Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: K Frame on January 12, 2007, 06:54:03 AM

Title: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: K Frame on January 12, 2007, 06:54:03 AM
Last night was the final straw. The store near me is convenient, but I'll be damned if I ever set foot in it again.

"I thought I'd take a moment to tell you why I will never set foot in the Nutley Street Safeway again, and likely will never shop in a Safeway anywhere. I'll probably continue to buy gas there on occasion, but that's infrequent, at best.

Safeway has been going downhill in Northern Virginia for quite some time. Despite a shiny new store at Nutley Street, it's icing over poor management, poor staff, and poor selection, but tonight really took the cake.

I entered the store at roughly 7:15 p.m., thinking it would be nice to get a salad from the salad bar. Guess what? Despite a sign that says that the salad bar is open until EIGHT p.m., staff had already taken roughly half of it away -- no lettuce and many of the side items were gone, as well.

This is NOT a random happening, either. Staff at the Nutley Street store apparently feels that the salad bar can, and should, come down whenever the hell they feel like taking it down. A few months ago I was in the store at 6:30 p.m., and staff was busy dismantling the salad bar.

Why bother with a time on the sign at all? Why not just replace the time with "Your guess is as good as ours," or "Whenever we feel like it." The effect would be the same.

Quickly retrenching, I decide to head for the Safeway Select pasta that was on sale. On the way I went to the cheese case to get some Pecorino Romano.

Nice selection of cheeses in the case.

The only thing missing?


I found prices for roughly 1/3rd of the cheeses in the display. The rest? No prices anywhere. I guess they might have been free, or it might have been just another case of management letting staff slack off and not worry about things like the customer wanting to know how much a block of Stella cheese is. After all, I guess if you have to ask how much it is, you can't afford it at Safeway.

So, off to the Safeway select pasta. Only... Staff is at it again. The cases haven't been stocked. There were FOUR bags of beef ravioli in the case. FOUR! Everything else was out of stock. That must have been one heck of a 3 to 7 p.m. dinner rush crowd to completely empty that case without any of the staff noticing it.

Actually, poorly stocked shelves are a COMMON occurence at the Nutley Street store no matter what time of the day I've been in there.

In utter disgust, I grabbed a bag of beef ravioli, which I don't really like, just because I wanted out of your store and I wanted dinner.

Then, the final straw.

There were 4 chekouts open, but there were nearly 60 people waiting in line. The woman behind me got disgusted and went to customer service to ask that more checkouts be opened. Her response, reported loudly to everyone in the rest of my line? "They say there's no staff to open
more checkouts."

Only one thing kept me from dropping my basket and leaving -- a checker named Fatema (I believe that was her name). She was doing her very best to move people through her line as quickly as possible. For that she, and
she alone, is to be commended.

All in all, the Nutley Street Safeway is a shiny new store that is rife with serious, pervasive, and ongoing problems.

I, for one, am tired of being constantly pissed off and frustrated by the time I get out of the Nutley Street store.

So, despite the fact that the store is less than 1 mile from my home, in the future I will drive PAST the Nutley Street Safeway to get to the Giant in Oakton, or the Giant in Camp Washington.

Congratulations, you've lost a customer, and unless you turn the Nutley Street store into either a Giant or Harris Teeter, there's little chance of me ever coming back to your chain."
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: BozemanMT on January 12, 2007, 06:59:32 AM
If you actually get a response, i bet it says something like "well, here at Safeway customer service is #1"

Lying bastiges.

Good on ya for speaking with your feet.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Sindawe on January 12, 2007, 07:08:37 AM
BRAVO!!!  Not that Safeway will give a damn.  Big chains rarely do.  I had the "unpleseant" experience of being accused of theft and detained at a King Sooper's about a mile away from my home, called and wrote 'em about it.  Not a word.  So no more King Sooper's/City Market/Krogers for me.

Safeway has gone down hill.  There is an older store about 1.5 miles from me.  Selection is not great, 'specially on fresh produce which is the bulk of my grocery bill.  The Deli is a joke, MAYBE three varieties of meat and cheese.  Peanut butter is Jiff, Peter Pan and house brand, ALL of which have added sugar.   A much newer store about two miles in another direction is very flashy and upscale, but with the same piss-poor selection.  The only good thing I can say about 'em is that the staff is eager to help the customer.  Everytime I run into them they are always asking if I need help finding stuff.  OH, and they still carry the large bags of roasted coffee beans that everybody else has stopped stocking.

So my grocery bill is split 'tween Albertson's and Whole Foods.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Eleven Mike on January 12, 2007, 07:16:22 AM
Your complaints sound quite valid.  I wonder if they will take them seriously, considering your tone. 
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: charby on January 12, 2007, 07:20:03 AM
I usally do our grocery shopping after 9pm when my wife gets off work. The store (HyVee) usually is still pretty busy, but they only have 2-3 checkouts open and each of them is usually three people deep in line. You'd think that they would have more lines open?

Also the store has 4 self checkout lanes which are about as worthless as tits on a boar if you buy alcohol, need smokes or purchase items that need to be weighed. I once asked the store manager if I could get a discount if I used the self cehckout because it didn't require a staff member to check me out and a boy to bag my groceries. He looked at me funny.

The store is clean, stuff is priced and the deli counter stays open until its posted times and you can get anything they offer up until that time.

Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: mtnbkr on January 12, 2007, 07:30:58 AM
Other than that time we went to the Safeway in Gainesville to get the pork shoulders that were on sale, I haven't shopped at a Safeway in years.  They're frequently as dirty as Food Lion, poorly staffed, and organized in a strange way. 

Regarding the cheese issue, many grocery stores tend to not price the various "gourmet" cheeses.  I don't know why, but they do.

The manager that claimed they didn't have staff for the registers should've jumped on one herself.  Back when I was in HS, the manager and assistant manager of the Krogers I worked at would get on a register if things were that bad.

Anymore, I pretty much only go to Giant or Shopper's Food Warehouse.  I'll hit Whole Foods if they have something I need unavailable elsewhere.

Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: K Frame on January 12, 2007, 07:37:11 AM
"organized in a strange way."

Oh lord, don't get me started about Safeway's "meal type" store organization.

They seem to have abandoned that, though.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Werewolf on January 12, 2007, 08:06:18 AM
Well - if Safeways in VA are like Safeway's in OK then they're union shops (UFCW). You actually expect good service and efficient operation from that?
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: K Frame on January 12, 2007, 08:10:15 AM
Well - if Safeways in VA are like Safeway's in OK then they're union shops (UFCW). You actually expect good service and efficient operation from that?

Giant, Harris Teeter, and I believe Wegeman's in Virginia are all union shops, as is Safeway.

I don't have any problems with service or efficiency at Giant, Harris Teeter, or Wegeman's.

So, I guess the union factor really isn't part and parcel to this, now, is it?  rolleyes
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: mtnbkr on January 12, 2007, 08:35:16 AM
Add Krogers to that list.  At the Krogers I worked at, 15 years ago, the union employees were no better or worse than the non-union ones.  We had one or two union crybabies, but mostly everyone did their job.

Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Twycross on January 12, 2007, 09:15:48 AM
Yeah, I work in a Safeway and we ain't exactly the best there is.  undecided

There are strict limitations on how much manpower we can pay, and it's never enough. So we frequently have backed-up lines at the checkstands. We are frequently out-of-stock on all sorts of things due to the antiquated ordering system. And the unionization makes it hard to get rid of problem employees. Our store manager is pretty good at getting rid of them in the interview stage, but a few still slip in and stay.

All in all, Safeway itself is ailing.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: HankB on January 12, 2007, 09:43:32 AM
Here in the Austin, TX area, one of our local grocery chains is Randall's . . . which was purchased by Safeway several years ago.

Since the purchase, I've seen staffing, selection, and quality go downhill. (Strangely enough, prices haven't been reduced to pass on the savings . . . quite the contrary. )

What ticks me off is that they're carrying more of their own "Safeway" brands, which are usually inferior to the national brands they used to devote shelf space to.

I find I hardly ever shop there unless it's just to dash in for milk and bread or something . . . and judging by the general lack of customers with full carts, I'm not alone in this regard. Most of the time I end up at H*E*B for groceries. (Though the latter isn't without it's own set of problems . . .)
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 12, 2007, 12:18:19 PM
Great letter, Mike. I know you didn't mean it to be funny, but some of your comments had me laughing like crazy.

Glad there's no Safeways around here.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Standing Wolf on January 12, 2007, 12:41:58 PM
The Safeway near me was recently remodelled. It's now darker than ever.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: K Frame on January 12, 2007, 02:45:34 PM
The Safeway near me was recently remodelled. It's now darker than ever.

You know, you're right, Standing Wolf!

The old store was quite bright.

The newly remodeled store? Very dark. Dreary, as matter of fact.

When I go shopping, I want to SEE what I'm buying. I don't want to feel like I'm on a bad date at a crappy restaurant where they use lack of lighting to cover up the fact that the place sucks ass.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Fjolnirsson on January 12, 2007, 03:47:14 PM
I try really hard to support local businesses, (seeing as how I own one myself), and even though Safeway is a huge chain, at least shopping there helps feed local employees. No more. They've driven me to Walmart, of all places! Bad selection, zero service, and long lines. Not to mention arrogant, snotty employees. I can't believe I get better service at Walmart.  Safeway in general is a far cry from what I remember as a kid. Hel, from what I remember 5 years ago. I only shop at Safeway when I need one item, or they have a tremendous sale on something. 
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: gunsmith on January 12, 2007, 05:27:47 PM
there is no safe way, every way is fraught with danger!
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: danny on January 12, 2007, 06:37:35 PM
Here in the Chicago area we had Dominicks Finer Foods as a suberb regional chain.  Historically good selection, decent prices, and excellent service.  Then Safeway bought them out a few years back.  Initially there wasn't much change except for finding more and more of the Safeway house brand stuff on the shelves.  Then they decided to break the union so they could slash wages and benefits.  A lot of long time employees who had worked to make Dominicks such a great operation were subjected to extreme pressure.
Safeway finally announced they were going to sell the chain and would the union agree to a contract continuation while they put it on the market?  Over the next 6 months, or so, they turned down several offers as inadequate and then decided to keep it anyway.
They brought in some clown who had run their Texas operation and he got rid of any of the experienced help.
Now the stores are run by kids and elderly (work cheap), are poorly stocked, and there are few shoppers.  The prices certainly haven't gone down.  Dominicks always had the best meat but now it's cr@p.
My wife and I don't expect them to remain open long-term.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on January 12, 2007, 07:50:31 PM
When I lived in NoVA, Safeway was wonderful.
...of course, that was in the 1970's!  rolleyes

Sorry you've had such a crappy experience, Mike.

I've had a very similar experience in Kroger.
Stopped by a large, very recently remodeled Kroger in Knoxville a couple of years ago.

Well lit, beautifully laid out salad bar; I go in for something totally unrelated.  However, it being meal time and this being the most amazingly beautiful salad bar I've ever seen, I went up and took a look.  Circled it twice looking for pricing.  One little hand-written 3x5 card that says "$3.95".
Not $3.95/lb, 3.95#, or any other iteration.  Just $3.95.

Wow, says I, and proceed to grab the styro containter provided and load up a beautiful salad with shrimp, cheeses, spinach and romaine, broccoli, and all my faves.  Spent about 10 minutes on this beauty, took it and the ketchup (or whatever I was ACTUALLY there to get), waited in line a GOOD 15 minutes (busy day), but I was patient and understanding.
Get up to the counter, cashier says "That'll be twelve dollars and 46 cents."

So I says to meself "Self, Back the truck up, Petunia! TWELVE bucks? What am I dealing with...expensive ketchup? She HAS to have made a mistake!"
Kindly, courteously, I say ma'am, can you explain why my three ninety five salad and dollar fifty bottle of ketchup are going to cost me TWELVE dollars?

She says "the salad's three ninety five PER POUND.  Your salad is almost three pounds.  shocked

I start to argue, but realize quickly that it'll get me nowhere.
In a perturbed but controlled fashion, I say "Ma'am, I would encourage you to more clearly label your salad bar, since there is no mention of this being a per-pound charge.  Thank you for your time, but I'm not going to purchase a twelve dollar salad.

Turned and walked out.
Dang, I wanted that salad.

Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: 280plus on January 13, 2007, 01:21:57 AM
First thing they'll probably do is fire Fatema.  cheesy
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on January 14, 2007, 02:02:05 PM
and odds are fatema is one of the new employees the union sold out.  she makes 1/3 what the old timers make.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: ilbob on January 14, 2007, 02:07:21 PM
The local small chain (Logli) got bought by a big national chain (Schnucks). So far I have not seen it go downhill, in fact I have started shopping there more since the change and less at the super WalMart. Might be because the Logli (they still call it that) is about a mile away, and the WalMart maybe ten miles away.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: pluvo on January 14, 2007, 02:55:06 PM
I sometimes shop at the Safeway by work & have nothing but positive things to say about them.

They remodeled about a year ago adding a Starbucks & bigger deli/bakery area. I really love their soups (even had the jambalya for lunch). Even before the remodel I liked shopping there. We used to have a grill at work & we'd cookout on the weekends. We'd usually hit Safeway for whatever was on sale & the butcher was always happy to go to the back & cut us exactly what we wanted. The only bottlenecks I run into are at the customer service counter & folks buying lottery tickets. Since they put in the vending machine fot the scratch-off tickets that's even improved.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Werewolf on January 14, 2007, 05:17:46 PM
They remodeled about a year ago adding a Starbucks
I imagine the standards that Starbucks requires of the stores it locates its small shops in are pretty high. That probably explains your exemplary Safeway.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: K Frame on January 15, 2007, 02:49:25 AM
They remodeled about a year ago adding a Starbucks
I imagine the standards that Starbucks requires of the stores it locates its small shops in are pretty high. That probably explains your exemplary Safeway.


How does that explain the Starbucks attached to the Nutley Street Safeway?

Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: Werewolf on January 15, 2007, 04:09:50 AM

How does that explain the Starbucks attached to the Nutley Street Safeway?
Beats me...

All I can tell ya is that here in OKC there isn't a single Starbucks I've been in that isn't a very clean and well kept place.

Maybe folks where you live don't have standards quite as high.
Title: Re: I'm through with Safeway... a note I sent to them...
Post by: K Frame on January 15, 2007, 05:06:02 AM
The Starbucks IS clean and neat.

The Safeway to which it's attached is a damned freakshow!