Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on January 02, 2007, 04:16:24 PM

Title: Too young for this...
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on January 02, 2007, 04:16:24 PM
I'm headed off to the Orthopedic Surgeon's office tomorrow.

I've been delaying this for a long, long time.  But alas; the hip has deteriorated to the point where a walk from the WallyWorld parking lot, a quick trip around the store to pick up 4-5 items, and the walk back to the car leaves me covered in sweat, hurting like a b!tch, and shaking from the pain.

Honey's sick of seeing me either sitting in the La-Z-Boy, laying in bed, or hobbling to/from the car.

So, at 45 years old, I get to be (more) bionic.  How much metal do I have to have before I trip the detectors?  The titanium rod in the right leg doesn't.  Wonder if the addition of a ball/socket on the other side will be enough?

I thought hip replacements were the turf of the 80-year old grandpa's who've worn 'em out over a lifetime of hard living and poor nutrition.

Doc (who's in Auburn) says "ever heard of Bo Jackson?" (I say of course) "he's worn out his original and two artificials.  We figure on having to do another one for him before too much longer."

Turns out large, athletic, active men do this to themselves with some regularity. 

Sorry to be such a whiner, I'm just not a big fan of being cut on. 
Had the knee fixed last year (much less invasive/serious surgery), and now this.

Hope I'll be done after this one for a long, long time...
Anyway, just needed to vent some.  I'll follow up and mention what the doc says after tomorrow's visit.

Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: zahc on January 02, 2007, 04:21:32 PM
I'll be in the same boat as you. I'm only 21, but I already have a bad hip, and I assume it's not going to get any better. Along with my bad shoulders, it's enough to make me wish I had sat on my ass playing videogames in my teenage years, rather than getting excercise like everyone says to.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: grampster on January 02, 2007, 05:11:39 PM
Hey Fig.  Hang in there.  I'll have a couple of sips of RedBreast for you when you come out of surgery.

Seriously, good luck.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: onions! on January 02, 2007, 05:13:02 PM
October 2006.Stepdad-6'2",280,58 yrs old-has LH hip replaced.Christmas 2006-back to work for a week,pain free on that side for the first time in years,& looking forward to March '07(gettin the RH side done before golf season).
I didn't mention that he's 6'2" on the replaced LH side.He's only 6'00" on the RH side.
The hip implant looks like something used to whack nights off of their ponies.Icky kool.

Me,37,first knee surgery last year.Doc says that I'll need a new set by the time I reach your age.Hips*might*make it a bit longer.

I don't envy you the pain or the stigma (old man!).But to able to be pain free & mobile-it's worth it!
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: mustanger98 on January 02, 2007, 05:17:49 PM
I'm 32. I had both hips replaced right before I turned 28. The difference is both of mine were fused solid by a spondyloarthropothy that also fused my back. I wouldn't feel too aweful bad if I were in your position.

As to setting off detectors, I went through a set in a courthouse last year. I told 'em in advance I had both hips replaced, steel shanks in my riding boots (that's part of boot construction). The guard said even if those didn't set off the detectors, my belt buckle probably would. Every bit of it did, individually.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 02, 2007, 05:26:32 PM
Many parts of the human body were poorly designed (or evolved poorly, if that's your view).

And, of course, many of us have abused those parts by working them beyond their tolerances.

If you've done your homework checking out doctors, put your trust in them and the nursing staff, and take your time healing.

Good luck, and my prayers are with you.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Nightfall on January 02, 2007, 05:52:53 PM
Best of luck, man. We're all hoping for the best.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: doczinn on January 03, 2007, 05:31:55 AM
Many parts of the human body were poorly designed (or evolved poorly, if that's your view).
I'd say we evolved ideally for how we lived up until a few thousand years ago. Then society started evolving real fast, and our bodies just haven't caught up yet.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: El Tejon on January 03, 2007, 05:55:27 AM
Feel your pain, Fig.  I ripped my left Achilles to pieces in September and popped my right hip while sparring in December; I now limp from both side. grin

I wish you a speedy recovery. police
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: wingnutx on January 03, 2007, 06:04:30 AM
Good luck!

A friend of mine in his early 30's just had his hip replaced. AIDS will do that to ya.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Guest on January 03, 2007, 02:15:36 PM
Good luck with the replacement gear!

Everyone I know whose gotten new stuff says it was well worth the operation. Hopefully, that will be the case for you, too.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on January 03, 2007, 02:50:49 PM
Thanks everybody!
The knife attack will commence the morning of Jan 18th.

Young, stellar surgeon, very upbeat at today's meeting, really attentive to my concerns and willing to take the time to answer questions and discuss pros & cons of various kinds of hip joints, what's new both now and on the horizon.

Best part is, he's going to try to acommodate my wild-assed request to keep the ball joint to make into revolver grips or a cane handle.

Nobody ever told you guys I wasn't insane!!!

Thanks again for the well-wishes.

Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: mtnbkr on January 03, 2007, 04:27:02 PM
Best part is, he's going to try to acommodate my wild-assed request to keep the ball joint to make into revolver grips or a cane handle
Oh man, what a wicked set of grips that would be. Cheesy

If you have enough for two sets, I'll take a set for a round butt j-frame. Smiley

We could be joined at the hip. Har har! Cheesy

Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Antibubba on January 03, 2007, 10:33:05 PM
Maybe you should change the back half of your name to "Fig New TiN".   grin

Best of luck to you
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: CAnnoneer on January 19, 2007, 12:12:09 PM
Good luck with the procedures!

That being said, I look forward to bionics advancements. It would be downright wicked to have all major bones, joints, and ligaments replaced with titanium alloys and polymer fibers. A lot of problems will be circumvented that way.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on January 19, 2007, 03:36:53 PM
Thanks for the good wishes.

A small snag...pre-op testing gave an abnormal EKG.
I'm seeing a cardiologist yesterday/today, will have results Monday.

We may only be delayed by a week or two...I hope.

Thanks for being there, folks!
Title: Re: Too young for this...UPDATE
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on January 24, 2007, 01:30:06 PM
Well, the EKG was an aberration.  Cardiologist gave the okay, and I'm headed to the hospital at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow morning.

I'm first on the dance card (for which I'm thankful), and will be incommunicado for several days.

Please send prayers, warm wishes, good thoughts and healing winds my way.

You guys are greatly appreciated.

See you on the Other Side,
Title: Re: Too young for this...UPDATE
Post by: cosine on January 24, 2007, 01:32:32 PM
Please send prayers, warm wishes, good thoughts and healing winds my way.

Will do. Hope all goes well.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: RocketMan on January 24, 2007, 07:53:06 PM
Fig will be dancing a jig in no time.
Good luck!
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: BakerMikeRomeo on January 24, 2007, 08:17:10 PM
I'd say we evolved ideally for how we lived up until a few thousand years ago. Then society started evolving real fast, and our bodies just haven't caught up yet.

You can say that again. We were doing just fine chasing after ugly fuzzy things with pointy sticks and rocks for jillions of years, and then some nutbag went and invented motorcycles and leaping off of dangerous things for fun and we've been all crunched up since then.
Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: BrokenPaw on January 26, 2007, 12:35:45 PM
Little bit of an update:

Fig's surgery apparently went well, and he is recovering as well as can be expected at this point.

I know he appreciates all of the prayers and well-wishes, so please keep them up on his behalf.

Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Brad Johnson on January 26, 2007, 12:39:46 PM
Glad to hear he's on the mend.

Take the man some good scotch and better cigar. May not help but it sure can't hurt.

Title: Re: Too young for this...
Post by: Nightfall on January 26, 2007, 02:35:38 PM
Good to hear all went well!