Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: erictank on June 21, 2017, 07:11:38 AM

Title: So, a FB friend of mine posted this yesterday...
Post by: erictank on June 21, 2017, 07:11:38 AM
... regarding the following HuffPo story of a white man shooting a black (late) teen recently:

"Another white Neighborhood Watch guy shooting another black teenager, just like Trayvon Martin!" (the post has since been edited to remove that, and is now just a link).

I actually read the story, and see exactly ZERO points of similarity between Copley's shooting of Thomas and Zimmerman's shooting of Martin.  Not even the appearance/"race" of the shooters involved - Zimmerman was (unsurprisingly) a very-Hispanic looking man, while Copley is the whitest of the white boys.  As I mentioned in my response to the OP, Massad Ayoob reviewed the Zimmerman case exhaustively, and EVERY SINGLE CIRCUMSTANCE is different in this shooting.  It would take a legitimate miracle, or a blatant refusal to do justice, in order for Copley not to spend a long, LONG time in prison for felony murder, from what I can see.  No elements of self-defense at all, let alone "Stand Your Ground," which the article makes a major point of saying is part of NC law.  There was zero reason for Copley to feel he was in imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm, if the story is correct.

Unless there's a TON of additional info HuffPo decided to leave out (which is certainly possible), Copley is in HUGE trouble.  And in no way in a position similar to Zimmerman's.

Why is it that freaking TRAYVON MARTIN is continuing to be held up as an innocent little boy, emblematic of the alleged racism in America that has closeted KKK members shooting them for no reason whatsoever?  It's like these people don't bother to EVER read past the headline that confirms their own biases!!! :facepalm:
Title: Re: So, a FB friend of mine posted this yesterday...
Post by: makattak on June 21, 2017, 08:43:41 AM
Well, it was from last year, so it's likely played out in the news.

He's currently out on bond awaiting trial for murder, at least according to the last local reporting (in February). I think that reflects the massive dissimilarities to Zimmerman.

His defense is that he was responding to several youths pulling guns when he called down to ask them to be quiet. (I'm going to assume it wasn't done politely, but that information isn't available.)

It's a difficult issue, if true. Several people on your lawn, threatening you with guns- are you justified in firing first? (Again, IF his side of the story is true.)

(Now, there's a claim that he might not have been trying to shoot anyone -which may or may not be part of his defense, I can't tell since the trial hasn't started as far as I can tell- and if THAT is true, he's guilty of at least manslaughter.)  
Title: Re: So, a FB friend of mine posted this yesterday...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on June 21, 2017, 01:27:51 PM
... regarding the following HuffPo story of a white man shooting a black (late) teen recently:

"Another white Neighborhood Watch guy shooting another black teenager, just like Trayvon Martin!" (the post has since been edited to remove that, and is now just a link).

I actually read the story, and see exactly ZERO points of similarity between Copley's shooting of Thomas and Zimmerman's shooting of Martin.  Not even the appearance/"race" of the shooters involved - Zimmerman was (unsurprisingly) a very-Hispanic looking man, while Copley is the whitest of the white boys.  As I mentioned in my response to the OP, Massad Ayoob reviewed the Zimmerman case exhaustively, and EVERY SINGLE CIRCUMSTANCE is different in this shooting.  It would take a legitimate miracle, or a blatant refusal to do justice, in order for Copley not to spend a long, LONG time in prison for felony murder, from what I can see.  No elements of self-defense at all, let alone "Stand Your Ground," which the article makes a major point of saying is part of NC law.  There was zero reason for Copley to feel he was in imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm, if the story is correct.

Unless there's a TON of additional info HuffPo decided to leave out (which is certainly possible), Copley is in HUGE trouble.  And in no way in a position similar to Zimmerman's.

Why is it that freaking TRAYVON MARTIN is continuing to be held up as an innocent little boy, emblematic of the alleged racism in America that has closeted KKK members shooting them for no reason whatsoever?  It's like these people don't bother to EVER read past the headline that confirms their own biases!!! :facepalm:

Hands up, Don't shoot!
Title: Re: So, a FB friend of mine posted this yesterday...
Post by: mellestad on June 21, 2017, 03:10:02 PM
It's HuffPo--of course it's alarmist and wildly inaccurate. HuffPo is the Breitbartof the left. If people get most of their news from them, they're going to have a very specific slant to how they see news.
Title: Re: So, a FB friend of mine posted this yesterday...
Post by: MikeB on June 22, 2017, 10:45:55 AM
So he's using the Biden defense?

“Well, I don’t know if they’re shot or not, ma’am. I fired my warning shot like I’m supposed to by law. They do have firearms, and I’m trying to protect myself and my family.”