Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Typhoon on May 02, 2005, 09:00:07 AM

Title: Car care question: Front bumper
Post by: Typhoon on May 02, 2005, 09:00:07 AM
So, I love my Mustang, but I got a serious ding on the crummy front bumper.  At this point, it is just a small chunk that got gouged out, but if left untended, could grow to a large scar.  Meaning:  large flakes of urethane?  polyethelene?  Whatever?

Anyway, does anyone know of some sealant substance that I can paint onto the small ding now, so as to prevent a big problem later?  Since I am a girl, my first thought was nail polish, but I would appreciate advice about something more durable.  I already have the touch-up paint, but this requires more&

Advice appreciated.  


Title: Car care question: Front bumper
Post by: Harold Tuttle on May 02, 2005, 09:28:09 AM
i have seen powerwashing get an edge lifted and peel back paint

the problem with most products is the flexable nature of the part
a real plastic bumper paint job has a "flex additive" in the mixture

sealing the area in with touch up paint should be ok

how serious in dimension is a small chunk?
half dollar
or hand sized?
Title: Car care question: Front bumper
Post by: garyk/nm on May 02, 2005, 09:57:13 AM
Is this gouge a surface imperfection or a hole in the bumper? Most auto parts stores sell flexible bumper repair material. Any thing up to a quarter-sized hole should be repairable.
Title: Car care question: Front bumper
Post by: Typhoon on May 02, 2005, 12:19:35 PM
This is just a small ding (less than 1/4" long and mm wide).  I noticed that the poly-whatever coating on the bumper was prone to flaking off.  I thought that some sort of sealant might correct the problem before it got out of hand.  The bumper itself was not compromised.  

The touch-up paint I got from Ford seemed too thin to stop the "flake" issue.  It seems as if I need some sort of heavier coating "stuff" to stop the "flake."

Am I making any sense at all?  

Thanks -
Title: Car care question: Front bumper
Post by: Black92LX on May 02, 2005, 08:36:58 PM
post a picture. might be of more help.

alright a girl with a mustang!