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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: richyoung on January 08, 2007, 11:51:13 AM

Title: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: richyoung on January 08, 2007, 11:51:13 AM
...after all the fawning obituaries, I gotta get the truth off my chest.  After war and secure borders, sound money is the most important job government has...and G.Ford thought inflation could be stopped with 'WIN" buttons - as opposed to -

Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: The Rabbi on January 08, 2007, 01:31:57 PM
Cut the guy some slack.  He was dealt a weak hand to begin with, starting with the fact that he hadnt been elected either President or Vice President.  Add in a vindictive Congress and a Republican Party ducking for cover and it is short of amazing he did anything at all.
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: Ron on January 08, 2007, 01:53:27 PM
He vetoed a lot of democrat bs bills, not bad for a moderate.
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: mustanger98 on January 08, 2007, 02:10:55 PM
And from what I understand, Mr. Ford would've backed up our South Vietnamese allies, but that vindictive DemocRAT majority-held Congress wouldn't let him.
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: roo_ster on January 08, 2007, 02:51:07 PM
Mediocre is fair to Ford.

He vetoed lotsa bills, but considered his appt of John Paul Stevens the best act of his presidency.  angry

Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: Cosmoline on January 08, 2007, 05:08:07 PM
Forget the stupid buttons--Ford appointed Paul Volcker. 
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: K Frame on January 08, 2007, 06:22:21 PM
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: Dannyboy on January 09, 2007, 03:44:46 AM
and G.Ford thought inflation could be stopped with 'WIN" buttons - as opposed to -


Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what he was thinking.  "Curse you, inflation!  Let's see how you like this." [begins flinging "WIN" buttons like ninja throwing stars]
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: MechAg94 on January 09, 2007, 04:17:09 AM
How much control over the Fed does the President actually have after the appointment?
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 09, 2007, 04:22:41 AM
OK, what's a WIN button? 
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: The Rabbi on January 09, 2007, 04:42:48 AM
How much control over the Fed does the President actually have after the appointment?

None in principle.  Generally though the President has "moral suasion" and can use it.  Nixon very succesfully lobbied Arthur Burns to keep rates low.
Volcker btw was a top pick.

OK, what's a WIN button?

Boy do I feel old.  WIN was Ford's program to "Whip Inflation Now."  You could send off for a little lapel button to show you were against inflation.  I wish I had done that.  Cant imagine what they are worth now.
Of course if he had wanted to reduce inflation he could have raised interest rates, reduced taxes, lessened government regulation.  Sort of like another president did.
Title: Re: Gerald Ford - mediocre president at best
Post by: K Frame on January 09, 2007, 06:01:42 AM
"Cant imagine what they are worth now."

Last time I checked, about $4 in pristine condition.