Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: K Frame on December 21, 2017, 09:19:40 AM

Title: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 21, 2017, 09:19:40 AM
And as you can expect, it's virtually all negative.

This is a good example... Nothing says fair and balanced like the word "victims" in the *expletive deleted*ing headline.

Where was the media during the passage of the affordable care act?

"Meet the Victims of Obamacare"

Yeah... according to the media, there weren't any victims. Everyone got insurance, everyone's premiums went down dramatically, and everyone kept their doctor, just as promised. In fact, it was so successful that the leading cause of death became Republicans murdering people.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 09:35:25 AM
In the trickle down, I see that big corps like AT&T have decided to give out bonuses because the tax plan passed. In the AT&T example, they were originally going to give $1000 to 20K employees due to a union agreement. They have now expanded that to 200K. Yet the usual suspect MSM reporters were reporting that it had nothing to do with the tax cut, stating it was always a union deal, and ignoring the expanded numbers.

Also, I'm laughing at the arguments by people like Pelosi, et. al., regarding how on the one hand we are "killing millions of poor", yet on the other hand they are complaining about SALT because "homes in CA cost $1million!" Of course that's not the case everywhere in CA. There are plenty of places where you can buy a home in CA for $200K-$500K, which all fall well within the SALT $10K deduction.

Also I like how the complainers are using actual dollar amounts vs percentages when saying "Rich people will get $20K back a year and the middle class will only get $2K!" Also the people saying, "$2K is less than $200 a month! That's nothing! It's a joke!" Sure, maybe it's a "joke" if you're making $400K working at Google, but maybe not so much if you're making $50K and your health insurance just went up $200 a month (do health insurance next President Trump!).
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: makattak on December 21, 2017, 09:39:09 AM
In the trickle down, I see that big corps like AT&T have decided to give out bonuses because the tax plan passed. In the AT&T example, they were originally going to give $1000 to 20K employees due to a union agreement. They have now expanded that to 200K. Yet the usual suspect MSM reporters were reporting that it had nothing to do with the tax cut, stating it was always a union deal, and ignoring the expanded numbers.

Since there seem to be a number of companies taking similar actions, one thing I've considered: Trump is more than willing to call up CEOs and pressure/encourage them. I'm remembering his talk with Carrier after the election and before the inauguration.

I have to wonder if he coordinated this, as well. Brilliant marketing, if so.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 21, 2017, 09:59:11 AM
(do health insurance next President Trump!).

Tort reform, put serious dollar caps on medical malpractice lawsuits. Health care costs should drop after that.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 10:05:19 AM
Tort reform, put serious dollar caps on medical malpractice lawsuits. Health care costs should drop after that.

I'd be happy if I didn't have to pay for my apparently impending pregnancy and could just pay for catastrophic care insurance.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 21, 2017, 10:25:31 AM
I'd be happy if I didn't have to pay for my apparently impending pregnancy and could just pay for catastrophic care insurance.

I agree but that is not how group policy insurance works.

Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 10:34:43 AM
I agree but that is not how group policy insurance works.

It's how individual insurance worked until the ACA came along.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 21, 2017, 10:44:25 AM
It's how individual insurance worked until the ACA came along.

I think in Iowa that is how it always has been, we have a lot of mutual insurance companies because of the farming economy. I've only had private insurance for about 1 year before I had a job where health insurance was a benefit. That was back in 2001 and at 27 years old I still paid close to $300 a month for a high deductible plan that was mostly catastrophic injury. 

I wonder with your age how much your individual insurance would be without ACA?
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 10:50:07 AM

I wonder with your age how much your individual insurance would be without ACA?

Before I made the decision to retire early, I looked. ~$370 for a $20 copay and $1000 out of pocket. Catastrophic would have been far less. A far cry from the $700 I'm paying for a crappy bronze plan. Or even the $400 the bronze plan cost only two years ago.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 21, 2017, 12:04:01 PM
Before I made the decision to retire early, I looked. ~$370 for a $20 copay and $1000 out of pocket. Catastrophic would have been far less. A far cry from the $700 I'm paying for a crappy bronze plan. Or even the $400 the bronze plan cost only two years ago.

Iowa is down to just one insurer that will do individual plans. We just don't have the population numbers and we have lot of old people/high injury jobs.

Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: DittoHead on December 21, 2017, 12:19:40 PM
Lowering taxes is good, but it's also the easy part. Now do we get to the hard part ( Doubt it. =|
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 21, 2017, 12:33:05 PM
And Joy Reid is suggesting that we look to Kurt Eichenwald for guidance on how this evil tax plan is going to affect us all...

That is, if Eichenwald isn't too busy watching tentacle porn, whatever the hell that is.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 01:54:46 PM
And Joy Reid is suggesting that we look to Kurt Eichenwald for guidance on how this evil tax plan is going to affect us all...

That is, if Eichenwald isn't too busy watching tentacle porn, whatever the hell that is.

He's also the jackass that told everyone to sell everything they had in the stock market and sideline their money. Of course now he's saying that he didn't sideline his. Instead, he claims he put it all in international stocks and made more money than anyone else. International did do well over the last year, but I sincerely doubt this moron actually did his backpedaling claim and invested in it. In the meantime, anyone that heeded his advice last November was screwed.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 01:59:05 PM
Iowa is down to just one insurer that will do individual plans. We just don't have the population numbers and we have lot of old people/high injury jobs.

Many counties in CA are in the same boat, even with much higher populations. I'n thinking illegals and others here are just bankrupting the carriers by going into the doctor for every little sniffle. Covered CA puts most all the Obamacare people on the Silver plan for free, so they have a lot more minor stuff covered than do I, and if it's "free" to them, they're using it (Yay! Free stuff!).
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 02:08:51 PM
Well, this is awkward:
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on December 21, 2017, 02:12:48 PM
Iowa is down to just one insurer that will do individual plans. We just don't have the population numbers and we have lot of old people/high injury jobs.

As near as I can tell, there were at least 12 different insurance companies offering individual plans in Iowa prior to the ACA.  But because they weren't ACA "Compliant" most went away.  Even if you liked your plan and wanted to keep it.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Brad Johnson on December 21, 2017, 02:52:27 PM
Our local TV station ran a story that was generally "the rich get the biggest breaks and the poor get nothing, blah, blah". It warmed the cockles of my evil little heart to see the comments, which ranged from mildly irritated with the lack of math skills to an outright point-an-laugh at the reporter's utter reliance on debunked MSN-ish social media pandering.

Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on December 21, 2017, 03:22:56 PM
This poor person promises to keel over and die right after she starts cashing the bigger paychecks her boss told her she'd be getting next year because of the new tax plan.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 21, 2017, 03:51:32 PM
As near as I can tell, there were at least 12 different insurance companies offering individual plans in Iowa prior to the ACA.  But because they weren't ACA "Compliant" most went away.  Even if you liked your plan and wanted to keep it.

I think more actually, but most very selective on who they insured or charged a high risk person a lot.

I know I had a bitch of time finding somewhat affordable insurance for the year I was between jobs that provided because of a congenital heart disease. Mostly why I work public sector jobs for less money but being able to get insurance.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 21, 2017, 04:53:50 PM
Rich celebrity screams about tax cuts for the rich. Complains about paying more taxes in the next sentence.  :laugh:
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 21, 2017, 10:42:35 PM

Well grad students can stop bitching.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Hawkmoon on December 21, 2017, 11:02:45 PM
According to this site, it appears that everybody gets a tax reduction. (Until you go over $200,000 in income)

In other words, just about the polar opposite of what the Democrats are telling us.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Firethorn on December 22, 2017, 12:54:52 AM
According to this site, it appears that everybody gets a tax reduction. (Until you go over $200,000 in income)

In other words, just about the polar opposite of what the Democrats are telling us.

Ran the numbers for myself, I stand to have my taxes reduced by about $100, at least until the reductions expire.

The problem is that my share of the extra deficits from the tax reductions add up to about $500/year, which means that the resulting inflation/rise in cost of living is going to leave me ~$400 in the hole.

Of course, unless the Republicans can get some democrats to agree, the pay-go legislation is going to reduce various spending levels which are going to cost a lot of people a lot of money.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Fly320s on December 22, 2017, 06:22:22 AM
Looks like I’ll make up the difference for you guys.  You’re welcome.   =D
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 22, 2017, 08:11:33 AM
Good God... over on the book of faces there are a number of my liberal friends who are just going absolute batshit about how this is going to kill the poor, and that's what the Republicans want to do.

I really *expletive deleted*ing hate liberals.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Jamisjockey on December 22, 2017, 08:13:21 AM
Good God... over on the book of faces there are a number of my liberal friends who are just going absolute batshit about how this is going to kill the poor, and that's what the Republicans want to do.

I really *expletive deleted*ing hate liberals.

I either unfriend or unfollow them anymore on FB
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on December 22, 2017, 08:21:07 AM
I either unfriend or unfollow them anymore on FB

Better to refute their inane prattling with facts and truth and keep it up till the garbage takes itself out.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 22, 2017, 08:59:13 AM
Nope. I will NOT unfriend someone over their political beliefs unless they attack me personally. And even then it's got to be a pretty nasty attack.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Jamisjockey on December 22, 2017, 11:46:08 AM
Nope. I will NOT unfriend someone over their political beliefs unless they attack me personally. And even then it's got to be a pretty nasty attack.

I absolutely will when they spout stupidity that accuses me of racism/sexism/being literally hitler for my beliefs....
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 22, 2017, 12:31:27 PM
Now millions of Australians are dying.

I'm not sure if there is a better endorsement for the plan vis-a-vis increasing US job growth than other countries complaining that it will hurt their job growth.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Pb on December 22, 2017, 02:08:46 PM
Lowering taxes is good, but it's also the easy part. Now do we get to the hard part ( Doubt it. =|

Yes... there sounds like good things in the plan, but if they won't cut spending also, it sounds like more fiscal irresponsibility.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 22, 2017, 02:28:02 PM
Yes... there sounds like good things in the plan, but if they won't cut spending also, it sounds like more fiscal irresponsibility.

They won't, they want to get re-elected.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: MechAg94 on December 22, 2017, 08:03:42 PM
Yes... there sounds like good things in the plan, but if they won't cut spending also, it sounds like more fiscal irresponsibility.
If they lowered income tax rates to zero, I would call it a good start, not irresponsibility. 
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Hawkmoon on December 22, 2017, 08:21:12 PM
I absolutely will when they spout stupidity that accuses me of racism/sexism/being literally hitler for my beliefs....

That just might qualify as attacking you personally.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on December 22, 2017, 08:33:58 PM
I absolutely will when they spout stupidity that accuses me of racism/sexism/being literally hitler for my beliefs....

I just remind them that since they support sexual predators, rapists and pedophiles they must be the same.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: just Warren on December 22, 2017, 10:54:07 PM
I used to be an adventurer like you until I took a tax reduction in the knee.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 23, 2017, 06:27:34 AM
I absolutely will when they spout stupidity that accuses me of racism/sexism/being literally hitler for my beliefs....

Uhm... you just very nicely defined PERSONAL ATTACK, numbnuts. :rofl:

There is one thing that will get you absolutely permabanned in a freaking heartbeat when I'm admining over at The Firing Line, and that's calling the staff Nazis.

I know people who survived concentration camps. I have a better understanding of the Nazis than most. If someone is that stupid that they immediately assume that someone yanking their non-firearms related political diatribe is somehow Nazi and against the First Amendment, they simply aren't TFL material.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 23, 2017, 09:59:05 AM
I thought this was funny, both because CBS was looking for the opposite answer, and also because they looked to be creating a bias in their favor by the three states they chose to survey. I guess kudos to them for actually showing the segment?
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 23, 2017, 10:25:08 AM
Can anyone else get that story to play? I've tried several ways and I keep getting "media can't be played" error.

I'm wondering if they took it down because it disrupts their Americans will be soylent green narrative...
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Hawkmoon on December 23, 2017, 11:29:53 AM
Can anyone else get that story to play? I've tried several ways and I keep getting "media can't be played" error.

It won't play for me, either.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 23, 2017, 11:55:38 AM
This is the kind of disinformation that infuriates me:

It definitely means a lot at Christmas or any time when their healthcare costs will now go up ~$2000/year bc of the removal of the healthcare individual mandate. The "reform" will help families pay for their skyrocketing healthcare $ while corporate CEOs buy bigger mansions.

My health insurance went up over the last three years partially BECAUSE OF the individual mandate. And a lot more than $2000.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 23, 2017, 11:56:15 AM
It won't play for me, either.

Yeah, I actually had trouble in Firefox 57. Played OK for me in Chrome.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Pb on December 24, 2017, 04:38:49 PM
If they get rid of the individual mandate, they will also need to get rid of the requirement for insurance companies to take everyone... or people will just wait until they get cancer to apply.

Or they the republican party could get rid of the whole thing... NAH!  Why would they do that?
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on December 24, 2017, 05:28:12 PM
If they get rid of the individual mandate, they will also need to get rid of the requirement for insurance companies to take everyone... or people will just wait until they get cancer to apply.

Or they the republican party could get rid of the whole thing... NAH!  Why would they do that?

You don't think that the insurance company lobbyists aren't already beating down the doors of the democrats yet ??
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on December 24, 2017, 08:38:43 PM
Bernie Sanders will be introducing and campaigning to make the individual tax cuts permanent...right ??
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on December 29, 2017, 05:21:58 AM
I got my first direct effect of the tax bill today. $862 after taxes worth.
Just in time to pay my property taxes.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Firethorn on December 29, 2017, 06:29:58 AM
Bernie Sanders will be introducing and campaigning to make the individual tax cuts permanent...right ??

The lower brackets, at least. 

The article doesn't seem to go by Bernie's thoughts on the topic, but implies that he "can't" slam the tax cuts.

But if you listen to the video, he does just that.  He's for the middle class and lower tax break, but then goes on to say that, according to the tax policy center*, in 10 years, 83% of the breaks go to the top 1%, 60% to the top 0.1%.   80M will pay more in taxes, 13M will lose health insurance.  Premiums will go up.

I think that counts as 'slamming' the tax plan that they try to say that he can't do.

And looking at the comments, talk about misunderstanding what Bernie said.

Bernie supports a tiny fraction of the bill.  It'd be like a renewal of the assault weapon ban, but hidden in it is a provision that removes silencers as a NFA item, making them as easy to purchase as, say, replacement magazines. 

We'd like the silencer provision even as we hate the rest of the bill.

*At least he cites his reference.  Given the complexities of the bill, individuals will have a hard time telling whether and how much it benefits them, much less how it affects the whole range of income earners.

RoadKingLarry - may I ask what effect you're talking about with the $862?  From what I remember nothing should be taking effect yet?  You shouldn't even see more take home pay until Jan 31 or so when new withholding rules take effect.  Most effects shouldn't really be seen until 2019 when people start filing their 2018 taxes.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on December 29, 2017, 08:25:07 AM
I work for one of the companies that stated they would give all employees a $1000 bonus if the tax bill became law.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 29, 2017, 08:46:06 AM

My company hasn't said boo about anything like that. I suspect that no, they won't give the employees a bonus, but will give management a bonus for a rather lackluster year's worth of performance.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 29, 2017, 09:06:29 AM
No link, just saw it on the TV. They were talking about politicians from the high tax states continuing to scream about SALT and how it screws homeowners in their states. Then they quoted some of the same politicians who in the past were screaming about how unfair to renters it was that homeowners can deduct their property taxes and something needs to be done.  :laugh:
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on December 29, 2017, 09:12:40 AM
The tax payers in "high tax states" should blame their state governments for their situation. It isn't the Federal government's place to subsidize their state's poor fiscal policies with my tax money.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 29, 2017, 03:20:13 PM
"Tax winnings"  ;/
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on December 29, 2017, 03:26:34 PM
The tax payers in "high tax states" should blame their state governments for their situation. It isn't the Federal government's place to subsidize their state's poor fiscal policies with my tax money.

or pack up and move to a lower property values/tax state.

I don't see myself itemizing with the new tax law, but if I did it would be killer in North Central Iowa. I pay $2200 a year in property tax for 2600 sq ft house on a 3/4 acre lot that is on a lake where I own the riparian area too.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: 230RN on December 29, 2017, 05:05:48 PM
or pack up and move to a lower property values/tax state.


Son1 finally gave up on Colorado.  Sold his house here, moved eastward to a gun-friendly state, bought a house on some heavily wooded acreage for around 250K which would have been a mil around here.  Leveraged himself into a pretty good situation, he did.

I note there's been some concern by the State that people are emigrating at a higher rate than theyre immigrating.

Sure.  We've been saying for many decades, "Don't Californicate Colorado."  So that's what happened.  (Amusing aside:  Maybe it won't be long before people in [name of State] start saying "Don't Colorape-oe [name of State].")

Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on December 29, 2017, 06:03:33 PM

Would the last person left in Illinois please turn off the lights...
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on December 29, 2017, 06:06:12 PM
And then Vox punches Dem/leftist Tax narrative right in the nuggets...
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 30, 2017, 09:25:42 AM
"Tax winnings"  ;/

The voice over is certainly skewed as hell, but the message isn't a particularly bad one. In fact, they are bolstering the Republican rhetoric by telling people that they should do exactly what the Republicans say will happen with the new tax structure.

Thanks, idiotic liberals!
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on December 30, 2017, 09:35:17 AM
The voice over is certainly skewed as hell, but the message isn't a particularly bad one. In fact, they are bolstering the Republican rhetoric by telling people that they should do exactly what the Republicans say will happen with the new tax structure.

Thanks, idiotic liberals!

Oh, I agree on the basic message, which those of us on the other side of the argument use a lot - "Nobody is stopping you from writing a check to the IRS." I'm more irritated by the term "tax winnings" as it is just another wordsmith to try and get people on the "the money wasn't really yours" bandwagon.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on December 30, 2017, 09:41:51 AM
I suspect that what has happened is that the article, which I believe appeared in the Times first, was then picked up by the Time's social media department and was likely uploaded by a mun-wearing sissy (insert gender preference here) who is incredibly triggered by the thought that the government will be taking less money from American workers. Because anyone who works is by (insert gender preference here) definition a wealth hoarder taking money from the hands of the truly deserving.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on January 01, 2018, 11:52:03 AM
NYT article on how high tax states are responding to the tax plan. I found this potential response somewhat interesting:

Another idea would be to allow residents to replace their state income tax payments with tax-deductible charitable contributions to their state governments.

I at first thought maybe it was some scheme to allow you to deduct more of your contributions to private charities off of your state taxes, but:

Some proposals are more complex. Kirk Stark, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, has suggested that states encourage residents to donate money to their state governments, then let the governments credit those donations against their state income taxes. Such donations would qualify as charitable donations, which are still fully deductible on federal taxes.

So as they complain about the feds "taking money" from their residents, the response is to make themselves a "charity". So I guess the way that would work is, if you would have deducted $12K for SALT but can now only deduct $10k, the state will "let you" write them a check for $2K as a charitable contribution? So they get $2k from you, and you can maybe at best save $200 on your fed taxes? That sounds like a stealth state tax increase (albeit voluntary).

I'd rather just write a $2K tax deductible check to my favorite charity and let the money do some good vs buying new laptops for state employees.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 02, 2018, 12:39:59 PM
Lowering taxes is just not an option.... ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: makattak on January 02, 2018, 01:20:57 PM

Would the last person left in Illinois please turn off the lights...

I keep encouraging my parents to leave that failing state...
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 02, 2018, 01:51:33 PM
I keep encouraging my parents to leave that failing state...

As soon as my son graduates, I'll be the first thing smokin' headed south...
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: charby on January 02, 2018, 02:11:21 PM
As soon as my son graduates, I'll be the first thing smokin' headed south...

Be nice if his post high school educational route is there too.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 02, 2018, 02:46:40 PM
Nope, sending him off to Uncle Sugar.  He's thinking A&P Mechanic initially and then perhaps applying to be a Warrant Officer Pilot.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Fly320s on January 02, 2018, 02:51:59 PM
Nope, sends him off to Uncle Sugar.  He's thinking A&P Mechanic initially and then perhaps applying to be a Warrant Officer Pilot.

Pilot?  He can do better than that.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: makattak on January 02, 2018, 03:04:21 PM
As soon as my son graduates, I'll be the first thing smokin' headed south...

I keep telling my parents that Southwest Virginia is very nice...

However, if the Eastern and Northern side of Virginia keep winning elections, that may not last for very long.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 02, 2018, 03:10:31 PM
Pilot?  He can do better than that.

He wants to fly Helicopters (has since he's been 9 or so), as a plus being in Warrant Officer pilot means that he JUST flys.  Nothing else.  None of the Commissioned Officer crap, like being put on Staff, no Extra Duties, Staff Duty Officer, or other crap.  Fly, write up any issues, go home, come back, inspect the bird, Fly, write up any issues, go home...   All the fun, none of the BS. 
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 02, 2018, 03:19:21 PM
The unofficial answer is:

The joke goes that they are the officer equivalents of Specialists, except times 10.

Sham level: Asian.

The Official Answer is:

First thing is that ALL Warrant Officers are Officers. They are to be saluted, addressed as "sir" or "ma'am", and their proper title is Mr. or Miss. They officially fall between the Enlisted and Commissioned branches of the Army. However, if you think that a 2LT telling a CW4 (that's a field grade rank, folks) what to do is a good idea, you might need to check your compass. It'd be a lot like a 2LT telling a SGM what to do: yeah, you might have the authority, but it still is a bad idea.

Second is there are two kinds of Warrant Officers: Flight and Technical (aka Walking Warrants, but don't call them that to their face).

Flight Warrant Officers
: These are your pilots, your flyboys, and generally what you think of when you think of Army pilots. Though there are commissioned officers that fly, the bulk of the work falls to the Warrant Officer Corps. After they pass WOC (Warrant Officer Candidate) school, they go to flight school, where they will learn to fly helicopters. Upon graduation, they will be assigned a platform based on their selection and their position in the Order of Merit List. From there, it is intensive flight training. You will fly and progress, up to about the rank of Chief Warrant Officer 3, where you will be prompted to branch into one of two directions. Safety or Maintenance Test Pilot

Safety Warrant Officers are focused on exactly what it sounds like. They are experts in Composite Risk Management (See Benjamin Norwood's answer to When considering military action, how do leaders determine what an acceptable loss of life is?) and they focus on the safety aspects of missions and flight operations. This can be very useful when considering a civilian job in the standardization world of aviation.

Maintenance Test Pilots are the guys the crew chiefs go to and say, well we put this together and it should work, so take it up! Okay it doesn't exactly work like that, but it also doesn't not work like that (double negative intended). Aircraft have to be proven in flight after they have major work done on them, and that is primarily what an MTP is for. They are the guys who work hand in hand with the crew chiefs, know the mechanical aspects of their aircraft, and are able to report anomalies in how she flies, feels, and *expletive deleted*s.

Technical Warrant Officers emerged from the Technical Sergeant role in World War 2. These are the technical masters of a specific MOS, and are embedded at the company level until CW4 (at which they will move to the higher echelon staff level, or may even be offered a Command of their own). They often fill the rule of Executive Officer (XO), Safety Officer, or Platoon Leader in a Company. As they progress through the ranks, they will be expected to absorb greater responsibilities, and once they are CW5 (the highest rank), they will begin moving up in echelon of command. It is not uncommon to see CW5s at the Pentagon, Division Level, or Corps level. CW5s are considered VIPs. Many Flight Warrants eventually transition over to this role after they are no longer either fit to fly (due to injury or extenuating circumstance prohibiting their passing of a flight physical), or as their time has just passed at the sticks (which happens).

While the average Soldier may see Warrants as lazy (and there are some lazy Warrants), generally nothing is further than the truth. Warrants exist in their own world, generally left alone by the direct rigors of Commissioned to Enlisted command process unless directly involved in leadership.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: dogmush on January 03, 2018, 01:35:29 AM
He wants to fly Helicopters (has since he's been 9 or so), as a plus being in Warrant Officer pilot means that he JUST flys.  Nothing else.  None of the Commissioned Officer crap, like being put on Staff, no Extra Duties, Staff Duty Officer, or other crap.  Fly, write up any issues, go home, come back, inspect the bird, Fly, write up any issues, go home...   All the fun, none of the BS. 

Wanna bet?

Obviously Warrant Officer is the best gig in the Army, but NOBODY escapes that listed BS.  Staff and Broadening assignments, especially are needed for career progression.

He should definitely do it, but know that the BS hits everyone.  And recruiters lie. Even WO recruiters.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: mtnbkr on January 03, 2018, 06:54:59 AM
I keep telling my parents that Southwest Virginia is very nice...

However, if the Eastern and Northern side of Virginia keep winning elections, that may not last for very long.

A few years ago, when my parents, my wife's parents, her brother and SIL all lived in SW VA, it was a goal of ours to find a way to move back.  My parents have since moved back to their "ancestral home" in NC and my BIL and his wife now live in SC, so the pull is lessened (still love the area, but there are other regions just as attractive). I've been eyeballing parts of WV or even East TN, though neither is likely to happen as long as we need to be drivable to both our families (NoVA is about as central as we can get in an area with the work I do).

Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: K Frame on January 03, 2018, 07:13:56 AM
And, why would you want to move farther away from me?

Farther away from Jamis, I understand. I mean, we all have that particular dream. :rofl:
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on January 04, 2018, 07:49:33 PM
Barbara Streisand is upset that she'll be paying more taxes. Funny how people like her make sure to always use "billionaires" instead of "millionaires" when talking about "the rich".
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Angel Eyes on January 04, 2018, 08:18:27 PM

"The rich: anyone who has more than I do."
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Firethorn on January 04, 2018, 09:38:38 PM
So as they complain about the feds "taking money" from their residents, the response is to make themselves a "charity". So I guess the way that would work is, if you would have deducted $12K for SALT but can now only deduct $10k, the state will "let you" write them a check for $2K as a charitable contribution? So they get $2k from you, and you can maybe at best save $200 on your fed taxes? That sounds like a stealth state tax increase (albeit voluntary).

More like $480. (24% marginal tax rate bracket)

From what I've heard on how it would work:
1.  You owe $20k in SALT. (might as well make them a high roller)
2.  You write a $10k check to the new "state" charity.
3.  They give you a $10k state tax credit, so now you only owe $10k in SALT, while the state has still gotten $20k.  $10k of it in 'charity', 'balance the budget' type nonsense.
4.  Because charity contributions are 100% deductible, you save $3,200 on your federal taxes.

It's changing the nature of the expense from SALT, limited to $10k, to 'charity', which is only limited to something like 50% of your income.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 04, 2018, 11:15:17 PM
More like $480. (24% marginal tax rate bracket)

From what I've heard on how it would work:
1.  You owe $20k in SALT. (might as well make them a high roller)
2.  You write a $10k check to the new "state" charity.
3.  They give you a $10k state tax credit, so now you only owe $10k in SALT, while the state has still gotten $20k.  $10k of it in 'charity', 'balance the budget' type nonsense.
4.  Because charity contributions are 100% deductible, you save $3,200 on your federal taxes.

It's changing the nature of the expense from SALT, limited to $10k, to 'charity', which is only limited to something like 50% of your income.

What a bargain !!!!  It only cost you $10,000 to save $3200 on you federal taxes !!!  Brilliant !!
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Firethorn on January 05, 2018, 05:03:19 AM
What a bargain !!!!  It only cost you $10,000 to save $3200 on you federal taxes !!!  Brilliant !!

I think you're missing something here.  They're playing with categories.

You do your taxes and find that you owe $20k in income taxes (SALT).  Federally, only $10k of that is deductible.

But wait!  The state doesn't like this, so is willing to give you a break - Any contributions to charities X,Y,Z come with a 1:1 tax break!  That's right, the state will credit you 100% on your state income tax for any donations to those charities(which are totally government fronts)!

So you "donate" $10k to one of the charities.  They send you a nice receipt.  You take the state credit, reducing your tax owed from $20k to $10k.  You are out zero money.  

Total spent:  Still $20k.  $10k directly, $10k as a 'charitable contribution'.  Not a cent more.

Next, you file your federal taxes.
Deductions:  $10k SALT, $10k charitable contributions, all 100% deductible.  At a 32% marginal tax rate, this saves you $3,200.  Assuming you already have enough deductions to itemize, of course.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: MechAg94 on January 05, 2018, 11:36:20 AM
Sounds like the IRS needs to do something useful about the definition of "charity".  I won't hold my breathe though.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 05, 2018, 12:48:22 PM
Sounds like the IRS needs to do something useful about the definition of "charity".  I won't hold my breathe though.

The IRS already has pretty clear definitions of what makes a charity. 
The public support must be fairly broad, not limited to a few individuals or families.
  Also the monies "donated" cannot ultimately end up in .gov coffers. 

Plus I hope it takes any new "High Income Tax State" charities to get 501(c)(3) status as it did for the various Tea Party groups to obtain their 501(c)(?) exemptions.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Firethorn on January 05, 2018, 07:19:30 PM
Sounds like the IRS needs to do something useful about the definition of "charity".  I won't hold my breathe though.

I wouldn't either, not at its current funding levels.

Quote from: Amy Schumer
Also the monies "donated" cannot ultimately end up in .gov coffers.

Is "school programs" diffuse enough, fairly broad enough, and far enough away from 'government coffers' to count as a charity?

Or, to really piss people off here, they could do this:
1.  Make Planned Parenthood(California division), which already receives state funds, one of the eligible charities that you get a 1:1 credit for.  (They could even make it 90% or so to avoid some issues)
2.  Reduce PP funding proportionally to the donations.

Result:  PP fully funded, lots of people getting big tax writeoffs.

Now, more realistically they'd make a superpac type charity system, Ala United Way.  Which will look at their total receipts and distribute it to all the charities that WOULD have gotten state money(and more), in lieu of said state money.  That way places like parks & rec aren't forgotten in favor of more known options.

Plus I hope it takes any new "High Income Tax State" charities to get 501(c)(3) status as it did for the various Tea Party groups to obtain their 501(c)(?) exemptions.

Isn't that just a matter of filing the paperwork?

Hell, going by some writeups the state could found a 'church' and sidestep everything.

Remember, I'm not a lawyer, I'm simply repeating what I've read on the news.  California, NY, and others have actual lawyers working on this.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: just Warren on January 05, 2018, 07:22:22 PM
But do we really care if the Feds don't get that money?
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Firethorn on January 05, 2018, 07:24:08 PM
But do we really care if the Feds don't get that money?

I care only in that it unbalances the budget even more.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on January 05, 2018, 07:25:54 PM
But do we really care if the Feds don't get that money?

I don't like to see keep taking, but I'd rather see them get it than CA. YMMV by state.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: just Warren on January 05, 2018, 07:33:40 PM
My state is California and I agree I don't want Jerry and the rest that are in that hive of scum and villainy we call Sacramento to have it.

If this charity dodge doesn't work out there may well be pressure to lower the tax rate here.

I could even see a political shift as folks finally realize what living in this state costs them.

I assume there are a lot of folks that "like" social programs and eco stuff but who are not ideologically committed to them and who when they get the bill for same will say "eh, I'd rather have the cash" and if the Dems don't budge, they'll be tossed out. I can dream anyway.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Ben on January 05, 2018, 07:49:27 PM

I assume there are a lot of folks that "like" social programs and eco stuff but who are not ideologically committed to them and who when they get the bill for same will say "eh, I'd rather have the cash" and if the Dems don't budge, they'll be tossed out. I can dream anyway.

I agree with you. We have this conversation around here all the time, but I reiterate that if a good chunk of those who call themselves "progressive" had to write a check to the IRS, versus having the money taken out of their paychecks before they ever see it and then getting a "refund", there would be a lot less progressives in CA.

The same applies to health insurance and having to pay it yourself versus an employer taking care of it for you.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: MikeB on January 05, 2018, 07:59:45 PM
I'm not so sure I can completely complain about the charity game. I've used the line that if someone wants to give more money to the government they are more than welcome to.

I also think people should have some choice in where their money goes if that was really part of one of these games, not that it likely would be. Some granularity in what people support in government might actually be a better judge of what people really want vs. the usual pick Democrat or Republican and dislike probably half of what both want. To pick an example from a post above it would be interesting to see how many people actually chose to contribute to Planned Parenthood - not that I think they should get any government money regardless of the whole abortion issues.

Now that only works if the "charitable" contributions are voluntary. I bet revenues would drop overall if it were.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 06, 2018, 03:00:49 PM

Democrat narrative hardest hit.  The living will now envy the dead.

Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: just Warren on January 06, 2018, 03:48:17 PM
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 06, 2018, 04:34:43 PM

I could only get about halfway through that, before the self-unawareness from the D's was more then I could take.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: MechAg94 on January 06, 2018, 05:49:31 PM
I think the issue here is High Tax states getting a special tax loop hole to allow their residents to pay less in federal taxes.  I don't think that should be the case and I am glad it is gone. 

However, trying to disguise state taxes as charity is just more BS shenanigans and ought to be illegal.  I can also foresee that all 50 states could get in on that if it was allowed to stand. 

Why not make my local gun shop a charity and allow me to write off my purchases?  Maybe SGAmmo could set themselves up as a charity also. 
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: zahc on January 07, 2018, 09:49:28 AM
I think you are on to something. Give some SD classes and make it a nonprofit initiative to help women defend themselves. Of course, men are allowed too because you can't discriminate. Add a dimension of providing legal help to those in need so that even the poor can get legal representation. I would donate.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Hawkmoon on January 07, 2018, 04:49:39 PM

How is a payroll tax different from an income tax ... other than calling it by another name?
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Firethorn on January 07, 2018, 07:52:14 PM
How is a payroll tax different from an income tax ... other than calling it by another name?

A payroll tax is charged to the business, income tax is charged to the employees.

As a business:
Income tax:  I pay $10M out as wages, my employees pay $1M in income tax as an aggregate (some pay higher percentages, some pay lower).
Payroll tax:  I pay $9M out as wages, $1M out as taxes on the wages I paid, my employees don't need to file state income taxes.

Liberals don't like the latter idea because it makes it harder to 'incentivise' the behaviors they want.  I happen to like the idea because, like it or not, the state needs revenue, and it is a lot easier for a business to simply pay the payroll tax than to have hundreds or thousands of employees each waste half a dozen hours or so doing their state return.  Especially if it's something like 'take the sum you paid medicare tax on, appy our rate of x%, and send that to us'.

Did you know that in many countries their version of the IRS does your taxes for you, and you only have to confirm it?  Maybe send them some information for special deductions they missed?
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: just Warren on January 07, 2018, 08:27:13 PM
I agree it's more efficient but every person should have to personally write out a check that takes money that they've both earned and had deposited into their account out and send it to Big G.

That way we feel it more than if we never had/saw the money.

In fact, at the government end there should be an automated program that mails you a paper receipt AND a picture of something you could have bought with that amount of money. Just to twist the knife.

That would make raising taxes a lot more difficult. 

Or maybe we should have to buy gold with that money and then personally deliver it to the local tax-fortress. Staffed, by law, with the ugliest, meanest people that can be found. You get laughed at while you hand over the precious gold, get a dirty, stained and torn receipt and told to beat it before the dogs are let loose.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Fly320s on January 07, 2018, 10:23:16 PM
Or maybe we should have to buy gold with that money and then personally deliver it to the local tax-fortress. Staffed, by law, with the ugliest, meanest people that can be found. You get laughed at while you hand over the precious gold, get a dirty, stained and torn receipt and told to beat it before the dogs are let loose.

Are we talking about taxes or airlines?   =D
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: just Warren on January 07, 2018, 11:05:56 PM
In the United States it's both!
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 08, 2018, 12:59:43 AM
 As I've posted before:

Nope.  Same Day.  You pay all (Property, Local, State, and Federal) Taxes.  To each taxing body.  They each have a rep right there in a long line of tables.  You write a check to the School District, County Board, City Board, Pension Fund, State and Feds.  Did I mention, there's no, zero, zip, nada withholding?  Right there, in full.  No EITC or other refundable tax credits.  (We'd obviously have to have a flat tax), then and only then are you handed a ballot and sent into the voting booth.

I bet we'd have balanced budgets and no debt at every level.
Title: Re: The media is screeching about the tax plan...
Post by: Scout26 on January 08, 2018, 01:10:30 PM
Meanwhile, Armageddon rolls on:

Visa​ is raising its 401(k) matching for employees in response to tax reform; company also will examine other long-term investments.