as shown in Cypherninja's video URL was grounds for defending yourself, because you've just been attacked. I have to wonder how the comments here would run if it was Clinton's campaign manager doing this to someone.
Title: Re:
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 30, 2016, 12:20:03 PM
Even pollack has walked back his position admits he was wrong

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Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Scout26 on March 30, 2016, 02:23:17 PM
He's done stick a fork in him
Real question is how long before he's under bus

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Looks like Trump is standing by his Campaign manager, proving your supposition wrong, yet again....
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2016, 02:34:55 PM
It is just another in a continuing list of embarrassing moments for Trump.  His supporters will still support him.  Undecided Republicans will steer away. 

I don't really want Trump as my President, but I appreciate his fearlessness to just keep trudging along regardless of incidents like this.  It is a good lesson for future Repub candidates that they don't need to fear this stuff so much.  Most Repub candidates in the past have weakly apologised after stuff like this and sometimes just bowed out or been pushed out by the establishment. 
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: brimic on March 30, 2016, 02:41:04 PM
It is just another in a continuing list of embarrassing moments for Trump.  His supporters will still support him.  Undecided Republicans will steer away. 

I don't really want Trump as my President, but I appreciate his fearlessness to just keep trudging along regardless of incidents like this.  It is a good lesson for future Repub candidates that they don't need to fear this stuff so much.  Most Repub candidates in the past have weakly apologised after stuff like this and sometimes just bowed out or been pushed out by the establishment. 

Appeasing the left is the default setting for republicans. I'm pretty sure that the media backs trump and lets him get away with anything and everything because they know he is not much more than a practical joke played on a large number of people on the right.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2016, 03:23:16 PM
Appeasing the left is the default setting for republicans. I'm pretty sure that the media backs trump and lets him get away with anything and everything because they know he is not much more than a practical joke played on a large number of people on the right.
In most cases, I think it is appeasing the leftist media more than the left in general (a minor difference).  They don't seem to grasp that most Republican voters don't trust the media so there is no reason to suck up to them. 
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 30, 2016, 03:52:25 PM
It is just another in a continuing list of embarrassing moments for Trump.  His supporters will still support him.  Undecided Republicans will steer away. 

I don't really want Trump as my President, but I appreciate his fearlessness to just keep trudging along regardless of incidents like this.  It is a good lesson for future Repub candidates that they don't need to fear this stuff so much.  Most Repub candidates in the past have weakly apologised after stuff like this and sometimes just bowed out or been pushed out by the establishment. 


I'm pretty sure that the media backs trump and lets him get away with anything and everything because they know he is not much more than a practical joke played on a large number of people on the right.

I think you may be right about that, too.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Jocassee on March 30, 2016, 05:01:36 PM
At the risk of detracting from this intriguing story,

Anyone want to comment on the ease of charging someone with assault for roughly handling a reporter, as opposed to the difficulty of indicting a high ranking government official who refused to secure his/her illegal homebrew email server?
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2016, 07:20:06 PM
At the risk of detracting from this intriguing story,

Anyone want to comment on the ease of charging someone with assault for roughly handling a reporter, as opposed to the difficulty of indicting a high ranking government official who refused to secure his/her illegal homebrew email server?
One involves law enforcement officials in Washington D.C. and the other involves law enforcement officials in flyover country.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: De Selby on March 30, 2016, 07:23:39 PM

That's odd. You weren't this skeptical when the media was frothing at the mouth to get George Zimmerman.


My views on Zimmerman came from the recorded 911 call and the police report.  My views on this come from the video. 
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 30, 2016, 07:25:18 PM
THE video? Which one?
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 30, 2016, 08:45:29 PM
My views on Zimmerman came from the recorded 911 call and the police report.  My views on this come from the video. 

What do you feel about the corroborative audio?
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: De Selby on March 30, 2016, 09:45:30 PM
What do you feel about the corroborative audio?

You mean the 911 call?  Start a separate thread for Zimmerman if you want to discuss.

Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 30, 2016, 10:27:35 PM
Any thread you chime in on becomes a Zimmerman thread. :lol:

My views on Zimmerman came from the recorded 911 call and the police report.  

You mean the NBC version of the 911 call, of course.  :P  But anyway, which of those sources said that Zimmerman looked like a sex offender? Also :P

Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: roo_ster on March 31, 2016, 01:08:49 AM
Any thread you chime in on becomes a Zimmerman thread. :lol:

Yeah, but DS was not the one who brought the white hispanic out to play, this time.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: De Selby on March 31, 2016, 03:35:34 AM
Any thread you chime in on becomes a Zimmerman thread. :lol:

You mean the NBC version of the 911 call, of course.  :P  But anyway, which of those sources said that Zimmerman looked like a sex offender? Also :P

I assume the clownish antics are meant to distract from just how obvious the fraud is in this case.  I'm sure many people feel justified in clowning Trump because the media keep calling him a clown.

The real joke is that a human being with actual beliefs (instead of talking points) is running for office, and commentators in the media can't believe how anyone would identify with that!
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: RoadKingLarry on March 31, 2016, 06:40:24 AM
He's got to be talking about Bernie now.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 31, 2016, 07:20:00 AM
I assume the clownish antics are meant to distract from just how obvious the fraud is in this case.

I don't care why you act like a clown. Just please keep doing it!
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 31, 2016, 10:10:33 AM
I assume the clownish antics are meant to distract from just how obvious the fraud is in this case.  I'm sure many people feel justified in clowning Trump because the media keep calling him a clown.

The real joke is that a human being with actual beliefs (instead of talking points) is running for office, and commentators in the media can't believe how anyone would identify with that!
By fraud, do you mean the charges against Trump's campaign manager, the campaign manager's attacks on the reporter, or the reporter's hurt over being grabbed on the arm?  

If it is the last, you need to look at the video again.  She was in fact pulled back away from Trump by the campaign manager.  The video is unclear on how much force was used to do it.  
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Scout26 on March 31, 2016, 11:23:25 AM
This is nothing but an attempt at a distraction.  (Just like the current "Here's two highly unlikely hypotheticals strung together.  What's your position on the result."  Abortion kerfuffle.   The correct answer should have been.  "Seriously you moron?!?!  You are supposed to be a journalist, ask me a real question about current policies and what changes I would make.....but I digress."

The reporter doesn't have a right to impede Trump's movement and refusal to answer further questions.  Getting pushed or pulled out of the way comes with the job of being a reporter, she's not the first to be jostled or grabbed by campaign staffers or Secret Service, nor will she be the last.

Suck it up, Buttercup.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Ben on March 31, 2016, 11:41:14 AM

The reporter doesn't have a right to impede Trump's movement and refusal to answer further questions.  Getting pushed or pulled out of the way comes with the job of being a reporter, she's not the first to be jostled or grabbed by campaign staffers or Secret Service, nor will she be the last.

Suck it up, Buttercup.

Yeah, but Trump's current narrative is that "She could have had a knife, or a pen!". Seems like a Secret Service thing, not a campaign manager thing. Secret Service didn't seem to be concerned.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: roo_ster on March 31, 2016, 12:21:06 PM
This is nothing but an attempt at a distraction.  (Just like the current "Here's two highly unlikely hypotheticals strung together.  What's your position on the result."  Abortion kerfuffle.   The correct answer should have been.  "Seriously you moron?!?!  You are supposed to be a journalist, ask me a real question about current policies and what changes I would make.....but I digress."

Would that GOPe and the the knights of the round keyboard had taken after left-wing opponents with as much verve.  Might have been able to pull sad-sack Mitt Romney over the finish line in 2012.

The reporter doesn't have a right to impede Trump's movement and refusal to answer further questions.  Getting pushed or pulled out of the way comes with the job of being a reporter, she's not the first to be jostled or grabbed by campaign staffers or Secret Service, nor will she be the last.

Suck it up, Buttercup.

Seeing video of the reporter in question makes me all the more grateful for my daughter, who does not whine & snivel when playing with the boys (co-ed soccer) or girls 2-3x her weight (basketball) results in her getting knocked about(0).  Compare that to a grown woman going on & on about what may(1) have occurred and how it was almost as bad as her father's death.

What's worse is the gaggle of supposedly conservative keyboard galahads--who ought to know better--self-pleasuring their inner cultural marxist for all to see.  They've got a word for that, now.

FTR, I find the video inconclusive, neither proof of or proof against allegations of battery.  Also, Trump, Lewandowski, _and_ Fields all have pasts which provide insight as to how we might weigh their post-incident pronouncements.

(0) And more bruised & bloodied than the images thus far posted about this incident.

(1) See previous post about seeing what we want to see in blurry video or images.  "I swear, I saw Gawd in my dog's butt!"


Or not.

"Hey, the Virgin Mary appeared in the windows on the side of a building in Clearwater, Florida!"


"Huh?  Well, I'll be da...."
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on March 31, 2016, 12:30:04 PM
You mean the 911 call?  Start a separate thread for Zimmerman if you want to discuss.
No the audio of the2 reporters immediately after he grabbed her
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 31, 2016, 12:34:10 PM
I don't recall anyone here saying the incident itself was some sort of violent act beyond pointing out something happened.  I agree with some comments above (and I heard the idea elsewhere also) that the incident wasn't a big deal and the reporter probably thinks that also.  It was the response of the campaign manager after the fact that triggered the charges and led to the current discussion.  As they say, it isn't the scandal, it is the cover up that gets you.  
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Scout26 on March 31, 2016, 01:22:25 PM
Yeah, but Trump's current narrative is that "She could have had a knife, or a pen!". Seems like a Secret Service thing, not a campaign manager thing. Secret Service didn't seem to be concerned.

There is some schadenfreude here of watching him fall into the MSM's trap.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 31, 2016, 08:41:37 PM
If it is the last, you need to look at the video again.  She was in fact pulled back away from Trump by the campaign manager.  The video is unclear on how much force was used to do it.  

I've looked at two videos, multiple times each. I certainly agree that the video(s) is (are) "unclear on how much force was used." In fact, to me it doesn't appear that the reporter was "pulled back away from Trump" so much as simple having had a hand laid on her arm as a restraining gesture. I didn't see anything that looked even remotely like an "assault." Based on what I saw in the videos, I'd guess that I have handled women who were strangers to me more roughly while assisting them up the (rather steep) stairs into my local post office.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on March 31, 2016, 10:50:31 PM
I've looked at two videos, multiple times each. I certainly agree that the video(s) is (are) "unclear on how much force was used." In fact, to me it doesn't appear that the reporter was "pulled back away from Trump" so much as simple having had a hand laid on her arm as a restraining gesture. I didn't see anything that looked even remotely like an "assault." Based on what I saw in the videos, I'd guess that I have handled women who were strangers to me more roughly while assisting them up the (rather steep) stairs into my local post office.
Personally, I really doubt anything violent happened either.  At this point, she is just looking to punish that campaign manager.  I really doubt the guy would get much of a fine much less jail time for the misdemeanor they are charging him with.  I doubt it will even go to trial.  It is just a political mess for Trump at this point because of the way it got handled then blew up.  Bad timing also. 

Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: brimic on April 01, 2016, 12:10:55 AM
It seems like every man Fields has been near has groped, manhandled, or assaulted her.
I can't tell if she's the type of victim that incites a predatory response in predators, a professional victim, or an attention whore.

Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 01, 2016, 08:14:44 AM
Let's also note that the prosecutor involve is a big Hillary supporter.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Ron on April 01, 2016, 08:40:12 AM
In this day and age I no longer immediately assume the woman is telling the truth. And in this case especially when taking her history of being a victim in to account.

The campaign manager is innocent of a crime as far as I'm concerned until he is found guilty of something in court.

If you are looking for problems with Trump as a potential president this is just a blip IMHO.

There are other issues with him that concern me far more.

But he is racking up an impressive list of enemies; he is winning me over by pissing off all the right people, lol.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Hawkmoon on April 01, 2016, 08:51:19 AM
I can't tell if she's the type of victim that incites a predatory response in predators, a professional victim, or an attention whore.

I think we can probably eliminate your first choice. Numbers two and three often go together, like peanut butter and jelly.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: brimic on April 01, 2016, 09:02:55 AM
I think we can probably eliminate your first choice. Numbers two and three often go together, like peanut butter and jelly.
I just threw that first option in there as pure snark.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: MechAg94 on April 01, 2016, 08:45:43 PM
Let's also note that the prosecutor involve is a big Hillary supporter.
Trump used to be one also.   =D
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: Ron on April 14, 2016, 08:13:27 AM
How's that prosecution going?

Not so good it seems.
Title: Re: New video on trump campaign manager
Post by: De Selby on April 14, 2016, 09:24:05 AM
How's that prosecution going?

Not so good it seems.

But there's a video!!!!