Everyone from Jimmy Carter to our Hollywood elite lamented that America had lost its old popularity. It was a constant promise of the Kerry campaign to restore our good name and "to work with our allies." The more sensitive were going to undo the supposed damage of the last four years.
Our home-grown leftist extremists, like socialist parasites the world over, want to bring America down to the level of the other dictatorships, banana republics, oligarchies, theocracies, people's republics, and Zimbabwe. Given half a chance, they'd gladly turn the United States into a larger, slightly more prosperous East Germany.
Hanson's essays are often depressing as @#$%^&, but always worth reading: he invariably takes the longsometimes very longview of things, and puts events in their proper historical perspective. There should be many more such writers working today.
A good essay overall, but this passage makes absolutely no sense:
By January 1, 1941, I suppose a majority on the planet the Soviet Union, all of Eastern Europe, France, Italy, Spain, and even many elsewhere in occupied Europe, most of Latin America, Japan and its Asian empire, the entire Arab world, many in India would have professed a marked preference for Hitler's Germany over Churchill's England.
Is the author saying that Poland, Czecheslovakia, etc. actually preferred to be overrun by the Nazi Germans?