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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: MillCreek on June 15, 2017, 09:14:44 AM

Title: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: MillCreek on June 15, 2017, 09:14:44 AM

It wasn't the economy, it was anxiety over Black, Mexican and Muslim people.  Note that this study is not a creation of the liberal MSM, but of groups across the political spectrum.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 15, 2017, 09:42:27 AM
All studies reflect the bias of the people who put together the study. IMHO, it isn't valid to separate "the economy" from issues of immigration. And to lump Blacks, Mexicans (or latinos in general), and Muslims together and just label it "racism" is far beyond even being an over-simplification. It's a deliberate obfuscation.

Multiple concerns, all revolving around "foreigners," but very different concerns. And at least one is directly tied to "the economy."

• This analysis finds five unique clusters of Trump voters: American
Preservationists (20%), Staunch Conservatives (31%), Anti-Elites (19%), Free
Marketeers (25%), and the Disengaged (5%).
• There is no such thing as “one kind of Trump voter” who voted for him for one
single reason. Many voted with enthusiasm for Trump while others held their
noses and voted against Hillary Clinton.
• Trump voters hold very different views on a wide variety of issues including
immigration, race, American identity, moral traditionalism, trade, and economics.
• Four issues distinguish Trump voters from non-Trump voters: attitudes toward
Hillary Clinton, evaluations of the economy, views about illegal immigration, and
views about and Muslim immigration.

"There is no such thing as 'one kind of Trump voter'. ... Many voted with enthusiasm for Trump while others held their
noses and voted against Hillary Clinton

I suspect there were a LOT among the "He's not Hillary" group. That certainly seems to be the case among APS members.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Ben on June 15, 2017, 09:59:32 AM
Pretty much agree with Hawkmoon. That professor is vastly over-simplifying, or else has a grant.

Did some people vote for Trump for what he outlined? Absolutely. Did some people partially consider them? Likely. However, labeling them as primary causes of the majority is nothing more than "Those crackers that hug their guns and their bibles" and "stupid, uninformed flyover country voters".

Did I consider Mexicans when deciding who to vote for? Yes. ILLEGAL Mexicans. And illegal anybody. Legal immigrants from anywhere did not make it into my equation. More important to me were preserving my rights (guns, fishing, hunting, using forest service land, using my own damn property), my money, (i.e., taxes), and who that was running would be most likely to leave me the hell alone.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Pb on June 15, 2017, 10:39:36 AM
Trump did better among black and Hispanics did than Romney did... and worse with whites.  If he was trying to appeal to racism, he did a pretty sorry job.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 15, 2017, 10:40:34 AM

Did I consider Mexicans when deciding who to vote for? Yes. ILLEGAL Mexicans. And illegal anybody. Legal immigrants from anywhere did not make it into my equation. More important to me were preserving my rights (guns, fishing, hunting, using forest service land, using my own damn property), my money, (i.e., taxes), and who that was running would be most likely to leave me the hell alone.

Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: makattak on June 15, 2017, 11:54:05 AM
Err... his "analysis" completely disregards the Obama-Trump voters, who were the reason Trump won.*

*(Because the election was so close, EVERY demographic group that he won was the reason Trump won. Except maybe midget hookers. I don't think they were large enough to push him over the top.)
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 15, 2017, 12:00:10 PM
Another study/analysis/report/blood-libel saying that Republican voters are white racists? Must be a Thursday.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: grampster on June 15, 2017, 12:52:15 PM
Wait, wait, wait.....I thought the only reason Trump won was because the Russians took over the voting machines and Comey got the FBI to protect the Russian hackers while they did it. :'(
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 15, 2017, 07:23:52 PM
Wait, wait, wait.....I thought the only reason Trump won was because the Russians took over the voting machines and Comey got the FBI to protect the Russian hackers while they did it. :'(

I hates them furriners! Putin for POTUS!
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 15, 2017, 08:14:39 PM
My layman's observation is that Trump won because he's not Hillary Clinton. I think Trump would have had a tougher race against Sanders.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Sideways_8 on June 15, 2017, 09:31:59 PM
My layman's observation is that Trump won because he's not Hillary Clinton. I think Trump would have had a tougher race against Sanders.

I think Trumo would have lost against Bernie Sanders. His message just resonates with young people. I know that a lot of people my own were enamored with him. He had an appeal that Hillary Clinton will never have. But alas, the Democrats *expletive deleted*ed up and now have to whine about it.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 15, 2017, 10:25:41 PM
Trump versus Sanders would have been an interesting match-up -- outsider versus outsider. After all, Sanders was basically an avowed Independent, who "caucused" with the Democrats (whatever that means). He wasn't a "real" Democrat, just as Trump wasn't/isn't a "real" Republican.

And that's why, even though the Republicans now control both house of Congress and the White House, they haven't accomplished anything. Because Trump isn't a "real" Republican,m they're willing to squander their control of the government just to stick it to Trump, because he's not one of them.
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Scout26 on June 16, 2017, 09:16:31 PM
Sanders is no more an "outsider" then Hillary was.  He's been in elected office since 1981 and in Congress since 1991.   And in 27 years in Congress he's managed to get 7 bills passed.  3 of which involve naming post offices, and
Title: Re: The real reason President Trump won
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 16, 2017, 09:30:25 PM
I think Trumo would have lost against Bernie Sanders. His message just resonates with young people. I know that a lot of people my own were enamored with him. He had an appeal that Hillary Clinton will never have. But alas, the Democrats *expletive deleted*ed up and now have to whine about it.

That's why I was rooting for her in the primaries. Not so much so that Trump would win, but just because I assumed she would lose. Bill she is not.