Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: J.J. on May 02, 2005, 12:54:48 PM

Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: J.J. on May 02, 2005, 12:54:48 PM
Ok guys I have done lots of research on-line but I figure maybe one of y'all knows someone or has been to Afghanistan and will be able to tell me what to send.

I have a Cousin, whom sadly I don't know very well at all.  He is a helicopter pilot and is currently stationed in Afghanistan.  I am starting to send out wedding invitations and am going to send one directly to him. While at it my fiancée and I are thinking about sending him a care package.  I just am not sure whats best.  Since I do not know him well I am not sure what to send. My cousins parents couldn't give me any ideas either he has not been forthcoming in what he may need or desire.  

So to put it simply what could I send along with the wedding invitation a picture of my fiancée and myself and a letter.  I just thought that when mail call comes he will receive a really nice surprise from someone he probably will hardly remember.
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: charby on May 02, 2005, 01:00:18 PM
current magazines, klenex, beef jerky, hard candy, deoderent, microwave popcorn, instant coffee, nuts in can, playing cards, couple sunday editions of his hometown newspaper

Think about what you would miss from home if you were half way around the world with out a wally mart down the street.
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: J.J. on May 02, 2005, 01:05:05 PM
I appricate the quick response.  I just wish i knew more about what they have access to and what not.   Makes  it harder to figure out whats needed and whats not.
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: Guest on May 02, 2005, 02:12:39 PM
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: BobR on May 02, 2005, 02:29:32 PM
Cleaning cloths. Ther type that you use for cleaning a baby's bottom. Often the H2O is not available to shower with, and those things can be a godsend. I am not sure what they are called, diaper wipes maybe. It will soon be spring over there, a bottle of sunblock may be appreciated.

A theatre specific calling card could also be appreciated.  

If he is flying out of Bagram, they have a semi-decent exchange...and even a Burger King. That is why it is so hard to figure out what to send. Now days, a lot of the things that you would think are needed are available in theatre.

The hometown stuff seems like a great idea.  Look at the picture. See what they are buying?

A card signed by as many people as you can manage wishing him well would be a very welcome diversion. To him it is his job, just let him know there are plenty of people (even strangers)  who are appreciating him and the service he is performing.

Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: grampster on May 02, 2005, 03:07:27 PM
Insesrt his address to everyone on your wedding list that you are sending invitations to and ask all of them to do as you are doing.  They could consider their response part of their wedding gift to you and your bride.
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: TarpleyG on May 02, 2005, 03:37:48 PM
Send him a Surefire G2 and some extra 123 lithium batteries.  Even if he has one already, a backup is nice and batteries are always welcomed.

Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: J.J. on May 02, 2005, 04:58:12 PM
ohh tarpley if only I had the money..  I have been holding off on replacing the bulb in my e2e until i get enough money for that.  I was thinking a surefire would be nice but too rich for my blood
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: Antibubba on May 02, 2005, 06:52:08 PM
The smells of home are good, too-dry some fragrant flowers and send them.  Also, pack a variety of spices and herbs-he can use them to add some variety to his regular chow.  And after the wedding, send him a CD or DVD of the photos from wedding and reception.  If you want, maybe you can send a short video clip of you and the gathered toasting him and his service at the reception?  Just some thoughts.
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: Jamisjockey on May 03, 2005, 05:36:53 AM
I was surprised at how much access our troops have to computers.  I have been sending packages to the daughter of another Controller who is in Iraq, and sent a few PC games.  She said those were a huge hit!
Other items:  Softback books, card games other than playing cards, crossword books, sports toys (frisbees, baseballs, nerffootballs, etc).  Phone cards, postcards, magazines, newspapers.  With the internet, alot of big news items are old news to the troops, but my understanding is that they still enjoy getting newspapers and reading the other stuff.
My understanding is that anywhere that is an established base of operations has great access to personal items like deoderant.  However, they still have to pay for those items.
Title: Care package for an army helicopter pilot.
Post by: Penman on May 03, 2005, 12:52:08 PM
If you send a phone card, make sure that it's a Global card. Do not send any food items with pork, any religious material, anything that could be construed as pornography. This time of year, fly swatters and fly strips are good. Go to the post office ahead of time and get the customs declaration forms. Thell them where you're sending the package. When I've sent packages to Iraq, there were two forms, depending on the weight of the package. The forms don't have a lot of space, so for food, I listed "Food Items" with a total weight and value. That seemed to work, and it saved a lot of space on the form.  Kool Aid can be welcome, for while the water is potable, it can taste bad. AA and AAA batteries are good for small electronics, moisturizing lotion, would be welcome.