Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ben on November 07, 2017, 10:02:42 AM

Title: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2017, 10:02:42 AM
Just watching a few of these Trump videos as he mingles with the military reminded me of something I've always wanted an answer to. Why does almost everyone grab two glasses with their chow in the galley/mess?

When I would eat in those places when on a base, I just copied the guys I was eating with and filled two glasses with coke and I guess never asked out of giving the impression that I didn't know what I was doing (I didn't  :laugh: ).

Is it just because you sit down and eat and don't get up till you're done, or is there some other reason/tradition?
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: BobR on November 07, 2017, 10:30:26 AM
Because they are small glasses? I seldom ate in the galley, being Aircrew I was always on ComRats (commuted rations), they paid me to eat somewhere else.

Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Ben on November 07, 2017, 10:39:56 AM
Because they are small glasses? I seldom ate in the galley, being Aircrew I was always on ComRats (commuted rations), they paid me to eat somewhere else.


That might be the Occum's Razor. They were always pretty small glasses as I recall.
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Fly320s on November 07, 2017, 10:47:56 AM
Small glasses and you only get to go through the line once.
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: T.O.M. on November 07, 2017, 10:48:42 AM
What Fly said...
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Scout26 on November 07, 2017, 11:33:42 AM
What Chris said. ..
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: slingshot on November 07, 2017, 11:37:46 AM
I would assume it's because the glasses are small such as used in college dining halls.  In college, I would grab 2 or 4 glasses and often get refills. 
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: RevDisk on November 07, 2017, 04:21:12 PM

What Ms Shumer said.

Small glasses. I always got two different drinks. Because.
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 07, 2017, 04:59:23 PM
We didn't get drinks when I was in. The military's gotten all soft since I left...   :old:
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Fitz on November 07, 2017, 05:09:11 PM
small glasses + basic training conditioning.
Infantry OSUT:

"TWO GLASSES, f *expletive deleted*faces. ONE WATER, ONE POWERADE. NO SODA, NO MILK. HURRY THE *expletive deleted*ck UP GET YOUR *expletive deleted*it AND SIT DOWN"
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: French G. on November 07, 2017, 07:00:45 PM
small glasses + basic training conditioning.
Infantry OSUT:

"TWO GLASSES, f *expletive deleted*faces. ONE WATER, ONE POWERADE. NO SODA, NO MILK. HURRY THE *expletive deleted*ck UP GET YOUR *expletive deleted*it AND SIT DOWN"

I am 6'1" 215 and pretty healthy. Entering boot camp I was same height and 168. I left at a starved 153. First week I missed some food, didn't eat it all in the time allowed. Now 23 years later I still struggle to slow down and not eat like a feral dog.

Most of my Navy boat time we had plastic 16oz glasses and besides we had our own drink line two steps away in our first class mess. So, one glass. First boat I was a part of a brief experiment in treating us like humans, we got enough 8oz glass glasses and China plates for 5000 people. Well, folks didn't like the small glasses or the plates, they missed the trays. And so there I was, washing dishes as fast as humanly possible in the scullery. And you would hear a Beavis giggle or a "watch this" from the line outside. Step aside as plate, glass or both shatters against back wall. Aim hose out window and cuss them too. We filled several mop buckets a meal with broken pieces.
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: dogmush on November 07, 2017, 07:04:15 PM
small glasses + basic training conditioning.
Infantry OSUT:

"TWO GLASSES, f *expletive deleted*faces. ONE WATER, ONE POWERADE. NO SODA, NO MILK. HURRY THE *expletive deleted*ck UP GET YOUR *expletive deleted*it AND SIT DOWN"

That right there.  "Cup your hands over the top of the glasses, hold them at name tape level!"
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Devonai on November 07, 2017, 07:50:51 PM
Infantry OSUT:

TWO GLASSES, f *expletive deleted*faces. ONE WATER, ONE POWERADE.

We didn't get Powerade until week 10.

I know I lost weight at Benning, because my BDUs were hanging off my hips at one point.  But having no access to a scale, I didn't know how much.  By the time we got to week 12, we were allowed a luxurious ten minutes for dinner, and I ended up going home at the same weight I arrived at.
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Fly320s on November 07, 2017, 08:40:07 PM
We didn't get Powerade until week 10.

Powerade?  We got bug juice, you powderpuff.
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Andiron on November 07, 2017, 08:56:34 PM
small glasses + basic training conditioning.
Infantry OSUT:

"TWO GLASSES, f *expletive deleted*faces. ONE WATER, ONE POWERADE. NO SODA, NO MILK. HURRY THE *expletive deleted*ck UP GET YOUR *expletive deleted*it AND SIT DOWN"

Hmmm,  our DIs straight up demanded we drink milk (but the gods have mercy on your pathetic recruit souls if you so much as LOOK at the chocolate side)
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: Scout26 on November 08, 2017, 12:36:20 AM
Yep, in Basic, two glasses of white milk or water.  Every meal.  No refills.  Heaven help you if you got chocolate milk.  Coke/Pop/Soda dispenser at the end of the chow line.  Don't even think about it.  First time we could anything from that dispenser was post-graduation lunch with family.  Only got bug juice instead of milk out in the field.  Warm, sticky, gave everyone colored mustaches.   Tasted like heaven.

AIT we could have anything.
Title: Re: Military Folks - Two Glasses?
Post by: RevDisk on November 08, 2017, 09:08:15 AM

In Basic, one of our drill sergeants was insane. I don't mean "drill sergeant pretending to be insane", I mean "Relieved by CID for being insane". Being a bunch of morons who thought basic was supposed to be Full Metal Jacket, we assumed being chased with a bayonet was normal means of motivation to run faster. Same with being left for an entire night in the front leaning rest. Or being handed an extra mag, and being told to mag dump into the crazy private if he went nutter at the BRM, and that my rifle qual would depend on how many rounds I put center of mass if not in the pit or his helmet if in the pit. After all of our drill sergeants were relieved or transferred, we were so auto-private that we creeped out the drill sergeants they brought in as replacements.

Crazy DS showed up for the end of Basic ruck march. After being relieved. Dude just walked out of the bush in gear, and gave us orders. I'm vaguely sure that one is not supposed to ruck march troops through a brush fire. Boots partially melted. I'm about 90% certain he technically kidnapped us.

So, yep. We were firmly told one water, one generic powerade thingie. No refills. You could not drink them on the way to sitting down, because that was forbidden. But you could sneak draining them on the way to dumping everything. Food time was dictated by performance. Between one and four minutes. Once we were rewarded with one glass of orange juice. Milk was a threat, not a treat. Even looking at chocolate milk was a bad idea. Very bad idea. "Low crawling in chow line, WHILE reading smart book, for everyone" bad idea.