Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: roo_ster on August 08, 2016, 03:00:31 PM

Title: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: roo_ster on August 08, 2016, 03:00:31 PM
My Air Force veteran buddy at work likes to think of himself as a hard coffee drinker.  He likes his black & hot, no froo-froo blends or adulterants, thanks.  Stronger is better and Folgers is the standard.

So there I was...

Actually, so there HE was, at the coffee maker we hide in the lab with a puzzled look on his face.  He says, "We got coffee, but no filters.  A G-D tragedy.  Not sure if I can work without coffee.  Kind of afraid to try."

I move on up and take the coffee pot full of water he had in hand, almost ready to pour in the auto-drip tank, and it instead into the hot pot (we also hide in the lab) instead and mash the switch.  "How is that going to help?" he asks.  I tell him, "I'll throw grounds into my mug, pour boiling water over them and sip through my teeth."  "G-D snake eaters.  Can't take them anywhere," he muttered.  "What's the difference between a grunt and a caveman?  The cave man has better manners."  I tell him, "Who's drinking coffee?  I suggest you do what I do instead of whining like a little girl and people get the right idea about you."

Yup, that's me.  Un-reconstructed, over-caffeinated, and ever so sensitive to my co-workers' feelings.  Good thing we both work in a closed lab, else our employer might get the right idea that neither of us are really down with the New Corporate Respect and Hugbox Policy.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 08, 2016, 03:23:27 PM
Hugbox? You work for Temple Grandin?
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 08, 2016, 04:24:02 PM
I actually enjoy cowboy coffee. I make it all the time camping. Even on more civilized vacations where all there is in the rental is a Mr Coffee.

After the coffee and grounds come to a boil, just add a dash of cold water and wait a few minutes (you can add eggshell instead if you happen to also be making steak and eggs for breakfast). Drops most of the grounds right to the bottom. I find the taste to be just as good as what comes out of a french press.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 08, 2016, 04:32:08 PM
Just dip the coffee grounds.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 08, 2016, 04:40:49 PM
Just dip the coffee grounds.

You need a well-used sock for that method.  =D
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: zxcvbob on August 08, 2016, 04:42:50 PM
You need a well-used sock for that method.  =D

He means dip it like snuff. (Skoal, Copenhagen, etc)
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 08, 2016, 04:46:57 PM
He means dip it like snuff. (Skoal, Copenhagen, etc)

Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 08, 2016, 05:18:45 PM
Well that's hardcore then.  :laugh:
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 08, 2016, 05:20:43 PM
Sometimes you find yourself in the field with just enough water to actually drink and don't want to "waste" on coffee.

So you do what you have to do.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: dogmush on August 08, 2016, 05:50:26 PM
Sometimes you find yourself in the field with just enough water to actually drink and don't want to "waste" on coffee.

So you do what you have to do.

Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: French G. on August 08, 2016, 07:43:26 PM
I like chewing whole coffee beans. Now, on caffeine when I got into matche tea I looked at the stuff and it looked snortable. It was. =D
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: dm1333 on August 08, 2016, 08:19:33 PM
Savages.  I'm not sure what is worse, Folgers or dipping coffee.   :old:
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: 230RN on August 08, 2016, 10:42:10 PM
You need a well-used sock for that method.  =D

I've got a stainless steel screened ball and chain you put the coffee in, snap it shut and dip it in your cup like a teabag.  For tea, but it works good for coffee, too.

I ran out of paper filters cuz I thought I had another pack but didn't.

And yes, I have re-used the coffee in an old filter for the same reason. Thought I had...

It was awful.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: K Frame on August 09, 2016, 06:12:52 AM
I have a permanent filter. Metallic gold plated mesh. Been using it for years.
Title: Re: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: roo_ster on August 09, 2016, 06:58:41 AM
Sometimes you find yourself in the field with just enough water to actually drink and don't want to "waste" on coffee.

So you do what you have to do.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: 230RN on August 09, 2016, 07:00:05 AM
I have a permanent filter. Metallic gold plated mesh. Been using it for years.

Sounds like a good idea.  Source?
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 09, 2016, 07:36:27 AM

Sounds like a good idea.  Source?

Get them almost anywhere, to include your local grocer.  Try in the same aisle as your coffee products and accessories.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 09, 2016, 07:46:54 AM
Real opurators filter the coffee through their beards.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: K Frame on August 09, 2016, 08:44:58 AM

Sounds like a good idea.  Source?

Got it at Walmart.

Can get them just about anywhere...

Just have to make sure that you get the correct size and shape for your machine.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: K Frame on August 09, 2016, 08:46:05 AM
Get them almost anywhere, to include your local grocer.  Try in the same aisle as your coffee products and accessories.

At the Walmart where I shop coffee and paper filters are in a grocery aisle, and the permanent filters were in housewares with the machines.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: roo_ster on August 09, 2016, 09:35:32 AM
Not liking the idea of a permanent filter.  Bad enough when the carafe only gets cleaned annually.  ("You'll ruin it and kill the flavor if you scrub out the stains in the pot and run vinegar through the machine.") 
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 09, 2016, 09:58:37 AM
I use a percolator at home, which basically has a permanent stainless filter. I just dump the grinds and wash it out with only hot water every morning, and no problemo. It does need a coarse grind.

If you're using a drip coffee maker, then you've got bigger problems than paper vs steel.  =D

Why has Millcreek not jumped into this thread yet?  :laugh:
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: MillCreek on August 09, 2016, 10:05:24 AM
Oh, I have been reading it.  I usually use a french press, or disposable paper filters for the Zojirushi drip machine.  I used to use the Krups permanent gold filter, but the wife thought it left too much fines in the coffee.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 09, 2016, 10:22:20 AM
Oh, I have been reading it.  I usually use a french press, or disposable paper filters for the Zojirushi drip machine.  I used to use the Krups permanent gold filter, but the wife thought it left too much fines in the coffee.

You use a drip coffee maker? Is it some kind of special one that takes up 1/4 of your kitchen? :P  =D

I always thought coffee aficionados avoided drip coffee?
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: dogmush on August 09, 2016, 10:37:35 AM
I have a Chemex on my desk at work.  Just gotta plan ahead on the filters.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 09, 2016, 10:41:26 AM
I have a Chemex on my desk at work.  Just gotta plan ahead on the filters.

I'm probably confused on the definition of a "drip coffee maker". I always associate them with Mr Coffee style machines, but I reckon something like the Chemex is technically a drip coffee maker?
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: dogmush on August 09, 2016, 10:50:49 AM
Nah, A Chemex is pour-over.  You immerse the grounds and let them drain.  Good stuff.

A buddy of mine has a YAMA cold brew tower, which is technically a drip brewer.  That thing makes good coffee, but I'm not patient enough.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 09, 2016, 10:54:17 AM
Nah, A Chemex is pour-over.  You immerse the grounds and let them drain.  Good stuff.

So the coffee drips into your cup as it drains? :P

I understand the difference though - just funnin' with you. :)

Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: MillCreek on August 09, 2016, 10:56:12 AM
You use a drip coffee maker? Is it some kind of special one that takes up 1/4 of your kitchen? :P  =D

I always thought coffee aficionados avoided drip coffee?

I use a french press, Aeropress, Chemex and the Zojirushi drip for coffee; and the Pasquini Livia 90 for espresso.  If it was up to me, I would use the french press and Chemex exclusively, and I do use them on the weekends, but during the work week, the drip machine wins out for speed.  It is one of the drip machines that reaches the proper 195-205 degrees F temp for correct brewing.  And since I roast my own beans and use a good grinder, that has more of an impact on the coffee than the brewing method.

There are a lot of really good drip machines on the market these days, and you can get very good cups from them.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: tokugawa on August 09, 2016, 10:58:36 AM
Just fold a paper towel and use that for a filter.. Works fine.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: dogmush on August 09, 2016, 11:07:20 AM
I use a french press, Aeropress, Chemex and the Zojirushi drip for coffee; and the Pasquini Livia 90 for espresso.  If it was up to me, I would use the french press and Chemex exclusively, and I do use them on the weekends, but during the work week, the drip machine wins out for speed.  It is one of the drip machines that reaches the proper 195-205 degrees F temp for correct brewing.  And since I roast my own beans and use a good grinder, that has more of an impact on the coffee than the brewing method.

There are a lot of really good drip machines on the market these days, and you can get very good cups from them.

See I just use my Aeropress for work week at home.  A cup to get dressed with and a cup for the drive in gets me to work and my Chemex.  I really like how fast the Aeropress is, especially since Mrs. Mush drinks tea in the mornings so the water is already getting heated.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Nick1911 on August 09, 2016, 11:15:51 AM
Just fold a paper towel and use that for a filter.. Works fine.

I've done this in a pinch
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 09, 2016, 12:24:00 PM
Just fold a paper towel and use that for a filter.. Works fine.

Could just use an old, dirty sock also.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: 230RN on August 09, 2016, 12:31:55 PM
Not liking the idea of a permanent filter.  Bad enough when the carafe only gets cleaned annually.  ("You'll ruin it and kill the flavor if you scrub out the stains in the pot and run vinegar through the machine.")  

More guns, cameras, small boys and coffeepots have been ruined by excessive cleaning than any other single cause.


Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: K Frame on August 09, 2016, 12:34:50 PM
Not liking the idea of a permanent filter.  Bad enough when the carafe only gets cleaned annually.  ("You'll ruin it and kill the flavor if you scrub out the stains in the pot and run vinegar through the machine.") 

I rinse the filter out with warm water after using it, and run it through the dishwasher every other week or so.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: K Frame on August 09, 2016, 12:38:04 PM
Here's what you need... A siphon coffee maker.

Only takes 4 times as long to brew a pot of coffee, and only costs 10 times more than a more than adequate drip style...

Neat looking, though. And siphon makers do generally make a decent cup of coffee. Just not THAT good.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: MillCreek on August 09, 2016, 01:11:02 PM
^^^I have played around with some vintage siphon/vacuum coffee makers, and it is not worth the hassle.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: 230RN on August 11, 2016, 11:11:12 AM
Isn't the siphon type the same as an old-fashioned percolator?

Funnel on bottom to collect and direct the steam/water up the center pipe to above the coffee basket, where it sprays out onto the grounds and drips back down into the pot?
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: zxcvbob on August 11, 2016, 11:28:19 AM
Isn't the siphon type the same as an old-fashioned percolator?
Funnel on bottom to collect and direct the steam/water up the center pipe to above the coffee basket, where it sprays out onto the grounds and drips back down into the pot?  

Not the same.  A percolator recirculates the coffee over the grounds over and over.  A vacuum pot forces all the hot water thru the grounds at once.   All the water goes up the center pipe, then you take it off the heat and a vacuum forms in the lower chamber and pull it back through a ground glass filter.  (at least that's how my parents' all glass one worked way back when)

I use an old aluminum version of this:
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: K Frame on August 11, 2016, 11:29:24 AM
Isn't the siphon type the same as an old-fashioned percolator?

Funnel on bottom to collect and direct the steam/water up the center pipe to above the coffee basket, where it sprays out onto the grounds and drips back down into the pot?

No. Not even remotely close.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: K Frame on August 11, 2016, 11:31:36 AM
"A percolator recirculates the coffee over the grounds over and over."

Even worse, a percolator boils the coffee over and over and over.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: zxcvbob on August 11, 2016, 11:32:47 AM
I still like the coffee from a 30-cup electric percolator.  I don't use it very often tho', because that's a lot of coffee even for me.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 11, 2016, 11:51:13 AM
"A percolator recirculates the coffee over the grounds over and over."

Even worse, a percolator boils the coffee over and over and over.

The trick is to, as soon as the coffee starts to boil, turn the heat down so it percolates at a lower temp. Percolated coffee that boils for ten minutes tastes awful. Percolated coffee that percolates at a lower temp tastes not much different than french press coffee. At least to an unrefined guy like me.  :laugh: 

I can't argue that french press coffee edges it out, but I like to use the percolator for a number of reasons, including non-flavor reasons like nostalgia. I do mine on an induction cooktop. I start on high and stick around for about three minutes until I see percolating just starting and see steam coming out, then I turn the heat to medium low and set the timer for seven minutes. I make my breakfast for the seven minutes and the coffee and me are done at the same time.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Andiron on August 11, 2016, 07:09:09 PM
If one doesn't want to settle for Ranger Coffee,  try the Canadian method.

I shameless stole the Starbucks Via idea from those guys.  Makes being away from electric and coffee a hell of a lot more fun.

Step *expletive deleted*ing One: Adopt a firing position and make sure there are no *expletive deleted*ing insurgents around. Nothing *expletive deleted*s up good coffee like *expletive deleted*ing insurgents.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: RocketMan on August 11, 2016, 09:41:38 PM
I've got a Hamilton Beach single cup coffee maker.  You just pour a couple of tablespoons of ground coffee into a metal filter cup.  There is a coarse mesh in the cup, and a finer mesh in a second cup just below that.  It percolates the water through the grounds one time and into your cup.
It makes a pretty good cup of coffee to my taste. Better than the stuff you get at Starchucks.  I guess that makes me a heathen.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 11, 2016, 09:48:17 PM
Nobody else has used a tea ball infuser?

I went through a coffee phase and when the coffee maker broke, I made the mistake of teaching Dad my trick.

*sigh* Needless to say, he destroyed the infuser. I don't know why I let him in the kitchen.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 11, 2016, 10:30:01 PM
My wife is determined to have a coffee maker that uses K-cups. She used some Christmas cash to buy an off-brand machine, which promptly failed. It got clogged, somehow, and we never did get the line cleared. Now she is saving to get one of the Mr. Coffee machines that will do a full pot, or a K-cup.

She also went through a French press phase, which thankfully passed. She occasionally does the cold-water toddy thing, which I find quite inconvenient, and I don't much like the coffee she gets out of it.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 11, 2016, 11:03:14 PM
My wife is determined to have a coffee maker that uses K-cups. She used some Christmas cash to buy an off-brand machine, which promptly failed. It got clogged, somehow, and we never did get the line cleared. Now she is saving to get one of the Mr. Coffee machines that will do a full pot, or a K-cup.

I had a Keurig for a while. Actually three of them. The convenience of k-cups was not worth the low life expectancy of the expensive machines (though Costco swapped one of them for me for free).
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: zxcvbob on August 11, 2016, 11:11:46 PM
Wife got a Kuerig for Christmas 2 or 3 years ago.  Not the cheapest model, but maybe the next to cheapest.  It's still going strong.  She only uses bottled water in it; bulk RO water from the dispenser at Walmart or HyVee.  I'm pretty sure it would have died a long time ago if fed a steady diet of our hard tapwater.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Ben on August 11, 2016, 11:22:04 PM
Wife got a Kuerig for Christmas 2 or 3 years ago.  Not the cheapest model, but maybe the next to cheapest.  It's still going strong.  She only uses bottled water in it; bulk RO water from the dispenser at Walmart or HyVee.  I'm pretty sure it would have died a long time ago if fed a steady diet of our hard tapwater.

All I ever used was bottled water. Mine all broke with the same failing - they would randomly fill a cup with a few drops, 1/4 cup, full cup, half cup, or just sit there and make noise. Two of them lasted 1-2 years, one of them did that right when I bought it.

I will say mine were all purchased probably in the mid to late 2000's time frame, so they may have improved since then. When they worked,  I actually liked them for a quick and easy cup o Joe before I left for work. I still broke the french press out on the weekends though.
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: 230RN on August 12, 2016, 03:23:07 PM
Not the same.

Ah, I get it now. Thanks for the info.

If one doesn't want to settle for Ranger Coffee,  try the Canadian method.

I shameless stole the Starbucks Via idea from those guys.  Makes being away from electric and coffee a hell of a lot more fun.

Step *expletive deleted*ing One: Adopt a firing position and make sure there are no *expletive deleted*ing insurgents around. Nothing *expletive deleted*s up good coffee like *expletive deleted*ing insurgents.


Reminds me of cooking bacon on a hot rifle barrel video I saw a while ago.


Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Scout26 on August 13, 2016, 04:59:27 AM
Used to dip MRE coffee while out in the field (pre Red Bull days), along with taking No-doze, dipping Copenhagen in the other cheek, and smoking like a fiend.   Especially during ARTEPs.  

Now I don't drink liferjuice, so I don't make it either.*  The ex- used to use paper towels when she ran out of filters, however she let the ends hangout of the basket and once the paper towel got soaked with coffee, it would drip all over the counter.  Which she usually left for me to clean up because she was "running late".   :mad: :mad:

*- Which pissed off some of my cow-orkers at Airborne Express.  Since I opened in the mornings, it was expected that I have a pot of coffee prepared for their arrival.  At first I made coffee so thin it looked like tea.  When that drew complaints, I filled the basket full of coffee grounds and made stuff stronger blacker then my soul.  That also drew complaints.  So we went back and forth with me making tea and COFFEE!!!!! until they gave in and banned me from making coffee anymore.....which I had told them up front...
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: 230RN on August 13, 2016, 01:20:40 PM
I used to say that coffee ain't coffee until you could barely pour it.

Paraphrasing Crocodile Dundee, "Aw, that's not coffee.  THIS is 'COFFEE'!"

Say, "black" is an absolute.  How can anything be blacker than your soul?
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: Scout26 on August 13, 2016, 10:23:03 PM
I used to say that coffee ain't coffee until you could barely pour it.

Paraphrasing Crocodile Dundee, "Aw, that's not coffee.  THIS is 'COFFEE'!"

Say, "black" is an absolute.  How can anything be blacker than your soul?

Hence the joke.   :P

Ask Mrs. Jocasse, she will confirm that my soul is blacker then the blackest of blackholes.   ;)
Title: Re: No Coffee Filters? Neandercaff To The Rescue!
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 15, 2016, 08:43:29 AM
Hence the joke.   :P

Ask Mrs. Jocasse, she will confirm that my soul is blacker then the blackest of blackholes.   ;)

Don't have to have one before it can be black?