Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Perd Hapley on December 23, 2006, 07:06:46 PM

Title: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 23, 2006, 07:06:46 PM
I found this very funny, especially as its first response was from Justin, locking it down.  He might have had a point without the excessive emoticons.  These can make one look silly.



Why can an imaginary thread about zombies go for several pages but when I post about the weapons in an online game (CounterStrike) it gets locked? I have seen other threads that have been locked because they are slightly off topic or not directly about guns, so why dosent THR open up a new forum for GENERAL DISCUSSION?
I dont want to post on other forums. I love the THR community and I value the opinions on these forums higher than any other forum I frequent. The wonderful communtity that has developed here is reason enough to make a new forum so that we can "take the high road" on other topics that are important to us.  [Cussing smiley]

(PS- I love the zombie thread and I am not bashing it in any way, I just want to open the scope of some of the discussion up!)
[5 flaming angry emoticons]
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: 280plus on December 24, 2006, 01:57:28 AM
Oh those unfair mods over at THR are at it again.  rolleyes

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Art Eatman on December 24, 2006, 02:55:02 AM
The learning process for some people is so slow that I'm surprised they survive long enough to achieve Internethood.

Zombie threads are at least halfway fun, and regardless of the foolishness it's about guns.  Sorta.  But, still, humor.

Internet games are several steps down in the pecking order of intellectual competency.  You really gotta be disinterested in reality to get all excited about a return to elementary school.

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 24, 2006, 03:53:53 AM
Internet games are several steps down in the pecking order of intellectual competency.  You really gotta be disinterested in reality to get all excited about a return to elementary school.
Ooh.  Prepare for some wounded outrage from the Nintendo generation.   smiley
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Bogie on December 24, 2006, 04:55:30 AM
As of late, the signal to noise has been really ugly over at THR... I dunno why I even bother sometimes... Between the gamers, the paintballers, the 16 year old terminally depressed kids with bad fashion sense who don't understand why mummy and daddy are disturbed about them wanting to put a machinegun in their bedroom window, and the folks who proclaim "the police are always right, even when they're wrong," it's been getting old...
And I'm not even gonna get into the folks who've wandered over from Democratic Underground, who keep stirring the pot with "if you're going to shoot an unarmed home intruder who is really just your drunk next door neighbor schoolteacher, what caliber should you use?" I'm rather sure that THR has appeared in more than a few liberal arts college classes as an example of the average gun owner...
And I'm not even gonna get into the gratuitious use if emoticons...
 smiley undecided undecided sad grin shocked rolleyes cheesy rolleyes cool angry angel laugh police
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: BryanP on December 24, 2006, 05:55:08 AM
As of late, the signal to noise has been really ugly over at THR...

Yes, yes it has.  I've been spending rather less time over there of late.  I've been poking my nose in over at TFL a bit more.  They still seem to be keeping a handle on it for the most part.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: The Rabbi on December 24, 2006, 06:34:37 AM
Might be a reason Justin didnt direct him over here.  Hmmm.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Justin on December 24, 2006, 07:00:12 AM
THR is having a bit of an identity crisis of late due to how popular it's become. 

I don't think that the membership who's been around really want to read the same tired Wal*Mart/Counterstrike/The NRA Sucks/etc. thread for the umpteen-millionth time, and as a result I've been closing down a lot of stuff that's not really in line with THR's goals of helping people to learn more about shooting, RKBA politics, etc.

Ultimately, I'd like to raise the level of discourse in General Gun Discussion.

Yes, this makes me a big dumb meanie. 

Oh well.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: ilbob on December 24, 2006, 07:15:54 AM
It seems to me that there are competing visions of what THR wants to be and to become, even among the moderators, much less the posters.

It is not too surprising that a board with thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of posters would have diverse opinions.

I see it as private property that the owner can run as he sees fit.

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Bogie on December 24, 2006, 07:34:17 AM
The really fun part is when someone asks about how they can make their rifle more accurate, and 76 people say it's a waste of time, because only a .308/.30-06/50 cal* will be capable of any accuracy at all, 37 posters tell them that they need to shoot Wolf instead of Remchester, 23 tell 'em they should have bought a DPMS/Bushy/Colt/Armalite/made from scratch instead of a Model-1 clone, 82 tell them that they can't own it, because it's banned in California, New Jersey or Illinois (*side discussion about the possible accuracy of a .50 cal fits in here too...), and they are residents of those states, 44 ask they why they need the rifle for home protection in the first place (and 17 discuss how to properly conceal the rifle under a black trench coat), one fellow chimes in and tells people he just bought a 20 gauge rifle, 33 claim that it takes 50 round magazines like in ZombiBlasterII, so you don't need to aim, and one person suggests handloading...

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: wingnutx on December 24, 2006, 09:10:49 AM
Send them to arfcom where thry can find a home  grin

Or send them to lightfighter, where they will get yelled at and banned. Harsh mods over there.

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: 280plus on December 24, 2006, 11:07:43 AM
Yes, this makes me a big dumb meanie.
Ya big dumb meanie!!  grin
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Mannlicher on December 24, 2006, 11:33:01 AM
thats a hoot.  Oleg really needs to have a chat with Jeff White and Justin.  These guys are setting internet records for the most locked threads in a discussion forum.  Only on rare occasions, do their actions seem justified.  It sure stifles discussion.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Cosmoline on December 24, 2006, 11:43:59 AM
Down with the mods!  Up with the ROCKERS!
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: 280plus on December 24, 2006, 12:10:09 PM
I've been staying away from General and L&P, nothing there interests me that much anymore as  was said, once you've read it all a couple of times it gets old. I've gotten great responses to questions in several different sub categories just recently. Hunting, Competition and uhhhh,,,,uh,,,,,something else, oh, Reloading. No BS at all to be found in those categories.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Target Farget on December 24, 2006, 12:17:35 PM
if threads are offtopic why are you surrised that they are locked
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Art Eatman on December 24, 2006, 01:48:52 PM
Well, there are the off-topic threads in L&P that get closed as OT.  And sure enough, the same guy will then start some sort of kindred-concept an hour/day/week later.  Like I say, slow learner.

Who needs the bashing stuff?  Hard to have much use for those who are all-inclusive in their basing:  All cops, All liberals, All English/French.  That makes thread-closing really, really easy.

I never had realized how little is known by so many about legal matters or economics or just the basics of how the real world works.  Then I found the Internet.  Ignorantnet?  Nothing like two or three guys who can't tell sheep dip from wild honey when it comes to The Law, getting into a squabble.  Really makes the world of Gun Folks look good.

Then there's the "I know my rights!" or "My rights have been stomped on!" crowd.  Trouble is, none of these doofi seem to have the slightest concept of the personal responsibilities which accompany rights.  The tone of the posts is Spoiled Brattism.  ("Aw, Art, they aren't spoiled; they can't help it if they just naturally smell bad.")  "I'm gonna do it my way because I want to, and what anybody else wants is unconstitutional!"

I'm not really exaggerating, sad to say...

Smiley, Art

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: mustanger98 on December 24, 2006, 01:57:09 PM
It is not too surprising that a board with thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of posters would have diverse opinions.

I see it as private property that the owner can run as he sees fit.

Yeah, and last I knew, Justin ain't the owner. I wouldn't have a problem if he was just shutting down garbage threads, but he shuts down threads I was enjoying too. Not only that, it looked to me like he shut down some topics where it looked to me like a poster had a ligitimate issue or question.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Vodka7 on December 24, 2006, 02:21:24 PM
Internet games are several steps down in the pecking order of intellectual competency.  You really gotta be disinterested in reality to get all excited about a return to elementary school.

Is there any need to rag on someone else's hobby?  Let's say you blow off some steam at the range with a buddy after work, while me and my buddy are playing gears of war on my couch.  You're shooting a real gun at pictures, I'm shooting a fake gun at pictures.  Neither of us is really solving world hunger here.

That said, between all the fighting, complaining, and redundancy, I've pretty much stopped reading THR, except for when I'm in the mood for a good Wal*Mart bashing post or someone complaining about gunstore owners/customers.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: griz on December 24, 2006, 02:37:28 PM
Hey Justin,
Thanks for being a Big Dumb Meanie! police  THR needs them. Merry Christmas, Griz
Title: .
Post by: Chuck Dye on December 24, 2006, 02:56:37 PM
To Justin, Art, other THR and TFL moderators who may read this:  earning the disapproval of some of those who are complaining brings you bragging rights.

To those complainers:  THANK YOU!  I find your responses so very validating!
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Ron on December 24, 2006, 03:27:59 PM
The moderation is just fine at THR.

I am involved in a lot of threads that get closed, usually in L&P.

It is easy to lose focus on the purpose of THR when involved in verbal warfare about subjects that raise the passions.

Sometimes I try and keep a thread on track but its hopeless, the thread is a runaway train.

Other times I will not even realize I got sucked into a non High Road/off topic thread until it gets locked. 

Things will slow down after the Holidays I'm sure.

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: gunsmith on December 24, 2006, 11:33:12 PM
Don't gamers have their own forum(s)?
A good zombie thread, that is well written, is a gazillion times better
then a gamer thread.

Most people do not have any clue about reasonable debate...especially people who disagree with me!
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Art Eatman on December 25, 2006, 04:06:39 AM
Vodka7, I said intellectual competency.  How fast you can wiggle a joystick and push a button doesn't strike me as being on a par with chess or bridge.

I'm quite content for folks to enjoy whatever whichit they want to.  If they're happy with it, fine.  But someone else's enjoyment imposes no burden on me to have a great respect for their mental abilities.

One thing about a free country is that you can spend your money on whatever little goodie that appeals to you.  As a Depression Baby from 1934, there's a lot of spending of money that strikes me as wasteful or foolish.  Watching the occasional checkout line, I've formed the opinion that the Gamers do tend to be in the w/f group...

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Lennyjoe on December 25, 2006, 07:01:34 AM
Like the old sayin goes..........."Can't please everyone".

I still enjoy THR and its the only gunsite I frequent these days. 
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Lee on December 25, 2006, 03:17:56 PM
The good news, is that there are a bunch of people from WAY different backgrounds and lifestyles that are into shooting and gun rights.  A handful of grizzled geezers clutching the past ain't gonna keep freedom alive at the polls.       
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Warren on December 25, 2006, 04:48:09 PM
Any thread involving dogs should be locked immediately

Any thread involving cops, doing anything more than charity work, should be locked immediatley.

And any thread involving a dog shot by cops not only should be locked but should be given a negative post count resulting in an anti-thread that sucks all like thread matter into another dimension.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Art Eatman on December 25, 2006, 05:36:18 PM
"A handful of grizzled geezers clutching the past ain't gonna keep freedom alive at the polls."

Amen.  Which is why a lot of us old geezers encourage the younguns to get involved.  Why we do bring up "the way it was", in hopes the younguns will think that's the way it still oughta be--and work to bring back those freer times.

Smiley, Art       
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 25, 2006, 08:54:29 PM
I thought the thread was funny because the poster was rather loudly demanding a new forum, rather than calmly suggesting it would be a good idea.  Had he done so, there could have been an interesting discussion on the topic, where newbies would no doubt learn of the earlier Roundtable forums.  Then again, a bunch of dweebs would have been directed here, and I don't need more competition on that front.   cheesy

It was also funny because of the apparent intensity of his anger over the situation, judging by the all the emoticons. 

It was also funny because Justin shut the stupid thing down before it got a single response.  Good for him.  Like I said, the question was good, but poorly asked. 

Then there is this idea that "shooting imaginary guns at pictures" is as worthwhile as real target-shooting.  Or that playing video games is somehow as worthwhile as reading Dickens or playing the flute, or even talking on an internet forum.  That's funny, too. 
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Vodka7 on December 26, 2006, 12:11:49 AM
Then there is this idea that "shooting imaginary guns at pictures" is as worthwhile as real target-shooting.  Or that playing video games is somehow as worthwhile as reading Dickens or playing the flute, or even talking on an internet forum.  That's funny, too. 

That wasn't my point, and you know it.  My point was that target practice is not any more intellectually stimulating than playing a videogame is.  And while I would agree that target practice does have a lot more application to other things like hunting and self defense than gaming does, you can't sit here and tell me that your brain gets involved much more aiming down some steel sights than mine does aiming a cursor.

And there are genres that people would argue are intellectually demanding (most adventure games, most puzzle games) and educational (Brain Age and all its knockoffs, well done wargames.)
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 26, 2006, 03:40:46 AM
That wasn't my point, and you know it. 
Actually, I didn't know it and you didn't really make that point in your post.  If my remarks do not apply to you, then disregard them.  But, I must say that actual shooting engages the mind more than video-game shooting.  And you were talking about "shooting a fake gun at pictures," not solving puzzles.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Justin on December 26, 2006, 01:48:20 PM
thats a hoot.  Oleg really needs to have a chat with Jeff White and Justin.  These guys are setting internet records for the most locked threads in a discussion forum.  Only on rare occasions, do their actions seem justified.  It sure stifles discussion.

Oleg, and the rest of the staff are aware of the fact that the discussions are being tightened up.  It wouldn't have happened without their approval.

Yeah, and last I knew, Justin ain't the owner. I wouldn't have a problem if he was just shutting down garbage threads, but he shuts down threads I was enjoying too. Not only that, it looked to me like he shut down some topics where it looked to me like a poster had a ligitimate issue or question.

I'm not the owner, but, as already stated, I do have his blessing.  Look, I'm not out to shut down every single fun thread.  I've had to close a bunch of threads that I, personally, thought were enjoyable, but they weren't on topic.  If a thread was on topic, and closed by mistake, there's nothing stopping someone from sending an email or PM asking for it to be opened again.

The good news, is that there are a bunch of people from WAY different backgrounds and lifestyles that are into shooting and gun rights.  A handful of grizzled geezers clutching the past ain't gonna keep freedom alive at the polls.

Y'know, I'm not a grizzled old geezer, but I think it's just lack of experience.  laugh
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: 280plus on December 27, 2006, 02:41:59 AM
If a thread was on topic, and closed by mistake, there's nothing stopping someone from sending an email or PM asking for it to be opened again.
BTDT and it worked!  shocked

Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on December 27, 2006, 01:37:59 PM
Y'know, I'm not a grizzled old geezer, but I think it's just lack of experience.

LMAO! cheesy

I guess I'm about 1/3 of the way there... "crotchety" would be a great word to describe me.  Have a couple decades to go before the "grizzled" and "geezer" can apply.  Way too young for those!

I'm glad for all you grizzled geezers, BTW.  It was a Grizzled Geezer, 5 years ago, that introduced this granola-eating, tree-hugging, backpacking, video-gaming confused liberal to firearms (originally for hiking defense, now for fun, hunting, self defense and Homeland Defense, the true use of the Evil Black Rifle) and brought his brain around to logical conservatism (not neoconservatism).

Cheers to you guys.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: Ron on December 27, 2006, 01:48:11 PM
Cheers to you guys.

Back at ya!!

We should start a backpacking thread.
Title: Re: Delicious thread on THR
Post by: MechAg94 on December 27, 2006, 02:45:38 PM
A lot of those thread do go way over the top.  It amazes me how many people are willing to jump to conclusions and make wild posts when I know they wouldn't say that if we were all in the room together.  Some people are just not interested in having a discussion.  The dog posts are a good example.

Art often actually chimes in with the voice of reason (or some close facsimile thereof). 

I remember a post about a guy getting in trouble with a court order because he was harassing hunters on the property next door.  Countless fools chimed in as to how you should be able to do anything you want on your property regardless of how it affects neighbors.  It was nuts.  I think a lot of people are just drive-by posters who fail to read an article or other posts and just blabber their first thoughts no matter how little they have thought through it. 

I normally hang out first at the Rifle forum.  Even that gets frustrating with newbies coming in and asking the same question that was asked 1 month before.  I guess I have been posted at THR too long.  Smiley