Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: roo_ster on January 17, 2007, 10:36:00 AM

Title: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: roo_ster on January 17, 2007, 10:36:00 AM
Row over angry, penis-removing doctor
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
'Now, you might feel a little prick'

Doctors' unions in Romania have criticised a decision to make a surgeon pay £100,000 in damages after he lost his temper and hacked off a patient's penis during surgery.

Surgeon Naum Ciomu, who had been suffering from stress at the time, had been operating on patient Nelu Radonescu, 36, to correct a testicular malformation when he suddenly lost his temper.

Grabbing a scalpel, he sliced off the penis in front of shocked nursing staff, and then placed it on the operating table where he chopped it into small pieces before storming out of the operating theatre at Bucharest hospital.

A Romanian court has now awarded Radonescu £20,000 costs  to pay for the operation to rebuild his ruined penis using tissue from his arm  as well as 100,000 pounds in damages.

The medical costs will be paid by the hospital's insurer, but doctors' unions have criticised the decision that the money for the damages has to be paid by the doctor.

They say the move sets a dangerous precedent and that Professor Ciomu, a urologist and lecturer in anatomy, has already been punished enough after having his medical licence suspended.

They said he had been under stress and had lost his temper after he accidentally cut the man's urinary channel and 'overreacted' to the situation. He told the court it was a temporary loss of judgement due to personal problems.

Vice-president of the Romanian Doctors Union, Vasile Astarastoae, said: 'Ciomu's case is a dangerous precedent for all Romanian doctors. In future doctors may have to think very carefully about what work they undertake.'

Because obviously, the last thing you want is a doctor thinking carefully about the work they're doing.

The director of the ophthalmology hospital in Bucharest, Dr Monica Pop (yes, actually her name), agreed saying that doctors would in future avoid any cases where they could end up in court having to pay damages.

She added: 'Doctors in Romanian earn too little to be able to pay amounts like this. As a result it will be entirely fair if they only accept cases where they cannot make mistakes. The only way this can be avoided is if the insurance companies cover all the risk.'
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: BakerMikeRomeo on January 17, 2007, 11:13:59 AM
Professor Ciomu...has already been punished enough after having his medical licence suspended.

...He told the court it was a temporary loss of judgement due to personal problems.

Say WHAT? He LOPPED OFF a guy's PENIS. That whacked-up son of a bitch ought to be in prison and never trusted with anything but grapefruit spoons and safety scissors until he kicks it. I hate unions.

Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Twycross on January 17, 2007, 11:28:38 AM
Note to self: Never ever have surgery. shocked laugh

doctors' unions have criticised the decision that the money for the damages has to be paid by the doctor.
Why not just go 'an eye for an eye'?
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: cosine on January 17, 2007, 11:37:10 AM
I'm not sure that I'd consider 100K pounds sufficient recompense if someone lopped off my penis during surgery.
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: BrokenPaw on January 17, 2007, 11:53:41 AM
I'm not sure that I'd consider 100K pounds sufficient recompense if someone lopped off my penis during surgery.
I would.  In fact, I'd take only 10,000 pounds as recompense if someone lopped off cosine's penis during surgery. 

Call me the giving type. grin
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: cosine on January 17, 2007, 11:58:01 AM
I'm not sure that I'd consider 100K pounds sufficient recompense if someone lopped off my penis during surgery.
I would.  In fact, I'd take only 10,000 pounds as recompense if someone lopped off cosine's penis during surgery. 

Call me the giving type. grin

Not funny.  angry Tongue

With nothing to lose, you just wouldn't understand. Wink
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: cosine on January 17, 2007, 12:09:41 PM
I'm not sure that I'd consider 100K pounds sufficient recompense if someone lopped off my penis during surgery.
I would.  In fact, I'd take only 10,000 pounds as recompense if someone lopped off cosine's penis during surgery. 

Call me the giving type. grin

Well wait, if that actually happened then I'd have a real excuse to buy guns! grin
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Sindawe on January 17, 2007, 12:58:06 PM
Well, I'd not settle for less than a seven figure settlement AFTER the lawyers get their cut (no pun intended) AND the appendage of the offending surgeon.

That, or the guys head encased in lucite for use as a doorstop.
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Balog on January 17, 2007, 01:15:09 PM
How is this not a crime? He didn't ACCIDENTALLY cut this guy's wang off; he did it on purpose. And then chopped it into small pieces! [/shudders]
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Preacherman on January 17, 2007, 01:35:57 PM
Yes, he should certainly suffer an appropriate penile-ty.

Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Sylvilagus Aquaticus on January 17, 2007, 05:00:48 PM
I doubt that you'll find anyone who has spent a significant amount of time in an operating room who hasn't had a surgical instrument thrown either at them or in their general direction or seen a full-blown hissyfit from a surgeon. They all think it's perfectly normal and acceptable behavior.

It doesn't excuse their behavior one whit.

It's because they feel entitled, the little primadonnas. Everyone else, including the patient, is beneath them. They're a frickin' SURGEON!

I think suspension of his license is certainly justified, if not outright revocation. Yes, J.F., I caught your pun.


Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: MillCreek on January 17, 2007, 05:29:57 PM
Interestingly enough, I have worked on the defense side of medical malpractice for 23 years now, and now run the claims operation of a small medmal insurance company.  If this happened in the states, the surgeon would have no insurance coverage for an incident like this.  We cover accidental or unintended outcomes.  If you deliberately set out to injure a patient, the typical policy has an exclusion for this, and the surgeon would have to pay any settlements out of his own pocket.  Also in this country, the surgeon would be liable for arrest for assault.
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: gunsmith on January 17, 2007, 05:40:55 PM
he should spend his life in a penal colony laugh
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: lee n. field on January 17, 2007, 05:42:56 PM
money for the damages has to be paid by the doctor.

I'd say get the transplant from the doctor.
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Antibubba on January 17, 2007, 10:28:58 PM
The director of the ophthalmology hospital in Bucharest, Dr Monica Pop (yes, actually her name), agreed saying that doctors would in future avoid any cases where they could end up in court having to pay damages.

Which would save a lot of lives, actually.
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: LAK on January 18, 2007, 12:44:39 AM
Doesn't this lend support to the idea of deeply invasive psychological testing for surgeons? Background checks? Another federal agency to regulate and closely monitor surgeons and all operating rom staff? Breath tests, audio visual stress measuring devices and all those wonderful things they want to put in our cars before they'll start?

Sheesh, 100K sterling? That's cheap.

Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: griz on January 18, 2007, 02:11:58 AM
already been punished enough after having his medical licence suspended.

No, no he has not been punished enough.  Doctors are not gods, and should be responsible for the damage they do when they get mad. (different than a mistake)  This is no different than a guy getting drunk and injuring someone in a car wreck, then saying he shouldn't be in trouble because he was under stress at work.

I realize that surgery is a high stress job, but part of the stress is knowing when you aren't up to the job.
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Strings on January 18, 2007, 02:57:07 AM
ok, y'all need to quit dickin' around with the bad puns with such a serious situation...
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: roo_ster on January 18, 2007, 05:03:35 AM
I think all of the positive post generative members of this board are up with that suggestion.
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Strings on January 18, 2007, 10:12:50 AM
oh, man... that's all ballsed up...
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: cosine on January 18, 2007, 10:14:36 AM
Would you guys please stop trying to outpun each other before I die laughing...
Title: Re: Medical Malpricktice (Serious case of the "willies" alert)
Post by: Strings on January 18, 2007, 10:16:18 AM
what... you want us to cut it off with the puns? :neener: