Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: cosine on December 13, 2006, 03:58:13 PM

Title: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: cosine on December 13, 2006, 03:58:13 PM
How did you chose your particular instrument(s)?

Me, I learned to play the piano because my mom wanted me to. She always wanted to learn to play the piano, but never got to. So, I had to do it for her. I'm glad I did, because I really like it now.

I learned to play the guitar because everyone else does. I also wanted a portable instrument that was good for accompaniment, because a youth group I belonged to didn't have anybody to accompany us when we sang at camps and meetings. 

Finally, I learned to play the clarinet just because. I had no real useful reason for wanting to learn to play the clarinet, except that I really like the way the instrument sounded, especially in Von Weber's clarinet concertos.

So, why do you play the instrument(s) you do? Is it something you were forced into by your parents? Did you learn a particular instrument to fit in the crowd, or because the crowd needed someone who played that particular instrument? Or did you choose to play your particular instrument just because you liked it, no purposeful reason why? Or was it something else that didn't mirror my experiences?
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: AJ Dual on December 13, 2006, 05:13:53 PM
Does "12 hours after eating White Castle" count as an "insturment"?  undecided Otherwise it was about two months of Suzuki method violin in kindergarten before they kicked me out because I couldn't master "Twinkle-Twinkle' on the one inch of bow I was allowed to use, as marked by the tape.  sad I never figured out how to read the sheet music made of little smiley faces either.

Why did I choose the violin? No freaking clue. I was five.

My best guess is that the violin looked like it had the most "gadgets", Violin, bow, the mysterious little cube of rosin, the case that held it all. Probably not a good criteria for picking an insturment. I can't even reliably play a tune on my little girl's 1/4 octave play-piano.

Mainly, I like guns, only one note, and any rhythm you want...

Speaking from experience, the guitar is probably better at getting the girls than White Castle, or Kindergarten Suzuki. Piano isn't bad either.

My BIL is an accomplished jazz pianist, he always had a girl 3-4 rungs above what you'd think was his league.

He "married up" too.

His last gf before he met the wife was about a 9.5 on "the scale". And I heard she wound up marrying a band director who looked a lot like the "Porkins" who blew up over the Death Star, except without a beard, or an X-Wing...

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: cosine on December 13, 2006, 05:34:43 PM
Mainly, I like guns, only one note, and any rhythm you want...

Yeah, but without a "happy switch" it's tough to get those paradiddles (3-round bursts) or drum rolls (full auto)...  grin
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Fjolnirsson on December 13, 2006, 06:14:52 PM
In grade school, I played the clarinet. I wanted to learn guitar, but my sister had played clarinet, so I became the bitter owner of a slightly used clarinet. I never learned to play a damn thing on it.
A few years back, I learned to play the harmonica, because it's portable, and on graveyard shift, I had a lot of free time.
Earlier this year, I started learning the digeridoo, because it helps with sleep apnea.
I'm learning hand drumming right now, because I own a belly dance studio, and classical and bass guitar, because I think they're cool.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: doczinn on December 13, 2006, 06:18:38 PM
I never learned to play a damn thing, and I wish I had.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Standing Wolf on December 13, 2006, 07:03:18 PM
I was the only kid I knew who wanted to take piano lessons, as well as the only one who never had lessons.

I spent $15 on a (sadly) used Harmony guitar when I was fifteen. I did reasonably well for a kid who never learned to read music, then drifted away from it to write and paint and shoot and stuff. I resumed playing a few years ago; between not knowing how to read music, however, and arthritis, I don't sound like much.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: K Frame on December 13, 2006, 07:20:48 PM
My main instrument was trombone. It was my Dad's, and I found it in the attic one day. Seemed like a neat thing, so I took it up and played it from 4th grade to junior year in college.

Along the way I also played, at various times, tuba, trumpet, and clarinet, filling in in the band where I needed to.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: S. Williamson on December 14, 2006, 12:22:07 AM
Mom started me on the piano when I was four or five, and I hated it (at the time).  Hated it all the way up to 5th grade; when we got to pick instruments to learn in middle school, I went with the trombone.  Hated that.  Went to cello in the sixth grade because my brother had done some amazing things with it, but had to leave it after the seventh because private schools in Georgia don't have music programs.

So, I started playing the guitar, also because of my brother.  I messed around with it a little at first, but after hearing Type O Negative's album October Rust, I was inspired to do better.  I became a guitar junkie foregoing video games, my computer, and watching TV so I could practice for 4-5 hours a day.  This continued incessantly for about five years, persisting through a move up the coast to Silver Spring, MD, going through a few bands up there, moving to Oklahoma City, going through a band or two here, and eventually died out when I started up college. 

By the end of it all, I had become proficient enough to fill any slot in a metal band, be it vocals, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards/piano, etc.  Outside of that, I picked up a few Irish instruments as well, including the psaltry, feadog, and dobhrain (not sure if any of their names are spelled right, though).  Other weird things include the digeridoo, autoharp, organ, lap steel, drum machine/sampler, turntables + mixer (though I'm horrible at it), harp, and a few other things I can't remember the names of.

These days, I'm trying to get back into guitar, as there aren't any decently good bands in OKC that I can think of.  I still play the piano about twice a week, and oddly enough it's the only instrument I can read music for.  I never do, though... it's more of a catharsis than anything.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: 280plus on December 14, 2006, 01:45:54 AM
For some reason a lot of sailors play guitar, I just got caught up in it.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: TaxPhd on December 14, 2006, 06:10:57 AM
I played classical violin for 12 years when I was kid.  In my family, you had to play an instrument, and it had to be a "proper" instrument.  Proper instruments were piano, violin, viola, and cello.  Clarinet and oboe might have been allowed under some special exception.  Electric guitar and harmonica wouldn't cut it.

When I graduated from high school and moved out, I stopped playing the violin.  Oh, I'd pull it out every 5 or 6 years, tune it up, and play a song or two, and then put it away.

Fast forward 20 years.  I wanted to play music again, and in a mini rebellion against my mother (who forced the violin upon me), I decided I wanted to learn to play bluegrass on the banjo.  So, I bought a banjo and started taking lessons.  I was having so much fun with the bluegrass, I started adding some fiddle work and then bought a mandolin.  A week after that, i was playing fiddle and mando in a bluegrass band.

Beats the hell out of classical!!

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Ezekiel on December 14, 2006, 06:17:09 AM
I played trombone through college -- jazz at 3:00 AM expains that undergraduate GPA.  (I switched from  being a music major, though, because the worlds worst pro is better than the world best amateur: and I was never going to be better than an amateur.)

I, also, play piano (reasonably well) and stumble around at bass guitar (rather poorly).  I am, also, a God of drunken karaoke.  Smiley

Odd, yet cool, things we learn about each other here...
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Brad Johnson on December 14, 2006, 07:14:41 AM
I didn't think I came across as quite geeky enough, so I'm thinking of taking up HornSuit.

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: matis on December 14, 2006, 07:15:14 AM
Does triangle count?   grin

In kindergarten I was chosen to play triangle.

At 12 my mother bought me a $12.50 mandolin (which I still have) and sent me for lessons for a year or so.

I fiddled (?) around on a guitar for a few years -- never got very good at it.

And harmonica and piano I play by ear.

In summer camp the chief cook had me barred from the dining room except for meals.  I would spend hours there every day teaching myself to play the piano.

I loved it; drove him nuts.

I've been thinking of getting myself a keyboard, lately.  Hope it doesn't cause my GF to divorce me.   grin

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: client32 on December 14, 2006, 08:44:42 AM
In junior high I played the trombone.  I was going to take band instead of art (as most kids did,) and we knew somebody that had a free trombone.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: crt360 on December 14, 2006, 12:25:33 PM
Learned to play piano as a kid.  I think I took lessons for about seven years.  I hated it then, and hardly ever play any more but I'm glad I did it.
I played violin from about 4th grade through some time in high school.  Again, I hated it, and haven't played in at least fifteen years, but I'm glad I did it.
Sometime in middle school I picked up the guitar and taught myself how to play it reasonably well (not too hard after years of piano & violin).  I played in a few bands in high school and college.  I went a long time without playing much, but lately have started picking it up a few times a week.  The end.

P.S.  I like playing drums, too, but I've never lived anywhere I could play them long enough too get very good.  police
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Norton on December 15, 2006, 03:41:20 PM
I was attention deficit as a young musician:

3rd grade - violin
4th - drums
5th - trombone
6th - euphonium, also started taking guitar lessons
7th - euphonium
8th - euphonium and trombone
9th - added tuba for marching band

majored on euphonium in college, played trombone in jazz band, tuba in quintet, clarinet, sang, handbells.

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Sindawe on December 15, 2006, 04:22:16 PM
I played the trombone in Elementary and Middle School.  It was OK, but not really my first instrument of choice.  I'd rather have played a synthesizer but those were few and far between in those days.  I gave it up when the family moved west since even at that tender age I knew that while I was technically competent with the instrument, I did not have the "gift" for music.

I've pondered taking up an instrument again, maybe Bagpipes. <Big Evil Grin>
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: cosine on December 15, 2006, 08:07:47 PM
I've pondered taking up an instrument again, maybe Bagpipes. <Big Evil Grin>

I've a friend who plays the bagpipes. Interesting instrument. Is there something about bagpipes which especially grabs the attention of your evilness?  grin 
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Stickjockey on December 16, 2006, 06:18:55 AM
Mainly trumpet, here. Took it up with a friend in fifth grade, and just stuck with it. Stayed with it until my sophomore year in college, then it sort of went by the wayside. I've also messed around a bit with:


and a few others.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 16, 2006, 03:41:40 PM
WANTED to learn violin when I was a kid, but the school wouldn't let me (grades). Still kinda irritates me: dangling a carrot doesn't work if you don't know if you'll like the taste. Might still learn violin at some point...

 Took up clarinet in 5th grade. Why? My brother had one. Then trumpet the following year, then quite music entirely for a couple years...

 Decided to start guitar in high school after playing around on a friend's. Added bass for fun. Still play 'em...

 After the Nav, picked up harp for SCA. Also picked up hand drumming (prefer a Thai Klong Ya)...

 Lately, I've added mandolin and bouzouki to my list. And I'm looking for a decent price on a couple mandolas. Possibly the panpipes...
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: cosine on December 16, 2006, 05:12:51 PM
All right, let's start a list of the instruments you want to play.

I'll start:

I'd like to someday play the mandolin, saxophone, bass, organ, drums, quena (kena), charango, and oboe.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 16, 2006, 06:26:35 PM
I'd still like to try and pick up violin, cittern, hurdy gurdy, bodhran...

 I almost forgot: I DO have a set of bones to play with, but I really haven't been able to get them to work decently...
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: 280plus on December 17, 2006, 05:42:34 AM
Saw a guy, Earl Klugh, last night. Made me want to learn how to play the guitar some day.  rolleyes

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: S. Williamson on December 17, 2006, 01:28:34 PM
I'd like to learn to play the drums better, and want to learn banjo, theremin, and how to sing (acceptably).

Is there something about bagpipes which especially grabs the attention of your evilness? grin
Remember, twelve men and a set of bagpipes makes a revolution.  grin grin
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Brad Johnson on December 18, 2006, 08:11:51 AM

Remember, twelve men and a set of bagpipes makes a revolution.

...or a overwhelming desire to choke the first dumb retard who tries to pick up those damn pipes.

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 18, 2006, 11:44:44 AM
Among the many, many useful things I never bothered to learn from Dad in my childhood:  Guitar.  Actually, I asked if he would teach me, but he protested he was self-taught and wouldn't be a good teacher.  I think he actually just recognized I would give up on it.  He also plays the mandolin.  He's a blue-grass head.

I can sing tenor, though.  My preacher is threatening to teach me to read music, which will make things easier for all of us, come next Christmas cantata.  Just got through the latest one last night. 
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 18, 2006, 12:55:36 PM
fistful: do you want to learn how to really play (as in coming up with your own pieces), or would you just like to be able to play other folks stuff? If the latter, it'd be fairly easy: you'ld just have to learn tablature (which is incredibly simple)...
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 18, 2006, 01:44:11 PM

You know I've never gone in for that originality stuff.  Smiley  Is that something I could learn on my own?  I'd need a guitar, of course, and I don't think Dad would loan me his vintage Martin Dreadnought. 
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 18, 2006, 02:17:10 PM
you can get a half-way decent electric off EvilBay fairly cheap. And tab is dead-simple to read: you have six lines, with a series of numbers on each. The top line is the top string on the guitar (low E), and the numbers corespond to the fret. Simple enough for ya? Wink
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 18, 2006, 02:28:17 PM
I hope it's simple enough.  I've always been quite thick-headed as far as music goes.  I can hear it and sing it, but sometimes I can't tell if a note is higher or lower than the one before it. 

I just noticed that I broke four thousand.  Where are my cookies, cosine?   angry
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: 280plus on December 18, 2006, 03:09:32 PM
No, no, no, you got it all wrong. Your first guitar MUST come from a pawnshop, find someone who plays and talk them into going shopping for one with you. You can find some awesome deals if you look around enough. I walked out of one once with a $1,000 guitar for $70 and that included the hard shell case.  grin
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 18, 2006, 03:57:40 PM
I wouldn't count on deals like that all that often!

 Probably one of THE best guitars out there for a student is the Steinberger. Small enough that you can carry it with you everywhere (mine fits quite comfortably in the case from my Beretta Storm), so you can practice at almost any time. Add a pocket amp, and you won't even disturb anyone (I used to practice for hours at the local coffee shop). Some examples:

Cort copy
Knock-off w/strat body
Similar to mine, except mine's a japanese made with aftermarket EMG 89s...

 And for pocket amps: here's the same one I use...

 Any other ideas or questions? Wink
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: cosine on December 18, 2006, 05:11:41 PM
Hey fistful, go ahead and learn to play the guitar. It's not all that hard; I taught myself (although I'm only able to play stuff up to the difficulty of Clapton's Unplugged album, anything harder is a bit too difficult).

I see Hunter Rose is giving you many good ideas for electric, but you might want to consider acoustic. You can play it when the power goes out in St. Louis. Wink If you have any questions in the acoustic side of things go ahead and ask!

Oh, and BTW, I'm making cookies later this week. grin
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 18, 2006, 06:29:09 PM
you can (for the most part) play anything you would normally play on an coustic on an electric, but can get an electric for much less... Wink
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 18, 2006, 06:32:34 PM
Y'all don't know me.  I'd play an electric, but I'm definitely a hollow-wood sort of guy.  I was raised on Bluegrass and folk music, and I don't intend to plug in an amp just to pick a tune.  And, I'd probably want to try classical guitar at some point.  Could I just put some nylon strings on my vanilla acoustic guitar?  

RE portability, there's at least one model of slimline acoustic out there.

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: cosine on December 18, 2006, 07:03:01 PM
Regarding acoustics...

Don't bother with the Martin Backpacker (that's the guitar in the pic you posted) if you want a slim guitar. The thing is really small, almost impossible to hold, and just doesn't feel like a real guitar. Plus, it doesn't have much of a tone, both in volume and in quality.

If you want a small guitar, there are a lot of better options. Not all full size guitars are as big as your dad's vintage Martin Dreadnought. Smaller guitars include the Seagull Grand, the Big Baby Taylor, Taylor's x12 series, and Martin's 00 and 000 models.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 18, 2006, 07:21:05 PM
I was just pointing out there were portable acoustics out there.  I'm not that interested in the BackPacker.  I think my Dad has an old beat-up Yamaha I could borrow. 
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: 280plus on December 19, 2006, 01:38:25 AM
Well, as long as you don't buy anything that has to do with "Esteban". :barf:
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 19, 2006, 02:09:14 AM
Well, if you're going to INSIST on an acoustic, there ain't much advice I can give you. I've got a Kramer/Ferrington that's fun, but I don't do much acoustic work (with a guitar)...
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 19, 2006, 02:59:07 AM
Well, if you're going to INSIST on an acoustic, there ain't much advice I can give you. I've got a Kramer/Ferrington that's fun, but I don't do much acoustic work (with a guitar)...
You soulless drudge of the corporate consumerist culture.  Tongue

280, what's an Esteban?  Stevie Wonder?  Stevie Nicks? 
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: 280plus on December 19, 2006, 03:09:30 AM
Don't you guys get a guy that calls himself Esteban and claims to be a guitar God on QVC or HSN? Were's a leather bolero looking hat and dark glasses. Has a package for three "Easy Pay" payments of $69.95 with a guitar he calls handmade that he says is the same quality as his own personal luthier made guitar and his instructional videos. He claims to have studied with Segovia. I'd like to know for how long. 20 minutes maybe. Why, it even includes a pick and a guitar strap!  You'll be playing all your favorite songs in less than one hour. rolleyes 
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 19, 2006, 03:17:36 AM
Dude, I just ordered!  I'm gonna be a total guitar master! 

Thank God I don't have TV.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: El Tejon on December 19, 2006, 03:46:00 AM
I'm very happy with my Seagull guitar. police

Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: 280plus on December 19, 2006, 04:09:03 AM
Dude, I just ordered!  I'm gonna be a total guitar master!
And in only one hour too!  grin
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 19, 2006, 04:39:18 AM
Thanks for all the advice, gentlemen. 
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: richyoung on December 19, 2006, 10:13:44 AM
you can get a half-way decent electric off EvilBay fairly cheap. And tab is dead-simple to read: you have six lines, with a series of numbers on each. The top line is the top string on the guitar (low E), and the numbers corespond to the fret. Simple enough for ya? Wink

Uh,  The top line is BOTTOM string of the guitar, the HIGH E - it's like you are looking "down" onto the fingerboard as you play...unless your name is "Jimi"....
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Bogie on December 19, 2006, 01:05:49 PM
I can't play a darn thing hardly... Not a great sense of rhythm...

But I can run sound for those of you who do...
Now, will you PLEASE try not to drop the dang mikes?
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: crt360 on December 19, 2006, 02:12:52 PM
I've got one of those little Martin backpackers.  It's a neat little instrument that's fun to play and has a very unique sound - great for CSA soldier campfire blues kind of stuff.  It obviously will not sound remotely like a D-28 or any other full size acoustic and takes some practice to figure out how to hold it.  I wouldn't recommend it as a first guitar.  Compared to twenty years ago, there's a great variety of cheap, "very good" guitars out there.
Title: Re: For those who play a musical instrument...
Post by: Strings on December 19, 2006, 10:22:51 PM
you're right, Rich... I went dyslexic for a minute. That, and i haven't looked at tab in quite a while...

 For those who want to just learn covers (without trying to figure them out on their own), check out