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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Perd Hapley on March 30, 2017, 01:51:19 PM

Title: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 30, 2017, 01:51:19 PM
If you've not yet encountered the new outrage about Mike Pence, then beware - it's beyond stupid.

The Left is having the usual out-of-mind experience. They're saying, among other silly things, that this means he must not be able to work with female colleagues, or must have uncontrollable urges, or that his self-imposed rules are exactly like Muslims forcing Sharia law on people. All the usual wisdom. (And you'd think those first two would be easily confirmed by the evidence, if true.)

It's very amusing how Donald Trump must hate all women, since he "grabs them by the _____," and Mike Pence also hates women, because he won't even put himself in a position to do such. I think what really bothers them is that they want every social conservative to be a closet lech. How dare Mike Pence try to live up to his own ideals!!
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: 230RN on March 30, 2017, 04:05:06 PM
D'ja ever get the feeling you're watching a people-of-Walmart video?

'Cept it's the whole country.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Marnoot on March 30, 2017, 04:10:19 PM
If a conservative man takes perfectly reasonable steps to remain faithful to his wife and even avoid the appearance of possible infidelity, it's because he hates women and secretly desires sharia law.

The article nailed it on the head. The Left wants all conservative men to be closet leches so they can call them out as hypocrites and monsters. When one takes steps specifically to avoid lechery, or even the appearance of possible lechery, they've already decided he's a hypocrite and a monster, so they just have to reverse the reasons. He's a lech? Misogynist! He denies women his lechery? Misogynist!
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: KD5NRH on March 30, 2017, 04:11:20 PM
I'm just wondering if his daughters get offended by his "no meals with women other than the wife" policy.

Great excuse on Mother's Day, though.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: DittoHead on March 30, 2017, 04:23:17 PM
he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either

That's a little weird to me, but to each their own. More beer for the rest of us  =)
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 30, 2017, 05:07:49 PM
D'ja ever get the feeling you're watching a people-of-Walmart video?

'Cept it's the whole country.

D'ja ever think you'd find anything that makes people of Walmart look like geniuses?

Anyway, is Mike Pence a monster for not dining privately with women who are not his wife? What about not boozing it up at parties unless his wife is around?

Not only is he not a monster, he sounds like he’s a smart man who understands that infidelity is something that threatens every marriage and must be guarded against.

Sounds to me like he's an intelligent man who follows the news and who understands that anyone who is anyone is at substantial risk of being accused of sexual assault (or at least harassment) if he even rides an elevator with a lone woman for one story. And the accuser will more than likely be a liberal feminist.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: KD5NRH on March 30, 2017, 05:09:29 PM
That's a little weird to me, but to each their own. More beer for the rest of us  =)

Depends; I know recovering alcoholics who won't go to activities with alcohol unless they have a trusted friend along.  He's just narrowed it to one trusted friend.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: MillCreek on March 30, 2017, 05:22:14 PM
I think the Reverend Billy Graham had a similar policy.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Jim147 on March 30, 2017, 05:48:20 PM
After eight years of bad toucher Biden they are really reaching
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: grampster on March 30, 2017, 05:52:56 PM
With the Left, they have no standards for themselves.   They live in the world of situational ethics, moral equivalence and cultural relativism.  It's hard for them to cope with folks who not only have high standards but have standards of any kind.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 30, 2017, 06:04:40 PM

As much as social conservatives are picked apart for any (real or imagined) hypocrisy in our ranks, you would not be blamed for thinking the media/Left would congratulate someone for trying to avoid temptation. But you would be pretty naive.

Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: RoadKingLarry on March 30, 2017, 10:32:33 PM
D'ja ever think you'd find anything that makes people of Walmart look like geniuses?

Sounds to me like he's an intelligent man who follows the news and who understands that anyone who is anyone is at substantial risk of being accused of sexual assault (or at least harassment) if he even rides an elevator with a lone woman for one story. And the accuser will more than likely be a liberal feminist.

That's my take away.
While I'm not someone likely to get in a position of getting political mud flung at me I generally try to avoid situations where I am with women other than my wife without an unbiased witness. There are a couple of women co-workers that I prefer to have 2 witnesses and I'll run a voice recorder.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 30, 2017, 10:57:08 PM
I long ago stopped picking up female hitchhikers for just this reason. (And, more recently, I've stopped picking up any hitchhikers, for mostly the same reason.) If there's someone broken down at the side of the road, these days rather than stop I'll just call 9-1-1 and report a motorist needs assistance. Between the chances of being carjacked and the chances of being accused of sexual (or other) assault, it's just not a good idea to be a good Samaritan these days. (Sadly)
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2017, 11:09:03 PM
Depends; I know recovering alcoholics who won't go to activities with alcohol unless they have a trusted friend along.  He's just narrowed it to one trusted friend.
One comment I heard is the wife or friend can help watch for people trying to slip something in the drink as well as preventing setups.  Considering what we have seen in the media and politics over the last year, there is very little some of them wouldn't do if they might gain from it.  I heard it commented that most people don't realize there are political groupies running around. 

But it might just be avoiding any chance of perceived misbehavior.  The media often blow minor things way out of proportion and Republican voters often fail to look closely at what the media claims.  
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2017, 11:23:10 PM

Malkin remembers why libs loved Biden.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: MechAg94 on March 30, 2017, 11:31:21 PM

Kayla @VixenRogue

Clintons = Timeless love story
Weiners = Proof love conquers all
Pences = Sick depraved weirdos

Dana Loesch


Regarding Pence and his wife, his critics are used to the Oral Office, not Oval office, so a stand-up husband shocks them.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: 230RN on March 30, 2017, 11:54:58 PM
"... ye shall avoid even the appearance of evil..."

Didn't bother looking it up, but that sounds like Paul.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: DittoHead on March 31, 2017, 10:13:52 AM
I know recovering alcoholics who won't go to activities with alcohol unless they have a trusted friend along.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense for an alcoholic but to my knowledge Pence is not one. If one of my (non alcoholic) friends decided to voluntarily install an ignition interlock device on his car I would find that a little weird too. Not saying it's a bad thing and I wouldn't go on twitter to mock him, just saying it's a little weird.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Scout26 on March 31, 2017, 10:34:49 AM
There can be no impropriety, if there isn't even the appearance of impropriety... ;)
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: cordex on March 31, 2017, 11:35:32 AM
Yeah, that makes perfect sense for an alcoholic but to my knowledge Pence is not one. If one of my (non alcoholic) friends decided to voluntarily install an ignition interlock device on his car I would find that a little weird too. Not saying it's a bad thing and I wouldn't go on twitter to mock him, just saying it's a little weird.
I'm not an alcoholic but I choose not to drink at all.  Pence choosing not to drink in public when his wife isn't around is more along the lines of abstaining from alcohol than installing an interlock.

My impression is that Pence is a man who values, trusts and respects his wife and family, and is principled enough to not let others' opinions of what should be normal impact his decision making.  That some would find those qualities to be weird is a sad commentary on where we are today.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: DittoHead on March 31, 2017, 11:51:54 AM
I'm not an alcoholic but I choose not to drink at all.
Good for you.
Pence choosing not to drink in public when his wife isn't around is more along the lines of abstaining from alcohol than installing an interlock.
That is not what he's doing, or supposedly doing according to this one line in an article. "he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side". That's different than going and not drinking.
My impression is that Pence is a man who values, trusts and respects his wife and family, and is principled..
I agree
That some would find those qualities to be weird is a sad commentary on where we are today.
I don't find those qualities weird...
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: MechAg94 on March 31, 2017, 11:54:59 AM
To be honest, I don't think most Americans find it weird.  There might be some young people who find it odd largely because no one ever talks about actually controlling their behavior anymore. 

What is really happening here is :Democrats/Liberals Good!  Republicans/Conservatives Bad!

That is really all it is.  If Tim Kane said the same thing, these same people would be bragging about how great it was. 
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: KD5NRH on March 31, 2017, 12:04:47 PM
Yeah, that makes perfect sense for an alcoholic but to my knowledge Pence is not one. If one of my (non alcoholic) friends decided to voluntarily install an ignition interlock device on his car I would find that a little weird too. Not saying it's a bad thing and I wouldn't go on twitter to mock him, just saying it's a little weird.

Or he could be like me; I've never had a problem having one or two drinks and calling it a night.  The problem comes somewhere after the fourth when logic starts to break down just a little and I start thinking I can just get drunk enough that all my problems will go away before I sober up.  It tends to snowball from there until all the alcohol (or money if I'm in a bar) is gone, and then I end up barfing all over a nurse who's trying to keep me from dying of alcohol poisoning.

Thus, I tend to avoid the temptation unless I have someone around that understands the issue and that I trust to keep me reined in.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: DittoHead on March 31, 2017, 01:11:00 PM
I don't think most Americans find it weird.

That may be true, I can only speak for what I find weird so I could be the odd one. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the phrase "featuring alcohol" but I'm assuming we're not just talking about bachelor's parties and stuff where things often get out of control.

A simple guy's night out, going to a baseball game, a brewery tour, 9 holes of golf after work, weddings, camping, heck even Friday night fish fry and high school graduation parties - at least in my neck of the woods these all feature alcohol in varying amounts. Many people do them without drinking and that's fine (not even weird), but again that's different than avoiding them entirely unless the buddy system is in place. 
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Jim147 on March 31, 2017, 01:16:45 PM
We also have to remember this quote is 15 years old
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: 230RN on March 31, 2017, 01:57:23 PM
With the Left, they have no standards for themselves.   They live in the world of situational ethics, moral equivalence and cultural relativism.  It's hard for them to cope with folks who not only have high standards but have standards of any kind.

It sure looks that way nowadays, so "Amen."
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: cordex on March 31, 2017, 02:07:03 PM
That is not what he's doing, or supposedly doing according to this one line in an article. "he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side". That's different than going and not drinking.
Assuming that's an accurate representation of his policy, is there anything at all wrong with it?
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: DittoHead on March 31, 2017, 02:11:11 PM
Assuming that's an accurate representation of his policy, is there anything at all wrong with it?

I wouldn't say so. Being a little weird is OK.

That's a little weird to me, but to each their own. More beer for the rest of us  =)
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: KD5NRH on March 31, 2017, 02:23:21 PM
A simple guy's night out, going to a baseball game, a brewery tour, 9 holes of golf after work, weddings, camping, heck even Friday night fish fry and high school graduation parties - at least in my neck of the woods these all feature alcohol in varying amounts. Many people do them without drinking and that's fine (not even weird), but again that's different than avoiding them entirely unless the buddy system is in place.

Even at those, if someone around me is drinking good scotch, or maybe a rich porter, I'm going to want one or two.  If it's a long evening of such, and the host keeps offering, that can go beyond one or two pretty easily.  A handler I trust and respect can put the brakes on that just as easily.

For that matter, do we know he's not a recovering alcoholic?  His bio says he became an evangelical Christian while in college, and that sometimes results from the sort of significant life events that alcoholism is very good at causing.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: gunsmith on March 31, 2017, 02:24:04 PM
"excuse me young feller, are you lonely"?

I'm an alcoholic, I do not avoid or seek out activities that include alcohol.
its not on my radar, generally bars are very boring to me now but if a band I like is playing I will go.
my main problem is finding a healthy drink, usually bars only have soda ( pop ) - yuck- to many carbs.

my Church encourages the same thing as what Pence is doing though, for instance single people will double date
I was told that it minimizes temptation but I also know that it says in Scripture that God doesn't temp us just our own
unholy desires in our own minds ( paraphrasing, and I'm not sure where I read it, maybe James or Corinthians )

the liberals I know hate Pence a lot more than they hate Trump.
any feces they can fling they will in the hope that it sticks.

IMO Pence would be a wonderful president  

"its good to have standards, that's why I always double mine" chris , 2017.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: MechAg94 on March 31, 2017, 03:14:00 PM
That may be true, I can only speak for what I find weird so I could be the odd one. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the phrase "featuring alcohol" but I'm assuming we're not just talking about bachelor's parties and stuff where things often get out of control.

A simple guy's night out, going to a baseball game, a brewery tour, 9 holes of golf after work, weddings, camping, heck even Friday night fish fry and high school graduation parties - at least in my neck of the woods these all feature alcohol in varying amounts. Many people do them without drinking and that's fine (not even weird), but again that's different than avoiding them entirely unless the buddy system is in place. 

I was picturing all the meet and greet political events full of lobbyists and such.  I can see finding a good set of personal rules to go by for those things.  There are always going to be people at those events looking for gossip to pass on. 
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: gunsmith on March 31, 2017, 04:27:12 PM
just to be clear, please invite me to the party!
it doesn't matter to me at all if there is booze there.
it really doesn't bother me at all if there are attractive single women enjoying a beer, i will dutifully attend any such party.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 31, 2017, 06:46:37 PM
just to be clear, please invite me to the party!
it doesn't matter to me at all if there is booze there.
it really doesn't bother me at all if there are attractive single women enjoying a beer, i will dutifully attend any such party.

Good. Then, if Fistful can't be there, we have someone else to pin the blame on.
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: 230RN on April 01, 2017, 03:43:32 AM
"excuse me young feller, are you lonely"?



I'm an alcoholic, I do not avoid or seek out activities that include alcohol.
its not on my radar, generally bars are very boring to me now but if a band I like is playing I will go.
my main problem is finding a healthy drink, usually bars only have soda ( pop ) - yuck- to many carbs.


I quit in about '93.  Saw what it was doing to some of my friends.  I figure for some it's a sin, but not necessarily for others.  I too neither avoided nor sought out drinking venues (I was mobile then).  I usually ordered either club soda with a twist of lemon or a Virgin Mary.

Funny, because once after I had gulped down a couple or three of those, it was reported to me that someone said, "Boy, that Terry can sure drink a lot."

Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: CypherNinja on April 01, 2017, 05:14:22 AM

Malkin remembers why libs loved Biden.


or Google "Biden anime memes"  [popcorn]
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: Scout26 on April 01, 2017, 11:40:08 PM
You know what Biden is saying to Hillary in that pic ??

"How about just the tip..."
Title: Re: Double standards within double standards.
Post by: 230RN on April 03, 2017, 02:29:22 PM
And I'll pull it right out.

On that one with Biden and the cop, I really hadda laugh when I saw the expression on the guy at the extreme right of the pic.  I wish they'd got his whole face in that one.